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/lit/ - Literature

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14124302 No.14124302 [Reply] [Original]

Literature should not be mandatory in schools. It's not practical and things like taxes, first aid and human rights are more important.

>> No.14124307
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>human rights

>> No.14124311

All of those are already taught

>> No.14124316


It's just filling out a simple form or two. Doesn't need to be taught in school any more than cooking or cleaning or any other "life skills" needs teaching.

>> No.14124317

How the fuck does one teach "human rights" as a separate subject?

>> No.14124325

Middle school should teach kids a basic understanding of the classic literature of both "the west" (if it's a "western" country) and their own country as well as a basic understanding of math, science, history, government, etc.

High school should let students specialize in the things they are actually interested in.

>> No.14124330

When I was in an Eastern European elementary school in the early 1990s, we had classes of "Labor" (basically, DIY stuff), in which we boys did made some crap out of wood and later metal, and girls learned to cook and sew.

>> No.14124337

Icons are how people are controlled.
Are you bugman or ski shill?

>> No.14124338

It's just six months of stealing the white student's possessions and giving them to the shitskins.

>> No.14124339

>high schools
>actually interested in
When I was 16, the only things I was actually interested in was playing video games and jerking off.

>> No.14124342

someone who has never run a company, been self employed or earned very much detected.
when i became a contractor i thought taxes were simple too. turns out i'm an idiot. now i have an accountant.
not necessarily taxes but schools should definitely cover personal finances like basic stock market investment, asset allocation and so on.

>> No.14124362

Physical Education

Everything else is a waste of time. Math and reading should be emphasized most. If you can do these things, you can do anything.

>> No.14124404

That's also in America

It's called Shop and Home Economics

>> No.14124435

>human rights
This has got to be bait.

Hey you forgot about environmental “rights” faggot!

>> No.14124446

Just because you were retarded at 16 doesn't mean everyone else was.

>> No.14124450

The problem with good literature being taught in school is the fact that the knowledge of it being so common in fact devalues this literature. I am saying that as someone who graduated from ex-Soviet Union school where we were taught Tolstoy, Chekhov etc, but most importantly Dostoevsky. The problem was that we had to write essays with our opinions of the literature's meaning, but the meaning you were supposed to "find" was already predetermined (i.e. in Dostoevsky that's mostly religious and ethical themes and stuff). If you tried to interpret them in some other way you were told that this wasn't the "correct" interpretation (although I can't remember a single instance of someone even trying to interpret in their own way).

The fact that "correct" readings of books existed and these readings were imposed on everyone single person in the country made for example Dostoevsky look like some dark, religious, and all-for-christianity madman, therefore nullifying the value of reading and exploring his works at all.

I actually enjoyed russian authors' works much, much more when I reread them some ten or so years later without holding a particular interpretation somewhere in my mind when reading.

>> No.14124458

Wanna know how I can tell you’re 16 right now?

>> No.14124482

>Economics instead of History
>Law instead of Physics

>> No.14124505


>The thief judges by his own condition

>> No.14124510

I too want to be an idiocracy because the only thing I really care about is unobstructed access to the toilet and participating in the youtube and reddit community.

>> No.14124519

>the fact that the knowledge of it being so common in fact devalues this literature.
Hipster pseud motherfucker

>> No.14124520

Economics is a "science" perpetuated by (((bugmen))) to instill this false notion in people that the economy is a science. It's not. It's just people pissing on each other.

>> No.14124521

Physics is useless. It’s just representing common understanding of the world into math. Everyone knows what gravity is but no one needs to calculate it on a daily basis. If any science is worth taking, it should be biology/anatomy

>> No.14124542
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Who is Nyuxla?

>> No.14124554

but of course it does anon

>> No.14124569


Way to take pride in your ignorance my friend!

>> No.14124576

Literature is not something that jells well with the school system. A love of literature should be encouraged by kids, and i'd argue that responsibility falls on the parents.
This. Also the fact teachers will find some detail from the book that slips from people's minds, and will use it as a litmus test to see who read the book. Fuck off, what a character wore is generally not vital information.
Also, romanticism should not be taught to teenagers.

>> No.14124624

Have you ever taken an economics course, and then read the newspaper? One time I was learning about this graph which predicted like bond rates or some shit, and then something I read in the newspaper contradicted it, and said that the graph only works like 60% of the time or something, while in the econ class it's represented as the utmost truth. It's propagandistic schlock.

