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/lit/ - Literature

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14101763 No.14101763 [Reply] [Original]

25 years old, friendless virgin, rapidly losing hair, no career prospects, hated by family, zero charisma or social skills.

I’ve wasted my one shot at life, I have no desire to get out of bed anymore because all that awaits me is misery and depression. I work with old men, there’s no women anywhere my age. I live in a rural shithole so all the women my age leave to larger cities, I feel trapped here. I have no none to talk to about anything, the older men hate me and treat me like human garbage. I feel like my fate is sealed and now I have to watch the next 50 years pass while I lie down and suffer. I want out, there must be some literature or philosophy that can help me cope with this hellish world.

>> No.14101771

You can fix all of that by getting a good haircut :3

>> No.14101776

> I want out, there must be some literature or philosophy that can help me cope with this hellish world.
Christianity or Stoicism.

>> No.14101777

First of all, delete all your pepes.

>> No.14101778 [DELETED] 

Just take a shower bro, oh also this: >>14101771

>> No.14101780

Fucker, where do you think you are? Read Stoner, Notes, Metamorphosis, No Longer human and write the treatise of the failures of modern manhood. It’s ridiculous that this generation, as bleak as it is, hasn’t produced a novel like this.

>> No.14101782

Religion is the heart of a heartless world. If you feel it's either making up a god or suicide, I'd recommend the former.

>> No.14101805

Go to the library.

>> No.14101847
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I see a lot of tattooed millenials who are balding, but they've clearly accepted the fact and now they just own it. There are plenty of hairstyles that work for young baldies like us. Don't let your appearance stand in your way; you have plenty of other problems.

Any reason you don't move away from your shithole and embrace a radical lifestyle change? Get a job on a trail crew in the backcountry wilderness. Go to New Zealand on a working holiday visa. The most helpful thing my therapist ever told me was to put a stick in the spokes of my many addiction cycles.

To answer your question, no, there is no literature that can help you.

>> No.14102402
File: 131 KB, 629x1173, 1569094857517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odd that there are so many young men on 4chan like you and me suffering alone, and yet we will never ever meet.

>> No.14102431

Stop reading philosophy, there is a reason philosophy students are fucking miserable cretins and there is a reason why philosophers kill themselves or slide into insanity.
Go get some self help books on Amazon, used. Order 5 or 6 of them. Anxiety, depression, whatever. That's step 1. $4 used books because they are very specific to your taste and you will find some annoying. Read those. If you have decent insurance, start seeing a therapist. Try diet and exercise and socializing if you can find the energy and get out of the depression. If that doesn't work, psychiatrist for pills. You might have a real mental disorder that exercise can't fix, like autism, bipolar, schizoid, etc

>> No.14102439

Your past never existed.

>> No.14102440

The problem is meeting internet people is like Russian roulette now, there are simply too many dangerously angry and crazy people now. Real joker kinda vibes. It wasn't like this a decade ago

>> No.14102469

Shes honest and based. Would love to marry her and fuck her asshole every night.

>> No.14102477

Been here since like 2009-10 and never met up with anyone that would be max cringe

>> No.14102530

Everytime I see threads about people talking about how they've "wasted their lives" I see them mention that they're a virgin at whatever age. What is it about putting your dick in someone else's hole or having a dick being put in your hole indicative of anything about your worth as a human ? Why do men always feel like sex equals validation of their innate value as a member of society ?
What I'm getting at is who the fuck gives a shit if you've had sex or not, great men have died without having sex and shitty men have died while having daily sex with multiple women, and vice versa. Who gives a shit if you're a virgin or not, just write a good book and impress me. Here's my email, fuck you anonjoe3030@gmail.com

>> No.14102558

Why don't you just make something like a cyanide capsule and try to make money in the most obvious but stupid way. If you fail you can dodge prison with your cyanide pill (you sound like you wouldn't last in prison)

However if you succeed you can live a good life for a short time with cocaine and alcohol and hookers. This small window of pleasure is better than a life time of your pathetic life.

>> No.14102568

Or maybe he can just objectively assess where he stands on the social hierarchy and people like you want to keep pathologizing his ability to read the writing on the wall

>> No.14102581
File: 47 KB, 680x544, E11C9FD2-4414-4F78-A1C4-8ED48BBFE59E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine cumming inside that ass...

>> No.14102780
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this. The feeling of death gives freedom to act like you want. Not even necessary to steal or make cyanide, like anon said, kill your ego before your body.

Accept the fact that some people are more losers than others. Some people happened to be you, and me, and many others. Acceptance will clean your way to be better and gives you a start for improving your life. Self-improvement is a meme, to whom, for what? It is literal propaganda to make manlet brainlets seek for problems inside of themselves and direct all the depressive energy inside, all while the actual problems are obviously outside - it is other people and world which are utter garbage!

Improve your life by making your surroindings fit you, if you can't - don't bend, and only then you will improve yourself. If you're already loser, what else do you lose? Start learning something that will give you money, like programming. Go to freelance board. Do whatever fits you. In other words, challenge yourself, don't just give up. This is what system and people around you want: to make a miserable slave out of you who will accept his faith and will be easy to use, like a condom. And every time you try to give up they will feed you with drugs to keep you alive. Don't be like that. Learn to enjoy the little pieces of goodness you've got and keep them in mind when it's tough. You will start moving really slow, and who knows if it gets even worse. Don't give up. Live for yourself, and if you don't lose your grip on life, in the end you could at least tell to yourself that at least you tried your best.
Stop listening to the noise: people around you, their complaints, opinions. Media. Stop caring. It doesn't matter since you are already dead. Whoever shits on you tries to assert his dominance: you admit the dominance by caring what whoever thinks about you. Stop caring. Don't forget that only most pathetic people seek for someone worse than themselves.

Those little pieces of time when you are free from wageslaving or whatever you hate - start living them for yourself and construct your own life. No one is prepared to that, but life is tough and you are going to live alone. In this life you are your best friend.
Grow some muscules. When you will start transforming into a chad women will stick to you like flies to honey. I doubt most of them would even care about your person at all. Yes, even bald people can be chad. Moreover, it's not women who must be in your first priority: your health and looks define who you are.
Read Camus, Nietzsche, stoicism if you may like it. Think about mediations: no need to dive into religion, but meditations and some thoughts from buddhism may be really helpful. Be stronk, anon, and take care.

