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/lit/ - Literature

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14090713 No.14090713 [Reply] [Original]

Post anime and get a book recommendation

>> No.14090725

>La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel

>> No.14090729

That cover is from the manga. NOT the Anime. You are fatso.

>> No.14090748

I thought it looked cool

>> No.14090759
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>> No.14090762

YO I fucking loved reading this book as a kid. Bon recommendation pour OP :)

>> No.14090776

Should I read it in French? Je parle et comprends pas mal, sauf si c'est dans un langage très archaïque

>> No.14090779
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Gimme a protagonist that loses everything and everyone betrays them

>> No.14090784

anime fans are so insufferable. I hate /a/ and fuck their mods

>> No.14090795
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shin sekai yori

>> No.14090802

Attack on Titan is kino though

>> No.14090811

Not even sure if it exists in English so I say stick to French. Some of the vocabulary is pretty old style so maybe sortve hard to understand depending on your comprehension level. It's a pretty funny series so maybe some of it might be lost to you. Hopefully if you are interested you can appreciate it.

>> No.14090827
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>> No.14090829

Oh so it's satire? I thought it would be something gruesome like Attack on Titan but I could give it a try
Is it perhaps political?

>> No.14090835

attack on titan is most objectively NOT kino, no current shonen is. Most shonen in history is not.

>> No.14090857

Oh no it's not remotly close to AoT. It's about a father and son giant. It's mostly just 16th century satire stuff with some political commentary here and there. It's a subtle critique for the era. It's pretty funny.

>> No.14090878

Nope, it's pretty great! I dare say it's kino!

>> No.14090921

you must not know what kino is. Kino is not "i like it xD"

the only shonen I can think of that is kino would be yu yu hakusho

>> No.14090948

I think you mean Hunter x Hunter. Yu Yu Hakusho isn't remotly kino

>> No.14091754

AoT isn't shonen, it's seinen. Eren is a shonen character trapped in a seinen series, and his progression throughout the story makes him interesting. If you're an anime-only, I understand why you wouldn't like the series because up until season 3 Eren is outright fucking unbearable imho

>> No.14091773
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Kino recommendations only.

>> No.14091774

count of monte cristo

>> No.14091889
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Looking for recs for Casshern Sins, Princess Tutu, and Revolutionary Girl Utena
Of Mice and Men (obvious)
A Tale of Two Cities (it involves two groups and it's something other than War and Peace and you should have read it by now)
Finnegans Wake (Phenomenology of Spirit could also work)
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy (I had a dream linking these two, it's not a book but I am unsure the message in the game could be effectively delivered in book format, also I'm still unsure of the exact thematic message of AoT, though I see a few directions it's likely to go)

>> No.14091897

Theres nothing special about hunter.

>> No.14091898

That's a manga.

>> No.14091920
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Not everyone, but Guts gives me an Achilles vibe. I'd say Iliad for Guts and Moby-Dick for Griffith.

>> No.14091944
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>> No.14091950
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Not The Bible, Faust or Paradise Lost, please

>> No.14092009
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Recc me something other than Rebecca for pic related please.

The Illad by Homer.
Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut.
It's a cliche answer, but War and Peace is literally LOGH with pro-Christian undertones.
For Utena, The Magic Mountain by Mann.
For Tutu, The Little Prince by Saint-Exupery.
Not sure about Casshern.
L'Morte du Arthur by Malory.

>> No.14092015

Animal Money (Watch Rebellion first)

>> No.14092030
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If you can find me a similiar coming of age story I'll go to your house and kiss your ass

>> No.14092039

>muh yuasa shit
eat a bullet retard

>> No.14092062
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>> No.14092066
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something kino for kino

>> No.14092087
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hardmode: no Japanese lit (and especially not Dazai)

>> No.14092219


>> No.14092276
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>> No.14092838

the picture of dorian gray (i guess it is a faust, but not one of the traditional, famous ones)

>> No.14092848

on the road, the adventures of marco polo

>> No.14092969

Deleuze and Guattari

>> No.14092986
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>> No.14093021

Should I watch season 3? I kinda forgot to pick it up after the Armored Titan reveal

>> No.14093033

Anime is shit

>> No.14093108

some fiction?

>> No.14093449

S3 is peak AoT

>> No.14093509
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vinland saga

>> No.14093511
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>> No.14093532
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Not only my favourite anime, but my favourite TV series of all time. The manga is pure /lit/ too and if you don't read graphic novels/manga, you should give this one a try.