Have you ever read any works of political economy, or even ever taken an econ class beyond 101? Because a lot of what they say in these foundational texts is a lot more complicated than is made out in any econ class, where it's just "muh graphs" and "muh equations." Holy shit, open a fucking book. I'll concede, the other guy is an idiot, because physics is important, but econ is literally just propaganda for the petit-bourgeois to spit out Jewish BS.

>> No.14124631

Reading is one of the best things a young person can do to encourage brain development. There should be MORE literature in schools

>> No.14124691

Not everything has to be practical. It’s not practical to have the Jews suck the lifeblood out of our country but we allow it anyways.

>> No.14124831

Education should be reserved for the idle elite trained from birth to use it responsibly.

Giving the plebian hordes access to literature is like giving a chimpanzee an assault rifle.

>> No.14124860

The only thing you learn in physics is how to memorize formulas. Everyone already knows the qualitative content. Waste of time. There’s no true understanding you gain there. Learning personal finance is more important than physics

>> No.14124922

School should be severely practical, should enable self-directed learning, literary tutoring should be available to those who want it but it shouldn't be required, and we need that multiple track thing the Germans have.

>> No.14124926

All of those are technically within the realm of literature, exempting first aid.

>> No.14124932

I'm not a physicist but this sounds hilariously wrong. Physics enthusiasts I have known have often been the best guys to talk to about getting to the clean functional understanding of how a process (including non-physical processes) works.

>> No.14124943
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>dude just be your own feudal lord lmao

>> No.14124957

>now i have an accountant.
Yes, taxes are so complex that it takes 5 years to become a CPA after highschool. So do we really want the same system that turns out kids who can't solve for x teaching kids tax law?

>> No.14124959

not convincing desu

>> No.14124993

this is fucking gay. When I was sixteen I masturbated literally 5-7 times a day, and was proud of this, and just played video games. All 16 year olds do that shit. But literally a year later I was reading plato and on nofap, I hadn't touched a video game in months and wanted to become a pastor. Time is fucking quirky. Perspective makes you really want to get your shit together.

>> No.14125089

Sounds retarded

>> No.14125406

Is it bad I read it in this dude's voice?

>> No.14125673

I love how "human rights" have become a marketing buzzword. Since it now means absolutely nothing, I hope they will disappear.

>> No.14125759
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that's why i said "not necessarily taxes" although a basic level of knowledge should be included.
example, i have a friend who is a plumber and, by law, he adds VAT to his invoices for his customers. he says he regularly gets people who have no idea why he does that and complain about his total charge being about 20% higher than they thought it would be.
in addition, some knowledge about basic stuff like how credit cards work (e.g. the money is not really yours, and if you only pay the minimum payment it's going to take forever to pay back) would be helpful for a lot of people

>> No.14125771

Fascists always attack freedom of expression first, especially art, because creative divergence is the single greatest threat to their vision of the absolute homogeneity of being.

>> No.14125800


Yeah I get it, when you are in high school and it seems like they are this scary lingering adult thing, but let's not pretend you need brain power to figure that shit out.

>> No.14125834

I agree. I enjoy reading and literature shouldn't be taught in school. Public school should just be vocational training. We should also ban all majors from universities that aren't career minded. If the only place your major goes is a job teaching that same subject than it should get the axe.

>> No.14125851

>It's not practical
School isn´t there to teach you abour day to day life skills, that´s what family is for.

>> No.14125956
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>white people bad
>third worlders and anyone with dark skin good
>islam and many others that don't resemble christianity good
>christianity bad
>LGBTUYKHJL++ people good
>straight people bad
>men bad
>stronk womyn good
>take money from bad people
>give money to good people

>> No.14126017
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>Human rights
So you basically want to make them take the secular equivalent of theology classes

>> No.14126021

How's 8th grade holding up?

>> No.14126036

America... what, 30 years ago? Shit ain't the same, Boomer.

>> No.14126081

>teachers will find some detail from the book that slips from people's minds, and will use it as a litmus test to see who read the book
It took us forever to get through something simple like To Kill a Mockingbird in school because we took so many tests like this over insignificant details in the story just to prove you did weekly reading. Basically you'd have a chunk of the book to read in x number of days, then a test that basically forced you to go back and look up random mundane details just to prove you had scanned through those pages. I think this is how so many people grow up hating books. They're not taught the experience of reading, books are clinically dissected into narrative strings and all you get out of it is A did B then C did D which made A do E and C do F.

