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14102202 No.14102202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, it looks pretty good, thinking about picking up a copy, what are your thoughts /lit/?

>Who better than that unjustifiably overconfident guy in your MFA to mansplain the most important (aka white male) writers of western literature? You can’t miss him: riding the L, writing furiously in his Moleskine notebook, or defying the wind by hand-rolling a cigarette outside a Williamsburg coffeeshop. He’s read Infinite Jest 9 1/2 times—have you?

>From Shakespeare’s greatest mystery (how could a working-class man without access to an MFA program be so prolific?) to the true meaning of Kafkaesque (you know you’ve made it when you have an adjective named for you) to an appropriately minimalist dissertation on Raymond Carver that segues effortlessly into a devastating critique of a New Yorker rejection letter (”serious believability issues”), this guide is at once profound and practical.

>Use a Venn diagram to test your knowledge of which Jonathan—Franzen, Lethem, or Safran Foer—hates Twitter and lives in Brooklyn. (Trick question: all 3!) Practice slyly responding to an invitation to discuss Bartleby the Scrivener with “I would prefer not to.” Sneer at chick-lit and drink Mojitos like Hemingway (not like middle-aged divorcées!). And as did Nabokov (originator of the emoticon), find the Pale Fire within.

>So instead of politely nodding next time you encounter said person at a housewarming party in Brooklyn, you can hand them this book and tell them to roll up their sleeves and cigarettes, and get to writing the next great American novel.


>> No.14102229

>all these 20th century americans
True pretentious white men only read pre1900 poetry

>> No.14102233

At least this thread has the image the right way up.


>> No.14102250

Racism without even realizing it.

>> No.14102291

It's hilarious that, by tying this book to her twitter account @guyinyourmfa and in this blurb explaining the book as from his mind--it's hilarious that in doing so she makes it explicit that her audience is women in MFAs. She is totally incapable of addressing any other mode of being. She really can't relate to anything else. Our little J.A.P., when writing a book, chose to write only to the other little-hers out there. Could an engineer read this book? a mathematician? a plumber? an autodidact? a homemaker? No, in all cases. The book is expressly only aimed at the female who wastes her money, excusez-moi, her father's money, on such a thing as an MFA. Her ideology is wholly unsuited for anyone else. Disdain for the white man won't get you anywhere in fields where performance matters, since white men control those fields; got to do it in a place where only representation matters. I wonder if she's self-aware, if she realizes that she--by her own admission--is incapable of relating to anyone who isn't essentially herself. This is an advanced level of narcissism.

>> No.14102297

So THIS is the school of resentment?

>> No.14102302
File: 41 KB, 550x512, 1458192194335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a book for brooklynite faggots. Fuck off new yorkers. The world is not like your little burough, and it will not be in the future.

>> No.14102303

Who the fuck is this even supposed to make fun of?

>> No.14102304

>drink mojitos like Hemmingway

He was famous for daiquiris you ignorant slut.

>> No.14102326

You ever just wonder why the "woke" crowd can't do anything without layers of irony?

>> No.14102461

For the same reason the "alt-right" can't do it either?

>> No.14102681


>> No.14102717

Who gives a fuck about this Brooklynite subculture she's demolishing besides other people in Brooklyn? How many people would bother to read this?

>> No.14102749
File: 242 KB, 746x894, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your guide, bro

>> No.14102808 [DELETED] 

The world would be a better place if these people were kicked out the west.

>> No.14102844

some of the various smoke monsters and windmills in the heads of affluent white managerial women

>> No.14102879

So shes a jew yeah?

>> No.14102892
File: 50 KB, 613x771, 1558407634008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly little cunt, isn't she? All filth, inside and out. I want to slap her while she chokes on my monster cock. "STOP TRYING TO REPLACE SHAKESPEARE WITH A BUNCH OF TALENTLESS NIGGERS AND WOMEN, YOU STUPID WHORE," I shout as I punch her throat, "YEAH, FUCK YEAH SLUT, SWALLOW MY CUM, THEN SWALLOW MELVILLE'S MOBY DICK YOU DUMB WHORE!"

>> No.14102893

>without even realizing it

>> No.14102952

No, they realize it, they just don't see anything wrong with it.

This applies both to the blatant ideology of the extermination of "Whites" and to the belief that "Non-Whites" are mindless retards who are incapable of agency without "Whites" and Jews to animate them.

>> No.14103020

Can we stop talking about white people for once? There are other interesting topics as well, like the achievements of women of color in arts and philosophy besides the implicit bias of traditional academia

>> No.14103277

>the achievements of women of color in arts and philosophy
which is talking about evil wypipo?

>> No.14103286

why must they do this

>> No.14103319

Other than the obvious poltard bait, this book just sounds so miserable. It's written by someone who has a distaste of all these authors, but has clearly read all of them and spent time cynically dissecting them. Look at how she both criticizes the number of authors from Brooklyn, yet then mentions being in abrooklyn as some kind of universal experience. I picture a failed art student so privileged that they don't even notice the inner bitterness at everything around them, because they know how to disguise it as humor. Like a lot of sjw types, there's this duplicitous sense of anger covered under a thin veneer of niceness. I can't think of anything this book would do other than spread that snapshot of misery around. It makes me sad looking at it.

>> No.14103324

My gut tells me that I don't need to go to the "early life" section on wikipedia for this one.