>> No.14102846

You clearly identity your problems yet still continue to complain, why did you make this post?
Figure out right now what is something in a 5 year time frame you want to accomplish based on your own and only your own interests
Move to a city that will get you the best opportunity for it
In the city get a job with people your age
Shave your head, hit the gym, and start approaching woman
You're fucking 25 and acting like it's already over lmao it's absurd
You're in for a real wake up call in 10 years when you realize how young you were and how long life really is
The truth is simple, either you start working on your problems or accept your quality of life to rapidly diminish as time goes on. Nobody is going to save you
I was in a similar position, 24, living with my parents in a small town, virgin, no friends, no college degree, thinning hair. I jumped in the deep end knowing suicide was approaching if I did nothing to change. Only 4 years later I have a nice place in a great city, make money doing what I like, close friend group, girlfriend after a few years of fucking randoms, family now respects me. I feel better than ever, I feel younger than I did as a 21 year old neet. I want to wake up instead of sitting in bed until 4pm

>> No.14102868

Early Christians loved stoicism, some even held Seneca as a saint.

>> No.14102888

It isn’t much better being a 35-year-old virgin who lives in a big city but still can’t talk to girls.

>> No.14102934


Muhammed was a virgin at 25 with no parents.

>> No.14102941

24 here, same boat. Does anyone on /lit/ talk to girls?

>> No.14102957

I do. What do you want to know

>> No.14102963


>> No.14102966

I’m trying to make myself do it more at work. Not in a sexual way, just to become comfortable making conversation and maintaining eye contact.

>> No.14102973

Are you a virgin? How do you communicate with them? Does it hurt your brain?

>> No.14102980

If you read, read what you enjoy. You're sad obviously, and you shouldn't force yourself to read stuff you don't want to.
Literature won't save you, anon. I've tried it and it never made me feel better. You need to change things if you want to get happier. You can't sit and read idly as your life passes you. When you look up it'll be gone.
I don't know what your lifestyle is, but I'll throw out some advice:
Quit porn and anything else that gives you quick doses of dopamine.
Get a job and start working out. You have to work towards something, you need goals and goals that you can track the progress of. Humans love progress. This will help supplement withdrawals from anything you gave up.
Talk to people. The happiest moments in my life are when I was surrounded by friends. Make friends, make friends with people who care for you. Care for them. Humans need relationships.
Volunteer. Give back, it'll make you feel better.
You're a virgin, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. You're still young, anon. And not everything is about girls.
Some days are going to be terrible, and you'll just have to walk through it. Some days will feel amazing and you'll never want them to end. As long as you take things a step at a time you'll be fine. I hope this helps. This advice helped me when I was struggling.
You may not believe it, but a lot of us care.

>> No.14103001

I'll be honest. If consciously think it won't work. If you stop thinking and don't restrict yourself its easy.

Uninhibit yourself, this means remove your mommy from your psyche.

>> No.14103002

If that's the case, then maybe he should try to go up on the social hierarchy? It's certainly hard, but is it harder than enduring the suffering he is going through now?

>> No.14103081

great, dont make us read about it

>> No.14103405

Take a shower and get a haircut

>> No.14103448

Having a gf isnt everything lads, I have a gf but no friends outside of that and I'm miserable. Doesn't help we don't actually have much in common. Don't worry about sticking your dick in someone. Meet people, make friendships, connect. I wish I could take my own advice but I feel alot like you and I'm 28. My 20s have passed me buy, I can only hope my 30s will be better.

>> No.14103484

Well, virginity holds such a paramount place in men's consciousness for the same reasons that all other constructs (morality, religion, etc.) hold such high regard: it's a vestigial spook from our past. Virginity in particular is such a common emblem of our culture, emerging from a bygone era where sexual prowess was innate to ability as a biological being. Despite these circumstances no longer being true (mostly sexless Puritans can have massive families while nymphomaniacs have only had abortions), it is still represented in our culture, especially in the minds of our significant others, en mass. So, unfortunately, as nice as it sounds to simply tell someone to disregard sex and just "be themselves", in a society where that norm is used as social criteria, there is a genuine need to be concerned over one's virginity, if only to avoid internalized stigma.
It would be ideal to simply do away with the weighted concept of virginity, but one would first need to deconstruct and dismiss all other greater spooks, and one could hardly expect our present humanity to undertake such a thing.

>> No.14103492

>Don't worry about sticking your dick in someone.
I don't know why you people keep saying this, but at least in my case, it is not about pleasure or sex itself. I keep picturing myself in this competitive evolutionary arena where the judges have deemed others worthier than me. This hurts my pride and evokes my competitive spirit at the same time. But, at least in the short-term, I can't do anything about it. Hence the obsession.

>> No.14103673

Why do the older men hate you? You must be acting like a weak faggot.

Get swole, focus on learning a trade & amassing savings. The rural life is superior, and homes are cheaper there... If you work hard you could have your own house by your early thirties, which is perfect timing to attract a down-to-earth rural qt who sees a strong man who can provide for her and your family to be (you don't want the kind of girls moving to the city, anon).

This isn't the time for intellectual masturbation or manchild distractions... You'll have plenty of time for that when you're an old man.

>> No.14103679

I go to a "good" school in a big city and I promise you that it's all the same thing. Grow up and realize that this is all you have, then start to focus on how to make yourself happy without wanting more. Find religion if you have to.

>> No.14103685

also just shave your head if your hair is thinning

>> No.14103663

Watch Jordan Peterson and get the fuck off your ass. You aren't dead yet and you aren't all that you could be. If you seriously can't escape these behavioral patterns then take psylocybin mushrooms and ask god for help.

>> No.14103894

how's the psychotic break been treating you anon?

>> No.14103964

Stop putting girls, you have interaction with, in your imaginary "to fuck list", even if it one second interaction.

>> No.14104029

Being a virgin means you failed in what most other had success. It's a symbol of your abnormality. It also means you never had a close relation with another human. You never had a moment where you offered yourself to another human and they accepted you. It also hinders possible future relationships because you feel insecure from your lack of experience.

