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File: 26 KB, 274x300, Nietzsche-274x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14117551 No.14117551 [Reply] [Original]

>The Christian faith from the beginning, is sacrifice the sacrifice of all freedom, all pride, all self-confidence of spirit, it is at the same time subjection, self-derision, and self-mutilation.

>Just look at the faces of the great Christians! They are the faces of great haters.

>When on a Sunday morning we hear the old bells ring out, we ask ourselves, “Is it possible! This is done on account of a Jew crucified two thousand years ago who said he was the Son of God. The proof of such an assertion is wanting".

>Under Christianity neither morality nor religion has any point of contact with actuality.

>The very word "Christianity" is a misunderstanding at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.

>Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation.

>Christianity, alcohol the two great means of corruption.

>The Christian resolve to find the world ugly and bad, has made the world ugly and bad.

>It was Christianity, with its heartfelt resentment against life, that first made something unclean of sexuality: it threw filth on the origin, on the essential fact of our life.

>Must I add that, in the whole New Testament, there appears but a solitary figure worthy of honour? Pilate, the Roman viceroy. To regard a Jewish imbroglio seriously -- that was quite beyond him. One Jew more or less -- what did it matter? . . . The noble scorn of a Roman, before whom the word "truth" was shamelessly mishandled, enriched the New Testament with the only saying that has any value -- and that is at once its criticism and its destruction: "What is truth?"

>> No.14117563

I was never a Christian. I went to Sunday school and Easter services when I was a kid, but I never really believed any of it and that didn't change when I was older and more able to actually think about it. Religion is for rubes.

>> No.14117567
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>> No.14117580


>> No.14117786

I don't want to be part of any religious group. I've studied the Bible, the Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Buddhist texts etc. but I would never give away my freedom.

>> No.14117807

freedom of/from what?

>> No.14117815

Is The Antichrist semi-casually readable? I read parts of Also Sprach Zarathustra but it must've totally flown over me.

>> No.14117945

totally. it's not long, under 100 pages.

>> No.14118393

here you go anon: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/19322/19322-h/19322-h.htm#PREFACE

>> No.14118550

You don’t overcome Christianity, you overcome atheism to become a Christian.

>> No.14118560

no that's the bluepill. falling back on christianity when one cannot create values for themselves

>> No.14118570

Why should you create your own values?

>> No.14118576

What makes you think you have the right to create values and morals, those are divine concepts that don’t make sense without divinity

>> No.14118586

>We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has put all the deepest instincts of this type under its ban, it has developed its concept of evil, of the Evil One himself, out of these instincts—the strong man as the typical reprobate, the “outcast among men.” Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation. The most lamentable example: the corruption of Pascal, who believed that his intellect had been destroyed by original sin, whereas it was actually destroyed by Christianity!

>It is a painful and tragic spectacle that rises before me: I have drawn back the curtain from the rottenness of man. This word, in my mouth, is at least free from one suspicion: that it involves a moral accusation against humanity. It is used—and I wish to emphasize the fact again—without any moral significance: and this is so far true that the rottenness I speak of is most apparent to me precisely in those quarters where there has been most aspiration, hitherto, toward “virtue” and “godliness.” As you probably surmise, I understand rottenness in the sense of décadence: my argument is that all the values on which mankind now fixes its highest aspirations are décadence-values.

>I call an animal, a species, an individual corrupt, when it loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers, what is injurious to it. A history of the “higher feelings,” the “ideals of humanity”—and it is possible that I’ll have to write it—would almost explain why man is so degenerate. Life itself appears to me as an instinct for growth, for survival, for the accumulation of forces, for power: whenever the will to power fails there is disaster. My contention is that all the highest values of humanity have been emptied of this will—that the values of décadence, of nihilism, now prevail under the holiest names.

>> No.14118595

Do you honestly think that Nietsche was happier than the average devout Christian?

>> No.14118607

What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that resistance is overcome.

>What is good?—Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.

>What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.

>Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency (virtue in the Renaissance sense, virtu, virtue free of moral acid).

>The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.

>What is more harmful than any vice?—Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak—Christianity....

>> No.14118616

*dies and burns in hell*

>> No.14118629

Heaven and Hell are a state of mind/heart.

