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/lit/ - Literature

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14119233 No.14119233 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this. What religion is /lit/?


>> No.14119251

That isn’t a religion. That box should read “None of the above”

>> No.14119307

It is because it is an axiom of belief that you can't prove (because you can't prove that there isn't a God), and it determines how you look at and interact with the world.

>> No.14119316

>people are unironically christian here
WTF i thought everyone was just joking. yikes

>> No.14119331
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>> No.14119337
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where my buddhabros at

>> No.14119344

But we prove it all the time. We proved all your gods false and there continues to be no actual god. It carries are much weight as laws and other fictions.

Atheism=absence of a religion. Final answer

>> No.14119347

I'm a deist

>> No.14119383
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this. i just put other

>> No.14119399

Butterfly, you wouldn't be a tranny if you believed in God, so your Atheism certainly impacts your actions. Furthermore, no Atheist has ever disproved God's existence. The closest they got is proving a rational for being skeptical of his existence, but Aethiests haven't provided any concrete evidence.

For instance, if you take the Clockmaker theory of God. A God that created everything and then just passively observes (or ignores) his creation. You can't prove he doesn't exist, because he won't interact with any of your experiments to disprove him.

>> No.14119407

/lit/ is a Catholic board

>> No.14119452


>> No.14119465

>This level of dialectic negation

>> No.14119480


There is no such thing as proof, just usefulness. There is nothing useful in religion. It is a distraction for stupid people. I usually don't mind it because it doesn't affect me, but you christfucks are messing up my board. So why don't you go suck big J's dick, and fuck off to some Koolaid festival.

>> No.14119486

Siddhartha Gautama was a truly wonderful soul. Wish all men could be like him, and all women too.

>> No.14119505

Orthodox Hegelian

>> No.14119511

Based retard

>> No.14119514

You don't have to follow a religion to appreciate its texts

>> No.14119520


Thank you... or perhaps "HEY!"

>> No.14119591

Religious values enforce ethics and morality. If you remove the core people will eventually rationalize away any need to constrain their actions for the benefit of others. While not immediate, an Atheistic society will inevitably either devolve into anarchy, or despotism.

>> No.14119920
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>> No.14120240

Butters has everything been okay? You've been saying more retarded things then usual.

>> No.14120298
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It's time for a religion based upon the observable laws of nature. One that acknowledges the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon. I believe that our feeling of "spirituality" is just a misunderstanding of natural things that we do not fully understand. For example: When you sense that someone is going to call your phone, and then they do. Or when you know what someone is going to say right before they say it. These experiences have happened to everyone, and is proof of an unseen "supernatural" force. Who knows what could happen if we harness this force, we could have access to power far greater than that of a nuclear reactor.

>> No.14120307
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I like what I see

>> No.14120315
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Where my /dharma/ bro's out?

>> No.14120336

The only "religion" worth a damn is Buddhism.

However, it's interesting to see self-proclaimed Agnostics even existing still, considering it's not mutually-exclusive, one; and, two, Gnosticism isn't included on the list -- why include one, but not its antithesis? Hmmm

>> No.14120343

I mean considering they've basically thrown Atman back in under different terms it's pointless to call it better than any other dharmaic religion.

>> No.14120387

Christian, but I love studying other religions and world myths.

>> No.14120422


>> No.14120448

settling christian nihilists

>> No.14120452

Where's the Jain option?

>> No.14120548

>meme answers like catholicism, atheism, paganism, islam, and jews predominate
Expected. Grow the fuck up already, /lit/

>> No.14120592

how do you always manage to write stuff that makes my blood boil?

>> No.14120605
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What's the secret oh enlightened one?

>> No.14120607

teleports behind you shintoism

>> No.14120616

>spirit worship
Why would you trust tricksters?

>> No.14120617


>> No.14120622

You pass this test.

>> No.14120630

I'm a thelemite

>> No.14120633

Oh honey no think about you eternal soul

>> No.14120641

Give an example of a definitive proof of the non-existence of God.

>> No.14120652

> Religion isn't useful.
How can people this stupid exist.

