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14119457 No.14119457 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an undergrad at one of the world's most prestigious universities (Think harvard, yale, stanford, princeton etc.)

Last semester I read Derrida for one of my courses and tbqh... I have no clue what the hell I read. I've never been so dumbfounded by a text before. I simply could not comprehend more than a 1/4 of what Derrida was saying.

Fast forward to this semester and I'm having a chat about Derrida with a professor in the philosophy department. He tells me that no one actually understands Derrida's work and that almost everyone is faking their understanding of him in order to appear smart.


>> No.14119490
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I understand Derrida. Ask me anything.

>> No.14119498

You're an undergrad. That is my thought.

>> No.14119507

What is the endgame of deconstruction ?

>> No.14119517

Are you at an anglosphere uni? If so, this has been the soundbite stance of academic philosophers since the Searle/Derrida beef. I wouldn’t think too much of it
t. has actually read and situated Derrida

>> No.14119519

You and your professor dont understand him because you and your professor are in a top university. You need world perspective and historical knowledge to get the philosophy. You won't find those people where you are

>> No.14119525

He's a fanatic of chips

>> No.14119528

To show just how stupid such a question (and its accompanying mode of thought) really is

>> No.14119544

You're just a brainlet. So is your professor. The trick to Derrida is to read him out loud.

>> No.14119549
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Why is he so aesthetic?

>> No.14119553

cool. you literally said nothing.

just like derrida

>> No.14119558

looks like he should be in a Scorsese movie here

>> No.14119563

makes sense

>> No.14119570

I obviously said something. I said your question was stupid. Just like you, brainlet.

>> No.14119592

>he doesnt know derrida is a hack called out by his peers over and over
if you cant explain your idea to a five year old then your idea is trash, you are trash, or likely both (the two tend to be correlated).

>> No.14119603

To understand jewish writers/philosophers one must understand the JQ, and more specifically how jews use coded language primarily to communicate with other jews. It's very alien to gentiles, but you can't take it at face value or else it will never make sense. You have to understand it is coming from a hypertribal outsider who has very different interests than yourself. Derrida in particular promoted a very basic philosophy based on, well, deconstructing western culture.

>> No.14119609

Imagine actually falling for this meme. You’re just dumb and like to be spoonfed, bro. No big deal. Just don’t shit all over the place about it.

>> No.14119614
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And bond in this picture
Derrida: This is phonocentrism, Monsieur Peterson. All my life, I have been in love with its color, its brilliance, its divine heaviness. I welcome any enterprise that will increase my stock- which is considerable.

Peterson: I think you've made your point, Derrida. Thank you for the demonstration.

Derrida: Choose your next witticism carefully, Monsieur Peterson— it may be your last. The purpose of our two previous encounters is now very clear to me. I do not intend to be disturbed by another. Bonne nuit, Peterson.

Peterson: Do you expect me to talk?

Derrida: [looks back, laughing] No, Monsieur Peterson, I expect you to die!

>> No.14119615

what's a good paper by derrida to read about this concept? it reminds me of wittgenstein's notion about nonsensical statements

>> No.14119626

looks like you and your prof has caught a bit of phantasmtism

>> No.14119628

Plato’s Pharmacy is a good place to start.

>> No.14119637

oh I pity you, who actually believe there is a modicum of intelligence in derrida's so called "work" and even going so far as to defend him after his unremarkable death

>> No.14119647

Didn’t I just tell you to stop shitting up the place with your brainlet tantrum? You sound like an insufferable cunt.

>> No.14119650


>> No.14119659
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The NPC fears the Orange Man.

>> No.14119671

I’m not gonna lie I can follow the thoughts of pretty much any ‘unconventional’ continental theorists but I can’t for the life of me explain to you what Derrida is about.

>> No.14119672

oh I'm sure derrida appreciates you rushing to his defense, if he were still alive, perhaps he would take you under his wing and teach you how to be a great hack like him

>> No.14119677

Deleuze, Lacan, etc all make so much more sense

>> No.14119710
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Incoherent obscurantist schizo and pseud.
Midwit with an IQ of 120 at best. "I personally think with my feet". Nothing novel. Merely applied psychoanalysis to contemporary issues in academic fashion, in pseud fashion.