>Let us not be led astray: they say “judge not,” and yet they condemn to hell whoever stands in their way. In letting God sit in judgment they judge themselves; in glorifying God they glorify themselves; in demanding that every one show the virtues which they themselves happen to be capable of—still more, which they must have in order to remain on top—they assume the grand air of men struggling for virtue, of men engaging in a war that virtue may prevail. “We live, we die, we sacrifice ourselves for the good” (—“the truth,” “the light,” “the kingdom of God”): in point of fact, they simply do what they cannot help doing. Forced, like hypocrites, to be sneaky, to hide in corners, to slink along in the shadows, they convert their necessity into a duty: it is on grounds of duty that they account for their lives of humility, and that humility becomes merely one more proof of their piety.... Ah, that humble, chaste, charitable brand of fraud! “Virtue itself shall bear witness for us.”... One may read the gospels as books of moral seduction: these petty folks fasten themselves to morality—they know the uses of morality! Morality is the best of all devices for leading mankind by the nose!—The fact is that the conscious conceit of the chosen here disguises itself as modesty: it is in this way that they, the “community,” the “good and just,” range themselves, once and for always, on one side, the side of “the truth”—and the rest of mankind, “the world,” on the other.... In that we observe the most fatal sort of megalomania that the earth has ever seen: little abortions of bigots and liars began to claim exclusive rights in the concepts of “God,” “the truth,” “the light,” “the spirit,” “love,” “wisdom” and “life,” as if these things were synonyms of themselves and thereby they sought to fence themselves off from the “world”; little super-Jews, ripe for some sort of madhouse, turned values upside down in order to meet their notions, just as if the Christian were the meaning, the salt, the standard and even the last judgment of all the rest.... The whole disaster was only made possible by the fact that there already existed in the world a similar megalomania, allied to this one in race, to wit, the Jewish: once a chasm began to yawn between Jews and Judaeo-Christians, the latter had no choice but to employ the self-preservative measures that the Jewish instinct had devised, even against the Jews themselves, whereas the Jews had employed them only against non-Jews. The Christian is simply a Jew of the “reformed” confession.—


>> No.14118651

>Let us not be led astray: they say “judge not,” and yet they condemn to hell whoever stands in their way.
Stopped reading there

>> No.14118761

Nietzsche is dead. Jesus is alive. I don't know about you, but I know which one I want to listen to.

>> No.14118779

>Jesus is alive
where is he? such an assertion requires proof!

>> No.14118796
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Nietzsche is dead; Nietzsche remains dead; and we have killed him.

>> No.14118844

There's anons itt who did exactly that though.

>> No.14118847


>> No.14118855

/lit/ has fallen from a 150 IQ board to a 115 IQ board over the past 6 months. I think it's a combination of The Donald migration infinity chan shutting down

>> No.14118862

My parents are from China lmao, I was never Christian to begin with

>> No.14118872

>Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you
Nietsche blatantly misinterprets and decontextualizes this verse in a pathetic fashion

>> No.14118884

>Nietsche blatantly misinterprets
is there only one correct interpretation of the bible? what's your interpretation of the verse then?

>> No.14118888

Jesus isn’t saying that you can’t judge people at all, only that you should not be a hypocrite, judging people for things you are also guilty of.

>> No.14118893

Why the fuck would The Donald refugees take interest in the fucking literature board? can't they fuck off to /v/ and /pol/ like they've been doing since 2016?

>> No.14118897

>150 IQ board
>6 months ago
More like 6 years ago. It's gradually become worse since then; I don't see the same frequency of threads regarding classic literature, radical political theory, post-modernism, post-structuralism, semiotics, aesthetics, epistemology, etc. like I used to, and the threads I do see tend to be filled with single-sentence posts by snobs in their mid-20's who don't actually read a damn thing, and if they know anything at all about the topic of discussion, they learned it from a fucking YouTube video.

>> No.14118911

He's not misinterpretating any verses there because he's not referring to any verses. He was referring to what Christians actually say. It's the fucking Christians who don't even read their own book, and they are the pieces of shit who go around scamming people with their pseudo-arguments and whining.

>> No.14118944

>He was referring to what Christians actually say. It's the fucking Christians who don't even read their own book
I'll admit that we are largely to blame for this. The problem usually stems from inadequate theological education. We caused the creationist controversy for taking the Bible as a science textbook. We've also caused a lot of problems by taking Christianity to be a philosophy, when it's clearly not. Christianity isn't meant to answer questions about the origins of the universe, evolution, the nature of language, whether free will exists, etc...

>> No.14118959


Idk why I expected better arguments from Nietzsche on this subject. This is literally r/atheism tier.

