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14112596 No.14112596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What separates you from them?

They didn't fuck up any more than you did, they didn't suffer any more than you did, they didn't choose to be this way. But there they are, barely sentient enough to recognise their own existence. It's sad in a way. No matter what they do, no matter how much you personally coached them, there'd be no chance of bringing them over to this side. They just weren't born with the capacity for it. It's like looking at a different species, but knowing there's only a fine line separating you. They're doomed to their fate and they're oblivious to it. Chance. Pure, blind, chance is all that determined your place in this world.

>> No.14112629

>what separates you from brits
I'm American, so roughly 200lbs of blubber and the Atlantic ocean.

>> No.14112635
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>> No.14112646


>> No.14112649

That situation looks pretty comfy though desu

>> No.14112650

This. Goodness is a choice. Goodness is chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.

>> No.14112662

>niggers gonna nigg
>hoes gonna hoe
>goys gonna goy
>What separates you from them?

Self respect

>> No.14112675
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He is with them as much as He is with you, Anon.

>> No.14112694

Not if they deliberately turn away and come against the righteous. They become the enemies of God, and will be witness His wrath

>> No.14112729

>hehe what a bunch of sheep, going out and enjoying themselves with their friends, while I lie in bed, clutching my phone, arguing about race on a literature board

>> No.14112760

>Mortal sin is commonly defined by theologians to be ”a turning away from the immutable good.” St. Thom., par. 1, q. 24, a. 4; a turning ones back on the sovereign good. Of this God complains by his prophet, saying: ”Thou hast forsaken me, saith the Lord; thou art gone backward. ” (Jer. xv. 6.) Ungrateful man, He says to the sinner, I would never have separated myself from thee; thou hast been the first to abandon me: thou art gone backwards; thou hast turned thy back upon me.

>> No.14112775

>Phoneposter projecting
Ask your mummy and daddy for a computer for christmas

>> No.14112781

have you sincerely never been drunk eating chips in a bus stop?
if you live in the uk and have sincerely never, then what separates you from your pic is a social life, and i doubt it that you're better off without it. it is a good pic though, but stop thinking you're above others especially if you post on here

>> No.14112785

Stop thinking you're one of us just because you post here, go back to your chips cretin

>> No.14112786

>enjoying themselves
Distracting themselves.
>with their friends
“Detach the heart from creatures," says St. Teresa, "and you shall find God."

>> No.14112796


>> No.14112807

They're happy and have someone.

>> No.14112811

you guys truly seem enlightened, sorry

>> No.14112818


>> No.14112829

>In offending God the sinner does two evils: he abandons God, the sovereign good, who is able to make him happy, and turns to creatures, who are incapable of giving any real happiness to the soul.
They're not happy, which is why they seek to be contented by a creature.

>> No.14112849
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>What separates you from them?
friends. I'm jelly desu. Don't really care for the rest of your bloviated drivel.

>> No.14112852

You shouldn't be envious of the friendship of a scumbag. In fact, such a person is of negative value to your life. It's better to have no friends than bad friends.

>> No.14112877

Any friend is better than no friend. Better to have an experience than none at all. Something is better than nothing.

>> No.14112888

>the one skinny girl isn't eating anything

>> No.14112890

What about the people in the pic automatically makes them scumbags?

>> No.14112916

That they are waiting for public transportation should serve as a strong metaphor in itself

>> No.14112920

nothing; me on the left

>> No.14112928

I would just die rather than be tortured for a year in someones basement and killed

>> No.14112937


>> No.14112941
File: 123 KB, 527x440, 1532292505197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for this OP. thank you for reminding me that no matter how shit my life is, or how shit it gets, at least i'm not one of them.

>> No.14112944

Imagine never reading the confessions of St. Augustine.

>> No.14112946

>A terrible friend is better than no friend
You are retarded

>> No.14112954

The Pacific Ocean luckily

>> No.14112960

You probably haven't felt true isolation. If you spend years and years without a friend, even the shittiest friend would seem like a blessing.