>> No.14104033

Elaborate on the mom part please

>> No.14104045

just b urself dude

>> No.14104252
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23 year old kissless, handholdless, hugless, friendless virgin. i have tried everything. ive checked out all groups, all events across my country, attended a few, i share 0 interests with any girls at all whatsoever, only with 30+ year old boomers who all probably had sex at 15 anyway
there isnt even a single tabletop gaming group anywhere around me in a 150km radius so i cant even make fellow neckbeard friends. parents moved too many cities much during school years, kept no childhood friends, made no female friends in highschool, while everyone at age 15-17 went out, somehow got gfs, had sex almost daily i assume, i kinda just, didnt. my workplace is programming at a factory thats mostly wfh anyway and even so its only boomers there. ive been balding for many years now, my hair density is a joke. i got dealt a shit hand at life, no women anywhere in my life, could never meet a grill organically and cant now anyway, im thinking of just ending it every day, everyone seemingly has already had sex by 16 and been never without a gf for longer than a couple months, im still a virgin at 23, and most women my age here are already mothers.
if youre plain unlucky, its over.
all it takes is just your parents having sent you to the wrong school, in the wrong city, in the wrong country, which you had no control over whatsoever, combined with an unfortunate random sequence of 4 molecules that was predetermined before you were born, and thats it, we get to enjoy a cold life of loneliness and slavery and knowing that we will never be able to just cuddle with a grill who loves us, while everyone else is enjoying their life to the fullest, and all just because of a few unlucky dice rolls

>> No.14104305

thank women for that

>> No.14104341
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>> No.14104357

Being a virgin means over a billion years worth of your ancestors being able to fuck ends with you
Its probably, no, easily, the most objective thing you can fail at in life.

>> No.14104414

> billion years
I that scale, ancestry make little sense, and all humans became relatives.

>> No.14104464

Thats not relevant at all

>> No.14104651

I read all that. My story is somewhat similiar. Strict parents who tried to live through me. Wasnt allowed to make unapproved friends or stay up late. Became social cripple. Now I am somewhat normal but it is too late. I am in a CS major that I started at 22 because I had severe depression before that. I even am fortunate enough to have some friends but I dont like half of them. No girls in this major, also no girls in my future jobs. I have to party to meet girls and I even managed to kiss there but thats it (I was just lucky, trust me I am as fucked as you are). I went about 50 times in my life and I got kissed once and she didnt even write back. Partying is unhealthy and expensive, I dont even like it...but it is the only glimmer of hope I have. I play guitar on intermediate level, I read, I dress cleanly and conservatively and I am /fit/. But it doesnt matter when nobody gets to see this. I am not suicidal anymore, dont even know why but it feels good. Maybe because I am hopeful..once all hope collapses this might change

>> No.14104670

I talk to them for 5 hours, sleep with them, then avoid them forever. I don't know why and I wish I was different

>> No.14104902



sorry anon, shit like yours actually makes me feel a bit better about myself if we were to benchmark men according to their charisma, social interactions and sex life. Life doesn't consist only of that though - people in a wide variety of situations can experience the same feeling of utter worthlessness.

I'm a 25 year old self-conscious ugly fuck, started balding and my teeth are literally some of the most crooked and yellow you would ever see. I'm skinny fat and sometimes have acne bursts on my face that even my family makes fun of. The only good thing is that I'm tall at least. I've always been shy and introverted, but I'm not socially awkward by any means. In fact, because I got bullied when I was in primary school I developed this charismatic, funny persona that I learned to put on for the rest of my life since high-school. Even when I I feel sad and depressed and take that mask off and try to isolate myself, I'm still quite sociable and a fun person to be around, I always get invited to a lot of house parties and random shit. Just because my default mode is being agreeable and always trying to make others laugh. But I'm quite a different person when I'm by myself, or at least I think so.

Hell, I even had my first kiss when I was like 9 or 10 years old, and plenty followed after that. I learned how to feel comfortable around girls by hanging out, listening to them without judging and trying to lift their spirits up through retarded jokes. Because I developed this class-clown, foolish but somewhat cocky attitude, I got to be around the prettiest girls in school and had some of them as girlfriends. The chads thought I was a cool, funny guy. People who were closest to me knew in fact that deep down I was a shy introvert and poked me for it, but my persona was such a big part of me by then that I practically exhibited it everywhere.

>> No.14104912


Got laid twice and had many other occasions to do so, but I've just been too self-conscious about my body. These body issues have always haunted me. My dad often reminds me that he regrets he didn't force me to get braces and fix my fucking nasty teeth early on. I'm always aware that I'm an ugly hack who only managed to have a decent life so far because of a perfected coping mechanism developed through megalomania - that I'm supposed to be special, better than others. I suppose I have a normal relationship with my dad, we always did a lot of shit together when I was a kid. But he never acknowledged any of my achievements in school or anywhere else. He was never satisfied. And that's the reason I always strived to become better in literally anything I did: sports, school, socializing, etc. That realization recently triggered an existential crisis, because everything I've done so far in my life has been conditioned by my dad's behavior towards me as a kid - including my coping behavior. The struggle never ends and I often feel suicidal. That's why I'm a neet and haven't had a girlfriend for 3 years now and no desire or energy to actively go out and meet girls and try to start a relationship. Because in my mind I'm more of an incel and a hack than a chad, so I don't deserve the life of a chad. Even though if you asked most of the people I've interacted with in my life, the large majority would tell you I'm quite charismatic, interesting and fun to be around.

I've been coping with that through /lit, /fit, /fa and /mu. I sometimes get this sudden urge to go out and chat some girls up for fun and maybe get laid, but then I start overthinking because I know I'm putting on an act, like I did for most of my life. I don't even know which side of me is the real one any longer or what I'm supposed to do with my life.

>> No.14104931

I don't have a "to fuck list." In my imagination it's always a "to marry" list.

>> No.14104973

Hi fellow wastoids, our youth was never to be, we are the isolates chosen to bear weights others could never know, but still, let’s go on peacefully. Mend your sorrows and breathe out the bitterness, all together now, let’s make for a better tomorrow.

>> No.14105004

You have one virtue amongst all of your hell brother. You are more fortunate than many successful people. They may grow rich and old, and with age bitter and cold; but you anon have something else. You have a wonderful wife waiting for you that, although times of famine come, she will love you all the same, for you have waited for her, just the same. Your a virgin, take heart in that; that is the one thing going for you right now. Your marriage is statistically more probable, and its success even more. And also, as meister eckhart tells us, "Suffering is the fleetest beast to bear us to greatness." Go, and be great anon.

>> No.14105052

I’m just a lurker who never posts, but this gave me a lot of hope for my future. Thank you anon, I saved your post and I’ll proabably print it out and put it on my wall.