>> No.14118966

>We caused the creationist controversy
well there's good arguments for intelligent design creation

>> No.14118990

Religion is a meme and most people on this board know it. The reason you dont here a bunch of atheists speak up is because the fedora meme gets used. It's a classic "I have a meme about it so I win". Proof that shame works

>> No.14118992

Well, at this point, "theological education" is a complete waste of time, so it doesn't really matter whether Christians know what they're talking about or not. Either way, they don't anymore.

>> No.14119004

>Religion is a meme and most people on this board know it.
>having faith that God doesn’t exist

>> No.14119018

>44000 denominations
>thank god I got the right one

>> No.14119023

> "theological education" is a complete waste of time
So many people lose their faith because they have a God of the gaps theology or take Christianity to be a philosophy.
I've noticed some serious flaws with ID, but if I helps you find God, go ahead and subscribe to it.

>> No.14119026

One, Holy, _____, and Apostolic

>> No.14119028

incredibly based

>> No.14119035

>I've noticed some serious flaws with ID
i'm talking ayyy design. not to go all /x/ here but the Rh negative stuff is fascinating

>> No.14119053

What the fuck this is so true. Shame is so fucking influential people, more than what's true or right

>> No.14119063

>only one denomination can land you in heaven
Brainlet take. Like nigga just do what the Bible says

>> No.14119065

>"Other vague modern people take refuge in material metaphors; in fact, this is the chief mark of vague modern people. Not daring to define their doctrine of what is good, they use physical figures of speech without stint or shame, and , what is worst of all, seem to think these cheap analogies are exquisitely spiritual and superior to the old morality. Thus they think it intellectual to talk about things being 'high.' It is at least the reverse of intellectual; it is a mere phrase from a steeple or a weathercock. 'Tommy was a good boy' is a pure philosophical statement, worthy of Plato or Aquinas. 'Tommy lived the higher life' is a gross metaphor from a ten-foot rule.

>This, incidentally, is almost the whole weakness of Nietzsche, whom some are representing as a bold and strong thinker. No one will deny that he was a poetical and suggestive thinker; but he was quite the reverse of strong. He was not at all bold. He never put his own meaning before himself in bald abstract words: as did Aristotle and Calvin, and even Karl Marx, the hard, fearless men of thought. Nietzsche always escaped a question by a physical metaphor, like a cheery minor poet. He said, 'beyond good and evil,' because he had not the courage to say, 'more good than good and evil,' or, 'more evil than good and evil.' Had he faced his thought without metaphors, he would have seen that it was nonsense. So, when he describes his hero, he does not dare to say, 'the purer man,' or 'the happier man,' or 'the sadder man,' for all these are ideas; and ideas are alarming. He says 'the upper man.' or 'over man,' a physical metaphor from acrobats or alpine climbers. Nietzsche is truly a very timid thinker. He does not really know in the least what sort of man he wants evolution to produce."

>> No.14119067


>> No.14119071

where are my fellow non-dualists at? i feel so alone. why is it hard to consider the possibility that you are yourself "God", in your most fundamental dimension (i.e Consciousness without contents), and to dedicate your life to the realization of this? you don't even need a scripture, your very being is the living scripture, which you only need learn how to read. all you have to do is meditate and self-reflect, and see where it leads you. and don't hurt anyone either. care about people's well-being, not their ideology (as religion asks of you). form your own theological beliefs, and discuss them with others who have done the same.

>> No.14119073
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"Hell" isn't biblical or compatible with loving God. Everyone goes to Heaven.

>> No.14119082

truthpilled redpilled

>> No.14119086

Faith without works is dead

>> No.14119091

and that is in the Bible as well. Do what the Bible says. Simple

>> No.14119094

Then you can join Nietzsche’s super secret club

Congrats anon

>> No.14119096

this is a really good take, you can see it in other things like how women dress. 50 years ago dressing provocatively was largely avoided because of shameand now with all this sexual freedom and anti slut shaming girls are out here cheeked out on the regular

>> No.14119103

Chesterton was a fat fuck so anything he says I try to do the opposite

>> No.14119104

cringe, but also redpilled and based

>> No.14119105

Including doggos, of course.

>> No.14119113

heretical take, dogs don't have souls you shartlick3er

>> No.14119115

writer has no idea what the literal statement beyond good or evil means. Or he does and is so midwit that can not think outside of it.

>> No.14119119

based and redpilled

t. non-dualist

>> No.14119134

How the fuck do Christians simultaneously believe that Jesus attacked the Jews / turned the tables over on the moneychangers out of anger towards their corruption, and also went around talking about the Judaic commandments and heaven and hell and punishment and repentance?