>> No.14120671


Give me evidence for the non-existence of Allah first

>> No.14120715

I was literally defending religion you retard, Butterfly was the one claiming it had no (if not an adverse) value

>> No.14120724


>Religious values enforce ethics and morality.

No they don't. Norms and instincts do.

>If you remove the core people will eventually rationalize away any need to constrain their actions for the benefit of others.

Religion is responsible for all the atrocities of the world. Their need to destroy rationality that would expose them has caused untold suffering. The inability to think and choose creates the environment for exploiters to thrive. Exploiters aren't restricted by morality. Shit! They use it to manipulate people into accepting their exploitation.

>While not immediate, an Atheistic society will inevitably either devolve into anarchy, or despotism.

Where is your proof? Cooperation gets us more than the sum of individual action. If you kill to steal then there isn't anyone left to make shit for you to steal. It is always better to cooperate than to compete.
Those that exploit don't understand this and will be assholes regardless of the system. However having smart people means that the assholes are easy to spot.

As an atheist I can clearly see the assholes, and every one of them hides behind the cloak of some religion or another.

>> No.14120921

I'm Christian. By theology, I should be Orthodox, but I have a sort of sickliness of character that makes me too prideful to adhere too closely to any dogma or conform to any ritual.

>> No.14120990

It isn’t a religion. How do you manage to not get such a simple concept?

>> No.14121382

How can you guys actually believe in god? Every single one of the arguments are terrible. Even the best ones are barely passable. It's pathetic. There is a reason 72% of philosophers are atheists.

>> No.14122015


>> No.14122033


>> No.14122082

I know this is bait but once you actually read philosophy you realise that atheism is retarded.

>> No.14122731


>> No.14122868
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>> No.14123168

>Final answer
God I wish.

>> No.14123223

Just like at the sorry state of secular America and try to tell me all bad people are religious. You're like those people that somehow think the Westboro Baptist church represents the status quo

>> No.14123226

atheism begets degeneracy
holistic christian spirituality and culture are counterdegenerate
if degeneracy is wrong, so is atheism

>> No.14123233

the religion you are describing is wicca transsexualism

>> No.14123240


[Citation desperately needed]

>> No.14123243

Branch Davidian, or Raelian

>> No.14123247

i think anon was trying to agree with you desu

>> No.14123252

I thought I was the only one. Even his simplest and/or dumbest remarks make me catch a short glimpse of bashing his head with a sledgehammer.

>> No.14123259

weimar, ww1, post-obergefell america, ww1, post vatican II catholic church, compare with countries with active christian cultures which are reinforced by the state like poland, hungary, russia (sometimes), romunia and spain, or the holy roman empire, byzantine empire, russian empire historically

>> No.14123273

real or larp

>> No.14123278


That's just random terms strung together. Do you have actual definitions of the terms you're using, and actual data to back up your claims with?

>> No.14123297

>define poland
anon are you retarded

>> No.14123302


No, define 'degeneracy'.

>> No.14123313

Thanks for proving religious people are retards.
Only 14% philosophers seem to agree with you.

>> No.14123323

polyamory/polygamy/rootless hypergamy, sodomy, abolition of traditional sexual hierarchy, diffuse and orgasm-centric sexual culture, dissolution of the family and of public life, sexualization of children, dissolution of morally determinant religious identity into morally indeterminant secular identities

deviation from a state whose reference point is Being, ideal and whole into a state whose reference point is Becoming, the self, partial, material

>> No.14123357


>> No.14123369

Why do you even participate in philosophy threads and religion threads if your own goal is to smugly promote your weird amalgamation of atheism, stirner, nietzsche and milquetoast epicureanism, without ever keeping an open mind towards anything else? You just pop into threads over and over to smugly maintain your perspective, as if it’s some perfect truth you’ve arrived at, as if you’re the only morally nihilist hedonist “just create your own meaning and enjoy life lol” millennial.
Do you really think with certainty that your perspective is greater than all the philosophies and religions you smugly dismiss over and over?