>> No.14105060

I remember this image, but it was called deep_thot.jpg

>> No.14105074
File: 692 KB, 1808x1204, 2D4C8243-0241-4C18-8420-BB569C19779A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up sex haver, dont try to compare yourself to me, dont ever reply to my posts ever again, dont ever think were in the same boat, were literally in opposite situations, you are a low iq below average normgroid who cant comprehend what a luxury it is to grow up in a country with your ethinicities girls. i am a russian man who has spent basically all his life in germany. If i would have been a german here i wouldnt have an issue. if i could have lived a normal life as a russian boy growing up in russia i could be drowning in slav pussy,but i never had that luxury. I was forced by my parents to become an incel permavirgin because being a russian growing up in germany i was always an outsider, its like im a different species because the germanegroid r1b and chad slav r1a phenotypes are so radically different. youre nothing but a normal NT failed normie, you had sex, which means you have had at least a few girls in your life that you could interact with, you had girls like so you much even that they were willing to get to the highest form of intimacy, you having had sex means you had intimiate relationships and got the highest accomplishment you can have biologically. Sex and generally being intimate with a girl is a physiological necessity for humans and you being NT with your inability for introspection and empathy means you could never possibly comprehend the psychological torture that people like me endure, you wouldnt be able to live even a week without jamming a fork into the nearest outlet if you would know what it feels like to be forever alone, the mental problems from knowing that youre totally fucked and will never have a person that will understand you and be willing to be intimate with you will make you reevalute if a death penalty would really be a punishment in this situation

>> No.14105464


>> No.14105515

For a naturally anxious sperg like you or I, the best way forward is practice. I still remember how insanely anxious I felt during my first group date with my crush in high school...needless to say that didn't work out. But with the next girl I liked I was less anxious. And I was even less anxious with the one after that, and so on. I'm 23 and still haven't had a relationship with a girl I really like, but I've had a friend with benefits, 3 sexual partners, and about a dozen makeouts.

Pursuing and hooking up with barely attractive chicks that you don't have intense crushes on is great for teaching you how to go through the motions with a girl you actually like. That is probably the best thing you can do. Also play sports or at least get regular exercise.

>> No.14105540


>> No.14105547

kek, based

>> No.14105553

Buddy fixing teeth has never been easier, you can get invisalign these days, pretty hard to see, costs maybe 1k more than braces and noone will notice

>> No.14105580

Clean your room. It's a meme but it's a good beginning. Reading a book will not change things, that's lazy, you have to make change yourself. Exercise, get an education or job, get a hobby, meet people

Know you have to make your own future and your own happiness, it is your responsibility and no one else's.

>> No.14105589
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i'm sure all of the cockroaches and flies and rodents think the exact same thing when die as virgins or infertile

>> No.14105596

no buddy you're the joker type he is talking about

>> No.14105600

It's really as simple as this. Or is it? Is that really enough?

>> No.14105723
File: 195 KB, 702x465, Saints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm a really intimate portrait of a life lived under globalism

>> No.14105731

actually most sexual acts are completely superficial. You're better off reading good books about love

>> No.14105742

It's really difficult if you have crippling anxiety though. Realizing that you have to put yourself out there isn't enough. If you're on the cusp of doing something and your body physically shuts down, it isn't going to happen.

>> No.14105839

based advice that I have been following for over a year now. I am wealthier than ever, still lonely though, but I am working on it

>> No.14105871

Don't worry bro, you had no control over anything. Universe was designed to fuck you over thus far and whatever is set to happen will happen. Just hope for the best and try to enjoy the experiences universe brings you into next.

>> No.14105884

>If i would have been a german here i wouldnt have an issue.

Anybody who isn't a normal German has better prospects with German girls then the a average German onions cuck.
( t. German onions cuck btw.)

>> No.14105921

Do you really need other people to, maybe not be happy, but atleast not suffer? You are not wasting your life, because after your death this shit won't have any meaning at all. Personally I find peace in this lack of sense. You don't have to do anything, just don't be a dick and if something bothers you I'm sure you'll figure it out someday

>> No.14106138

only if youre brown
me having superior slav chad genetics im whiter than over 95% of germans i ever saw

>> No.14106210

its not all bad quizmaster, at least you have your 300+ jcat

>> No.14106229


I thought about the meaning of life a lot, and tried to write down every meaning.
I explored the meanings and took them to their logical conclusions.

The only meaning of life that makes any sense and holds up to all scrutiny is "Do Glory to God".

Here are the meanings I came up with that I can remember. I did this in high school

You can live for
>other people (family, friends)
>other entity (a pet dog)
>an idea (beauty, pleasure, ubermensch, absurdity, your race like white or black nationalism, equality communism, liberty freedom, whatever other philosophy. These can fit into the yourself or other people category)
>God (Jesus Christ)

>> No.14106252

If your ultimate rubric is Creation than people who create anything are scoring the points and winning the game. Including sex dolls, heroin, etc. Sound moral? Nope.

If your ultimate rubric is Pleasure than people who take pleasure in the bodily delights are scoring the points and winning the game. Cant work because you are zonked out on heroin? That's fine. ODing on Heroin in your sleep? Perfect way to win the game! Denying yourself eating all day so a piece of bread and tepid glass of water taste good? Perfectly fine. Who cares about aiming at more "meaningful" pursuits like having a family or something...no the highest value Pleasure so everything else not in service to Pleasure of the body should be cast aside. Sound moral? Nope.

If your ultimate rubric Love than people who love the most are scoring the points and winning the game. Including polyamorous relationships, sex all the time, Don Juan's philosophy basically. Sound moral? Nope.

ultimate rubric is Beauty than people will ask "what is Beauty?" and endlessy bicker over what it is, and whoever shills the hardest for their ideology of Beauty with artisic technique is scoring the points and winning the game. Sound moral? Nope.

ultimate rubric is Peace than people who ever get violent are the bad ones. An evil person doing violence on someone? They can conquer the whole world if every single other person did not choose to get violent with him and stop him. Whoever is the most weak and vulnerable is scoring the points and winning the game. Sound moral? Nope.

ultimate rubric is Empathy than people who have the most empathy are scoring the points and winning the game. Someone claims to be in pain? Whoever gives that person the most, is the winner. Doing anything to cause another to complain? That's not empathy! Try to teach a child responisbility by punishing him if he doesn't mow the lawn? How could you! You can't do that! Sound moral? Nope.

If your ultimate rubric is Equality than people who pursue everyone to be totally Equal are scoring the points and winning the game. Someone is 2 inches taller? Kill them. We must be equal in height.

ultimate rubric is Liberty than people who promise the most freedom are scoring the points and winning the game. Any rules whatsoever are deemed contrary to the game. Someone doing something that you think is bad? Who are you to say? Liberty is the ultimate value in this land. Sound moral? Nope.