>> No.14119147

based. wish more people would contemplate the concept

>> No.14119156

Why do you rabbis get so butthurt that Jesus replaced Mosaic Law?

>> No.14119163

>you rabbis
You're the one shilling for the Hebrew religion, not me. All that shit is Judaic. If Jesus was subversive enough to have been EXECUTED for it, there is no way he was preaching a 50% Judaic system.

>> No.14119164
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1 Corinthians
Chapter 1

26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.

>> No.14119165

if you want a genuine answer then I suggest you read the Talmud

>> No.14119168

>radical political theory, post-modernism, post-structuralism,
cringe. imagine thinking any of this is worth anything just because you wasted a lot of time reading it

>> No.14119172

>1 Corinthians
those are words of Saul of Tarsus. when did you realize that Christianity was the invention of Saul and not Jesus?

>> No.14119174

Atheism is a meme. No explanation needed, it’s just pure cringe.

>> No.14119181

Agreed. Atheists are just people who haven't yet realized that the ego is God.

>> No.14119283

well said, and they are all stuck on the Protestant definition of God. Which is why I always say atheism is a response to Protestantism.

>> No.14119317

His name is not Saul, it is Paul (For now, until he receives his new name). I don't believe he's false, the doctrines he preaches are not his, but of Christ. To this day, Paul is what I remember being the most attacked among bible writers. Why do you anti-Christians and heretics attack him so much?

>> No.14119328

Saul is the biggest subverter of Western man in all of History. He is the main person responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire.

>> No.14119392

>His name is not Saul
no no no no. his name is SAUL

>> No.14119431

his name is Jeff

>> No.14119513
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>> No.14119610

>this gets replies
What the FUCK happened to my /lit/?

>> No.14119640

I'll give you points for at least changing the title, OP, but you need to go back.


>> No.14119660
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Yeah then you could never follow Jesus. He said so Himself.
>create values for themselves
Then i'd believe he got a false sense of security. There's NOTHING this world has to offer, nor gold, nor pretty clothes, for they'll be stolen by thieves and moth-eaten and all is in vain.
Nor your petty hollow idealism would do anything either for the sun still raises everyday.
The bible has book which is more grim than Nietzsche and yet we live as if nothing trouble us.

>> No.14119670

/pol/ is now garbage ever since T_D migrated

>> No.14119723

Because he is the second-hand witness to the crucifixion of Christ. He didn't see it directly and his works mostly ethic based which only works on specific situation. Easily exploited.

>> No.14119876

> atheism is a response to Protestantism
That's true because Protestantism is a more pure form of Christianity than Catholicism.

>> No.14119897

Most people here are unironic twitter users now. 4chan got colonized. Anyone capable of original interesting thought has left. It's time to move on anon.

>> No.14119898
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>> No.14119903

kek. i'm unironically a big fan of the case against wagner. it's peak autist freddie sperging out over wagner

>> No.14119904

shame works when the people you're shaming are wrong

>> No.14119908

we need to return to Aryan religion

>> No.14119929

I'm serious. We were forcibly converted to Christianity and forgot our ancestors' worldview. Christianity destroyed the practice and much of the memory of the truth. When we realized the Christianity was false there was nothing left but nihilism (at least at first glance).

>> No.14119953

yes i agree. what's important is not so much returning to an Aryan religion but rather taking those principles and applying them to our future.

>> No.14119982

All these retards complaining about Nietzsche fail to see that he at least helped us break away from the lies that oppressed us, even if he didn't have all the right ideas.

>> No.14119987

I should say, continue to oppress, as Chistian morality more dominant than ever.

>> No.14120001

>as Chistian morality more dominant than ever.
You know this is unfair. More like the "weaker" parts of Christianity(which become perverted without union with the strong) have been utilized to justify amoral and immoral behavior.

>> No.14120019

yeah I agree. just because christianity is weakening doesn't mean its values are too. they live on through "democratic" ideals

>> No.14120029

What stronger parts? Christianity was created for the purpose of eroding normal Aryan society and morals. It was never good. Christian Europe was only ever good to the extent that it ignored the teachings of Jesus and did what we wanted instead.