>> No.14103377

Comprised of the same jews Bloom didn't want to criticize.

>> No.14103385

Of course.

Why does the jew jew?

>> No.14103412

> he's so fucking stupid that he thinks Jewish hatred is 'accidental'

My dude, they've been trying their damnedest to coerce the rest of the world to start a second Holocaust for the longest time now...

>> No.14103419


>> No.14103422

Are they ever not?

>> No.14103428

You need to either put down the Maya Angelou rag you're reading, or take the highly melenated penis out of our mouth. Maybe both.

>> No.14103431

They simply cannot help themselves.

>> No.14103439

I work at bookstore that has a few copies of this on order. When they come in I'm going to bin them and right them off as damaged lmao

>> No.14103446

I like the way your mouth feels babe so I guess that's no more Angelou for today

>> No.14103451

Fuck that, start a Nazi style book burning and toss that kike propaganda into the pyre.

>> No.14103459

No one reads Hemingway in high school. Fuck, no one reads anything in high school.

>> No.14103467

American's are such a contemptible race of people. How does a country with so much wealth and power produce an academic tradition that basically amounts to naval-gazing and the most simplistic and banal attempts at social commentary.
I guess a country where everyone is the same is incapable of grasping differences beyond their dumb racial caste system. It's kind of funny, even Borge's racist rants show a more genuine appreciation for difference than the most liberal American intelligentsia's "I think brown people are the most virtuous race" bullshit.

>> No.14103468

im so glad i graduated high school in '14 and went to a state school for my biz degree.

feel so bad for the kids getting exposed to this cancer

>> No.14103485

New Yorkers will read it, and it will be reviewed by every New York media, which in turn means the rest of America because New York is a cultural hegemon.

>> No.14103486

because anybody with brains over here knows that unless you're a tenured professor or headed to law/med school, you're going to get shafted if you pursue anything outside of engineering, comp sci, and certain business majors. [keep in mind education is only partially subsidized by the state]. so what you're left with in lib arts majors are either out-of-touch kids who can afford to piss money away or just plain clueless people

>> No.14103489

Also, don't mistake "literature academia" for actual academia.

>> No.14103491

Anything American intelligentsia says makes more sense once you view it as less descriptive and evaluative, and more as a divide and conquer ideological weapon that's backed by Rockefeller and Ford Foundation grant money.

>> No.14103510

Has nothing to do with "Americans" or ideological warfare; it's about race and racial warfare. As in this case and countless others, those promoting the anti-white narratives are jewish.

>> No.14103694
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Why do these people hate us so much? What have we done that's horrible enough to merit this kind of vitriol? Aren't these the same people who say they're against hatred, especially race hatred?

>> No.14103704

yeah, no

>> No.14103705


>> No.14103707

Race is a very convenient cover for class, since class is the thing that (property/capital) owners don't want us talking about. Just look at the news coverage of any class-based demonstration, and you'll see journalists saying, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THESE PEOPLE COULD POSSIBLY BE GOING ON ABOUT, WHAT'S THEIR MESSAGE, IT'S JUST ALL SO CONFUSING!!!"

>> No.14103719

This type of thing makes me feel more sad than anything. It’s deliberately designed and written as a point of sarcasm and insincerity. Some woman has written this book, and turned male writers into anti-status symbols — so someone will be considered uncool if they read something. It’s also pathetic because its entire worldview is predicated on a MFA programs, so women have turned literature into in-jokes. And some of this is also incoherent, as in what’s wrong with writing in a moleskin? And reading Infinite Jest a few too many times is better than whoever wrote this — it’s clearly written by some passive-aggressive bitch — the sort of resentful girl at the back of the class who had unhealthy cartoon obsessions, was solipsistic etc. (see how easy it is to see others through caricatures?)

>> No.14103731


>> No.14103739

It's a trend. Who knew that when you promote racial hatred and discrimination in institutions, media, and general society that some people start to become hateful.

>> No.14103741

Nothing is more rooted and responsible for who we are than race. You are a retard, son. Take a step back from your jewish Marxist brainwashing.

>> No.14103750

Luckily, "take a step back from your _____ brainwashing" is such a generic statement, anybody can say it about anything. That is to say, take a step back from your white nationalist brainwashing.

>> No.14103769

White nationalists don't have power or platforms or endless billions to put toward brainwashing people. However, the jews who brainwashed you do.

>> No.14103603
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Americans of all colours are all one race though. At best they manage to ape superficial differences in order to feel more secure in the monotonous ahistorical sludge that is the United States.

I've yet to see a single reason to believe that "African" Americans have anything African about them, or that "White" Americans are even slightly European. Hell, even the apparently "Hispanic" races of the USA have started using the term latinx to self-differentiate, which would be literally inconceivable in a gendered language such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Latin, etc.

America's weird obsession about race is a way for them to deny their own miserable lack of traditional institutions or genuine folk sentiments.

I've met multiple Rhodes scholars. Even in 'actual' academia this bullshit is rampant.

Even so, you'd expect the out-of-touch rich kids to produce something beyond self flagellating nonsense about "black bodies" and "dudebros"

>> No.14103788
File: 19 KB, 211x240, 1473279372460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialists: class determines everything
>National Socialists: race determines everything

>> No.14103800

>Dana (((Schwartz)))

>> No.14103639

That was very long-winded way of saying "I nothing about America or Americans." I swear, everyone here thinks twitter posts are an adequate substitute for life experience.