>> No.14112971

The advice and guidance of an old guy. I was rolling around drunk and sticking it in Mexican Tinder girls (yes, I’m a fucking STUD) three years ago, just a real fuckin empty shell of a mongoloid. But this guy gave me the advice I needed, and I started reading books, and now I’m only half as retarded as I was then.
This OP seems like a cope. Calvinist pessimism. Redemption is possible, but it is rare and precious, not the rule!

>> No.14112978

Instead of having recourse to God, or even yourself, you had recourse to creatures. Ones you cannot even obtain, which only makes your situation more pathetic. You are a fool, making idols out of men.

>> No.14112999

>Thank you God that I am not like this man


>> No.14113011

Stud, in other words, a promiscuous man, which indeed, does explain your lechery and itself is not a sign of great looks, talent or intelligence in any large degree.

>> No.14113036
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Stop larping.

>> No.14113041

Yeah. I’m a lecherous Chinaman, a lurking Fu Manchu. Trying not to be!

>> No.14113043


I wonder what Londonfrog would say as he walked past this scene. Would he be envious of the guy with a girl? Feel misery looking at the thots as he is simultaneously aroused and disgusted? Or simply wish he also had a bag of chips to get stuck into?

>> No.14113053

It's funny that you all think yourselves so superior to normies, even though they're happy and you're miserable.

>> No.14113055

t. redditor with stupid bants because he is used to getting upboated for such retardation
Time to go back.

>> No.14113058

If they were happy, they would not get flat out drunk, stuff their faces, and be waiting for public transit on a bus filled to the brim with other scum.

>> No.14113065

Have you considered that this is what makes them happy?

>> No.14113074

I don't know for certain that I am better than them.

>> No.14113088
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Transitory pleasures are fleeting and unsatisfying. They are consumptuary, vain, and worthless. They provide pleasure, pleasure that is always going away and at the end of the day distracts from the pursuit and attainment of happiness.

>> No.14113113
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>Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you.

>> No.14113146

That quote is absolutely brilliant.

However, why is drinking and eating fast food at a bus stop "shameful"? You absolute fucking loser. Puritanism isn't cool dickhead. Grow up.

>> No.14113168

Knowledge is inherently Puritan, making lit a Puritan board. Take your trash and gtfo. This isn’t a support group for you and your human swine of a life twat

>> No.14113176

How can you agree with that quote and not see how it applies to fast food and drinking? I drink all the time but I dont pretend it's anything but a vice

>> No.14113181

that is pretty much how the end of friday nights look for me

>> No.14113227
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>isn't cool dickhead. Grow up.

>> No.14113241
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how do we force them all to stop littering. any means would be acceptable to me.

>> No.14113254

Then you're a low life piece of shit.

>> No.14113276

>What separates you from them?
They seem happy.

I’m not.

>> No.14113289

I have no problem with these people other than they're the first to try and get plastic straws banned because muh environment while treating the environment like shit.

>> No.14113292

The dailystoic.com part ruins the image

>> No.14113297


>> No.14113306

Looks like they're having an ok time while you're on 4channel seething about their existence. KYS.

>> No.14113311

t. hedonist filth

>> No.14113325

Which part of the bible is this from? You have peaked my interest

>> No.14113327
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>having a sandwich with someone you like
haha, seriously end yourself.

>> No.14113333

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 1:18

Are they not happier than me? Are they not more content in their existence? Is it not a simpler, happier existence simply living rather than question why things are as they are?

>> No.14113368

The Sunday Sermons of St. Alphonsus

>> No.14113386


Sermon X Fifth Sunday After the Ephiphany
On the Pains of Hell

>In offending God the sinner does two evils: he abandons God, the sovereign good, who is able to make him happy, and turns to creatures, who are incapable of giving any real happiness to the soul. Of this injury which men commit against him, the Lord complains by his prophet Jeremiah: “For my people have done two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and have digged to themselves cisterns broken cisterns that can hold no water.” (Jer. ii. 13.) Since, then, the sinner turns his back on God, he shall be tormented in hell, by the pain arising from the loss of God, of which I shall speak on another occasion [see the Sermon for the nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost], and since, in offending God, he turns to creatures, he shall be justly tormented by the same creatures, and principally by fire.