Please rec me a book anons.

>> No.14093679
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>> No.14093685

would have been better if johan actually did something important or interesting

>> No.14093688

>He forgot all about the Ruhenheim arc

>> No.14093696

LoGH is literally just Tesco Value War and Peace.

>> No.14093704

Pluto and Billy Bat is better imo. Asadora is also shaping out to be pretty good but it's too early.

>> No.14093708

Go read Enders game or some YA space shit because its more akin to Logh than any classic, that overrated shit has some of the most horrendous writing Ive seen in an anime.
>Reindard :"I'm gonna send a traitor with a paper outlining my plan to start a coup d'état in the FPA while I wage my civil war at peace, whats in the paper you say? Hehe I cant tell you that just trust me bro:
>Empire goes from a feudal shithole filled with civil unrest and massive inequality to a peaceful heaven because Reinhart seized the throne
>arresting corrupt officials because some newspaper told him who they were, no due process whatsoever
>Yang reconquers Iserlohn thanks to a fucking computer virus he left there
And don't get me started on the earth cultist shit.
Fuck you /a/ faggots and your shit medium

>> No.14093713

The very hungry Caterpillar, special Ed edition.

>> No.14093722

No, fuck you. I said it's W&P but worse. A lot worse.
I read the second volume of W&P and LoGH side by side, and LoGH is just a really weak W&P Three Kingdoms mashup.

The anime is good. It's a one of a kind show, if for the sheer volume of it, but the books are subpar and mediocre at best.
But they do carry the possibility of leading the reader onto greater works like Caesar's memoires or the aforementioned War and Peace.

>> No.14093748


Dempsey (by Dempsey).

>> No.14093851
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I'm listening

>> No.14093864

You weren't getting any to begin with, eva is shit

>> No.14093922

this is legit the most boring and unnecessary edgy manga/anime that I have ever watched. It is just pure fucking fantasy on how much the people in it behave. I think the author is either extremely autistic, or he legit never visited Europe.

>> No.14093951

Fucking low iq pleb

>> No.14094115

The author is a fucking hack

>> No.14094355
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Give me something that's so edgy that it becomes a comedy

>> No.14094491
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Hard mode: Incorporating aspects of the characters portrayed in the English dub.

For your listening pleasure:



>> No.14094669

recc me other shit where an author builds a world for ten thousand pages just to end it in TWO. CHAPTERS.

>> No.14095214
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>> No.14095475
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>> No.14095504
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Some interesting takes on war like pic related?

>> No.14095658
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>>14094669 I watched the series first and then tried the manga but couldn't get into it. There's a really fun, surreal energy to the anime that gets lost in translation for me when reading the manga.

As for a recommendation, River of God's third act feels like the last 30 pages or so of the novel. Very well-realized world though, some good sci-fi concepts if you're into that.
To further tie it into the anime discussion it features a new "gender" of people born from a kind of idealization of the Evangelion, skinny, androgynous look. Or at least that's one characters obsession with these new people.

>> No.14095880


>> No.14096031
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Spengler, Jünger, Schmitt, Karl Marx.
Reza Negarestani, Nick Land.
Hesse (Demian)

>> No.14097095

I read Championship Fighting and it was good

>> No.14097730

I posted this >>14092986 and nobody gave me a suggestion. To clarify, I mean only the ova in the pic, not the series.

>> No.14097919

In the manga do we get more actual detail on why Johan is the way he is. I just rewatched this for the first time since freshman year of highschool which was nine years ago. I feel like Grimmer and a lot of other secondary characters had more development/explanation than the Lieberts.

>> No.14098018

I never read Dostoevsky. Are his works similar to Kaiji/Kurosawa? I heard he wrote about gambling and most of his books are emotional

>> No.14098048

I would not say so

>> No.14098067
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Psycho Pass?

>I've read The Minority Report

>> No.14098073

Non fiction, particularly Napoleonic

>> No.14098078
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besides Lolita

>> No.14098099

The go to answer is War and Peace, but History of the Peloponnesian War and The Histories by Herodotus are good too.

>> No.14098160

Notes from the underground

>> No.14098173
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Ironically, the bible (to understand the concept of angels and all this shit)

>> No.14098175

Based anime
I'm also interested in get recommendations about this

>> No.14098178
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Samefag >>14098175
My recommend is invisible cities, by Italo Calvino

>> No.14098179

the tatar steppe

>> No.14098400

It's in Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine. It's always been shonen and remains shonen.