>> No.14103651

>Americans of all colours are all one race
Don't know why you would expect anyone to continue reading after that opening line. I believe that "American" = white, so I agree with that statement, but you're off in lala land.

>> No.14103809

It's just a coincidence.

>> No.14103810


>> No.14103662

>epic wise-looking bald man

>> No.14103814

Even class is a function of race, meaning the selection pressures that have caused subgroups to be better suited for different tasks. You can't cheat biology.

>> No.14103665
File: 108 KB, 1080x1255, niggle me this batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've yet to see a single reason to believe that "African" Americans have anything African about them, or that "White" Americans are even slightly European

>> No.14103897

white man bad, kill now, black man good, embrace the multicult

>> No.14103900

Mutts absolutely seething. Reminder that 'white' Americans can't pass as a local in Europe.

>> No.14103902

Are you jewish?

>> No.14103905
File: 59 KB, 910x752, mcgregor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See anti-white male book
>Written by Schwartz and Katzenstein

>> No.14103906

>this light hearted satire of self absorbed undergraduates is a threat!
The fragility is real

>> No.14103909

Can't wait until my light hearted satire of Jewish women writing passive aggressive screeds gets published

>> No.14103912

>racism is OK as long as it's directed at white people

>> No.14103916

Damnit you're right. I can't think of a single comedy property ever released that made fun of self absorbed Jews working in the arts in New York. That's literally never happened

>> No.14103917

Sorry W*man I will not stop reading books by old white men talking about having no GF

>> No.14103919

>light hearted satire of a powerful group
Are you trying to prove the fragility? Are you actually a Jewish agent?

>> No.14103920

Jew confirmed. Lol at this tribal myopia.

>> No.14103922

Yeah cause the neurotic Jewish obsession with WASPy country clubs turning up their noses at their great grandpas and dedicating their lives to avenging these perceived intergenerational slights is the same as Mel Brooks

>> No.14103927

I'm talking about double standards. Racism is either racism when it applies equally to everybody or there is no such thing as racism. The fact that it's directed at a "powerful group" should be inconsequential ? no ?

>> No.14103934

No. Amazed you find OP racist at all. I don't think you actually do, or even care that such a book is being published, but see it as something you can get upset about in a performative way. Very similar to some other people

>> No.14103937

>very similar to some other people
oh please, do share

>> No.14103965

All whites who care about their literary culture should care about jews attacking it like this. The jewess Schwartz is clearly hostile toward whites going by her Twitter feed, not just this book. But this is merely one example of many that adds up to show why jews don't belong in the west.

>> No.14103991


>> No.14103993


>> No.14103994

Not him but what word would you use to describe the author's pathetic fixation on whypipo?

>> No.14103997
File: 49 KB, 700x394, 16792630_303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its anti semites pretending they are safe guarding culture

>> No.14104003

White people are going down whether you like it or not. Once down they are going to be genocided. Nothing personnel.

>> No.14104004

>muh shoah
that's why you hate us so much isn't it ?

>> No.14104011

Nothing says culture like smarmy pop-lit by hairy NYC Jewesses

>> No.14104025

hairy NYC Jewesses have probably produced more great culture than hysterical Internet nazis

>> No.14104026

not without a fight we're not, Kid

>> No.14104032

Right now I can think of exactly zero notable works by either of those groups, so I'm gonna call them even.

>> No.14104036

Dorothy Parker and Hannah Arendt in the blue corner. Who have you got?

>> No.14104040

There's a little-known alt-right intellectual named Donald J. Trump who sold huger numbers than either of those.

>> No.14104046

the point that that anon was trying to make was that this thread isn't about hysterical internet nazi literature, it's about white male literature.

>> No.14104049

Too late. Most are sedated and support their suicide. Nobody cares. They are soon going to be culled by the negro.

>> No.14104050

I don't need to read this book to tell you how bad it is. I don't need to read the answers in is thread to know nobody making fun of it actually has read the canon.

Read a fucking book zoomers.

>> No.14104053
File: 120 KB, 442x269, 1499626242231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that some random twitter girl bears any resemblance to Hannah Arendt
Anon, I think all that Juul liquid you've been smoking has affected your brain!

>> No.14104055

Bronze Age Pervert and Samuel J. Hyde

>> No.14104062

We aren't the ones who get kicked out every century, that's you, kike. And that's going to happen long before whites drop in any significant numbers.

>> No.14104068

You're also wrong on the gendered languages bit, which outs you as a Duolingo kiddie at best. All the languages you mentioned have some sort of degenderizing linguistc movements aiming to de-sexualize language.

>> No.14104093
File: 137 KB, 869x1200, EIaa9n7WsAE3Bm9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till the boomers figure out what white genocide will do to real estate values.

>> No.14104117

>no one [is assigned to] read anything [good or of significant worth] in high school

>> No.14104140

Holy cringe, I hope those pseud movements get neutralized quickly, this garbage neoliberal desire to turn every aspect of every culture into a boring sludge of McDonalds meals with only superficial differences between them has to be stopped!

>> No.14104142

That friggin shnoz.

>> No.14104204


>> No.14104258

Their work has so little artistic value that will not ever be considered by anyone until the great "white male" authors are out of the picture.