>> No.14120058

Well by strong I mean the concept of carrying your cross, taking the cup from Christ, living by the 3 vows, enduring through hardship, service to others, etc. Purgative acts. Penance. If you don't think those are strong that's fine. But either way they definitely are not dominant
in modern society. Modern society is indulgent, but uses Christian concepts like, "don't judge", "love everybody", "tolerance", or whatever to justify its behavior. In that sense I agree its more dominant than ever.

>> No.14120062

Who is this christcuck?

>> No.14120065


>> No.14120079
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this fat fucking anglo christcuck slob called chesterton who looks like the fat fedora nietzsche

>> No.14120081

How so?

>> No.14120089

he's the original "your culture doesn't exist" leftist retard
>there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

>> No.14120096

he was the Mordechai Levy AKA Karl Marx of the ancient world. does that Galatians line not sound like proto-Bolshevism?

>> No.14120108

Yeah but I think that the latter degenerate values were really always the goal of Christianity. Actually looking into the early history of the church reveals that it was extremely degenerate from the start.

>> No.14120109


>> No.14120210

Actually now that I think about it, the
>carrying your cross, taking the cup from Christ, living by the 3 vows, enduring through hardship, service to others, etc. Purgative acts. Penance
are all present in liberalism in the form of fighting white privilege and bigotry, virtue signaling, doing charity for brown people, etc. This is true Christianity.

>> No.14120216

It's full of literal redditors now, there's no difference. Even if that post were true, its such a simple and conventional statement. Why reply? Because its the sort of thing you upvote on reddit.

>> No.14120231
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>be me
>whole family christian
>pray to god as kid when want something/scared
>slowly as I get older the notion disappears
>one day get really sad, like really sad
>in bed
>"God, please ju-"
>he doesen't exist
>go back to sleep and deal with the pain of existing

Think I should read Kierk, he would relate to me a lot I think.

>> No.14120249
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Don't just read Kierkegaard. Read the whole gang.

>> No.14120265

Much or little, OP. Much if you're well read in 20th-century literature but a lot less if you're not. Which many people are content to be, to their detriment.

>> No.14120279

Read your post with intense interest and a lot of the evaluatory impulse ie "did he have it worse than me?". I don't credit the idea of deities existing *but* to my intense annoyance I'm often plagued by guilt-inducing visions of the suffering fair-haired Christ that I saw so often as a fearful Catholic child.

>> No.14120289

Could easily also be interpreted as saying don't judge people at all because you could be guilty of those things of the future. Very similar but still different meaning.

>> No.14120296

see >>14119929

>> No.14120313

>the Bible tells me to do what the Bibles tells me

>> No.14120324

An atheist does not believe in any definition of a god or gods, it's just that the protestant one is the most common.

>> No.14120327

What does it mean?

>> No.14120339
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>> No.14120356

>atheism is an extreme version of protestanism
fuckin shots fired

>> No.14120370

>Atheism is a religion meme
It's such a tiring cope.

>> No.14120402

It's not possible to not believe in anything. Belief is inherent in all action. Something is God to the atheist, even if the atheist doesn't acknowledge it.

>> No.14120403

imbecile! why would you bother reading the other 3 losers? there is only NNT

>> No.14120416
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>guilt-inducing visions of the suffering fair-haired Christ

were you touching yourself again, anon? the pain of My wounds is only intensified when you do that or if you just think about it

>> No.14120420

You can believe in something strongly but that doesn't make it a god.

>> No.14120443

You operate with an underlying faith in something despite your philosophy. Even Nietzsche admits it, iirc somewhere in a letter. He wrote that all his life there was a presupposition which could not be proven that informed him on everything he thought. Wish I could locate the passage right now but you'll just have to search for it yourself or take my word for it.

>> No.14120449

Christianity/religion/theism/belief in higher metaphysical authority is an absolute necessity. In my experience as a former atheist, it boils down to this:

Selflessness vs. Selfishness. It’s that simple. It’s the core identifier to recognizing what is good and what is evil. Example: giving a woman your name, marrying her, sacrificing for her, is selfless love. Going on a binge of casual hook ups, is selfish love.

In my opinion, all manner of immoral acts is rooted in selfishness. Every single one. To consider ourselves as a master of the Universe, or that our ego is the only important entity to revere will always lead to suffering, for yourself and others.

This is why mysticism is arguably the pinnacle of the human experience.

>> No.14120463

Sure but it's dishonest to label that 'God' and call it a day. It's not explicit faith in a deity.

>> No.14120661

It's not a conscious labeling. My point is that we always unconsciously acknowledge something as God. If we didn't, we couldn't act in the world, since every action is predicated on faith in something.

