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/lit/ - Literature

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14108939 No.14108939 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too intelligent for this board

>> No.14108974

>tfw too intelligent, athletic, blue collar, abstract, masculine, handsome to fit in on this board
Pretty sure I’m destined to be a schizoid at this point. This board was good until you realize how much it attempts to manipulate you. Off to find some new patch of internet where I feel I can connect more precisely with the material and posters.

>> No.14109224

Prove it by answering and understanding this question: who are your audience(s)?

>> No.14109235

best of luck.

>> No.14109245

This place is full of contrarians.
>atheism gets popular
>boards shitpost christianity
>stoicism gets popular
>boards hates on stoicism

There's no better place to discuss literature so fuck it.

>> No.14109249

/lit/: It could be worse

>> No.14109284

you think you have it bad? None of these fuckwits understand Nietzsche, Marx, Deleuze, and Spinoza like me. If only you knew how good things could really be. If only.

>> No.14109299

See you tomorrow

>> No.14109307
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>boards actually produce fucking nonsense and just revolve crappy memes and fads with no real aim

wow who would have thought.

Now you understand the fucking futility of idealist dialectics. If THIS is what some kind of superbrain of consciousnesses in a dialogue with each other produces, then we are FUCKED.

>> No.14109355

It's a strength of the anonymous format of 4channel. I'd rather have contrarianism than a stale, stagnant circlejerk on Reddit.
Yep. r/books

>> No.14109390
File: 31 KB, 317x423, Heros - Arno Breker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a man who is so far above all others he meets in respect to intelligence, creativity, general will, exceptionally good looks, height( 6 ft 4), fitness, charisma, social intelligence and dominance.

It just isn't fair bros, no one understands.

T. Entp

>> No.14109401
File: 28 KB, 332x396, 1531876508411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are realizing that the world doesn't select for human traits that are actually valuable in your own personal set of values. This is a crisis of values. You value higher things than the society, and you don't know how to reconcile this. You'll get through it if you read enough philosophy.

>> No.14109969
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Times you literally acted like the Prince?
>Assigned school project with kids I dislike
>To prevent them from rebelling against me and to consolidate my rule as well as to eliminate all centers of potential opposition immediately and without mercy, have them kneel in front of me and swear their fealty to me and my regime
>They laugh and one of them call me a faggot
>Then I remember it's much more effective to be feared than loved so after they turn their backs on me I punch him with full force in the back of the head, sending the faggot to the floor
>Suspended for 3 days

>> No.14110266

The problem with /lit/ is that it's mostly made out of people new to literature and some people who have detailed knowledge of niche subjects. The result is, most threads are about the same twenty books over and over again, all of them staples of the Western Canon. We've always got new people reading the Iliad or Joyce for the first time.
These are interspersed with the odd strange thread about a subject you may or may not care about...but even these have the same theme (it's usually something pretty normie in western academia).
Bluntly, /lit/'s lacking in interesting perspectives.
But anywhere else with the potential to be better is dead as fuck.
This, it keeps us from becoming Reddit

>> No.14110393

That's exactly why I enjoy it: if something's a classic then it doesn't hurt to see it over and over again, from new perspectives (even if they are people new to the book.) The esoteric stuff at the same times gives one food for thought, perhaps especially if it's bullshit--it never hurts to try to understand what someone's trying to say, even if it's nonsense.

I think what otherwise keeps this place from being Reddit is the merciless cruelty often used to break down other people's egos or ideas. It's not a safe space for generally recieved faggotry. And if you don't happen to get roundly cornholed for your bad ideas it's far more rewarding when the discussion gets in depth.

All in all /lit/ is a good little fold in the asshole of the internet.

>> No.14110421

Maybe lurk more and stop making shitty threads for the (You)s

>> No.14111490
File: 74 KB, 677x782, FEA497E6-E6AF-49F3-A7D4-5530A5004416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read enough philosophy and have already gotten through it. The struggle I am faced with now is where so I go, being the person that I am. Physical reality is limited due to me being a ruralite and my large disdain for the townie lifestyle and uncomfortableness within it. Virtual is dwindling as I become more of an expert in the various fields I am interested in, and the normies continue to flood the more niche corners. I’m probably going to relegate myself to Poal.co and /lit/, still. They’re the more quieter and less insane places I’ve found. I’d stay on /lit/ more, but the irony posting and manipulation is getting annoying.

>> No.14111561

This made me die, thanks anon