>> No.14104260

Stop shilling this shit.
Actually engage with the canon instead of reading a pop-book by some mediocre Jews.

>> No.14104269
File: 218 KB, 687x1070, Opera Snapshot_2019-11-03_085134_www.goodreads.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She rated her own book on goodreads


>> No.14104288

archive this if you can. she's a grifter

>> No.14104480
File: 29 KB, 640x215, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.14104489

>Once down they are going to be genocided
This is what i thought.
Making them become a minority in their own countries is just the first part of the plan.

>> No.14104529

>they are hiding the elders of zion among young jewess cat ladies in their 20s
This is one of the most dastardly things I've seen among the grand deceptive plans of THE JEW.

>> No.14104538

don't feed the trolls

>> No.14104542

Anon, it isn't some sort of plan. It's just normal ethnic hatred.

>> No.14104551

I'm joking m8.

>> No.14104590

I know that with your limited mind you were trying to ridiculize the concept that jews have a master plan against europeans. The implication in my comment was that they aren't planning it, it's a spontaneous expression of their instinctual hatred of the host population that they parasitize.

>> No.14104601

yeah but /lit/ also thinks/could be made to think that. just say hemingway is "reddit" or w/e

this is just chancore shitposting but w/ institutional backing

>> No.14104641

>All the languages you mentioned have some sort of degenderizing linguistc movements aiming to de-sexualize language
Which don't belong to the language nature itself

>> No.14104697


ever realized that the only reason the white identity was manufactured in the US was because they have no intellectual tradition of their own so they made up this identity to ride continental credentials?

every day is a little more fuck anglos. in a century the entire world will hold genocidal views against anglos and that's probably not a bad thing

>> No.14104713

I think it was more a way to bind disparate ethnic immigrant groups, with different languages and religions, together by giving them a common enemy and kicking target. You are one of us Mr Slotwinski and Mr Luchino because you are not a nigger.

>> No.14104724

The founding fathers used it and wrote it into their documents. Nothing manufactured about it, it just describes people from Europe.

>> No.14104727

>it just describes people from Europe.
Yes, it's a way to put different ethnic groups into one box

>> No.14104733

Those ethnic groups are of the same race and come from the same place.

>> No.14104741

>same race
According to the American concept of 'whiteness'. Hitler did not think slavs were the same race as him. In my country Spanish and Portuguese are not considered the same race as us
And clearly they didn't all come from the same place, Spain and eg Russia are a long way apart.

>> No.14104744

The category of white was created by the jews, it reduces a more complex european common ancestry to simple skin color, so that jews can be part of it and thus more easily disguise themselves.

>> No.14104755

>In my country
Would that country perhaps be Israel? Because your talking points are pure jewish D&C.

>> No.14104763

>The category of white was created by the jews
No, it wasn't. It's been used for ages.

>> No.14104775

Obviously written by a monolingual American.

>> No.14104778

I now understand why Mr Austria burned all those books.

>> No.14104779

The archetype for every boyfriend the author had

>> No.14104789

What is mfa? Male fashion advice? Master in financial analysis?

>> No.14104795

my faggy autists

>> No.14104796

The mistake is finding yourself called out by this nonsense in the first place. Even the most brainless /lit/izen doesn't resemble what she's talking about in the OP text.

>> No.14104812

>Why do these people hate us so much?
Simple. Races are not equal, but the dominant ideology since 1960's is egalitarianism, which demands that we should expect to see equal outcomes for all races. But we don't, some groups are successful and others are not. Since we've assumed that everyone has the same potential, the lack of success of the unsuccessful must be the result of the successful and dominant group leveraging its historical advantages, through self-interest and "racism". Brown and black people cannot be blamed or assigned responsibility for bad outcomes, all of their dysfunction is white people's fault. There's no way out of this. Either the ghetto happens because of black people, or it happens because of white people. Some people want there to be a "neither" option where we can look at the suffering and inequalities of the world and not blame anyone. That's impossibly naive.

>> No.14104828

But by "these people" he was implying jews, who are neither white nor black, but the third party internally stoking the divisions and tensions.

>> No.14104830

>Dorothy Parker
Jewishness is matrilineal. Dorthy's mom was Scottish, so she's not a jew.

>> No.14104831

Masters in Fine Arts, usually creative writing. You basically go to workshops where you do stupid little writing activities and critique each other's writing. Your fellow students are the most insufferable people in human existence: buzzcut purple-haired man-hating lesbians; pencil-necked liberal reddit ""males"" with thick framed glasses; jews who literally can't stop talking about the holocaust screenplay they are writing that makes allusions to kafka; some sort of vaguely male, vaguely female androgynous mystery meat with an accent, unutterable name, and an enigmatic geographic birthplace that is either north america or south america because they wear both canadian aboriginal activist pins and south american communist pins; a black woman who is black and writes poetry about how she is black in a black world with strong black women (did I mention she was black?); and various others.

>> No.14104833

Read up on the mcdonaldization of culture. It's either this or a world in constant violent flux.

>> No.14104847

A jew male who reproduces with a gentile female, and a jewess who reproduces with a gentile male, will produce kids who are equally jewish in nature.

>> No.14104863

I'm well aware of it my friend which is why I made reference to it.