>> No.14120668

Redpill me on non-dualism

>> No.14120684

We're here.
Theology needs time but we will keep speaking truth

>> No.14120804

In the version I follow, Consciousness is God. The singular, objective, eternal, uncreated, necessary, transcendent, perfect, supreme ground of reality itself. That means that YOU, as consciousness, are ultimately an individuated Monad, made out of and existing within the Infinite. Consciousness's ultimate nature is that of everything we identify as Divine: the True, the Good, the Pure, the Free, the Just, the Beautiful, Love and so on (and those essences, in my view, are merely different dimensions of a singular item, rather than being disconnected to eachother) These are the attributes which you yourself ultimately consist of. You are Consciousness at the stage of a human being, or we could say that human beings are at a stage of Consciousness. As is all of the universe. The problem is that, for reasons I won't pretend to know, we've somehow reached a partial separation to our true nature, thereby growing up believing ourselves to be merely meatseats, on a finite timeline and with no higher purpose for our existence. Thinking of ourselves as human beings experiencing, rather than experiencing being human. A very meaningful aim in life, in my view, is attempting to remove yourself of the waking ego we live under, and realize this truer nature of yours to the greatest extent you can. How is this done? Meditation, primarily. Self-inquiry, secondarily (i.e reflection on what you are). But you could also take heavy psychedelics, if you choose the easiest path. Either way, it's a noble goal to attempt to understand that which you really are. Which happens to not be the identity your mind has created for you thus far, which is merely a mind-created construction. There is also a spectrum of consciousness, involving different planes of existence and entities correspondent to them, and we ourselves are in one of the lower planes. When we die, for example, we temporarily enter a higher one, but eventually incarnate again into a lower one. There is an external God, but it has no anthropocentric characteristics (judging, forgiving, etc) and is composed solely of the otherworldly essences I described earlier. When people have NDE's or take DMT, they often report being surrounded by an all-pervading, unconditional Love. That is what God is. Most of organized religion has utterly failed to understand this as being God's true nature, preaching hellfire for infidels instead. These are just some of my basic views, and they're by no means fixed, but are very general, and amenable to change. (1/2)

>> No.14120831

I am sorry if those paragraphs sound pretentious. I don't have great writing skill, and especially not when it comes to abstract subjects like these. But I've been a believer in the philosophy for a few years now, and have a much more extensive and organized system laid out regarding it. Personal speculations for why we find Beautiful things Beautiful, for example, connecting the phenomena of Beauty back to the nature of Consciousness. In the future, I'll maybe create some kind of blog and leave an elaborate distillation of my personal non-dual opinions (which has been inspired by existing ones, but also contains elements additional to them) that anyone can read and reflect on as they wish. For now, I'd suggest researching "non-dualism" anywhere you desire, and perusing the resources which are returned to you. It's become a more trendy philosophy lately, hence there are more resources than ever before. Also don't ever be shy of simply exploring the subject for yourself, through meditation and reflection. No need to derive all of your opinions secondhand, when you yourself are a firsthand embodiment of what's being described here.

>> No.14120834

>dude ethnicity matters before the creator the universe
imagine being this small minded. The laws, principles and precepts of God far outsrips any that coincidentsl groupings can bring about.

>> No.14120836

maybe superficially. Those things were more in reference to moral duty and living righteousy

>> No.14120842

there is only the natural law

>> No.14120851

> just be the overman, just get past the knowledge that if God dosen't exist there is no meaning to life, JUST DO IT
imagine taking him seriously

>> No.14120854

Funny how it is almost always used when people don't want to say God

>> No.14120859

funny how God is used when people don't want to follow the natural law

>> No.14120868

boom roasted

>> No.14120891

>unironic no u
ah a true intellectual

>> No.14120906

one of the rare cases where the 'no u' argument is used correctly

>> No.14120914

Not really...

>> No.14120916


>> No.14120918

Not that anon but his point is that nature is not the same as idealism. You can believe any metaphysics you want, you are still operating within the natural law, which dictates your psychology. Perhaps "natural" is not a good term to use; realistic law.

>> No.14120949

i understand natural law, I was remarking on how it's essentially given the authority of God in the way that it's talked about

>> No.14120968
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ok faggot

>> No.14121033

Yes but this time it was well executed and accurate.

>> No.14121042
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>> No.14121054

such tactics only work on /pol/. nice try though retard.

>> No.14122495

Based post. Pride is the father of all sins.

