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14114962 No.14114962 [Reply] [Original]

How can I be a warrior rather than just a soldier?

>> No.14115013

With a caste system.

>> No.14115020
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like this

>> No.14115148


>> No.14116159

deconstruct the nation-state and write poetry, crush the wrists of non-combatants such as women, children and the elderly

>> No.14116170


Did you never think that the nation-state supports and creates your misogyny as a means of slavery, and that even the choice of warrior is one that distracts from you being what you could make of yourself?

>> No.14116199

Isn't that what Evola is all about?

>> No.14116211

this is your brain on us state dept propaganda

>> No.14116359
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Warriors are created by war.

>> No.14116599

There are two types of men- those who build and live behind walls
And those who live without walls, nomadic pastoralists from the steppe who regularly brought terror, slaughter and rape to the wall builders over and over and over again, often killing millions in a single war. They were warriors. The wall builders fought them with soldiers, and they won only 1 out of every 100 battles with warriors.
The only race of hybrid warriors and wall builders were certain Greek city states during certain periods.

You are a wall builder, OP. You will never be a warrior.

>> No.14116609

soldier is a job, warrior is a way of life

>> No.14116690

Stupidest thing I have ever read.

>> No.14116784

write a book and movie

>> No.14116952

fuck nomadic retards

>> No.14116996
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By becoming yourself through martial struggle, and martial adventure; by fighting through this world of bondage, and attaining to the image of your Spirit. Selfmaintenance via soldierly regimen conduces to excellence of one's warcraft/s, and is the path of the Warriorsage, and the optimal path of the Hero.

>> No.14117108

U mad wallboi?

>> No.14117130

Never trust an artillerist to tell you about being a warrior.

>> No.14117433
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>enslaving women is bad!

>> No.14117442

Fight not because you are forced to or played to, but because you want to. Hezbollah and Hamas are 100 times braver than any US Marine.

>> No.14117519

it was a joke you fucking imbecile, do you really think i think crushing the wrists of noncombatants is something to aspire to