If your ultimate rubric is Knowledge than people who chase knowledge and information are scoring the points and winning the game. Do you know what it feels like to cut a baby's throat? Oh you don't? I have more knowledge than you! "But we can simulate experiences through drama and books!" Yeah we can, but then all new discoveries lead to new explorations. It's endless

If your ultimate rubric is Culture than people who eradicate everyone of a different culture are scoring the points and winning the game. Right wing types worship this one.

>> No.14106315

so why not just travel back to russia, also having german money can help ?

>> No.14106461


>> No.14106518

All of these problems are symptomatic of a singular issue that you can resolve by attacking each symptom. The issue you and most others in your situation suffer from is a lack of discipline.
>25 years old
Still quite young.
>friendless virgin
Try out a new hobby that forces you to go out. When I was in your shoes I took up archery and made friends that way.
>rapidly losing hair
Pfft. I lost my hair in my teens dude. No joke. Shave your head and consider growing a beard or some other kind of facial hair if you're able.
>no career prospects
Tons of programs at community colleges which translate directly into jobs. ALSO YOU CAN MAKE FRIENDS AND MEET GRILS THERE.
> hated by family
That sucks but you can choose your own family in the form of close friendships.
>zero charisma or social skills
Practice at bars. Get a few beers in you and go up to a table and see if you can make something happen. No one will remember if you fuck up, no one will care. At worst they'll laugh at you and forget minutes later. In life you will be rejected and ridiculed, that's a fact, but the key is to remember that you can afford to look like a fool because there are literally billions of people on this planet and there's only one way to learn how to shmooze. Learn to fail properly. Failing properly = failing but learning from the mistake.

You can survive but you'll have to work. Now, today, is the perfect time to begin!

>> No.14106654
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Because i couldnt meet any women in russia. i dont live there, i dont work there. despite what all you normies say with your bullshit platitutes nobody actually meets their gfs just like that on the street, its always through friends/extended circle of friends or women you naturally/organically met, for example in school, uni, work etc
i never went to school or uni in russia
if i were to go to russia id just waste money on plane tickets because its over for me, i am too old and cannot simply meet a gf in school or college like everyone else

>> No.14106661
File: 30 KB, 424x342, 1572093265316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Russian and I grew up in Israel. I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm always and forever going to be an outsider in this shithole. A country where everyone is circumscribed and I'm not, I can't even imagine getting intimate with a girl. I'll have to explain my dick. CAN ANYONE IMAGINE HAVING TO EXPLAIN HIS OWN DICK??? No one here has seen an uncircumcised dick. I'm pale like a proper Russian and everyone in Israel is a tanned chad with full head of hair and perfect facial hair. I'm balding and have shit facial hair. Been bullied through high school and heard enough girls say that they don't date Russians. Girls who do date Russians are either Slav themselves or are considered fetishists. Fuck you mom for bringing me into this fucking hell hole. Get me off this ride.

>> No.14106806

get a mail order bride or something like that? Isn't Russia a really shitty place to live, surely some cute girl would like to leave especially for Germany.

>> No.14106853

you can control your destiny by living fully in real life. if your surroundings truly are so awful, they will become so unbearable that you will be forced to leave and make a change. I recommend devoting yourself to the creation or maintenance of something tangible, like a forest or something. you need to seek fulfillment in a tangible way that will allow you to feel like you're making progress in your life, not consuming intangible things like books.

>> No.14106857

You in the military?

>> No.14106875


>> No.14106893


>> No.14106928

Who has bases in Israel?

>> No.14106931
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Yeah I wish. I was a combat medic in Givati. Biggest waste of time imaginable.
All these mamram motherfuckers living the life after getting free programming training and experience from the army and I got cucked for free.

>> No.14106939

Israeli girls love uncut dick, you're just too beta to make a move.

>> No.14106987

>every boy gets cut when he's 8 days old
>Israeli girls love uncut dick
How delusional are you? They've never seen an uncut dick. By your logic they either like week year old baby dick or "exotic" foreigner dick from abroad.

>> No.14106994
File: 59 KB, 752x772, C5E2A3EB-A2AF-4D9A-9077-FDC4E9462AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

чюcтвyю твoй пocт. я никoгдa нe cмoгy пpocтить cвoeй мaтepи зa тo чтo oнa мнe пoлнocтью иcпopтилa жизнь. я мoг бы пpocтo жить aхyeннoй жизню в мocквe eбaл бы кaк вce c 15 лeт pyccких тянoк, нo нeт блядь, eбyчaя cyкa в 6 лeт мeня в гepмaнию взялa coбoю, дaжe нeльзя мнe былo c бaбyшкoй cecтpoй тaм ocтaтcя нeт нaхyй, тyпo здeлaлa мeня пoжизнeннo дeвcтвeнникoм, a мoг тo кaк вce нopмaльныe люди в 15-16 тpaхaть cлaвянoк

>> No.14107026
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>тpaхaть cлaвянoк c 15 лeт

>> No.14107036

У нac пoлнo вeликoвoзpacтных дeвcтвeнникoв. Пoлoвинa мoих дpyзeй нe имeлa никaкoгo oпытa c пpoтивoпoлoжным пoлoм.

t. 20 лeт дeвcтвeннocти.

>> No.14107148

Hamas is based.

>> No.14107258
File: 84 KB, 1024x924, 1560384839222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

тyт тo yжe peaльнo пpoблeмa твoя винa, ecли cтecнитeльный ayтиcт кaкoй-тo, y тeбя тo хoтяб БЫЛИ TЯH B ЖИЗHИ. ecли y мeня твoй вoзмoжнocти былиб тo я cтapaлcя б
M? eтo ты мнe бычишь?
Щя eщё нaпизди мнe чтo pyccкиe дeвyшки нe шлюхи

>> No.14107267

Plato and Aristotle. Protagoras, The Republic and Nicomachean Ethics. Life-changing books, for me, since they give some concrete general life direction. Stoics are good too.
As far as fiction goes, Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Goethe all have the kind of themes you're interested in, and are some of the greatest writers of all time.

>> No.14107279

Lift weights bro
Get a job

>> No.14107322

I learned how at 24. It takes effort but if you're really ugly you'll never make it unless you're willing to put up with an ugly neurotic.

It feels kind of good to reach normie milestones but not that good.

>> No.14107495

I'm unironically upset that I'll never have teenage pussy and my female peers have turned themselves into monsters devoid of any virtues or even basic humanity. An impossible effort would be needed to get back into a relationship regardless of who is out there.