>> No.14123209

>>Must I add that, in the whole New Testament, there appears but a solitary figure worthy of honour? Pilate, the Roman viceroy. To regard a Jewish imbroglio seriously -- that was quite beyond him. One Jew more or less -- what did it matter? . . . The noble scorn of a Roman, before whom the word "truth" was shamelessly mishandled, enriched the New Testament with the only saying that has any value -- and that is at once its criticism and its destruction: "What is truth?"
Surely Nietzsche would be aware that the point of the passage is to make Pilate look blind to the T/truth in front of him?

>> No.14123513

What is truth?

>> No.14124719
File: 81 KB, 850x400, quote-i-regard-consciousness-as-fundamental-i-regard-matter-as-derivative-from-consciousness-max-planck-105-61-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abstract laws are more general than the concrete, physical matter-and-field systems that obey them. If we divide reality into the concrete, and the abstract but non-concrete, math falls under the latter heading due to its generality.

That is, concrete physical reality exemplifies mathematics, but mathematics is not confined to any particular physical model; equivalently, the laws of physics are a mere subset of the laws of mathematics. So mathematics inhabits a higher (or alternatively, more basic) level of reality than the material world.

Since the human mind can reason both inductively (from the specific to the general) and deductively (from the general to the specific), it spans both levels. Therefore, mathematics is mental as opposed to merely physical in nature.

The laws of physics are a mere subset of the laws of mathematics, and the laws of nature are discovered, not invented, physical reality is ultimately mental in character as well. However, although this applies even to gravity, we are corporeally locked into a physical compartment of abstract mental reality within which we are not free to treat gravity as a mere “concept”.

This helps explain why we can’t fly by the power of thought alone. From observation and cognition we rely upon the universal invisible laws of logic and morality which justifies the existence of a God not limited to the Christian conception. From my conception it appears that we should align with this God by maintaining individuality, freedom, self-efficiency and a common connection to others ends within nature and society.

>> No.14124862

One of his most readable texts

>> No.14125099

I converted to Islaim

>> No.14125110

certainly better than christianity but still a meme religion nevertheless. also muhammad was a pedophile

>> No.14125192

>not recognizing the reddit spacing in the OP
why have all the retards migrated to lit?

>> No.14125195

nice try newfag, spacing between green text quotes has always been a thing

>> No.14125214

>he realy believes this
wew lad what ever happend to lurking before posting

>> No.14125245

You can repeat the same reasoning until we all were practicing the same unga religion in africa. people were forcibly converted to aryan religion too, non sequitur.

Ive gotten more out of monotheistic world view rather than the retrofitting of "Traditional" religions. Even most of my favorite pagan writers, cicero, plato etc. Used the idea of god singular in their philosophical reasoning and only used the "gods" as trite cultural touch stones.


Natural law in the modern sense is mostly a psudenym for god. Look at pretty much any foundation works on it: Locke, hobbes, etc. The intelligencia of the early modern age basically used God as a byword for natural law and visa versa.

>> No.14125250

>Natural law in the modern sense is mostly a psudenym for god
that's just your interpretation

>> No.14125273

No. It isnt. I literally just said, look at Hobbes or Locke, or Rousseau, the guys who found the modern idea of Natural law in the first place. They equated their diesm with natural law and that was their jumping off point. People have secularized the idea, because they are durable and widely applicable concepts, but they came from a theistic perspecitve.

>> No.14126147

Pleb view:

>based Nietzsche BTFOs Christians and god and was right about everything BASED!!!!

Even more pleb view:

>Nietzsche ended up burning in hell and so will you at that rate

Based view

>nietzsche wandered around the bardos after death wondering about the purpose of his life and awed at his continued existence despite having thought while in his physical body that this was all there was to life. After about 40 years spent in the after-death realms, years of unspeakable experiences, thoughts, and encounters, Nietzsche takes on a new incarnation in America in which he experiments heavily with psychedelic drugs as a young adult, looks into various cults and religious movements, and eventually himself ends up becoming a cult leader. This cult leader is now dead and having his own variously confused and enlightening experiences in the after-death realm

>> No.14126185

Do not imagine thunder! I am one of the infinite. I am a god! There are gods that live within me, the gods of a world in the midst of the stars. When I say to them: "I am your god," they hear, but do not believe." He then turned and walked the floor of the chamber, a deep, long-necked man, his face and voice as deep and clear as the music of a stream, and all at once a great fire burst out in his heart, and his voice as sweet as a lute.

