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14100275 No.14100275 [Reply] [Original]

What books BTFO atheism?

>> No.14100277

The extended biblical canon

>> No.14100283

my autobiography

>> No.14100290


>> No.14100293
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Feuerbach's essence of Christianity of course

>> No.14100306

as much as I hate to say it, not a one

>> No.14100311

pensees? more like peanus weanus ahah :)

>> No.14100313


>> No.14100325

Super lame

>> No.14100345

Living as an atheist btfo’s atheism

>> No.14100362

How many fucking threads do you need? Lit is basically christianity general now. Go read your bible there is no book that BTFO atheism. This shitposting is beyond fun or annoying. Only teens and children find these topics worlthy of their time.

>> No.14100393

Nagardjuna BTFOs both atheism and theism at the same time

>> No.14100422

This. Real life BTFOs atheism. The majority of outspoken atheists are obese/prematurely balding fedoras who obliterate their testosterone levels by drinking New England IPAs.

>> No.14100423

Spinoza's ethics

>> No.14100481

technically speaking? Anarchist cookbook

>> No.14100590


>> No.14100602

What is the defeated 1000-year-old argument?

>> No.14100606
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>muh omnipotence paradox
>muh problem of evil

>> No.14100612


>> No.14100622

All religions were refuted by Jean Meslier 300 years ago. Why must you keep up this charade?

>> No.14100746

>Reddit doesn't believe in God therefore God exists
The Contrarian Paradox

>> No.14100755

repent, zoomer

>> No.14100770

>muh problem of evil
You better not be referring to "muh freewill" defense

>> No.14100772

You guys either don't meet any people, or live in burgerland. Most young people in Europe that aren't shitskins don't give two fucks about religion.

>> No.14100776

Their own logic btfos them because its impossible to prove that God doesn't exist and therefore their beliefs require faith
Agnosticism is a true empirical red pill

>> No.14100788
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Of course not.

>> No.14100789

most metaphysical or religious texts

>> No.14100790 [DELETED] 
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>What books BTFO atheism?
The Summa.

>> No.14100802 [DELETED] 
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>What is the defeated 1000-year-old argument?

>> No.14100807 [DELETED] 

Alright, care on sir.

>> No.14100816

Alright, carry on sir

>> No.14100823

what would be the point in being a christian then if your place in heaven or hell is predetermined?

>> No.14100834 [DELETED] 
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>your place in heaven or hell is predetermined?
It's not, stop listening to prots

>> No.14100835

Calvinism is absolutely retarded. Disregard that poster.

>> No.14100848

Do you describe yourself as agnostic about, say, the existence of the Sun? Or does the overwhelming evidence in a particular direction cause you to say that you "know" the Sun exists?

Aquinas, creator of the
>take a thing X that exists
>prove X exists
>"We call X, God"
argument. If this is the cream of the crop "proof" that BTFOs atheists, why should I invest time in reading that whole autistic stack of books?

>> No.14100851

I know it's Calvinist doctrine not general christian doctrine. But its a genuine question

>> No.14100877

"God loves all men and all creatures, inasmuch as He wishes them all some good; but He does not wish every good to them all. So far, therefore, as He does not wish this particular good—namely, eternal life—He is said to hate or reprobated them."
t. Aquinas

Catholics are literally required to believe that those going to Heaven are predestined. The rest are not predestined and are going to hell.

>> No.14100913

Have you heard of Newcomb's problem? It's similar to the rationale for one-boxing. You can't change whether you're going to heaven or hell, but God didn't choose arbitrarily: he knows whether you'll be a sinner or saint. So if you sin on purpose to game the system, you're discovering for yourself that you've been destined for hell all along and you're proving God's decision correct.
I don't actually know the details of Calvinist doctrine, but I'd come to believe in predestination myself near the end of my Christian days and that was basically my reasoning.

>> No.14100919

not an argument

>> No.14100936 [DELETED] 
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>Most young people in Europe that aren't shitskins don't give two fucks about religion.
It's almost like there's a correlation...?

>> No.14100946

There is no strong evidence for or against the existence of God without claiming to know God's nature, which is impossible

>> No.14100948

Why would you not be a Christian? It’s as if you think we should default to doing the worst thing because our future is predetermined.

>> No.14100970

er yeah that second statement is bollocks
actually so is every statement that follows it

>> No.14101011

Aquinas. The only cope against it is that it proves a Deist God, not religion based one.

>> No.14101018

The apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans chapter 1.

>> No.14101039

I would say it's meaningless to hold *any* position on a proposition, be it believe/disbelieve/agnostic, if you can't even articulate what the proposition is.

>religion based God
aka, what any neurotypical person means when they say "God". Shrinking the concept of God to something provable is not proving the existence of the consensus understanding of God, which is what atheists disbelieve.

>> No.14101092

My diary desu

>> No.14101097

>reddit doesn’t believe in God therefore God exists
Unironically yeah.