>> No.14119734

At least they can be criticized

>> No.14119740

Lots of people criticize Derrida, both analytics and continentals. Nobody bothers to really criticize Deleuze or Lacan because they're charlatans, any attempt to do so (Zizek or Badiou for example) is a total non-starter.

>> No.14119742

why dont you defer the meaning of breathing idefinitely and stop breathing

>> No.14119775

Still thinking charlatan isn’t a badge of honor

>> No.14119781

What's his philosophy?

>> No.14119785

He doesn't understand Derrida, he is an anime poster.

>> No.14119793

Do you understand him?

>> No.14119795

this would be great bait if it weren't so uncharitably real

>> No.14119800

I can tell you aren't at Princeton since he would never even be brought up in a philosophy course. Princeton's entire humanities department is infested by the infestation of analytic drivel and it seeps into everything. I wish I never went to college

>> No.14119804

derrida is a master baiter
he trolled the humanities hard

>> No.14119861

Yes. He doesn't have a unifying coherent philosophical-metaphysical world view that could be deemed a "philosophy". He is more interested in seeing the underlying matrix of language and meaning, and picking it apart; the deconstruction of social ideas and boundaries are rather limited compared to language which is his main body. That very small aspect gets the bulk of attention, which some take as an endorsement of getting rid of all institutions which it certainly wasn't. I would suggest starting with Dissemination, a collection of his essays.

>> No.14119869

I'd rather read the goblet of fire, a fine deconstruction and parody of derridas work

>> No.14119871
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His overlong dissection of Nietzsche's unpublished note "I have forgotten my umbrella" explains it for you. In a nutshell: deconstruction is about persuading one's opponents that one is more intelligent than they are by using verbose language in a mocking tone to throw them in a state of confusion. No point is ever actually made, because no conclusion is ever actually reached on anything. It's not a philosophy so much as it is a tactic to convince others to believe that conclusions are impossible things and that the enterprise of philosophy is a pointless endeavor as a result of this (because its advocates, i.e. Derrida, deeply resent said enterprise).

>> No.14119874

just started reading it. he seems to have a pretty idiosyncratic take on thing, which i like.

>> No.14119887

No one knows what it means. But it’s provocative. It gets the people going.

>> No.14119900

>He is more interested in seeing the underlying matrix of language and meaning, and picking it apart
He's not interested in seeing this at all. He wants you to believe that he is, but nothing he writes actually pertains to language and meaning. Instead, it pertains to the faculty of thought itself, and nourishing skepticism towards it, so that it could be felt as though one is successfully refuting and denying it. He's a classic Jew who despises all naturalism deep down.

>> No.14119932

Considering this thread is already 44 replies long without discussing the actual subject, could somebody explain to me as a philosophy noob what the core thoughts of his writings and philosophy are?

>> No.14119950

See >>14119871 & >>14119900

His writings don't have core thoughts or a philosophy because he despises such things. He really just wanted to breed skepticism in others.

>> No.14119957

absolutely nothing
he was just babbling incoherently for its own sake
he's a hack get over it

>> No.14119990


>> No.14120167

derrida appeals mostly to NPCs

>> No.14120168

A lot of his early Years focus on combating structuralism, developing deconstruction, then analyzing the
biology of writing and it’s history of
being second to speech. His later years are seem to be more focused on applying his theories to ethics , especially responsibility.
His works are difficult, but in his defense most people try to read him expecting there to be a clear structure of main points in a organized fashion. He mostly dances, circles around points intentionally to avoid laying claim to their meaning. His early commentary on Heidegger’s being and time is great for understanding deconstruction. The gift of death for his take on responsibility and it’s tie to deconstruction. Writing and difference, the work of mourning are also good.

>> No.14120188


>> No.14120232

Analytic philosophers don't even teach Derrida, only Continentals take this shit seriously

>> No.14120233

the riddler...

