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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 297x369, waht a twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1412084 No.1412084 [Reply] [Original]

M Night Shyamalan has just acquired the rights to turn your favourite and best loved piece of literature into a summer blockbuster.

what's the twist?

>> No.1412105

The Elves' ignorance of economics causes not only their paradise land to fail, but also the economy of Middle Earth to go down the shitter after the destruction of a large number of jobs and workers created by Sauron. This causes even bloodier wars to break out.

>> No.1412103

/lit/ - the twist is we've all gone back in time to when this was posted before.

>> No.1412118


you're absolutly right, i did post this two days ago, however when i refreshed the tab it had 404'd so i thought i'd make it again.
thanks for contributing to the thread though!
another 5 star post from a member of Anonymous.

>> No.1412135

Wow another five star whine from brown.

You're generally okay dude, you'd be tolerable if you didn't make posts like that.

>> No.1412143

I feel like the population of this board is small enough that there needs to be a longer wait time between reposting threads

but you know do what you want just keep it real

>> No.1412147


i made a nice reply to someone who decided to sage, yet still reply to my thread.

it wasn't actually whining, just making a real observation, i explained that i did infact make this thread a while ago. and that the particular post i referenced was absolutly off-topic and useless.

if you've got a problem with that then i guess you love tybrax's off-topic posts?

>> No.1412156

That wasn't a post; it was a sage, because I can't physically slap you 'round the head.
Your thread was shit in 2010, why not make a resolution to try harder?

>> No.1412162


actually, you just saged your post.
if you fail to understand that you did infact make a non-contributing post to the board then you seriously need to re evaluate yourself in light of the new year

why not make a resolution to chiggidey check yourself before you wreck yourself?

>> No.1412168

Enjoy your thread's death.

>> No.1412183
File: 199 KB, 311x278, vice city face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


challenge accepted.

>> No.1412188

the immortal samefag

>> No.1412206
File: 46 KB, 590x375, trollface at the computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try harder

>> No.1412230

ITT: Brownbear is butthurt because no one cares about him or his "contributions"

>> No.1412248
File: 105 KB, 270x260, holding head in hands guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>says no one cares
>uses his time to post in the thread instead of just scrolling past

>> No.1412260

>implying I didn't just want to insult you
You're a fucking idiot

>> No.1412265


Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>Brownbear !5uck5h1m53lf0ff

>> No.1412269
File: 37 KB, 695x461, 11-21-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than that shitting on the floor copypasta anyway

>> No.1412272

Cool contributions, bro.

>> No.1412277


Anonymous are officially faggots, you could have contributed but instead you smeared faeces all over yourselves so you could be like your beloved tripfags.

>> No.1412278
File: 42 KB, 607x507, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you care about me enough to attempt to insult me

the only reason you try and bring me down to your level is because i'm too high up for you.

it's akin to a boy insulting a girl because he likes her.

don't worry though, i still love you <3

oh u

>implying that was copy pasta

>> No.1412283
File: 13 KB, 290x285, hitler-altersheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jews are officially faggots, you could have contributed but instead you smeared monies all over yourselves so you could be like your beloved Soviets.

>> No.1412285

Denisovich secretly runs the camp.

>> No.1412299
File: 511 KB, 1152x2250, Discussion of Fitness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one that gets the image of severe mouth-breathing & rage when i see brownbear's double quote replies?

>> No.1412330


im on a laptop with a 'Floating-touch pad' whic, to be honest, takes some getting used to as there actually are no buttons to click, it's just a light press down and it counts as a click, the double quote thing is just a habit of mine i've picked up from using this laptop

>> No.1412335

you'd think that would make copying and pasting a pain in the ass

>> No.1412338

I just bought this, I'm a newfag to /lit/ but an avid reader. How is it?

>> No.1412347

alex's droogs turn out to be cops, vwat a twist

>> No.1412352


It's perfectly readable, but nothing amazing.

The Gulag Archipelago is far more informative. Levi's If This Is A Man is a better novel about life in a concentration/labour camp.

>> No.1412353

>to turn your favourite and best loved piece of literature
>your favourite and best loved piece of literature
>favourite and best loved piece of literature
>best loved piece of literature
>best loved literature
>loved literature

What do you think I'm going to say about it?

Just fuckin with you, obviously though yeah I think it's really good. Very moving, great imagery and descriptions, compelling story, turns one day into a tale of harrowing journeys, and the ending just really hammers it all home perfectly, succinctly, beautifully. It's the kind of book I read to remember why I read books.

>> No.1412370

Harry Pottrer was just in a fantasy world inside his own head as he was held prisoner by Dumbledore (his head master from school) in his s&m sex dungeon.

>> No.1412373

Awesome. I think I'll really enjoy this one, thanks. I honestly just bought it fourty five minutes agoand have yet to start it as I'm obviously on here and finishing up the last chapters or so of Cat's Cradle.

>> No.1412453

Winston is Big Brother