>> No.14104865

>even when it was the Nazis it was the jews

>> No.14104869

One-drop of blood rule

>> No.14104872

The German National Socialists never said slavs were not "white." You understand that whole history has been corrupted by jewish lies, right?

>> No.14104876

That photo looks doctored.

>> No.14104924

Being white was not enough for him, you had to be a german "aryan" otherwise you are a subhuman, well unless you are an arab shitskin or a bugman those are honorary aryans lol.

>> No.14104929

Fake news. Should get educated on the jewish problem, bruv.

>> No.14105110


>> No.14105165
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>Aren't these the same people who say they're against hatred, especially race hatred?
Yes. They claim to be inclusive but they are the most divisive of all people. They claim to be virtuous yet they attack people for their physical appearance rather than their behaviors. They are constantly saying shit like:
>Ha! [Insert criminal] is fat and ugly! He deserves to go to prison.
All you can say is that he's ugly? Their physical appearance is more important than the rape, murder and theft that these people commit? What are they going to do when well-intentioned ugly people get their feelings hurt by these things? What are they going to do when an "attractive" person commits a crime? (Pic related).
I don't understand how these people think they are doing any good. All they are doing is causing more division and creating more problems. They even bully innocent people. Skinny white kid that has been bullied his whole life, is clearly depressed, and displays clear signs of psychological trauma? "YESSS LET'S BULLY HIM MORE!!! LET'S CREATE NEW NAMES FOR HIM AND OSTRACIZE HIM FURTHER!!!" These people are actually fucking sick.

>> No.14105210

>dana schwartz
>jason adam katzenstein
Some fellow white men right there.

>> No.14105212

>no novels by white me in high schools
Aren't most of the novels they read in highschools written by either jews or niggers anyway though?

>> No.14105251

>Jewish woman author
>White Man's Guide


>> No.14105260

>Even so, you'd expect the out-of-touch rich kids to produce something beyond self flagellating nonsense about "black bodies" and "dudebros"
Intelligent rich people who are very interested in literature, philosophy, etc. would probably give up on their studies after the 2nd course of hearing professors complain about nonsense that has nothing to do with the course's subject matter

>> No.14105339

She’s beautiful guys.

>> No.14105398

Hanna Arendt would have sneered at bitches like IT's author.

>> No.14105799

The internet begun 30 years ago, but I can think of plenty of great Nazi authors, starting with Heidegger, Frege, and Celine. Fascism was also intimately connected with the arts.

This is not to mention the fact that, according to contemporary left-wing standards, pretty much every artist of the past would be a Nazi, including most female artists.

>> No.14105893

Which are irrelevant in their respective countries, often getting far more attention on Anglo-American campuses half a world away than the next town. It's also somewhat obvious that they are imported movements, resulting from communities desiring to copy the most powerful countries around them- in this case American globohomo transvestitism.

What credentials do you have exactly? Are you one of those latinx fags who thinks having brown skin entitles them to every stupid opinion which pops into their head?

>> No.14105899

To think there was a time when I trusted academics over anonymous nazis on the internet

>> No.14105900

>New York is a cultural hegemon
What year is it? New York is not relevant. Only California is.

>> No.14105913

Imagine being triggered by some Jewish twitter banter.

The absolute state of whitoids.

>> No.14105916

Careful with those goalposts, Eugene

>> No.14105925


>> No.14105944
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i dont wanna notice things like this anymore, yet i cannot stop

>> No.14105977

The internet-driven decentralization of information was bound to shake up the gatekeeping zeitgeist. It will take much longer for most people to accept that a sociopathic tribe of semites has been distorting our reality from the top down for centuries.

>> No.14105980
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You've got to admit that it's really the latter portion of Anglo-American which is weighing the ship down. How can a world-spirit which birthed Shakespeare, Castlereagh, Richard Burton (Francis and Hamlet), Robert Clive, Byron and Shelly, Pierre Trudeau, Bhagat Singh, Jorge Louis Borges, and all the rest, fall so far?

Now we have retards like
arguing about who's "white" as though it means something

>> No.14106009


I miss the days when I didn't notice that all of these books and articles about "white dudes" are written by (((whites))) with strange sounding names. I didn't want this to be true, I am honestly disturbed by it.

But once you hear the echo you can't unhear it.

>> No.14106018

You are 100% an ethnic Jew

>> No.14106020

Every time.

>> No.14106034

Bet you love Hollywood movies and Netflix and shit, though.
Jews are over represented in the media and intellectual professions, it's what they're good at.
It doesn't mean they hate you, just that they're smarter than you.

>> No.14106038

Based Jew BTFOing the cultureless mutts.

>> No.14106039

Your chutzpah is heating the ovens up again, kike. Just keep it up.

>> No.14106040

It is true that Ashkenazi Jews have a high average IQ and that partially explains their overrepresentation in high paying professions. Unfortunately they are also the ones pushing all of this anti-white bullshit, in part because they don't want their own place in European society questioned. It's pure ethnic self-interest and hatred of Europeans.

>> No.14106057

>It doesn't mean they hate you
Of you think Hollywood *likes* working class white males you are delusional.

>> No.14106060

I havent seen a Hollywood movie in 3 years, and i dont watch Netflix.

