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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 243 KB, 643x509, goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14093563 No.14093563 [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing so far?

>> No.14093566

I'm good, thanks for asking.

>> No.14093571
File: 598 KB, 980x960, 1506253535359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 37/52.
If you use goodreads add me, I have too few friends.

That's good. I have a latvian friend who lost his job and wants to ks.

>> No.14093576
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I set an arbitrary goal of 52 every year, read about 34 thus far, but quite a few are over 600 pages so Im feeling ok. Best books this year are American Tabloid by Ellroy and pic related

>> No.14093580

30 books so far but I haven't had a lot of time to read due to school

>> No.14093589

I'm thinking next year i'll do one above 1000 pages just to see if i can

honestly, just drop books until you're done with school. much better return on investment if you do well in school...

>> No.14093597

There arent many over 1000 that are really great. I liked the Forsyte Saga myself.

>> No.14093603
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This is my year so far.

>> No.14093617
File: 18 KB, 712x331, Screenshot_20191101_123418_com.goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it easier to set the goal lower and then exceed it. When I set it to 52 I found myself reading mostly novellas and poetry, whereas now I can comfortably read longer works.

>> No.14093622

I just read. I have a record of what I've read, but I don't see the point of a goal.

>> No.14093625

setting a goal of 1 is just fine desu. you dont want to read for an achievement, its just nice and calming for the inner autist to have a nice list

>> No.14093626
File: 667 KB, 2048x1152, 20191011_124733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs senpai you're a true intellectual

i'm the opposite, i bump my goal everytime i reach it

it's like video game rewards, it helps

>> No.14093628

i have a goal to climb 52 distinct mountains over 4000 feet this year. its arbitrary but if i dont have goals i sink into /r9k/dom

>> No.14094166

big books are good when you find a good one.
but i find that short books are easier to get in and get out ouf. there's something comfy in diving in a story and ending it the same day.
it suits the mood.

>> No.14094182
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this seems convenient, but i try to digitalize as little as possible. i abandon any e-services anyway out of boredom and want more rest from the screen.

who else /reader's diary/? i have a list in the beginning and then write my thoughts on individual books, sometimes with a scribble
pic: Johny got his gun and Confessions of a mask

>> No.14094192
File: 386 KB, 2048x1536, 1571840132351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>longest book 600 pages

>> No.14094198

Are you a Russian Chinese?
I thought about a diary but I'm too keen on the stats.

>> No.14094201

fyi the cutest one is the very bottom one

>> No.14094238

War and Peace, In Search of Lost Time, Infinite Jest, Against the Day, Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.14094247

I feel the opposite. It's more "comfy" to me to be engaged in a story for two weeks or more.

>> No.14094249

just russian. if you're talking about the hieroglyphs, the first page of Mishima's book was his name written in jap, so i copied it just cuz it looked good

>> No.14094256

Oh and Gibbon for non-fiction

>> No.14094265

are those stats exclusive to digital though? i also write down the time it took me to read a book and page count.
you can even make a table instead of a plain list with columns for length and whatnot if you love statistics, so it's all in one place

>> No.14094268
File: 849 KB, 1800x1349, 20161227_131951 - Copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're into the aesthetics, you should write with a Pilot Plumix. It's a calligraphy fountain pen, it costs like 5 € (so about three billions rupies in Russia).

>War and Peace, In Search of Lost Time, Infinite Jest, Against the Day, Count of Monte Cristo
Nice suggestions senpai. I was going to read In Search of Lost time anyway. Hopefully it'll be comfy.

>> No.14094274

That's cool. I wanted to do something like that but as soon as I opened the diary felt like I have nothing worthwhile to say and gave up

>> No.14094278

I'm at 190 books so far for 2019. I use goodreads but can't find that stats page no matter what I click.

>> No.14094282

How in the fuck

>> No.14094289

I usually end up only reading a couple books a year, I just mostly skim them for information.

>> No.14094293
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i have fountain pens and shit, but reserve it for shitposting and art.
ballpoint pen is perfect for quick and condensed writing on printer paper

>> No.14094297
File: 92 KB, 1000x664, Pilot+Plumix+Open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic. Here's the 5€ plumix.

>> No.14094298

doesn't have to be worthwile, start with schizo ramblings or insulting the character you disliked, you're not writing an essay or a public review

>> No.14094301 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 645x705, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a comparative stat with a new friend from the thread. I like to use this. Can't do it without goodreads.

>> No.14094306
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Comparative stats.

>> No.14094320

Part of it is likely because I don't own a TV.

>> No.14094325
File: 86 KB, 529x720, 1569777940272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to write much more with a broad nib, but lately i havent been practicing at all.
fountain pens are okay, but my favorite inks are for dip pens

>> No.14094339

seems interesting enough. i have too much unread books to worry about finding new ones yet though

>> No.14094351

>(3.60 avg)
You're far too generous.