"So much, thou knowest! It is my desire to be a god, and to live for ever; but now I am alone, and I am a god!"

He turned around and, turning to the musicians, said:

"To-morrow morning, in my song, I shall begin my music."

And the musicians all answered: "As thou art, so are we. Let us to-morrow begin!"

>> No.14126209

> Loses his mind over a horse.
> Isolates himself.
> Dies.


>> No.14126326


>> No.14126374

In a more orthodox sense you are right. "Hell" is when one is too self-absorbed/blind to see the truth of GOD and instead burns in jealousy and hatred in the face of His love and power.

>> No.14126378

>muh secular reading

>> No.14126655

I go to church and am seriously considering a vocation :)

Read Ratzinger retard.

>> No.14126773

>seriously considering a vocation
don't do it!

>> No.14128040

Nietzsche is also alive retard. My pastor told me

>> No.14129124

>Be me
>Be Nietzche sperg
>Heh Christians are such retard fags
>Read Kierkegaard
>LMAO Nitch was such a retard fag
>Looks like Jesus is the savior for me
>Based Kierkegaard

>> No.14129149

which Kierkegaard books do you recommend?

>> No.14129214

Fear and Trembling is his only essential work.
The sickness unto death and Concluding Unscientific Postscript if Fear and Trembling left you wanting more.

His works on Aesthetics are a decadent waste of time.

>> No.14129218

Where start with Taleb?
Swanny Boii?

>> No.14129229


>> No.14129230


>> No.14129290

Who are the bottom 2?

>> No.14130289


>> No.14131062

Taleb shillers are quickly becoming the most annoying group of posters on this board assuming that all these posts aren't just the old boomer Arab fuck shilling himself on here.

>> No.14131092
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>> No.14131095

Left is Pascal. Right is William James.

>> No.14131177

Okay, Arab boomer

>> No.14131201
File: 338 KB, 2648x981, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-rDAbOqWygZbYJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nassim Nicholas Taleb (/ˈtɑːləb/; Arabic: نسيم نقولا طالب, alternatively Nessim or Nissim; born 1960) is a Lebanese-American (of Antiochian Greek descent)
>Supporters of this theory of Lebanese ethnogenesis maintain that the Lebanese are descended from Phoenicians and are not Arabs.

>> No.14131272

If it looks like an Arab, talks like an Arab, and has an Arab name, it's probably and Arab.

>> No.14132074


When you're such a hillbilly you don't even consider Christus Victor. Sad.

>> No.14132118

>>Let us not be led astray: they say “judge not,” and yet they condemn to hell whoever stands in their way. In letting God sit in judgment they judge themselves; in glorifying God they glorify themselves; in demanding that every one show the virtues which they themselves happen to be capable of—still more, which they must have in order to remain on top—they assume the grand air of men struggling for virtue, of men engaging in a war that virtue may prevail. “We live, we die, we sacrifice ourselves for the good” (—“the truth,” “the light,” “the kingdom of God”): in point of fact, they simply do what they cannot help doing.

Wouldn't this make them "strong" per you standards, sweaty?

>> No.14132134


Anglo Theology is worse than Anglo Empiricism BUT I will give it up, this a great summary of NEETzsche.

>> No.14132146

create what values? you aren't creating anything you are just adopting values that have existed for millenia

>> No.14132153


Terrible. You cannot argue for any of these statements.

>> No.14132219

>What has /lit/ done to overcome Christianity
Hung out with Christians and realized how retarded they are

>> No.14133246

So, now that God is dead, what are we actually going to replace it with? Defeating Christianity intellectually is one thing, but the social institutions it brought about have not been replaced except by radical ideology and "diversity".

>> No.14133252

looks fine as fuck on that drawing on the upper left

>> No.14133263

Doing good work here anon. Judeo-Christians are a plague, and faith is not the source of piety for Indo European peoples.

>> No.14133290

>The Christian resolve to find the world ugly and bad, has made the world ugly and bad.
Leftists are making it so.
Every country in the world needs a favela! It is vital to have low IQ savages cross borders for this task.
All the buildings need to be ugly - the human model deviced in secular universities cannot withstand anything more, and to that model we sacrifice.
We sacrifice endlessly.

>> No.14133314

I never was one. I do believe in God, but Abrahamic stories have always felt alien, ugly and dull to me.

>> No.14133351

That is one of the most resonant Nietzsche passages I have ever read. I will definitely look into him further. Summarizes my opinions of Judeo-Christianity very well.