>> No.14107545

How old are you? As long as you're in your twenties you can smash an 18 or 19 year old no problem. Move to a town or a city with a college

>> No.14107586

the alternative wears off quickly too just enjoy the small and simple moments

>> No.14107663

Late 20s. I'm afraid I'm past the point of no return. I can't even humor the younger generation. I don't have Aspergers, either I just lost the ability to care enough to even continue boring pleasantries with everyone I meet. It's not even like I have a fetish for youth, I'm attracted to people who haven't been used up by the world and still have some light left in them. People who don't see relationships as the sum of everything that they can get out of a person and constantly look for an upgrade, which is fairly typical of older women or young women who have had too many partners.

Please, if you're still a teenager or in your early 20s, do everything you can do find a stable long term partner and pair bond with them. It's a horror story out there for everyone else who is single.

>> No.14107681

Seek out group therapy. I go to peer support, it helps me immensely.

>> No.14107687

Was in your same position. I manned up and improved myself. Gained weight. Changed wardrobe. Changed haircut. Nobody recognized me. Then I got over my social anxieties and went out and did things.

If I can do it you can too

>> No.14107693

Anyone here on finasteride? Would you recommend it?

>> No.14107699

>parents wasted my potential
>grew up in a crackden in dire poverty eating white bread, canned vegetables, and literal roadkill
>not a single book in the house, parents never took me to the library
>expressed interest in learning a second language (as a child/preteen), parents made fun of me until i quit
>expressed interest in art, parents ignored me, only left me with scrap paper and some pens they stole from the bank
>expressed interest in academics, was left to attend a majority black public school in a run down area far from any large city
>was told to sit in my room and stay quiet, so as not to disturb their drug session
>had few to no toys, no books, only a crappy radio i had to play as quietly as possible
>lead paintchips all over, dirty squalor, mold on ceiling from water damage that went unfixed for 10 years
>all furniture came from the side of the curb that someone had set out for the trash
>no after school activities, couldn't afford any school trips, was dressed in rags, received no medical care
>was not allowed to have friends because it was a bother for my parents to give me a ride to a friend's house or even just to keep track of my whereabouts and remember where i was
>was emotionally and verbally abused, gaslighted, screamed at for hours a day, was not allowed to go outside to play, had no siblings and no neighborhood friends
>lived in the ghetto with literal shootings outside my door, across from a crack house the cops came to at least 2x a week
>have medical issues for life due to the extreme neglect
>had crippling social disorders through college until I corrected them myself through willpower and observation
>economically depressed area, couldn't get a job until i moved out of state on my own, started adult life in dire poverty with an empty resume and zero references or hands up
>had to move mountains just to claw out my own bare survival

Thanks. Just thanks.

>> No.14107715

I don't understand how some men have it hard to talk with girls, I can understand teenage boys but like bro. They're just people with a hole and a slightly different brain.

>> No.14107726

True, stoicism is a slave philosophy. It perfectly fits the downtrodden and self loathing.

>> No.14107731

As followup
>looksmaxxed, learned how to adapt socially and pass as normie, learned how to pass an interview
>now have two degrees and work in white collar making comfy money
>am in a long term relationship with someone earning great money
>live in one of the 5 best cities in the nation
>bilingual, well read on a variety of subjects
>clean, organized apartment, impressive culinary ability
>have traveled across the entire country on my own, planning an international trip now
>good at sports, in pretty good physical condition
>clear skin, dress attractively, eat healthy, get regular exercise
>can pass as upper middle class easily
>never done drugs in my life
>cut out toxic relations, vowed to never return to homestate
Just imagine if I had started out at the same level everyone else was playing on.

>> No.14107735

What degrees?

>> No.14107770

>Just imagine if I had started out at the same level everyone else was playing on.
Rotting away in a 3rd world country without even the ability to improve your life in any meaningful way?

>> No.14107778

Discourses of Epictetus
You've brilliantly diagnosed your own problem, though. You can't read your way out of this. Do something else than what you're doing.

>> No.14107795

Same for "urr Durr u need to buy a lot of shit to be (look)successful" People thinks they have a void and need to fill it. It started when the TV made the generation zap, people just watching TV in their past time, zapping from one channel to another, saying "there's nothing on TV." Then we moved to the internet, we have prêt-à-porter content, several streaming services, to your door deliveries, etc. And yet we feel "bored" you have people who just scroll on Facebook, clicking like here and there with little to no interaction with real people, just people on a screen, with their "perfect" lives, we now have a kind of people called "influencers" whose only job is to sell things and make people think they are actually a role model. That's why a lot of people feels empty because they think everybody should be like those on the screen, and that is the only way to be(look) successful. Just go the monk way OP. Get a job YOU enjoy, don't make sex the ultimate goal of your life, people comes and goes, make everything just for you, don't try to impress others or live a fictional life, that's what breaks a man, trying to keep up with shit imposed by others, or letting others decide your value

>> No.14107803

Eastern Europe is not something to regard as "third world"

>> No.14107813

I guess you haven’t experienced being beholden to a fear you know is irrational. The short version of it is I was abandoned by my mother and live in constant fear of rejection by other women.

>> No.14107838
File: 96 KB, 882x530, last modified: 2010-01-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i post it?

>> No.14107855

This, it's like a phobia, there's no rationalizing it. Because of trauma in their youth some people fear rejection more than anything. My first crush was incredibly cruel in how she rejected me and I've had mental blocks for years because of it.

>> No.14107856

I'm talking about the average person globally, who would be likely African or Asian living in some shithole country. Even life as an Eastern European crackbaby would be more favorable, and then consider that half of the population would have worse lives than our hypothetical example.

Adversity gatekeeping doesn't mean anything. The fact that you did change shows that you had the ability in the first place, whereas many people just don't. They couldn't significantly improve their lives anymore than you could teach a retard to do complex physics, it wasn't in the cards for them.

>> No.14107868

Being a virgin means anons want to reproduce with Instagram tier thots, instead of just fucking anything that moves. Losing your virginity (If that's your goal and not actually having a model for a gf) is easy but you cumlords want to fuck 10/10's

>> No.14107877

then I don't understand why you'd be afraid of talking to a woman, unless you plan to ask out every single woman.

>> No.14107889

There are other forms of rejection than just romantic. If you say hi to a girl and she tells you to fuck of that's a rejection too.

>> No.14107927

You’re saying you don’t understand and I’m saying I have an irrational fear. I think we’re in agreement.