>> No.14126106

High School English Teacher here. Based on my experience, I think that nationwide the English class needs to be shifted beyond the study of literature.

My department has a very skills-focused approach to teaching English.
So rather than have it grouped by say American literature or brit lit, units are grouped by skill and then by an overarching thematic question.
For instance, in January, I'll be doing a hybrid argument/criticism unit towards the question "what is the value of art and arts education?" and by art I'm referring to film, music, lit, painting, etc. and I'm focusing primarily on developing their argumentative and criticism skills. They're learning how to gather effective evidence, create refutations in argument, using rhetoric as an argumentative appeal, be able to speak eloquently about a position they take, etc.

I'm giving them readings on things like narrative theory, what counts as art, and the intersections of art and psychology, and then I'll present them different kinds of texts like an excerpt from Burroughs's The Soft Machine, or American Psycho, and I also have a section where I'm going to show them clips from Scorcese movies and clips from superhero movies, and then have a debate about if popular, blockbuster film counts as cinema.

>> No.14126115

basically the study of literature is something that should honestly be kept in college, or if done at the high school level, has to very intentional in the purpose you're trying to achieve with it. To try and force a love of literature on students is a mistake.

>> No.14126170
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>Being literate is an impractical luxury, not a necessity.
>School should teach you the things your parents are supposed to teach you.
>"human rights"

>> No.14126221

>not practical

>> No.14126296

Every single piece of literature that every one of my teachers read in class or made us read was fucking boring normie trash.

Who the FUCK ever actually wants to read "Tangerine"?

>> No.14126304

>Dostoevsky look like some dark, religious, and all-for-christianity madman
Wait, where's the inaccuracy here?

>> No.14126505

>dude why didn't school teach me important stuff like...uhhh....TAXES!
I hate faggots like these

>> No.14126515

>schools should definitely cover personal finances like basic stock market investment, asset allocation and so on.
your opinion is everything wrong with the education system. teach retards that stuff, sure, but smart kids should be learning greek latin and math.

>> No.14126736

you know there's time in the school year to teach more than one subject, right?

>> No.14126746

>>dude why didn't school teach me important stuff like...uhhh....TAXES!
>I hate faggots like these
I've never met someone like this who didn't have below average grades.

>> No.14126752

Developing the habit of reading is one of the most important things in education, so literature definitely helps. But I agree it shouldn't be forced.

>> No.14126761

You can't really teach human rights without having taught other subject matters in law first which wouldn't be appropriate for a high school education. Filing taxes doesn't require its own lesson. Something on first aid would be really nice though

>> No.14126772

>things like taxes
Don't you have a subject like 'politics and economy' or something along those lines? I'm from Eastern Europe and we all had it in our senior year of high school. It doesn't delve too deep into taxes but it gives you a good idea.

>> No.14126802

jesi naš, a?

>> No.14126863


Its astounding how dumb you sound right now. Its extremely obvious a course can't teach you to exactly predict bond rates because that would mean you would be able to get rich with certainty. Or more precisely, that would mean real world economic activity is somehow EXACTLY predictable by anyone who took an econ 101 course. By its very nature such a thing is unpredictable because it depends on the unpredictable actions of real world actors. That course would have told you that but you were probably hardly paying attention. No econ class ever would " represent as the utmost truth" some model for predicting anything. That's just you misunderstanding what you are being taught.


You already know the "qualitative content" of relativity or how bosons interact? I bet you'd struggle to connect an electrical contact in your own home.

Both of you should consider that maybe some things are more complicated than you understand and your understanding might be limited.

>> No.14126882

>taxes are hard
how ,just pay X% of you income you dumbass

>> No.14126947

Your own personal income tax is not the full extent of tax regulations

>> No.14127120

>taxes should be taught
basic knowledge of the english language and maths would suffice

Tax is only complicated if you want to avoid it

>> No.14127123

>human rights
just some european rules that everyone should follow

>> No.14127183

>teaching the state's interpretation of human rights
It's like you want your kids to be indoctrinated

>> No.14127205

Nothing should be mandatory: if the plebs don't want education, there is nothing to be done, they won't do anything with it, it's just a waste of money and time, not to mention hypocritically authoritarian.

>> No.14127230


spotted the poorfags who barely pay taxes

>> No.14127408

Gdje ste moji jebači?

