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/lit/ - Literature

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14113153 No.14113153 [Reply] [Original]

If you're a zoomer who was raised online, is it possible to distance yourself from memespeak and internet lingo?

My speech has (literally) been shaped by the internet. I even describe things irl with based and cringe and say online expressions.

Any books on idiolect osmosis?

>> No.14113417

Just quit the internet and read some books for a month and you'll be cured

>> No.14113632

When I pass old people I say "der boomer..." in my head

>> No.14114653

the only thing i really say is "me irl" and "unironically". id say hit yourself in the head anytime a meme passes thru your mouth, no matter the situation.

>> No.14114664
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how the fuck do I leave this place

>> No.14114715


>> No.14114721

You are browsing /lit/, read some decent books to shape the way of expressing yourself besides internet memetalk.

Also avoid to overuse memes, it's obnoxious and one of the worst things about internet culture.

>> No.14114735

lmao, people will laugh at you but I have quit this place multiple times for long periods and I do feel like the mere act of reading the bullshit on here has a negative impact in some way, and probably makes you dumber. it is an info diet thing, if you spend your time reading stupid zoomer jokes and lingo your later thoughts will be generated from an amalgam of this content + whatever else, whereas if you spent that time studying or doing literally anything not as retarded as consuming e-culture, your thoughts would have a better source to spring from, if that makes sense.

of course I'm right here with you fucking up my sleep schedule on 4chan but I'm done for a while again after tonight. spend more time reading better things and cleanse the zoomerfog from your brain.

>> No.14114752

See you tomorrow faggot

>> No.14114755

that might be true as I'm probably not going to bed until 2am so I might come back here after midnight before I go to sleep ;)

>> No.14114878

Why would you ever want to leave? You can post here and lead a relatively normal life. I am a pavement repair contractor turned former NEET. During the day I act like a normie because that's what you gotta do to get by and make tons of shekels, but nobody knows I read and post on /lit/ when I'm at home which is whenever I'm not working. I don't know what I'd do without this place. It keeps me in check from all of the shitty normie interactions. You guys are my lifeline to heaven.

>> No.14116241

>pavement repair contractor
how did you get into this?