>> No.14123387



Supported by the Bible


Older than Christianity, good luck 'fighting' it, especially with those pedo priests who love little boys

>abolition of traditional sexual hierarchy

What traditional sexual hierarchy? Spoiler alert: you would have been an incel loser in a 'Christian' society just as much as you are now.

>dissolution of the family and of public life,

Christian divorce rates are through the roof

>sexualization of children, dissolution of morally determinant religious identity into morally indeterminant secular identities

Again, see pedo priests

>> No.14123425

polygamy was supported in the first covenant, and not in the second covenant, read the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of St. Paul

of course it's older than christianity, sodomy is a primordial sin. I drew attention to your exact point when I brought up Vatican II. Look into it, we all hate this. Also I am not orthodox

read Genesis, the Gospel of Matthew, and once again, the Epistles of St. Paul.

And all of this was addressed as well when I distinguished between societies whose Christian cultures are reinforced by the state and those which do not. For example, over half of divorce proceeding cite pornography at some point as a reason for the divorce. Putin is trying to ban pornography. So is Australia. Strong Christian countries fight this. America does not because the government is secular and the economy exports hedonism into every home

again, see Vatican II. before this, the catholic church was the prime opponent of sexual degeneracy. Look up the Legion of Decency

>> No.14123434

same anon here, meant to say am not Catholic

>> No.14123444

I believe Jesus and god, and I went to a catholic school, and I have a question for those who identify as a catholic. Since the church has done a ton of evil throughout history and even today has degenerate priests why on earth would you associate yourself with it? Maybe I should do more research to see which “ism” I fall under but at the end of the day faith is truly the only thing that matters. Is frowned upon to just be a believer? Any tips or advice?

>> No.14123450

>as if you’re the only morally nihilist hedonist “just create your own meaning and enjoy life lol” millennial
Butterfly is 46. Which is especially sad, since "her" philosophical views are what you'd expect from a 17 year-old.

>> No.14123466

>He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.
The Catholic Church guards the deposit of faith handed down through the apostles and their successors, and was instituted by Christ Himself.
>And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.

>> No.14123469

>final word
You didn't disprove that anon. Atheism is an axiomatic belief.

>> No.14123683

It is though, the negation of religion remains itself.

>> No.14123695

Friendly reminder that /lit/ is a Catholic board.

>> No.14123845
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Makes sense. No one on /lit/ reads and you wouldn't catch any self-respecting Catholic reading the Bible.

>> No.14123852

where did this meme of catholics not reading the bible come from

>> No.14123881

actually it means absence of a god

>> No.14123898

mark twain said man is a religious animal

>> No.14124057

Buddhism? Oh you mean the retarded dumbed down version of Hinduism?

>> No.14124068

catholics not reading the bible

>> No.14125399

Other - Mormons rise up

>> No.14125410

"protestant" is too broad.
i could get along with a lutheran. american evangelical 3rd adventist baptist 2nd denominationist doomsday cultists on the other hand...

>> No.14125415

I went to a Jesuit high school.
We read the Gospel of Mark my freshman year.
That was about it for reading the Bible

>> No.14125425

thank you for admitting you stopped reading after high school
see yourself out

>> No.14125948


>> No.14126070
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Any preordained chads here?

>> No.14126090

do you always just wear that silly trip and post cringe worthy shit or what? you just said something that I would have posted when I was fucking 15 lmao

>> No.14126153

Catholic here. Any others?

>> No.14126275

So you admit that your brain is atrophying?
Brave lad.
Atheism isn’t a religion, it is the absence of.

And it depressed him greatly

>> No.14126338

True. And that is why I'd raise my kids Catholic, even though I'm an atheist.

>> No.14126347

You're a protestant.

>> No.14126350

It is, at best, pure ideology

>> No.14126369

I don't understand why you behave the way you do. Why do you feel the need to carve out some faggy fucking identity in a hive of anonymous users? People hate tripfags because they try to usurp 4chan's communicative structure - everyone here is on an equal playing field from default. 4chan is a place where ideas are able to be evaluated apart from their progenitors - this is different from nearly all other popular forums on the popular internet. You could be reading something interesting from a teenager, or a fucking college professor. Anonymity is the one thing that allows people to actually communicate honestly.
I'm at a loss as to why you would constantly put a target on yourself - people shit on you all the fucking time because you're fucking stupid.