>> No.14127410

spotted the richfag whose parents barely pay taxes

>> No.14127416

get an accountant some shitty school class want teach you tax law

>> No.14127424

Basic arithmetic
Basic grammar
Basic reading and writing
That is all that is necessary from an entity of education separate from one's parents

>> No.14127442

The vast majority of of people could learn how to do their taxes in under an hour. Dedicating time of educational institutions to such a thing would be a colossal waste.

>> No.14127443
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>"Alright class, we are going to stop learning algebra from now on"
>"Sorry Jimmy, I know you wanted to grow up to be an engineer and that you need to learn algebra to learn calculus and you need calculus to learn physics, but some faggot with red hair on YouTube made a video saying that algebra is pointless so you're going to have to teach yourself all that"
>"Okay class now open up your textbooks, we're going to teach you about taxes for the next 5 months"

>> No.14127464

>dude just be totally unaware of culture, history, and how the world works and learn how to do taxes so you can become another brainless cog in the machine

>> No.14128134

Fair enough. I'll concede that I don't know much about econ, or how econ is taught. After all, I've only taken AP Econ, and how they teach it in there is really quite flawed--they only teach principles, and don't even give a cursory glance at the methodologies used in arriving to their conclusions.

>> No.14128143

>You already know the "qualitative content" of relativity or how bosons interact?
Not even taught in high school

>> No.14128158

Good schools still have these things. The school I graduated from just used a grant from a local manufacturing company to buy a used HAAS 5 axis CNC.

>> No.14128416


>too pleb to realize tax forms ARE collaborative post-syntaxic works of literature
>too pleb to realize first aid is basically semi-directed improv theatre
>too pleb to know human rights is one of the best selling international fictions

>> No.14128420

>I failed a pop quiz on Lord of the Flies today because I was too busy gaming and cooming to read a children’s novel so literature should be banned

>> No.14128431

What I find hilarious is that the people who make these arguments about utilitarian education also tend to think of algebra and geometry as hopelessly abstract and useless for daily life. How would these people actually fare in a tax code curriculum as a 15 year old? Or in debating ethics and politics in a “human rights” course? Or practical knowledge like applying bandages and stopping up certain wounds or opening air paths? High schoolers are always going to be entitled lazy shits who don’t want to do what their teachers tell them.

>> No.14128445


School is literally just about giving kids something to do so their parents can work.
Children actually "learning" is something uncommon and should happen in a segregated system for those seeking higher education.

>> No.14128451

he s right. taxes are so complex especially in some european countries that only people who earn above a certain amount can pay somebody to do tax optimization so that hard working but not so rich entrepreneurs get fkd all the way. you dont have to be rich to have a complex tax declaration.

>> No.14128628
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It's big brain hours

>> No.14129966

>Disregard study of the fundamental nature of existence
>Study taxes

>> No.14130035
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>teaching human rights without teaching literature
So you want some idiot high school teacher to read off whatever your country's legal rights are and send them home?

>> No.14130363

Sup intellectual /b/. I come here from /tv/. I hear I can post anything I want regardless of it's relevancy or quality as long as I am able to put an 'intellectual' spin on it or ask for a book recommendation.
I have a few questions for you guys, intellectual /b/.
>What is the philosophy behind COOOOMING!!?
>Are there any books that will teach me to COOM BUCKETS!?
>Are there any quotes or aphorisms on how often one should wash one's cumsock?
>What religion is best for me? Should I LARP as a catholic? I don't go to church and I masturbate to tranny porn daily, but I still want to shame other people for being degenerates.
>What is the epistemological ontological explanation for the existence of trannies with fat dicks? Has tranny idealism been written about yet?
>I'm an incel who hates women. I've never had a girlfriend in my life. I am fucking furious and feel the need to blogpost about my life. Any books for this feel? Don't actually give me book recommendations though, just respond with more incel blogposting.
>Are there any books that explore the ethical question of whether or not it is alright to fill the literature board with off-topic filth? Is it alright to post my incel woes here when /r9k/ exists? Is it alright to post off-topic politics here when /pol/ exists? Theology outside of /his/? Can I spam about Kanye West here when /mu/ exists? Is it really morally apprehendable to take advantage of the ineptitude of the mods?

>> No.14130435

No one will read this post you loser

>> No.14130455


>Implying schools teach quality physics anyway

What century are you living in?

>> No.14130579

anything schools touch violates its fundamental purpose.