>> No.14106070

>muh canon
god that's so boring

>> No.14106079

Jews have higher *mean verbal IQ*. Whites have higher spatial IQ, which is responsible for creativity, and there are tenfold more high IQ whites than high IQ jews. Jews have no in-group variation--now working class or warrior class. They're a race of parasitic accountants.

>> No.14106085

Bloom was an Ashkenazi and the last protector of the white race

>> No.14106092

Light hearted Twitter trolling is anti-white bullshit?
OP just wants to make a quick buck by triggering snowflakes like you to check out the book.

They're a business, they like money.
America is like 50% white at this point. Why would they ignore that and not promote "diversity" or whatever.

>> No.14106109

That is not quite right. Verbal IQ more g loaded (linked to general intelligence.) I have never seen anything that marks either verbal IQ or spatial IQ to creativity. Creativity is likely its own thing that is genetically determined but not hard linked to IQ. IQ is necessary but not sufficient for innovation. That all said, I agree that Europeans are likely to be more creative than Jews in the final reckoning. High IQ white populations have contributed much more to the world than Jews.

She believes that whites being overrepresented in the Western canon/civilization is "racism." Her ideology is explicitly and clearly anti-white. Trolling has nothing to do with it when it comes to people like her. They deny IQ differences, merit, and the moral legitimacy of white in group preference/interests.

>> No.14106112

There are certainly a few based Jews. Stephen Miller is also great. They are the exception rather than the rule.

>> No.14106150

Abracadabra is a jam

>> No.14106158

The author's father and his friends.

>> No.14106159

Not sure 'making fun of pretentious hipsters' counts as an ideology desu

>> No.14106179

only someone who lives in Brooklyn can complain about people who live in Brooklyn so much

>> No.14106183

I think that's sort of the joke anon

>> No.14106194

well it's not funny, its embarrassing

>> No.14106335

Explain the meth-smoking white trash living in trailers phenomenon then, fucktard.

>> No.14106349

I'm so sick of having my anti-semitic biases constantly affirmed by reality. I don't know how anybody can be white and not anti-semitic in 2019.

>> No.14106429

Those are lower class white people, most often of Scotch-Irish descent.

>> No.14106431

Inferior genetics

>> No.14106435

Nothing but useless resentment. Few things are as pathetic as going out of your way to write such uninspired hokum rather than positing anything substantive and of value.

>> No.14106441

More like inferior social standing and access to economic and educational opportunity.

>> No.14106475

That stuff happens to the low iq with entirely justifiable frequency

>> No.14106479

How fun is it to reduce everything to race?
is it not a bit reductionist? even a little?

>> No.14106486

As someone who didn't go to college this OP makes me want to vomit. These people write tsundere essays about some ethos they claim to hate but they're always obsessed with it - and for reason the aforementioned ethos is always shitty. It's always Hollywood or the American intellectual "elite" or something in between. Fuck you California turtleneck-wearing fucks, with your LA apartment. Shit. Quit pretending to hate your particular hipster-dual and just kiss already.

>> No.14106496

'White' trash are a different race to actual whites. You can deny the iq tests and crime stats all you like, but you can't deny reality.

>> No.14106546

Is it possible, even a little, that the crime stats and iq tests are symptoms of some other problem, rather than being only race related? or is it complete bogus to think anything else?

>> No.14106567

Because it's essentializing contradictory bullshit. If "might makes right", then bow down to your superior Jewish overlords and shut up, you inferior wh*toid. If you think Jews should be exterminated, why does your ilk is not proud of Holocaust? Why do you try to downplay the number of victims at every occasion possible, like the filthy cowards that you are?
There is no emancipatory program to gain from low-brow antisemitism. You cannot do anything but curse your genes all your life for being a maladjusted loser.
Moreover, you can explain why there are so much Jews among the NYC elite with a simple rhetorical question: Who do you think had the money to flee WWII? Rich Jews or poor Jews? For a supposedly higher race, you white trash can't use your brain for more than 5 seconds to come up with a basic sociological explanation to this phenomenon.

>> No.14106572

It also happens to children who are born into circumstances.

>> No.14106711

Actually ... Hitler was right

>> No.14106725

While you read this post, remember that jews are mentally sick due to centuries of inbreeding and tribal indoctrination by a very twisted *cult*ure.

You are witnessing a reactionary tribalistic defense triggering in action. Whites can't comprehend this as we are hyper-individualists, but you can get a glance into the jewish sickness through posts like this. Fascinating!

>> No.14106782

>life is binary

Fucking retard

>> No.14106812

What a strange rant. The dichotomy between might makes right vs exterminating Jews makes no sense. In fact "might makes right" would justify the killing of Jews.
As for your second point, I'm well aware of that effect, it's called selection bias. But that isn't the only reason why Jews are overrepresented. It's also that Jews are more nepotistic than gentiles.

>> No.14106840

Inferior white genetics? Congratulations, you played yourself.
Sure, but I hope no one here is reaching the conclusion that Scottish and Irish have inferior genes, because in that case, David Hume, Adam Smith and James Joyce would like to have a word with you.
>White people are a different race than white people
I'm half-Berber and half-Euro, faggot.
>jews are mentally sick due to centuries of inbreeding and tribal indoctrination by a very twisted *cult*ure.
Of course, ultra-orthodox Jews are retards, that's one of the reasons why I think Abrahamic religions are cancer.
>Whites can't comprehend this as we are hyper-individualists
Yeah sure, white Europeans under medieval feudalism were definitely hyper-individualists. If that's the height of white intellectualism, you unironically deserve to be culturally enriched.