>> No.14120248

what counts for 13 but accounts for 50 aswell?

>> No.14120254

He is French, it comes as a natural habit.

>> No.14120269


>> No.14120340

You need to go into Derrida knowing his influences and being knowledgable of them. Also the top schools are analytic strongholds so don't expect them to know about him very much. But I suggest looking into a different department, maybe comp lit for someone knowledgable on him.

Look into the analytic reaction when Derrida was given a position at Cambridge. Really cringe along with the laughable letter signed by Quine and others.


>> No.14120890

I've seen a few people who understand him here but often a metaphysical presupposition will sneak into that understanding and contradict the whole thing.

I've found the trick to understanding Derrida is reading a lot of him as his style tends to change between books (and essays) but always explores the functioning logic of the metaphysics of presence consistently between works. Once you understand that you will see it in all argumentation thereon and it's pretty shocking and maybe you'll wonder why, if metaphysics of presence is so ubiquitous and deconstruction so relevant, is no one sharing this information?

I read him in translation of course but he is very careful with his words, even if he is a bit elliptical at times. But that is where the experience of reading him and knowing (so to speak) the rest of his chain of argument is important. Break down his sentences if you can and link concepts, terms, or words to things he has said or will say in the work. He still kicks my ass but it is very rewarding.

>> No.14120975

Lacan is gibberish, at least later stuff, I think he did it on purpose so people would extrapolate his ideas to infinite applications. His infighting with the other frenchies, and the fact that he started lowering his session time with patients from an hour or so all the way down to 3-5 minutes while charging the same amount seems very faggy.

>> No.14120979

He deconstructs, idk, seems like a reaction to structuralism

>> No.14121014

if you understood Derrida you would understand that's what his philosophy is trying to teach.

>> No.14121024
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>> No.14121105

Derrida: only lovers allowed

>> No.14121145

There are these concepts, these signified suckers, and we want to point them out, to refer to them using words, signifiers. Now, the manner in which some of these concepts can EVEN BE POINTED OUT presupposes the existence of another concept z.B. white/people of shit color, gentile/human, nature/culture, male/female(male), usw. A lot of stuff has been done because of these distinctions, I don't claim to place value judgements on all of it, but u should be aware that powerful people (read: evil ppl if from 21st century) use this to expand, maintain, do stuff with power (which is necessarily marginalizing somebody). All deconstruction is really doing is trying to get rid of these distinctions with a few techniques like saying "Well, if all people were white, what would be the point of a white ethnostate" or "masculinity necessitates something not masculine to contrast with" so IF YOU ACHIEVE TOTAL POWER YOU WILL FIND THAT ACHIEVEMENT WORTHLESS which, upon realization, opens the door for reconciliation and dissolution of the original distinction with the Other.
t. read a few wikipedia articles years ago and opened a literary theory book an hour ago and has no idea what I'm talking about

>> No.14121318

>I'm an undergrad
stopped reading

>> No.14121711
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>> No.14121725

Anon... Heh...

>> No.14121948


>> No.14122703


This bro. Deleuze and Lacan though they hated each other will full of shit. Derrida and Foucault are actually relevant thinkers that people refer to today. Psychoanalysis is quackery and Lacan is a pseud and Deleuze is a schizophrenic retard

>> No.14122814

can you explain metaphysics of presence? Brainlet here. Please and thanks. I love you, Long Tim.

>> No.14122820
File: 88 KB, 600x600, Die lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die lie by playboi carti is deconstruction in music form

>> No.14122833

So what Im getting from this thread is that Derrida finds it pointless to question things because of the limits of language?

>> No.14122836

It's horseshit. Disregard. Postmodernism is terrible crap. Read Aristotle and the Stoics. Learn ancient Greek if you want to be a big boy.

>> No.14122838


>> No.14122980

its very simple

>> No.14123381

According to this thread, Derrida is only understandable if you’re larping as an intellectual, and just like him, have only a fillibuster statement to “explain” his meaning
He is the ultimate fedora tip