>> No.14101107

Are there any beers that dont hurt test levels? I’m a brewer and love making and drinking beer but i hate basedPAs. For me, it’s stouts and porters, with a nice doughy pilsner here and there.

>> No.14101119

I don't think anything is worse than New England IPAs. Those things ooze estrogen.

>> No.14101121


>> No.14101145

>God is not able to violate the laws of logic
God as the Holy Trinity already violates the laws of logic

>> No.14101146

Literally kekd

>> No.14101148

You mean the laws that God creates?

>> No.14101152

Someone who likes those beers fuck your crush? You good?

>> No.14101159

Big D

>> No.14101160

>Christianity is the only religion

>> No.14101167

Both Catholics and Orthodox have homosexual clergy and female clergy.

>> No.14101172
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No, any male who drinks NE IPAs is most likely impotent.

>> No.14101190

You're gay for saving that pic and you're even gayer for caring about asinine shit.

>> No.14101202

>t. NE IPA-drinking impotent. balding male

I literally just Googled in my response to you.

>> No.14101203

If logic is used to mean the lawd that God creates then there would be no logical contradiction in >>14100802
It's the main religion /lit/ discusses in these threads, but I don't think there's any major religion where God is suppressed by logic.

>> No.14101208

I don't even know what that is but you sound like a dork. Kys for caring about other men so much

>> No.14101214

Going to the brewery tonight for the newest hazy NE IPA?

>> No.14101220

>Drinking any alcohol at all
>Indulging in any mind altering substance, period
Try again nerd. I can sense your pasty ass seething through the screen

>> No.14101227

what are you even babbling about?
IPA is beer. do you not like beer?

>> No.14101239

I think the the only way for the Christians here to revert to their former, adolescent atheism is if Reddit were to suddenly convert into the strongest bastions of modern theism. Let's make it happen boys.

On a serious note, why not just believe in a soul and an afterlife without stepping as far as claims on a God? That way, you can be spiritual regardless of whether a supreme deity exists. No point worrying about things which are in all likelihood outside of your comprehension in the first place.

>> No.14101250

I love beer. NE IPAs are basically mimosas masquerading as beer. West Coast IPAs are infinitely better.

>> No.14101281

>On a serious note, why not just believe in a soul and an afterlife without stepping as far as claims on a God? That way, you can be spiritual regardless of whether a supreme deity exists.
>t. Satan

>> No.14101298

>Gay Orthodox clergy
Most are married.

>> No.14101526

you think that meme still holds up with the current ""pope""

>> No.14101534

>actively going out of your way deactivating threat recognition
>i guess alien invasion isnt bad afterall

>> No.14101558

I don't understand why most atheists are secularists, why do we have to respect religitards? We won the culture war, we might as well finish them now before they get stronger again.

>> No.14101588


>> No.14101605

No books BTFO atheism. What BTFOs atheism is life itself.

>> No.14101611

I don't think atheism is a good or useful belief, merely true. And I don't think theists are the only or most relevant type of "religitard" these days, so specifically spreading atheism seems pointless at best.

>> No.14101756

Fair enough, I still think it would be a good idea to gass them

>> No.14101984

Except it is possible.

>> No.14101991

>God is not able to violate the laws of logic
I guess miracles don't exist then.

>> No.14102111

This is legitimately one of the greatest pieces of evidence for the existence of a personal* god.
*a lot of r*dditors also believe in some new agey cosmic mysticism that basically amounts to 'I am so le quirky and superstitious even though I am an atheist'

>> No.14102263

>that aren't shitskins
So like 10% of Europeans?

>> No.14102306

No, it doesn't. Idiot.
Christ is Logos. You're applying another system's definition of logic to such system.

>> No.14103244

Exactly. It means God has decided what's "logical" and to suggest that he couldn't do do something because it would be illogical is absurd.

>> No.14103521
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>> No.14103722

Dawkins btfo of it already.
Stirner btfo of him
>Muh god is evil AAAND all loving. Wut of it?

>> No.14103732
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Same goes for you, faggot.

>> No.14103767

Nice strawman you made there m8 as if the passionate defenders of atheism and the non-religious normies were the same person

I must concede however that the Christian memes are getting better lately, that one was almost funny

>> No.14103803

cope and dilate.

>> No.14103831

Dawkins! Yes let's take advice from a biologist who clearly writes with blind vitriol for 400 pages

>> No.14103849
File: 57 KB, 500x429, The Greatest Show On Earth - Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He chopped penises to pieces

>> No.14103893

You are aware that even Dawkins himself has admitted how retarded his book 'God Delusion' is, right? He's on the record saying how he fundamentally misunderstood what faith is in an interview with the author of 'Why Dawkins is a fucking faggot and has embarrassed all aetheists in the field of science' by Mcgrath. Dawkins has this notion of God being grounded in biology and physics when God is entirely metaphysical. Anyone coming to Dawkins for philosophical or thelogical wisdom is already lost.