>> No.14106934

Every race has their high and low quality people. It's just that they exist in higher quantity in white race.

>> No.14107054

Scotch-Irish are a distinct clan, moron.

>> No.14107074

>The dichotomy between might makes right vs exterminating Jews makes no sense.
There is no dichotomy there, you illiterate wh*toid. These are two separate arguments:
- If Jews are controlling the world and "might makes right", then you have no right to complain about their domination because you are part of an inferior race. End of the story.
- If you believe Jews ought to be exterminated, then why are you always trying to downplay the Holocaust like cowards instead of being proud of it? Why are you memeing about gassing the jews and saying zoomers are "generation zyklon", but then when cornered say shit like "acktually, gas chambers never existed"?
>inb4 no one ever said gas chambers never existed
Yes, Robert Faurisson did.

That's why I say low-brow antisemitism is contradictory. I don't understand how your kind can live with such amounts of cognitive dissonance in day-to-day life.

>But that isn't the only reason why Jews are overrepresented. It's also that Jews are more nepotistic than gentiles.
They might be a little more nepotistic due to their self-centered culture, I will give you that, but they wouldn't have any influence if they didn't have money in the first place. Every rich family is protective of their ilk, whatever their ethnicity is.

>> No.14107117

Bull fucking shit you're not a kike lol.

>> No.14107125

>low-brow antisemitism is contradictory
I've never really grasped how the Jewish scheme, however dastardly, is somehow worse than the global race war and mass genocide advocated by /pol/.

>> No.14107208

What the fuck kind of garbage high school did you go to? Everyone I know got assigned Hemingway, and it's always the best because it immediately divides the room by gender. It was one of the most stark things I ever saw in school, and I thought it was absolutely fascinating that Hemingway's ability to distill masculinity seemed so apparent in student reactions.

>> No.14107231

Bro, pro-white people just want to peacefully remove jews and nonwhites and then be left alone, they don't want to exterminate the rest of the planet. I don't go to pol but I'm guessing you're referring to literal federal agents, since saying that would likely get you a visit from the FBI.

>> No.14107260

Only if there are other plausible factors to account for, which there aren't. It sounds reductionist until you dig through the literature and realize how much IQ matters for life outcomes.

>> No.14107269

>global race war and mass genocide advocated by /pol/.
literally only schizos, federal agents and teenage retard shitposters want that

>> No.14107278
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>remove jews and nonwhites and then be left alone
That would be mass genocide. How is that better than just leaving them alone now? It's wrong to kill people

>> No.14107291
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So if Asian-Americans tend to make more money that white Americans, does that mean they're genetically superior to whites?

>> No.14107293

Basedboys versus Jews, who wins? We all lose

>> No.14107301

What a stupid conclusion to draw. They came to our countries peacefully, and they can leave them peacefully. Jews are literal parasites so it's nearly impossible to get them to detach peacefully, but a most end up leaving when you purge the top and shut down their scams.

>> No.14107314

Whites are responsible for 97% of all scientific and technological innovation. It's impossible to claim any other group could be "superior" to us. Asian intelligence is rote intelligence.

>> No.14107318


((white man's)))

>> No.14107335

There's no such thing as "rote" intelligence. IQ is IQ. Even Jared Taylor admits that Asians are smarter than whito piggu.

>> No.14107344
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I think most minorities were born here rather than immigrants, and let's ignore the fact that white people didn't come here peacefully.
But the question you aren't answering is why do this at all? It would cause so much suffering and pain, what makes it worth it? What benefit could outweigh such an awful event? Why not just leave people alone?

>> No.14107346

Nothing needs to be said or shown, asians already think they are superior.

>> No.14107351

>Why not just leave people alone?

People sure as hell are not leaving us alone.

As if we are just supposed to sit around and accept the revenge base hate session against us.

>> No.14107359

Asians are borgs. Like jews they are incapable of actually creating anything so their rote intelligence and processing power is mostly useless beyond being a passive cog.

>> No.14107361

You aren't answering the question anon

>> No.14107372

The question was answered, the notion that we should leave others alone while they hate us work against and conspire against us it outlandish.

>> No.14107374

Nonwhites have their own countries. They need to return to them. And like the other poster said, they are flooding our societies, not the other way around, so saying WE need to leave THEM alone is backwards.

>> No.14107378

But why? You still haven't explained why genocide is a better scenario than whatever you think the Jewish plot is

>> No.14107386

>Why do these people hate us so much? What have we done that's horrible enough to merit this kind of vitriol? Aren't these the same people who say they're against hatred, especially race hatred?
It's jewish resentment and racial hatred, it goes unchallenged because they are an extremely privileged class. They are effectively the ruling class of America, and this racial hatred is what got them there. Consider this, now peoples in America have been such prolific slavers and slave owners as the jews, yet this is never brought up and they go have entire industries dedicated to blood libeling whites

>> No.14107388

It is them or us.


>> No.14107389

I don't think things have gotten bad enough to justify a mass expulsion. I don't see why we can't establish some sort of modus vivendi.

>> No.14107391

>uhmmm..???? no???? like...????.?...??

>> No.14107394

Time is fast running out, it is basically now or never.