>“The vengeance on the flesh of the ungodly is fire and worms.” (Eccl vii. 19.) Fire and the remorse of conscience are the principal means by which God takes vengeance on the flesh of the wicked. Hence, in condemning the reprobate to hell, Jesus Christ commands them to go into eternal fire.: “Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire.” (Matt. xxv. 41.) This fire, then, shall be one of the most cruel executioners of the damned.

>Even in this life the pain of fire is the most terrible of all torments. But St. Augustine says, that in comparison of the fire of hell, the fire of this earth is no more than a picture compared with the reality, “In cuius comparatione noster hie ignus depictus est.” Anselm teaches, that the fire of hell as far surpasses the fire of this world, as the fire of the real exceeds that of painted fire. The pain, then, produced by the fire of hell is far greater than that which is produced by our fire because God has made the fire of this earth for the use of man, but he has created the fire of hell purposely for the chastisement of sinners; and therefore, Tertullian says, he has made it a minister of his justice. ”Longe alius est ignis, qui usui humano, alms qui Dei justitiæ deservit.” This avenging fire is always kept alive by the wrath of God. ”A fire is kindled in my rage. ” (Jer. xv 14)

>6 “And the rich man also died, and he was buried in hell.” (Luke xvi. 22.) The damned are buried in the fire of hell; hence they have an abyss of fire below, an abyss of fire above, and an abyss of fire on every side. As a fish in the sea is surrounded by water, so the unhappy reprobate are encompassed by fire on every side. The sharpness of the pain of fire may be inferred from the circumstance, that the rich glutton complained of no other torment. ”I am tormented in this flame.” (Ibid, v 23.)

>> No.14113393


>> No.14113398


>> No.14113410

Did you mean IQ?

>> No.14113412

Thanks guys
Cheers, I learned something new today.

>> No.14113413

Isn't this reverse engineering though. Just because you have someone doesn't mean you've offended God. However, going out clubbing is definitely usually degenerate. Good quote though. Post more

>> No.14113420

They don't like, but put up with each other. Because they are unthinking herd animals, they settle for each other.

>> No.14113424

geography not your strong point anon

>> No.14113427

very based

>> No.14113433

>Good quote though. Post more
Just a constant stream of good quotes and thoughts.

>> No.14113441
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>Another infidel will ask: How can God justly punish with eternal torments a sin that lasts but a moment? I answer, that the grievousness of a crime is measured not by its duration, but by the enormity of its malice. The malice of mortal sin is, as St. Thomas says, infinite. (1, 2, q. 87, art. 4.) Hence, the damned deserve infinite punishment; and, because a creature is not capable of suffering pains infinite in point of intensity, God, as the holy doctor says, renders the punishment of the damned infinite in extension by making it eternal.

>Moreover, it is just, that as long as the sinner remains in his sin, the punishment which he deserves should continue. And, therefore, as the virtue of the saints is rewarded in Heaven, because it lasts for ever, so also the guilt of the damned in Hell, because it is everlasting, shall be chastised with everlasting torments. ”Quia non recipit causæ remedium,” says Eusebius Emissenus, “carebit fine supplicium.” The cause of their perverse will continues: therefore, their chastisement will never have an end. The damned are so obstinate in their sins, that even if God offered pardon, their hatred for him would make them refuse it.

>> No.14113447

>illusion of asymmetric insight

>> No.14113500

The main thing that separates us is our opinion respecting the edibility of Subway sandwiches.

>> No.14113517

i like the new pizza subs desu

>> No.14113580

I've been there a couple times, but I didn't look like that while doing it

>> No.14113664

Ah, a fellow xkcd fan i see. But no, those other people on the train are not having the same deep thoughts i am, so sorry. We are not equal afterall. They really are as empty headed as they look, but you basedboys can't reckon with that. Your solipsism reveals itself in projecting its perception into normal (worker drone) heads. this is rife in high minded television writing

>> No.14113672


>> No.14114093

>What separates you from them?
dental care and freedom