>> No.14098477
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Battle of the minds between two geniuses

>> No.14098522

Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said

>> No.14098575
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Looking for books similar to Mushishi or Samurai Flamenco
The Border Trilogy
Little Big
The Demolished Man

>> No.14098808

Someone please recc something related to Kinderheim 511

>> No.14098818
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>> No.14098824

Just read the filename wtf rude

>> No.14098845

Permutation City by Greg Egan

>> No.14098880
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i mostly read economics books.

>> No.14099108
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This and Monster please

>> No.14099128
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>> No.14099133

Stop posting the same anime

>> No.14099137

Extrem good and will get more important if our states move the way they move right now !

>> No.14099141

Nice bait :)

>> No.14099149


>> No.14099215
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>> No.14099299
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>inb4 kaczynski

>> No.14099359

Winston and or Julia, 1984

>> No.14099365
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Tatami Galaxy

>> No.14099370

Proust was referenced in Lain, maybe something to look at.
literally kaczynski
Oku no Hosomichi
Yokohama is fucking based, Murakami might be that feel but then again I haven't read shit so who am I to talk?

>> No.14099400
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>> No.14099424
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Something evil tribelistic barbairan manly as hell mad screaming black metal dungeon synth fantasy big muscular brain dead guys JoJo bizarre adventure or hokto no ken schizophrenic out of control savages premitive menatlety horse riders big swords dark time Dio or diavola style

>> No.14099462


>> No.14099475
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>> No.14099500

Surely there are other authors than kaczynski. How about something in the fiction genre?

>> No.14099513
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You guys have the most entry level taste shit I have seen

>> No.14099525

all anime is entry level because all anime is accessible.
only /lit/ would find smug anime girl superiority in inaccessible works.

>> No.14099793
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it's anime, fight me

>> No.14099852

>Yokohama, or YKK
I'm thinking about any Slice of life novel

>> No.14099902

On the Marble Cliffs

>> No.14100020

Recommendations for Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind + Castle in the Sky?

>> No.14100021
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>> No.14100079
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>> No.14100116
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>> No.14100125
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>b4 kaczynski

>> No.14100133
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>> No.14100220
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Closest I've got is Ada or Ardor, sorry anon. I can't think of many books that focus on the incest taboo

>> No.14100227

it's already /lit/

>> No.14100637
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>> No.14100670

Read the light novel but check The Gormenghast novels too.

>> No.14100679

Gormenghast trilogy.

>> No.14100698
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"Honestly, and people are gonna rag on me for this, Infinite Jest. When I first watched Monogatari, I thought to myself, "this is what you would get if David Foster Wallace was kidnapped in the mid-nineties and forced to watch Tenchi Muyo in a bunker for five years straight."

Both works are dialogue-heavy and have large, twisting plotlines. Both have that taste for ironic sensibility and anticlimactic endings. Both have a bit of a perverted streak that contrasts its sincere, self-help ethic. Both have a disaffected high school senior as the main character. The similarities go on.

Gravity's Rainbow is also a good answer, but not nearly as much as Infinite Jest, IMO. There's a reason why these two books are part of the 4chan meme trilogy, they appeal to our kind."

>> No.14100711
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Hunter_X_Hunter_126_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[1704A484].mkv_snapshot_12.24_[2019.11.02_15.43.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Hunter x Hunter's battle system, some time ago some dude on /a/ recommended books that supposedly had similar systems as nen, but I wasn't into reading back then, I would love recommendations

>> No.14101181

Any wuxia novel

>> No.14101225

Who are you quoting?
I had the same thought, but with V./Gravity's Rainbow. Directionless bum of a protagonist, convoluted plotting, constant references to the lowbrow and the occult, sex pervert shit, etc. Nisio is a complete hack and nowhere near the level of DFW or Pynchon, but there is definitely a surface level similarity.

>> No.14101290
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who is the Ryukishi07 of literature?

>> No.14101345
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>> No.14101356
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>> No.14101360

What are some examples of non-entry level animu?

>> No.14101367

bible black
boko no pico

>> No.14101409

same, I like how the rules for nen are established at the start and maintains consistency (mostly) throughout the series

>> No.14101469

this, come on.

>> No.14101716

How accessible are those?

>> No.14101904

Infinite Jest is fine if you read the classics with any regularity. The only thing daunting about it is its size. V. or GR are a bit more complex in prose, structure, etc., but can be tackled with earnest effort and a visit to the Pynchon wiki if something confuses you outright.

