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/lit/ - Literature

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14105922 No.14105922 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an out-of-the-way book-spot you like to read from?

>> No.14105940
File: 81 KB, 1000x786, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly not on a shed roof, that's for fucking sure.

>> No.14106384

I like to take books with me when I go hiking, reading out in nature is a beautiful thing

>> No.14106704

why not? don't you like sitting on rooftops? faggot

>> No.14106740

>has never experienced the joy of sitting on a roof with a glass of Kentucky bourbon reading Phillip Larkin while the sun sets on a warm spring evening and your beautiful wife cooks your favorite dinner because you spent all day working the farm that you bought to give to your children so that they may give it to their children and so on.

>> No.14106758

books for this feel?

>> No.14106772

can't think when I see cute feet

>> No.14106787

footsexuals should be exterminated without mercy

>> No.14106802
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>not being able to appreciate beautiful feet

What is wrong with you?

>> No.14106811

without mercy

>> No.14106841
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>this gay

>> No.14107044

Feet are disgusting. They smell, sweat, have calluses, fungus, bacteria trapped under toenails no matter how clean or often they get pedicures.

Feet are considered unclean in most cultures. People with foot fetishes are basically pathetic sexual deviants who like to be dominated and put in their place. Mommy issues most likely.

>> No.14107092

Maybe most of them are also perverts, but the most plausible explanation for why it is so much more prominent than other fetishes is physiological:

"In the case of some phantom foot patients, Ramachandran found that the amputees' brains didn't just fail to erase the missing foot from their body image map, they accidentally rewired the map in a way that caused the person's phantom foot to become sexy. Phantom foot patients reported feeling sexual pleasure, and even orgasms , in their missing feet.

Long before Ramachandran began his work on phantom limb syndrome, it had been noted that the brain areas associated with genitalia and feet are adjacent to each other in the brain's body image map. But no one else had put 2 and 2 together and realized that foot fetishes could possibly result from cross-wiring in the brain between the foot and the genital parts.

As Ramachandran wrote in "Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind" (Harper, 1999): "Maybe even many of us so-called normal people have a bit of cross-wiring, which would explain why we like to have our toes sucked.""


>> No.14107169

Anna Karenina

>> No.14107179

You never did it either, so joke's on us.

>> No.14107416

Or maybe feet are just pretty.

>> No.14107422

your mom's house

>> No.14107529

Most cultures are shit and lack modern adherences to hygiene.

>> No.14107617
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>> No.14107713


>> No.14107725

Interesting. Thanks for sharing, anon.

>> No.14107734

My cabin porch step

>> No.14107743

Hang yourself but take a shower first you ankle grime loving freak.

>> No.14107745

Some people are just attracted to filthy things. Piss, feet, scat, armpits, etc. Like >>14107092 said, they’re wiring in the brain is all fucked up.

>> No.14107753


>> No.14107760
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I felt compelled to read the Illiad on top of a mountain so I camped in them for 5 days a couple months ago

also read in a really nice park in the center of my city because the trees are nice to look at

strictly only read outside as all patricians should

>> No.14107804

Feet are the most beautiful part of the male body

>> No.14107950
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>They smell, sweat, have calluses, fungus, bacteria trapped under toenails no matter how clean or often they get pedicures.
Maybe among americans.
Other people take care of their body and keep it clean and nice.

>> No.14108000

Yes, Europeans are well know for their hygiene and excellent teeth.

>> No.14108012

>sucks on the blistered toe of a French prostitute
>blister pops in his mouth eliciting more arousal

>> No.14108084
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>> No.14108115
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>> No.14108145
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Are we feetposting ITT? I am a degenerate and should die for my retarded fetish, but I like it.

>> No.14108201

what mountain, anon?

>> No.14108263

There is nothing wrong with liking feet. They're pretty.

>> No.14108421

>brain damage

>> No.14108424
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My front porch

>> No.14108426

If they look nice and are taken care of. They are aesthetically pleasing to the eye to myself but I wouldn't take it to the level fetishism. Pedicured feet and nail polish looks really good on a beautiful woman. While the colloquial term has changed, by the strictest definition a fetish is something you need to cum. Does that fit your personal like on them anon?

>> No.14108438

>casually asking another man what makes him cum


>> No.14108619

Y-you too

>> No.14109838

need or suffice?

>> No.14109857

I used to sit on my roof and read all the time, great spot. My new home lacks a good sitting roof unfortunately.

>> No.14109885
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The only human archetype more persistent and annoying than the footfag is the deranged character who must always make it known how much they dislike feet. For whatever reason, this person MUST, whenever lower limbs are mentioned, advertise their alienation from and hatred of the human form.

>> No.14110102

my mountain

>> No.14110701

It is the most strange thing a person will manifest his dislike for feet, yet would not mind putting his face are tongue nearby a woman's piss and poop zones.

>> No.14112028

>literal toe sucker finds fetishizing the vagina strange.

Did mommy step on your face as an infant?

>> No.14112036

Why does /lit/ have the worst writers on 4chan?

>> No.14112138

Everyone itt is a fucking retard. The area of the brain that maps the foot is right next to the area that maps sexual pleasure and arousal. Over time the neurons grow together and this is what explains the phenomenon. Holy shit get educated you stupid fucking niggers.

>> No.14112157


>> No.14112165

>everyone's brain is damaged not just me!

Tough one, shoe sniffer.

>> No.14112212

>warm spring evening
I live on the polar circle, nigger.

>> No.14112220

your mom

>> No.14112222



Thanks for proving my point you brain damaged double nigger. That's the science behind the fetish. If you read any books you might be logical rather than emotional :)

>> No.14112243

>"There's science behind it!" he says before gagging himself with stolen socks.

>> No.14112256
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>> No.14112344

Because everyone is a try-hard on this board.

>> No.14112349

yes in sons of anarchy the jax teller would sit up on the roof. hes so cool

>> No.14112388

As if I actually have the fetish. Jesus you're actually a stupid triple nigger trying to farm laughs on Mongolian horse wrestling website. Imagine solving the captcha for your post.

>> No.14112445


>> No.14112553

that was uncalled for

>> No.14112973

>has never experienced the despair of sitting on a roof with a bottle of Kentucky bourbon reading Phillip Larkin while your wife boils lentils because you spent all day working the field to pay off your farmer's debt so you don't have to burden your children who may burden their children and so on.