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/lit/ - Literature

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14111824 No.14111824 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.14111850
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>Anime avatar

>> No.14111857

is this one of those frogtwitter guys

>> No.14111862

I follow that guy. He's a fucking loser.

>> No.14111869

isn’t that the guy who talks about wanting to have been sexually taken advantaged of by grown women when he was a teenager

>> No.14111877

You might not understand that but if you are slightly social and join gatherings of 25 years old who consider themselves sort of intellectuals you will figure out why this twitter post is slightly on the right side.
They all speak of great ideas, great emotions and when you ask yourself do they even know what they are talking about, have they had such life experiences?
The answer is no, they simply spit lines from memorized pages hold dearly into the brain with the sole purpose of bringing them praise. Abnoxious kids refusing to become men and actually live their lives according to their own strength and not through pages. Besides that if you get to spend more time with them you will realise how far their actions fall from their speeches, weak weak weak.

>> No.14111886


>> No.14111891

Really? I find philosophy students to be perpetually self hating, drowning in a sea of self-doubt mixed with a disgust for the world. This of person tends to be very humble. Maybe I just picked the right friends.

>> No.14111900

>neet telemachus
>anime avatar
>writing in such a way that you seem down to Earth

>> No.14111914

why do you follow him?

>> No.14111916


A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy

>> No.14111918

These people, including my former self here, fall in the same category, what good reason does a young have to hate himself? When i look back i only realise that all that self hate was just the opposite side of self improvement's coin. Hating yourself is the first step in getting rid of him and create the new one.
You have at least 50 more years to live and you hold onto your small failures as they are going to be eternal, stain your life for good. Self-hating is also weakness. It is unavoidable though, we all turn into men sooner or later, only then you stop being a slave of your ideas which deep down are not really yours.
Both are common diseases, the happy one is considered a fool because he can't see the reality, the sad ones are dumb because they are wasting their life. They are both memeing the shit out of themselves. Get away from all of them anon.

>> No.14111925

dont we all?

>> No.14111929

>Get away from all of them anon.
whats the solution then?

>> No.14111964
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>healthy people don't think

>> No.14111968


>> No.14111980

To know how pathetic I could become if I thought like him

>> No.14111986

>what good reason for self hate
Because the man who despises himself respects himself as one who despises. If philosophy makes you dumb, it is you who is dumb. That's it.

>> No.14112009


>> No.14112012


>> No.14112034

retard "HUTRT DURR TESTOSTERONE" brainlet who thinks Fight Club is literally all about how today's man should stop being a pussy.
People who go through hell are no wiser than kids who are already at the top.
You become wise with PURE chance, not by lifting fucking weights.

>> No.14112046

Nothing in this thread makes any sense to me

>> No.14112052
File: 55 KB, 602x723, Piccinni_L'Avaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Jokes on this lady boy. No one with a genuine interest in philosophy partakes in hopes of seeming cool or #deep for his friends. I don't even talk about philosophy to others. It's to nuanced to discuss if someone doesn't know any of the basic concepts.

>> No.14112066

He's a gigantic narcissist bourgeois layabout whose life work is a poster on social mediam. An immensely small little man.

>> No.14112069

I had to learn this the hard way. Besides my best friend, I’ve been telling people I stopped reading philosophy and they are so happy about it. They’re reasoning wasn’t because I would bring it up often, I wouldn’t, but that they wanted me to think it was useless like they did. Muggles are so insecure when it comes to deep thinking, it’s frightening.

>> No.14112073

Who said that?

>> No.14112082

Only cringe tards and weirdos talk about philosophy or literature to their non-reading friends. These are usually the pseuds anyways who love to to present a facade that they are intelligent, superior, and interesting

>> No.14112091

Why do anime avatars always act like they're God's gift to wisdom?

>> No.14112099

Good god, anon. That is absolutely surreal. Keep honing your magic.

