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14127220 No.14127220 [Reply] [Original]

More like FRAUD

>> No.14127234

more like RETARD

>> No.14127253
File: 33 KB, 680x544, 678f2ee4c4f64fa0e7849ea5e083b6db9c1492b5226f6d5514926b51c706e6c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14127285

Everything is sex
t. Freud

>> No.14127572

>t. my Dad since childhood
He was a Jungian racial Nordicist who taught me to play nigger ball too. Though guess dad jokes remain the same.

>> No.14127874

What a based dad

>> No.14127962
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>tfw I had a fat kweer professor who unironically said this

>> No.14128014
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>> No.14128082
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Sorry for you

>> No.14128098

I can't imagine anyone saving and posting this picture without being genuinely butthurt that they don't have nordic facial features

>> No.14128108
File: 607 KB, 599x640, 1496004408377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically european and white, nordicism is literal wewuz LARP.

>> No.14128131

I know nordicism is larp(although those statues with blue eyes do raise some questions about what was going on back then) but it's just a butthurt sort of thing to do. I'd say the same thing if you had posted an image bashing Meds

>> No.14128146

A good chunk of meds have blue eyes, I'd say about 10%. Women with nordic features are most attractive and they're a literal feitsh in some middle east countries so it was common back them for people in power positions to breed with these women. Now, the master race meme is a huge hoax full of lies and half-truths.

>> No.14128181

The ironic thing is that ancient Egyptians weren't sub saharan Africans which what people make fun of.

African Americans have no real ethnic connection to Egypt.

>> No.14128187

>The ironic thing is that ancient Egyptians weren't sub saharan Africans
Just like the Greek, Roman, Spanish and Portuguese empires weren't nordic like Hitler claimed. Get the meme now?

>> No.14128189

the ethnic history of Egypt is kind of complicated. Actually the history of Egypt in general is a lot of speculation that is touted as much more certain than it really is.

>> No.14128205
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I got kafka trapped in an argument bros, how do i respond??

>> No.14128236

But certainly European or "white".

>like Hitler
Who cares?

Which makes any identification on an ethnic basis even less relevant.


>> No.14129298

>like Hitler claimed
>R-RIGHT GUYS?!?!?!?

>> No.14129354

Starting with Freud for psychoanalysis is like starting with the Greeks. Obviously it isn't airtight but its a process in the scientific search for truth

>> No.14129477

t. assblasted hun

>> No.14129983

Kant? More like Cunt.

>> No.14130029

This but actually 100% unironically

>> No.14130100

it does make sense a frog would hate freud.

>> No.14130551

For real tho he really was a fucking fraud

>> No.14130622

This person is probably referring to this quote from Mein Kampf, which people tend to cite when they're talking about nordicism etc.
>Here the answer is simple and clear. Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes today, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power.

It should be noted that the sentence that directly precedes that quote is, however:
>It would be futile to attempt to discuss the question as to what race or races were the original standard-bearers of human culture and were thereby the real founders of all that we understand by the word humanity. It is much simpler to deal with this question in so far as it relates to the present time.

So really the important thing is that you're both wrong. Also off topic. Not like this thread was going anywhere anyway.

>> No.14130650

Yes, I still remember him telling me how Scar was Jew, the Hyenas niggers, and the lions Aryans when I was 4.


Well maybe Aryanist would be the better term, however he was a major chad in his youth. A Jaw stronger/wider than Brad Pitts when he was younger. Extremely good looking, fit, masculine etc. Even now in his late 50s you see women flock to him.

I'm quite the same, good genetics I guess.

>> No.14131779

youre still in freudian space by default if you dont understand jung

>> No.14131809


>> No.14131908

"Fraud" means scam, intentional deceit. Please stop assuming people are trying to control things. We just get it wrong over the years
Fuck off