'Atheism' is of course not a religion, but it is a category. A category only a retard would argue does not belong in a poll about religion - which makes it even fucking stupider that you would say something so pedantic - and then not also include 'Agnosticism' for the identical reasons.

The very fact that there are atheistic Buddhists should indicate alone that atheism can be a facet of religion, and thus worth being categorized as an option in a poll.

How's the dilation going?

>> No.14126488

You guys realize that she gets off to being verbally abused, right?

>> No.14126529

>muh bedobriests of badican II church

>> No.14126538

It is, however, a completely relevant option on a survey about religious demographics, as is agnostic, being religious options if not religions themselves. A "none of the above" option is ambiguous and could easily be confused with a religion that just wasn't on the list, and if you want to say
>That's what "other" is for
Then you'd have a survey with both "none of the above" _and_ "other", and this compounds the fact neither of us have any way of knowing whether the creator of the survey considers atheism/agnosticism a religion or not.
I hate acknowledging tripfags but your posts are so consistently at twitter-who quality that it makes me think either you are constantly posting bait or your trip is not secure.

>> No.14126561

I think it's a compulsive habit. A lot of 4chan users have one and for some people they have to trip because they have narcissistic tendencies. Butterfly undergoes a truly ludicrous amount of abuse so she must seriously be incapable of not posting

>> No.14126604

I have had a religious depression/doubt, then epiphany.
I had a lot of problems with the standard Christian understandings of God. I cannot understand how the Trinity does not violate the oneness of God, nor do I understand why God, who is omibenevolent, creates horrible suffering on this Earth. Why God chose to come in a specific time, to a specific people, in a specific form. Why, if God loves us, we must have faith in God in a person, and I always read that the tragic beauty of Jesus' sacrifice only makes sense if he does not know he is God; that he sees what must be done, and allows it to happen. The rest of the New Testament reads to me like they are running away with what Jesus did and said.
I felt fucking awful for these thoughts and questions, until I read about Unitarianism.It hit me like a stack of bricks. I never felt comfortable aligning with any denomination until I read about their beliefs.

>> No.14126757

Is John a false gospel?

>> No.14126776

You are retarded beyond belief

>> No.14126786

While the Gospels are inspired by God, they are written by people, who are bound to error. There are moments in the other gospels where Jesus denies divinity (like in Luke 18:19), and we must use our God-given reason to try to work through the inconsistencies between the different Christologies depicted in the gospels.
In my opinion, Christ is the Word of God in that he, through his own power, came to understand God in a moment in linear history. He embodies a living word of God, one who perfectly understands and acts in accordance to logos. Think of it in terms of a zen 'awakening to Buddha-nature'. Christ became awakened to God. This is not denying such an understanding to anyone else, but Christ through his teachings has offered an easier route for the sake of others, to save them. When we believe and act in Christ, our sins are washed through his sacrifice, but he is only a man. We must not let the personage of Christ distract us from out love and worship of one, indivisible God.

>> No.14126812

Where's Jainism bro?
I'm just going with Hinduism for now.

>> No.14126816

what makes Catholicism superior to any other sect of Christianity? Almost seems like people are just born into it.

>> No.14126820

People like to larp like they are the fucking cardinals.
I sincerely doubt anyone here who ardently professes to be a catholic has seriously read anything, they just want to claim the art and music as somehow theirs.

>> No.14126843

What about in Matthew, when he is worshipped by both the Magi and his disciples? What about the miracle of his birth, the prophecies of his birth, and the miracles in his life? Also how does his sacrifice on the cross redeem man if he's just the most pious man to ever live? Why does he tell them to baptize in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit? If Christ is mere man why is baptism done in his name?