>> No.14112106

When I was younger I didn't like reading philosophy too much since I often had an existential crisis the night after reading.
So as time went on, even after I starting formulating my own world view and finding new things to read since I was never completely put off, I never wanted to talk to anybody about philosophy. Having an existential crisis was necessary for me but not fun.

>> No.14112121

Thanks anon

>> No.14112135


>> No.14112149


Didn't even bother reading that.
Fuck off

>> No.14112153

I can't remember if it was plato or aristotle who said the best time to get into philosophy was after 30. You should actually spend your 20s learning mathematics, sciences, and applying yourself to business and acquiring experience. Reading a bunch of philosophers when you're 21 will usually make you an insufferable cunt. I say this as an insufferable cunt who read a lot of philosophy in my 20s.

>> No.14112204

Plato didn't know everything. There are philosophies that can help young people onto the path of self-actualization.

>> No.14112218

Lol so true. It's hard to talk about actual literature here (aka writing of stories not writing about how you can't get laid). You get a bunch of incels whining about how it's supposedly not smart enough even though it's some of the best selling works on earth.

>> No.14112225

>I can’t remember
>talking out of my ass

Plato and Xenophon were both in their twenties when Socrates was put to death. Does pretending you know what your talking about at least feel good?

>> No.14112232

>I visit a board that makes me miserable

so this is what intelligence looks like

>> No.14112298

>You get a bunch of incels whining about how it's supposedly not smart enough even though it's some of the best selling works on earth.
What books are you referring to and why would something being a best seller mean anything about its quality?

>> No.14112433

dubs of truth

people who only read philosophy will find their minds constantly thinking of philosophy (ohmygod, who would have thought!?)
and then you talk to normies and all youre thinking
>i just wanna talk about philosophy
>but these cunts are talking about how the Rockets just shit themselves vs the Heats
>quick, find anything tangentially philosophy related thing to divert the conversation to philosophy
>nice, i got a couple of nods and "hey, thats interesting"
>now is my chance to sperg out and display my infinite wisdom collected from sparknotes summaries i have read
>bow before my towering intellect ya little shits
>oh no, no one invites me to hang out anymore, i wonder why

>> No.14112437

I don't really read philosophy, this seems like a big projection
did he read a lot of it and turn into a huge cunt?
I know the second part to be true haha

>> No.14112471

Why the fuck would you wanna hang out with those people again

>> No.14112479

you'd love the fascinating literary discussions on r/books

>> No.14112481

>he didn't read plato

>> No.14112517

Extremely true. By the time you get to Hegel it's over

>> No.14112522

i dont hang out with anyone. theres a reason im on moot's friendster.

but not everything has to be "well you see, Hegel predicted all of this. when your testicles swing too far to the right, and then too far to the left, you will find that the appropriate equilibrium can be found in the middle, where your ballsack hangs below your peepee"

there is value and appeal to sperging about the beauty of basketball, the emotional appeal of Chet Baker, or how you know Chuunibyou is a retarded show but godamn did you fucking love it

>> No.14112530

I am still struggling to finish Aristotle's On Rhetoric. I think it's been a year now and I'm at page 205.

>> No.14112574

Not ordered by favorites, just a list of my best personal titles (all best selling, for a reason obviously)

The Fault in Our Stars
The Da Vinci Code
The Lost Symbol
The God Delusion
The Hunger Games
The Secret
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

What a coincidence all of these start with the word The, lmao!

>> No.14112581

what about The Bible

>> No.14112761

is there anything these people do that isn't boring or profoundly embarrassing to them? i don't fucking get it

>> No.14112848

He's kinda right, though. I've never met a well-adjusted person who cared about philosophy. It's always the losers and social outcasts.

>> No.14112854

>Isn't able to comprehend philosophy
>Says it's shit
Haha classic

>> No.14112862

Psychiatry will help you I promise

>> No.14112864

You don't need to have experiences in order to talk about certain ideas and ideologies.

