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/lit/ - Literature

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14109375 No.14109375 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever go through periods where you realise you're just reading some make believe nonsense about fake people and whatever message the book has to say could be summarised in a few paragraphs on Wikipedia?

I used to read so much as a kid that it's a big part of my life, but I'm becoming increasingly less entertained by fiction and reading less and less. It's hard to enjoy it anymore.

Is reading fiction a stupid waste of time? (and yes I get this feeling with movies and videogames too)

>> No.14109406

You could read non-fiction instead, but I figure there's nearly as much bullshit there as fiction. Things can be left out, misquoted, misrepresented, misinterpreted. I prefer to stick with fiction, where at least it's fine for it all to be made up and you can just enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of it (though autofiction ruins this somewhat).

>> No.14109461

the prose tho

>> No.14109601

Fantasy literature, not even once. Go read Tolstoy or Dostoevsky.

>> No.14109633

>Reading strictly for prose

I hope that was sarcasm

>> No.14109818


>> No.14109845

I feel the same, looks like you may have swallowed the depression pill

>> No.14109849

No, never. Life is short, I want to enjoy it.

>> No.14109886

>Claims life is too short
>Wastes it reading make believe

>> No.14109938

you clearly feel that your time could be better spent on something else. yes, it's a waste of time to use escapism to avoid your known purpose in life.

>> No.14109950

>Do you ever go through periods where you realise you're just reading some make believe nonsense about fake people and whatever message the book has to say could be summarised in a few paragraphs on Wikipedia?
That's why I read philosophy, which is make-believe nonsense about faulty systems of thought and whatever message the philosopher has to say could be summarised in a few paragraphs on Wikipedia.

>> No.14110297

I've had the same realization at times but i see reading as much of a mental excersise as I see it as a form of entertainment.

>> No.14110327

In following the story, you make the journey yourself. You could read the meaning of the books on wikipedia, but you will only have the personal transformation if you read the book. Myth acts upon you as you participate in it.

>> No.14110344

I enjoy it by doing enjoyable things. Reading The Horse and His Boy or The Hobbit brings me joy. You people are just too miserable and sad.

>> No.14110352
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>every single book protag is better than you

>> No.14111124

What this guy said >>14109938
Reading fiction is not a waste of time, but reading in and of itself cannot provide essential fulfillment for anyone. It sounds like you might be at a turning point of sorts. Once you figure out what it is that you really want in life and set off to achieve it, you might come to enjoy reading once again - this time as a well-earned respite from your earnest toil and trouble.

>> No.14111190
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based. it's like how certain buddhist stupas tease the circumambulator with a path directly to the top, but if you take the true path you get to see all of the vignettes in the carvings

>> No.14111205

The message of a good work of literature can, at best, be soullessly summarised by a few paragraphs on wikipedia. It's a gross simplification and can never carry the true weight of the message as it is told through the work, with all its characters and dialogue.

>> No.14111257

Of course. Fiction or non-fiction, it is all a waste of time. But I have nothing else to do, so I continue reading, more out of habit than anything by else. I don’t really enjoy it anymore, but I need something to pass the time.

I wish I had something more useful or fulfilling to do. But I don’t. So I read. Just passively consume as life passes me by.

>> No.14112485

This is actually gay

>> No.14112511

Actually you are the one who is gay my friend,

>> No.14112974

You must read the book to understand the "message" most of the times. Otherwise you can read many things but their ideas lose their efficacy once stripped of their book leaves

>> No.14113090

>ideas lose their efficacy once stripped of their book leaves
which books suffers from this?