>> No.14126867

>Norms and instincts do.
>populism is the proper justification for ethics and morality
Lmao you're delusional.

>> No.14126871

Sexual liberation.
There. I said it.

>> No.14126893

"The God and Father, who holds the universe together, is superior to every being that exists, for he imparts to each one from his own existence that which each one is; the Son, being less than the Father, is superior to rational creatures alone (for he is second to the Father); the Holy Spirit is still less, and dwells within the saints alone. So that in this way the power of the Father is greater than that of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and that of the Son is more than that of the Holy Spirit" - Origen
God the Father is the one God, who is indivisible and omnipotent. The Son of God is one who understands the Father and follows his word, in this passage it references Jesus Christ who operates as a savior, but such a term also is mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4, and in Judaism the term is figurative and references those in a special relationship with God the Father.
The Holy Spirit is never defined as a separate personage in the Bible, and is often times (like in Acts 5:3-4) used indistinctly to refer to God the Father. The Holy Spirit can be better understood as inspired wisdom that is a Gift from God the Father, which makes better sense of the fact that it is depicted as coming upon people, as filling them, and as flowing out of them. If the Trinity were true, and all three 'persons' were God, lines like Matt 12:32, which is repeated in Mark (3:28-29) and Luke (12:10). Those who reject the holy wisdom of the Lord cannot be forgive for they have cast themselves into self-imposed ignorance.

>> No.14126896

lines like Matt 12:32, which is repeated in Mark (3:28-29) and Luke (12:10) would make no sense*

>> No.14126992

People who vote for answers other than “Jewish” are just dishonest /pol/acts lying to themselves

>> No.14127227

There’s nothing wrong with just being a Christian. I don’t even know what I’d call myself.
Denomination is somewhat unimportant and is really just a label.

>> No.14127245

Fucks sake guys. If you want to help people find God you should be kind and patient toward them. It saddens me seeing you all abuse some old woman, that’s not going to change her mind

>> No.14127286
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>> No.14127530
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Sarva Mangalam, brother

>> No.14128062

this might be one of the most low IQ posts I've seen, which is REALLY saying something

>> No.14128669

people accidentally clicked hindu instead of European pagan.... oh well, good to see Christians so high

>> No.14128698
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Over a third of this board is Christian.

Absolutely and positive based and christpilled.

>> No.14128710

Allah is God. Cringe as fuck take

>> No.14128736

I agree.

>> No.14128741

Is this adoptionism?

>> No.14128751
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Just got back from spending time with /ourmonk/ at a monastery in Cali, for the Kathina fest.

>> No.14128759

this board confirmed pseudointellectual

>> No.14129039


>> No.14129048

i'm a weak atheist but i have strong affection for christianity

>> No.14129059

>557 votes
>79 posters

>> No.14129061

Are you old enough to be on here..?

>> No.14129144


>> No.14129148

Same, i can't suspend my disbelief and be a Christian again but I wish I could.

>> No.14129151


>> No.14129152

>What religion are you?

lol, I guess Eliade was right

>> No.14129158

meant for >>14129148

>> No.14129159

your disbelief stems from the root of considering only rational /dianoia-type logicality is "you"

that is part of you, not your entire self.

pray don't expect results and live what happens

>> No.14129366

Glad to know there are others. Was raised Catholic and while I know that there's a lot wrong with modern Christianity, the call to a dangerous, self-sacrificial heroic existence in the gospels is based. I hate the church but am very fond of Jesus' philosophy if that makes sense.

>> No.14129444
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Sick cope bro!!!
A warm greetings to all my Catholic friends on this board, and all other men of good will that populate this sad corner of the internet.

>> No.14129458

Are the Hindis, Buddhists, and Taoists actually Asians and if not, how did you convert to these religions? Do you actually go to the appropriate temples or are you just a LARPer?

>> No.14129504
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the only "you" is am is is when you reply to this post

>> No.14129608

I find it especially amusing how many of them pretend that being a genuine Christian and being a smug caustic racist are somehow compatible beliefs.

>> No.14129730

>those feet

>> No.14129784

Laudem Dei!