>> No.14112871

Your definition of a well-adjusted person is someone's else's idea of a thoughtless retard.

>> No.14112879

More like you've never met a well-adjusted person that is open about philosophy. Typically it's a very private and personal thing.

>> No.14112882

>yfw philosophy was solved when Shankara wrote his Brahma Sutra Bhasya at the age of 11

>> No.14112911

>/lit/ - Twitter screenshots that made OP mad

>> No.14112931

This but unironically

>> No.14112962

>reading philosophy to improve your personality or endow you with greater emotional depth
Everything, and I mean literally everything, every single activity, for these people is nothing but a fashion choice, some addition to their sacred concept of self that they are carefully molding. It is all narcissism, they can't even understand the concept of just being interested in something, it has to be some part of muh identity

>> No.14113321
File: 623 KB, 1052x592, navy seal pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh i live in a literal mansion you cranyon-chugging mouthbreather
i don't go outside more than once a week, but why would i?

>> No.14113565

He is completely right, you know.

>> No.14113584

How would reading philosophy make someone dumber? He's more than likely complaining about pseuds.

>> No.14113617

>having a twitter
that shit is soul poison.

>> No.14113625

Literally half my philosophy professors are Chads or Stacy for their age group.

>> No.14113634

>it's another screencap from literally who on twitter

well done faggot

>> No.14113659

>Muggles are so insecure when it comes to deep thinking, it’s frightening.
Holy fucking shit anon, even if you wrote that purely ironically, what the fuck did i just read

>> No.14113697

Depends. I tend to see that people who have experienced some form of hardship in their life gravitate most towards philosophy rather than people whose lives have been calm and uneventfull. Offcourse I know some people which have had a pretty good life and dive into it as well.

>> No.14113714

I hate these projection posts from insects. Some people read shit because it's interesting and they are interested in it, not everybody does things with the end goal of social masturbation. I read philosophy for the same reason I read history and engineering books, I like learning about human civilization. Yeah bro I'm totally spending time reading about crimean khanate-russo wars to impress my friends at an la coffeeshop. I can't wait to discuss whitehead to impress that 19 year old thot I want to fuck. Literally 99.99% don't give a fuck about any of this and the ones that do know nothing insightful can be had talking about these things in an hour long conversation. That guy who spends time carving wooden ducks after work isn't trying to gain social points, this is no different

>> No.14113772
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based animeposter

>> No.14113778
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>> No.14113821

he's not wrong. I've never met a philosophy major that wasn't a mess of a person.

>> No.14113828

>It's a twitter user becomes self-aware episode

>> No.14113843

You’re the only sensible person that knows what they’re talking about. As if Plato gave advice like “spend your twenties getting business experience” like he was some Boomer reading the Wall Street Journal.

>> No.14113852
File: 82 KB, 278x368, mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regularly hang out with people who unironically describe themselves as hegelians and deleuzians and shit and they're fun as fuck. they all do a ton of drugs too. i've always wnated to know the correlation there. the people i know who are the most well read in philosophy and theory also get k-holed pretty regularly.

house parties are given a new dimension when theres a possibility someone will start talking about dialectics on blow. based on the anime avi though, this person doesn't go outside enough to ever meet people like that so they only interact with twitter philosophers who, yeah, are probably pretty annoying.

>> No.14113871

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.14113873

Pretty wild to think that highly intelligent and curious people who willingly engage seriously with difficult academic material wouldn’t immediately jive with people’s who’s most profound thought is what beer to drink during the game. Crazy.

>> No.14113877

>i've always wnated to know the correlation there
It's because they're losers, anon.