>> No.14107951

Do a work-away mate.
The more shitty your life is, the more free you are to leave and be free - freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose you know...

So experiment with the shit you got - going to burning man is something you could do too. Drop all predjudice, doing something cringe is better than doing nothing and hating yourself.

>> No.14107957

> f you say hi to a girl and she tells you to fuck of
I have the same anxiety but this scenario would be just ridiculous. this is not what I fear, it must be something deeper than that.

>> No.14107963

By leaving i mean doing something completely else

>> No.14107973

I would recommend Tony Robbins' Awaken the Giant Within. Just believe everything he writes in that book, even if it seems like bs, it's helped me turn my life around, I used to be an incel virgin, but now I'm a volcel virgin because none of the women near me are good enough for me. I've turned down 2 women so far this year (one was 18, the other an asian instagram model, neither of them single mums), which is a big step up from my previous average of no women ever wanting anything to do with me. It actually feels pretty good to be able to say you're not interested (obviously if I had a suspicion that a woman were good enough for me, I'd ask her out/ say yes to her). Self help is actually kinda based in a way, you don't need to have past experiences to make you confident, you can just say "how would someone who is confident act in this situation?".

You just need to lose your victim mentality, you need to believe that in 10 years time you're going to be a millionaire and that if you work hard, you'll have pussy hanging off you left and right (if that's what you want). Only men can be losers, but that in itself implies that we too are the only ones who can be winners. Women are like cattle and will go where life leads them. Men must choose their own destinies, and you are not going to get anywhere sitting around moping.

[The downside is I've probably gone a little bit insane and I've lost touch with reality, I've been told that I act as though I'm not actually living. The upside is I spend considerably more of my time being productive and I don't feel any resentment towards myself anymore. I'm still on 4chan, I'm still a loser, but I'm far less of a loser than I used to be, and you can be too]

>> No.14107976

so you're just afraid of assholes?

>> No.14107984

I have the same fear of rejection. The thing I am most afraid of is finally making a move on a girl and she looks at me with a confused look, like she's not mad, it's just "really? You thought it was appropriate to made a move on me? You actually expected me to respond positively?"

>> No.14107996

I think your fear is understandable but even that wouldn't bother me. Maybe it's my social inexperience? I don't know.

>> No.14108031

>True, stoicism is a slave philosophy.
Nietzsche sucks for convincing trashstock faggots like you that they would be the masters in a hierarchical state

>> No.14108041

Some of them might become masters, and Nietzsche would be helpful for them. As for the others, who cares what they believe?

>> No.14108468

I'm not faulting stoicism, I'm a stoic myself. I'm just calling it what it is.

>> No.14108643

Are you saying our current states aren't hierarchical?

>> No.14108657

I use stoic techniques, but I maintain that Stoicism is a poor philosophy to base your life on.
Eastern philosophy (Buddhism, etc.) is a better slave philosophy, and can actually empower you via helping you reach insights into your own life.
However, I strongly believe you can have ambition in your life, while still using stoicism to benefit you (see: Aurelius, James Mattis).

>> No.14108668

He's not and he's not wrong.

>> No.14108674

No, I want to fuck a girl who's at least average, because I know I'm above average. I'm not ugly, I'm /fit/, I have money, I have friends, and I'm reasonably intelligent, so why would I want to fuck some ugly, fat, poor, stupid thot?

>> No.14108725

Well that's your particular case, but not all anons are fit or have Chad aesthetics, so again a cumlord coomer who's overweight wants to fuck a 10 but probably rejects some girl suited for him because "N-no I want a big tiddie goth gf" basically: the girls I like don't like me and I don't like the girls who like me.

>> No.14108740

I'm not a die hard stoic by any means, more of an existentialist. I think people can use stoicism as an excuse for staying in a pattern of bad behaviour. I think it's best used when facing random adversity that can't be prevented.

>> No.14108744

>he thinks the universe isn't 7500 years old
Folks, this is your brain on naturalism.

>> No.14108755

You're insane if that's what you think is going on in most cases of guys who can't get girls.

>> No.14108756

Oh it's certainly coming, but it won't get any attention because that's not why people read nowadays, if they read at all. People require easy entertainment and escapism instead, and this is the very thing that saps people of the will required for the action of writing a book. We've been so far estranged from the craft of what goes into writing a book that the creation of one becomes a monumental struggle against all the forces of ennui and distraction that exist in the world, so much so that to produce a book one would have to become a Will to creation personified, and even then one would nee to find ways to get the book out there and/or publish it. Now just thinking about this is enough to make one, no matter how anxious they are at the world, collapse upon their couch and put on the next Marvel movie or whatever

>> No.14108757
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Those people do exist but to say they're prevalent, let alone the majority is just wrong. Head over to /fit/ and find an entire board of >tfw no gf posts made by men with the aesthetics of models. For someone like me to be able to reach 23 and still be a virgin while having been overwhelmingly successful in every other facet of my life means there is something incredibly wrong with our society/culture. These numbers are not natural and they are not sustainable, anon. 1/3 of men below 30 are not overweight NEET coomers only pining for 10/10s.

>> No.14108762

>I think people can use stoicism as an excuse for staying in a pattern of bad behaviour
Lots of "stoics" do this, mainly ones who have read one book of Meditations and highlighted random quotes they liked, without reading the whole work.
The other day I was told to go fuck myself by someone who maintained he was a devout, true stoic. It confused me.

Stoicism can be good for finding balance in one's life or recovering from hedonism, but as another anon said, eastern philosophy is often better.

>> No.14108766

Are you from Brazil?

>> No.14108767
File: 358 KB, 637x360, 526ED421-F7D0-489A-B44E-B59998F7A6C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rapidly losing hair
Too close

>> No.14108785

the "life" you've wasted is a vulgar abstraction forced on you by visual media. become a forester and live out your remaining days on the edge of the hellscape, blissful and untroubled

>> No.14108864

Eastern philosophy always came across to me as stoicism with spiritualistic wallpaper. Stoicism, imo is best used in the face of tragedy and unstoppable events. It should never be used to excuse yourself of personal responsibility. Other wise you're just calling apathetic hedonism a philosophy.