Of course you want us to wait until our population is too small to do anything.

>> No.14107403

Genocide? Shut the fuck up, my man. The shitskins jews have let into the west can leave just the way they came.

>> No.14107433

there are a lot of books I wouldn't mind burning
our minds need to be curated from time to time

>> No.14107434
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>mfw i'm half asian and half white
Does that mean I'm superior to both?

>> No.14107449

Are you a qt girl?

>> No.14107459

To your first argument, — I don't think anybody expects the Jews to give us mercy if we beg them enough. They are currently winning, but that doesn't mean we should give up fighting, because we're fighting for our people and it's the right thing to do (has nothing to do with inferiority vs superiority). After all, WW2 looked pretty dire for Jews for a while. The balance of power can always shift.

To your second argument — I don't believe all Jews should be extreminated, but I definitely think most elite Jews need to be executed after a Nuremberg trial of their own.
As for the downplaying of Holocaust, there are two reasons for that: true belief and optics. Because Nazism and Holocaust are constantly used to shut down any political discussions of nationalism (let alone white nationalism) by Jews, it's almost inevitably necessary to deconstruct the Nazism and Holocaust and spread counter-propaganda to remove the taboo around such politics.

I think I understand your confusion, you think that because white nationalists constantly bring up race and IQ — that means that IQ (and "might") is the only thing we care about, when we ultimately only care about preserving the white race, not because they have high IQ, but because they're our people.

And to your last point, Jews have been bankers and financiers for most of their existence. It's no shock that they have a lot of money, it's quite literally in their DNA.

>> No.14107463

>I don't believe all Jews should be extreminated

Sterilization is the better solution.

>> No.14107466

Nah. Hapas, as your probably know, are defective humans. No offense, you are paying for your parents' selfishness, but you hapas deserve their own lands too.

>> No.14107469
File: 33 KB, 500x366, Dokuro-Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm a handsome young man but a friend of mine back in high school once said that the type of girl he'd be most into would be one that looks like me.

>> No.14107475

Shakespeare is the most underrated of the beat generation.

>> No.14107478

I believe that half black half white are defective simply on the grounds of half defective genes. I'd be interested to see the proof that me being half white half Asian makes me a lesser person, in terms of genetics at least.

>> No.14107486

Dunno. I think they realise it but wouldn't call it as such, likely with an argument for exceptionalism of some sort.

>> No.14107499

for one, the most famous representative of your race is Elliot Rodger. and I believe there have been some studies done that show that hapas all have mental illnesses.

>> No.14107514

Why is "review from the author" even a thing, and perhaps more importantly has any author rated their own work less than a glowing 5 stars?

>> No.14107523

Hapas are far more prone to mental illness and genetic problems, just the reality of it. You have no identity, being stuck between two. No surprise you're an anime poster too. I've long assumed a lot of those types are comprised of a lot of hapa incels.

>> No.14107548

I read The Sun Also Rises for my AP lit class

>> No.14107558

That's really weak evidence given their are hundreds of more instances of pure whites being mass killers. Also I'd appreciate some sources that I can actually read. Also growing up in London I've never really felt alienated and I'm not some brainlet nigger who feels a need to base my identity on my race. Also this is 4chan, you newfag.

>> No.14107569

Are there any gentiles besides Shakespeare in this book? And since when was Kafka English? Maybe instead of an airheaded one-volume polemic blinded by ethnic hate, you should actually study the topic.

>> No.14107575

You literally can't base your identity on race because you don't have a race, and are a product of two selfish individuals abandoning their own. I even feel a bit sorry for you, but know your place.

>> No.14107597

Seethe harder brainlet. Nice "evidence". Maybe you should go on twitter and debunk religion or something.

>> No.14107658

You are a mixed race abomination that posts anime on 4chan. You are in no position to have an ego.

>> No.14107700
File: 239 KB, 586x398, Smug Nakamura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing pal. You keep complaining about me anime posting and I'll keep anime posting until we're both dead. Our rivalry will be legendary and they'll tale tales of feud for years to come

>> No.14108123

Keanu Reeves dumbass

Anyway Asians are the only group it is somewhat acceptable to mix with, especially the Japanese

>> No.14108157

There is no such thing as "acceptable" race mixing m

>> No.14108162
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I just had this feeling when I read the title.

>> No.14108395

The higher average IQ thing doesn't make sense once you factor in the comparative population base rates. Jews make up less than 2% of the population in the US, purely by the white population base rate alone the number of high IQ whites should dwarf them a priori. If the "it's da high IQ" hypothesis were correct, then you'd see this cash out in the employment stats. But you don't. It must be something else. It's probably nepotism.

>> No.14108400

Notice these kinds of posters never complain about the racism committed by jews and leftists, but dominate threads once someone starts pointing out the jews. Really interesting.

>> No.14108485

Why is it that people are shocked that a literary canon is written predominantly by the ethnic group that created the language its written in?

>> No.14108914

everybody needs to understand, author of this book views herself as innocent. she sees herself only taking away a chip off a magnificent wall through her satire. do not act as though the entire wall is crumbling down, you fools. you are the bricks of the wall. if you act like its falling down because of satire, it is a pissweak wall. learn not to be effected. shrug off satire and outrage like a magonel shot. if you were a decent wall you would. stop being angry. stop reacting. relax.