>> No.14113887

Honestly, these people sound pretty cool. I've always been too meek for hard drug use and my friends were the same, but your post brings back good memories of getting stoned as shit and talking theory. Knowing that what you're saying is such high bullshit but enjoying it anyway. A lovely feeling

>> No.14113890
File: 70 KB, 500x775, 79754220-D2C3-49C3-954A-DBC8ABA3692B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. It’s ridiculous the amount of value we place on the personal preferences of brainless thots and the lowest common denominator. Imagine constructing your entire personality and being around being as appealing to them as possible. Live for you, do what you think is interesting. 99.99% of people don’t give a shit about my hobbies, which makes the ones who do all the more special. I don’t need to dilute myself for the approval of normies.

>> No.14113894

maybe, but at least they're fun. if i had to choose between hanging out with the normies i see populating most bars in my city versus the fun losers, i'm choosing losers.

>> No.14113909

I've actually noticed something similar. I can get along with and have a good time with pretty much anyone; eggheads, tradies, people who think they are the wolf of wall street, etc. People who are into philosophy just come off as insufferable wankers who wear silly jumpers and have never had an original thought.

>> No.14113912

You're confusing MFA students with philosophy students.

>> No.14113927

>99.99% of people don’t give a shit about my hobbies, which makes the ones who do all the more special.
Fucking this.

>> No.14113945

Unbelievable. What are you, 10?

>> No.14113997

Relax anon, i didn't say my words are applied for everyone, as a matter of fact i agree with you. My point was that most of the times i have found myself in these cases and it is disgusting.
Sometimes i wonder why people will go that far to argue with me, did you even understand what i said? Never said philosophy makes you dumb what i said is that philosophy doesn't necessarily make you smart and wise, someone worthy of admiration.

>> No.14114475

>apply yourself to business

>> No.14114519

Based retard

>> No.14114560

"well-adjusted" just means you're on unconscious autopilot mode throughout life because you don't have the capacity for deep thought. These people are similar to ants. Anyone who can philosophize does so. The unexamined life is not a good life.

>> No.14114598

Because well-adjusted people are mostly are mostly ignorant.
You need to suffer emotional pain in order to be reborn as a rational being, if not, you will never be able to have more than a superficial knowledge of things.

>> No.14114609

This. This is why women are stupid and obnoxious creatures. They never experience deep emotional pain like men do. As soon as they're in pain, they call out for help and some betas rush over to console them and listen to their tl;dl petty problems. If you are well-adjusted and mostly ignorant, consider yourself a woman because that is what you are.

>> No.14115247

This anon definitely knows women and you should all listen to him. If you have little to no experience with irl women, this is the anon's advice you should take. He is dropping facts out here that could only have come from experience with women irl.

>> No.14115249

>The unexamined life is not a good life.
biggest cope

>> No.14115251

I thought he was a faggot by his post but now that you've given me this information he's based. Fuck philosofaggots.

>> No.14115258

underrated kek

>> No.14115526

>implying that means you’re well adjusted
You haven’t disproved him retard

>> No.14115662

>all these triggered retards
Philosophy-cucks absolutely BTFO.

>> No.14115686

>I've never met a well-adjusted person who cared about philosophy.

Let me guess, you definition of well adjusted is the one you got from television and advertisement?

>> No.14116155

that statement makes you far more pathetic than you know

>> No.14116496
File: 80 KB, 850x400, 1572687775701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, not everyone who claims to be aquanited with philosophy is a pretentious plebbiter spastic. Some just have the misfortune of understanding the truth of this nightmarish dysgenic reality and are therefore burdened with life as a non-golem in a golem world.

>> No.14116502

This. Go back.

>> No.14116507

So even Plato and Aristotle were brainlets.
There's still hope for you lot.

>> No.14116516

Just wait, soon I'll be dating dasha

>> No.14117449

Sounds like someone that met a person that's actually intelligent and knowledgeable and got intimidated.

>> No.14117564

you should be shot and people with lou gerigs disease deserve free cake

>> No.14117587
File: 141 KB, 1024x576, 1572687079333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should be shot
>people with lou greigs disease deserve free cake
I suppose?

>> No.14119036

What college/uni student isn't a complete mess?