>> No.14103930

The problem is that God working by His own logic is indistinguishable from being genuinely illogical. A Jew could equally explain that his own concept of God only appears false because God works on his own logic. There is no way to tell which theology is correct.

>> No.14103931

Wait how is that image not about Christians? It’s exactly what they do

>> No.14103952

--> >>14103849
This is the book (audio book w/e) I know. Never read your memeisis book. Don't care what a biologist has to say on the subject of philosophy/theology. I just know he refuted The Penisés easily.

Go ahead and prove god to me

>> No.14103955

Now you understand

>> No.14103960

Critique of pure reason. Unironically

>> No.14103982

The only reason all these teens are hating on atheism is because being religious is now edgy, and teens on 4chan must be contrarian. Cant you stupid fucks just grow up?

>> No.14103987

Where do I start with Nagarjuna?

>> No.14103990

>Cant you stupid fucks just grow up?

They do but you must realise this is already new generation of channers. Most litters are below 25 and half of them are in their teens.

>> No.14104012
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>> No.14104054

Religious people are empirically fatter
and have lower testosterone
than the non religious. Try again, loser.

>> No.14104366


>> No.14104372

kys tranny

>> No.14104428

No proofs of God are going to convince you of anything, Butterfly. You don't want to believe in God due to your fallen nature. Everyone knows God exists and that they deny it is not a problem of evidence; it's a problem of conscience.

>> No.14104468

can't honestly imagine a better way of turning people against god than using religion as a trolling instrument

>> No.14105169

3D chess. The religiousfags are actually atheistfags falseflagging

>> No.14105286
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That’s all it ever is. There is no proof, just a thinning vapor of cloud to support you till you fall through it. Faith. Have faith, you just gotta believe.
The leap of faith over a cliff, and somehow I’m the fallen one.

>> No.14105901

You are saved because you a predestined to become a repentant, converted Christian-- because God in his infinite mercy regenerates you, giving you a heart of flesh. There is no way to God except through Christ. God calls his elect to him through Christ.

>> No.14105928
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>There is no proof
Yes there is, no need faith.

>> No.14105957
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Bonus: Godel proof.

>> No.14105990

Irrational Atheist by Vox Day

>> No.14106004

Why do contrarians on the internet pretend Christians slay pussy or something
Most of them are pretty dorky and just date other Christian girls
90% of shaggers don't give one fuck about the bible

>> No.14106025

Frank Turek - I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist

>> No.14106162

TL;DR: Existence exists. God doesn't.

>> No.14106188

Atheists, as in the group of people who make that a core part of their identity, are dorky nerds. Normies and Chads though degenerates will usually profess some belief in a "higher power" or some other vague shit they picked up from their parents, in other words, they don't care enough to consciously become atheistic.

>> No.14106226
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God and Existence are One and the Same.

>> No.14106247
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Ex nihilo nihil fit

>> No.14106253
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Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14106260

>Existence exists
[citation needed]

>> No.14106263

You need to read more

>> No.14106268
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Wow, look at you.

>> No.14106270
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>> No.14106275

>after controlling for GDP
>still a weak correlation in the graph

I smell funny business going on in those statistics

>> No.14106283

>Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists
Of course most if not all philosophers are atheists.

To be a philosopher you have to say "Oh in the entirety of human history, in all of these books, noone has come up with the meaning of life yet! I reject everyone else including all religions! I'll invent my own thing!"

>> No.14106284

Chinese innovation is a meme. They steal from other countries.

>> No.14106289

at least one person in this thread has a brain

>> No.14106304

Citations presuppose existence.

>> No.14106329

At my uni for every frat bro with a Jesus piece there's an alternative guy wearing skinny jeans and smoking weed who definitely disagrees with Christianity, and both of those types get easy college girl pussy. I think it's safe to say anyone who cares enough to go around debating people and creating infographics is probably an unattractive dweeb. It doesn't have to do with them being atheist or Christian.

>> No.14106343

Trying to play the centrist, huh. I bet you're agnostic, too.

>> No.14106388

>r-squared>0.8 and p<0.01
>"weak correlation"

>> No.14106409

Then I must be God

>> No.14106423

You aren't existence itself moron.

>> No.14106957

That's exactly what every religion itself is, though. The Ancient Israelites made a series of claims about reality, recorded in the Old Testament. Jesus came and made his own, unique claims. Saul of Tarsus came up with his own. In the East, the Rishis of the Upanishads asserted their own claims. Then Buddha later came and made many different ones. And so it continues right up to the present. Religion is merely a branch of philosophy, formed by the opinions of the men within particular time periods and cultures, subsequently canonized as absolute by the followers after them.

And I personally think the Buddha was the most correct of philosophers, while every other person thinks something different. Religion certainly doesn't solve any kind of problem of human subjectivity - it only claims to, with greater arrogance and dogmatism than any non-religious philosopher would be found to display.

>> No.14106969

You are, anon. Your consciousness is existence itself. Ignore any Jew-worshippers who tell you otherwise. They just want to feed the Demiurge more prayer-energy.