>> No.14108873

>Uma travesti que delicia
Brazilians have it on easy mode mate, if you can't land a girl you can at least get a shemale gostosa with a grande bunda

>> No.14108943

I know, but most anons just ramble about being lonely but they don't want to change anything. I was on that spot and had to make a self analysis of what I was doing wrong, it's not like having a girlfriend is my end goal on life, I have a good job, make decent money and have a lot of time for myself, and I'm not an overweight coomer either. Whenever I feel lonely and horny I just call an escort, and probably people sees that as "oh no he has to pay for sex" but in reality I just don't have time for a relationship, I've been alone for like 3 years and I don't feel bad about it, nor that I see me married with children. I'm planning on getting a high end sex doll and just enjoy my time with myself, I don't have any boundaries, I want I do.

>> No.14109136

Going full Falstaff

In a world of post truth and sexual inequality that's honestly based. Just live your own life and don't hurt those that don't deserve it. That's all the practical philosophy you really need.

>> No.14109149

A fantasy I think most millenials and zoomers dream of, but don't see as possible.

>> No.14109254

Already fucked like 20 prostitutes, 7 shemales, ones multiple times, dated one shemale and had around 15 girlfriends, I try to call a girl or girl(male) at least once a month, 2 if I feel like it, they come to my place, we drink, talk, enjoy and get to business. And since I am a regular with some I get discounts. All the shemales and some of the pros always ask me the same thing "why dont you get a girlfriend? You are handsome" also noticed some of the shemales get jealous when they know I called another girl instead. Im living the most kino time of my life.

>> No.14109325

I'm unsure if this a larp, but if it's real then good for you.

>> No.14109332


>> No.14110275

How'd that work out for young Tedu?

>> No.14110600 [DELETED] 



>> No.14111337

>Muhammed was a virgin at 25 with no parents.
then became one of the most influential people in history, had a dozen wives, changed his society and the world, and is loved by 1 out of every 4 people on the planet

>> No.14111573

good shit, anon. here's a (You)

>> No.14111778 [DELETED] 

Is there for for me
He even got a loli wife

Honestly as I grow older it seems the smartest thing to do is try to start a cult

>> No.14111796

Is there hope for me
He even got a loli wife

Honestly as I grow older it seems the smartest thing to do is try to start a cult

>> No.14111998

Is there going to be an uprising of those numbers increase? People seriously underestimate what a high number of agitated young males who feel cheated of the system can do.

>> No.14112192
File: 79 KB, 956x956, 1553803588610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian boys are cute!

>> No.14112206

אחי זה כנראה לא הזין. שנינו יודעים שזה כנראה לא הזין.

>> No.14113217

It won't be some retarded incel uprising, but it just means you've got a lot of guys with little vested interest in society who are very frustrated. When they've got a reason to wreck shit up, you're going to see it.

>> No.14113269

A 4chan meetup is like Dorian Grey's fatal final encounter with his aged portrait.

>> No.14113509

Virginity is a perfect symbol of failure and not unconnected to your other characteristics.

>> No.14113705

>Just imagine if I had started out at the same level everyone else was playing on.
Probably a lazy NEET like me desu. Your shitty childhood is what gave you the motivation to tryhard at life.

>> No.14113773

You need to find a guiding delusion that will allow you to reinterpret yourself and your circumstances. Any kind of faith, be it religious faith or faith in some cause or principle, will give form and structure to your meaningless existence, as well as some direction to move you forward.

This will involve a willing leap headlong into narrow-mindedness and ignorance. You will have to shield yourself against all evidence that conflicts with your newly adopted worldview. You will have to avoid the temptations to stray from the path you clear-headedly designated for yourself: take too many steps in a new direction, and you will look back, over your shoulder, at the old path, and see the promise and magic drained out of it. In that moment, you will find yourself once again in the trackless wilderness of meaninglessness, one or two years older than you were when you started your journey into the comfortable delusion of your choice, with nothing significant to show for it.

Become obsessed with "hard work" and making money. Become a Christian bent on saving the souls of the heathen and spreading the Good Word. Become a radical environmentalist, believing wholeheartedly in the moral righteousness of planetary conservation by any means necessary. Become anything that gives your a pseudo-moral purpose which requires steadfast action to fulfill, and ACT according to that purpose.

The old meta-narratives that engirdled us into communities and furnished us, however unconsciously, with grand purposes and templates for self-interpretation, have dissolved. You live in a time which requires you to take on a tremendous burden, but also gives you a level of freedom hitherto unfathomable: you must choose your own system of belief from the outside. Then, dive in.

>> No.14114838

become a monk, but you're going to have to convert to the One True Faith.

>> No.14115085

OP could write about his situation as a release. Nobody has to read it now, but he could be a literary icon if his writing gets discovered later on?

>> No.14115196

purely out of curiosity how much does that cost?

>> No.14115644

>4 years later I have a nice place in a great city, make money doing what I like, close friend group, girlfriend after a few years of fucking randoms, family now respects me.


>> No.14116050

It's the isolation. Back in the day you were forced to interact with others more so than today. Given the right conditions isolation breeds violent anti-sociality and insanity.

>> No.14116089
File: 12 KB, 480x360, ass-punchout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, let's do it like Buddha once taught, and analyze the circumstances exactly as they are.

Not all of it is your fault!

You grew up without any oversight, feedback or interest from any caregiver for your success. Any human (in fact, any animal!) that does not receive any form of feedback of what is the appropriate form to get your way in their environment is completely lost. This is why when it comes to personal achievement, even child abuse victims will often outperform children who were unparented.

This is a complicated world. You must have people who are at least invested in your success around you. If your family hates you, they must at least acknowledge half of what you are is their own damn fault. Too bad they are either narcistic or too dumb to even entertain the thought of responsibility

>> No.14116233


>> No.14116302

I'm not a Russian but i'm a slav living in Portugal. I totally get what you are saying and I've always had problems with girls until this age desu.

Now i'm 22 and I get female attention pretty regularly. But i'm tall, blue eyed and blonde. My trick to look like less of a slav was to grow my hair and voilá, I get mistaken to be a German, Swedish or English.

There's hope bratya.

>> No.14116343

Hike a long trail, bro
I fucking mean it from the bottom of my heart
Look up the Appalachian Trail

>> No.14117598

based literal boomer

>> No.14118516
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 1572958867454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Scottish and basically schizoid at this point so I can't really share your pain about being unable to receive sex since I don't really have much of a desire for it myself personally but I can sympathise with your feelings of being a genetically deffective dreg since I'm also severely dysgenic and have to suffer with it everyday knowing that I'll never be able to reproduce for obvious ethical reasons or intermingle with my fellow man and see eye to eye.

>> No.14119761

Write a novel about it all

>> No.14119831

If you need advice, go to >>>/adv/