>> No.14101927

I fucking love this shit so much. Why can't anime have more unique design? Kaiji is so emotionally confrontating that it's basically the reason for its unpopularity

>> No.14101937
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Just quoting some other anon from long ago. I saved his post for the inevitable revival of "Post anime and get book recommendation" threads, or "What is the Evangelion of literature?" threads. I'd be glad if anons interested in some of the philosophy explored in shows like Lain, Utena, Eva would take an interest in literature as a result.

>> No.14101988
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Unfortunately, it's because anime is largely a consumer product. It costs a ton of money to make, and studios need to recoup their investments. Shows like Mushishi, Kaiba, Mononoke, Rakugo are all potential losses. Better to adapt some generic work (isekai rn) that you know will sell. Not to mention, it's infinitely more marketable. Idolmaster has a ton of cute waifus you can make figs of and sell to nerds. Does Kaiji have any cute anime girls, hell, girls at all? Maybe one, but with a fucking Pinocchio nose lol

If you want creativity in Japanese media, just read manga / play indie games.

>> No.14102004

The light novels, apparently there's a good English translation floating around on the net.

>> No.14102010

Miles Davis' autobiography.

>> No.14102027

This guys always move the goalposts when you ask them. Honestly, it's stuff like Boogiepop Phantom, Texnolyze, Lain, Utena, Rose of Versailles, Dennou Coil, Ghost Hound, Now and Then Here and There, etc. All the shows that are hard to watch / lengthy / have something beyond stock anime cliches and tropes / were made by directors and studios that care / beyond mainstream shonen shlock, and so on and so forth. Think, "Could someone with no knowledge of anime enjoy this as a TV show, and not an animated show?"

>> No.14102051
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The Monogatari series

>> No.14102082


>> No.14102135
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>> No.14102162

Thank you anon, I'm gonna check these out

>> No.14102164

It's not a light novel. It's a proper novel.

>> No.14102204
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>> No.14102242

The manga is great and worth a read.

>> No.14102261
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Either one of the four gospels in the New Testament.

>> No.14102910

How close is the anime to the manga in terms of narrative and art style?
Also where can I cop the manga?

>> No.14102914

Thanks anyway, Ada is one of my favourite books so I would have enjoyed that recommendation if it were new to me.

>> No.14102949

Literally the same in art style, Yuasa nailed the look and the most important shots. Narrative wise it gives a bit more development here and there, it's worth a skim, but not really a read if you've already seen the show. It's on Mangadex for free.

>> No.14102956
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>> No.14102991

Anything written by Nye, Tyson, or Dawkins because fuck your pedestrian STEM tastes.

>> No.14103010
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>> No.14103082
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>> No.14103284

Literally 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' same novel Blade Runner was based on

>> No.14103359

that girls cute

>> No.14103617
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>no potato head qt gf
why live
Also, the road
Any novel recommend for Haruhi?

>> No.14103973

if you like Lain, read some of the Gnostic writings, both by Marcion and from the library of Naj Hammadi.
Also read up on the Ken Thompson Hack, which presents a possibility of how Lain might be with us right now:

>> No.14104221
File: 379 KB, 400x337, 1306381047445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason for its unpopularity
Very few season 2 announcements get stickies in /a/. Kaiji is extremely popular.

>> No.14104233
File: 553 KB, 770x574, sorry mikoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Kaiji have any cute anime girls
no but it has a moe protagonist and every type of attractive antagonist from moe to bara to the other type.
You shouldn't underestimate the fujo market.

>> No.14104399

The Unique And It's Property

>> No.14104624
File: 129 KB, 797x894, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us incestchads gotta stick together.

>> No.14104648
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14104707
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, patlabor_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14105441

The Chrysalids

>> No.14105542
File: 3.34 MB, 1920x1080, 25719-8250254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14105616
File: 408 KB, 1744x2175, F11ABC68-8727-411D-9254-BA34C48FB6A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is indeed

>> No.14105767

Acquired taste, anon. Good job this is a great series. Honestly tough to find anything similar or fantastical as FSS.

>> No.14105897
File: 27 KB, 313x470, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14106971
File: 496 KB, 2560x1920, 0EFDF70A-AC6B-4320-A868-DCA3FFD6C77A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas?

>> No.14106983
File: 1.00 MB, 1366x768, tumbling-dice-given-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14107099
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, blw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14107111
File: 240 KB, 1024x1363, ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]