>> No.14094639

I've read 24 books. It could be better, but at least I'm reading.

>> No.14094679

Go to the "My Books" section and look for "Year in Books".

>> No.14094917
File: 924 KB, 641x895, 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's so far- by the end of the year I'll have finished:
Pale Fire
Fart Proudly
Kafka on the Shore.

I can't anticipate too much more because I work so much.

>> No.14095103

Too lazy to have a goodreads profile or make an image, but
>Flow My Tears The Police Man Said
>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich
>The Simulacra
>Dr. Bloodmoney
>A Maze of Death
>Starship Troopers
>The Cyberiad
>The World Inside
>Count Zero (it was ok)
>Mona Lisa Overdrive (it was ok)
>The Three Body Problem
>Dark Green, Bright Red
>Titus Andronicus
>The Shockwave Rider
>The Setting Sun
>The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.14095155
File: 21 KB, 359x480, When Mount Etna erupted on April 11, it created amazing smoke rings. Volcanic smoke rings are rare but you can witness it here..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact, i just bought circé for a girl friend. she likes harry potter and is generally a girl power kind of girl. will it fit?

second question, is infinite jest just a meme?

honestly you could spend 10mn and have your list on goodreads, why not?
i'll read three body problem eventually. the chinese movie was shit, i heard

>> No.14095171

not him, but i understand it. i don't need or want to have a hundred separate profiles on a hundred sites to track everything i do, and i know i'm not going to update it all the time, it's much faster and easier to write it down on paper or make a digital note

>> No.14095783

Is Children of Time any good? It looks interesting.

>> No.14095836

I did the math, and I've read a little over 20 pages each day on average this year.

>> No.14095921

best sf I've ever read period

>> No.14095961

No Goodreads, but I've counted 35 books that I've finished this year so far. Not going to count ones I dropped partway through. Averaging that out, I should finish another 7 by the end of the year, though that could change as I'm planning to read From Here to Eternity sometime, and that thing is a chunker.

>> No.14096032

Goal was 26. I’m already at 30. I put down a couple books that I started but lost interest in - The Man Without Qualities and Gormenghast and wound up reading more horror than I originally intended.

>> No.14096151
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>> No.14096180
File: 98 KB, 1071x657, SmartSelect_20191101-182237_Goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually read more—about 4 more books—, but you get the point.

>> No.14096191
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>> No.14096197

Don't have Goodreads or whatever, but I just hit 20 yesterday. That's probably the most books I've ever read in one year. Longest was Middlemarch which was about 900 pages.

>> No.14096223
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Small Tree growing out of stump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 40/100 right now. I'm that much of an autist, that I have to ADD books not in the Goodreads database, just so I can add it to the challenge.

>> No.14096852

I've read ~80 books this year and I still have two months left. Feels like leaving humanity behind desu

>> No.14096859

ascended af
>no tv
>no vidya
>no movies

>> No.14098220

I do that too

>> No.14098266
File: 252 KB, 867x562, books19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly surprised 100 Years of Solitude is has more ratings than any of the other popular works of literature I've read this year

>> No.14098274

Kafka of the shore
As I lay dying
Farewell to Arms
Portrait of the artist as a young man
The ravishing of lol stein
After leaving Mr Mackenzie
Picture of Dorian Gray
20000 leagues under the sea
Ticket to the stars
Crime and punishment
Night (pollini or whatever his name is)
Notes from underground
Ready player one
A bunch of plays
The castle of otranto
The shining
The catcher in The rye
Wild sheep chase
After dark

That's all I remember, I'm probably forgetting a few

>> No.14098281
File: 2.26 MB, 650x2700, jxt5tjfka6p31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a goal of 75 and I reached it. So chuffed desu. Last year only read about 12

>> No.14098283

you single?

>> No.14098369

are you not an enlightened neet ?

>> No.14098395
File: 931 KB, 604x869, read1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been a good year of reading so far, just started Siddhartha

>> No.14098416

I enjoyed it, what do you plan on reading next?

>> No.14098424

29 books so far, shortest was "we should all be feminist" and longest was "Infinite Jest".
That Panerai rip off hurts my feelings. I hope those aren't yours.

>> No.14098425

Where do you find these stats?

>> No.14098435

Probably A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce, but I also plan on reading The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner and Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality by Freud by the end of the year. Also, depending on how Siddhartha goes I have Narziss and Goldmund I might read soon as well.

>> No.14098439

meant to reply to you >>14098416

>> No.14098440

i'm at 87. could be over a hundred already if i didn't waste weeks upon weeks on apathetic existing.

>> No.14098494

Are you 14?

>> No.14098588
File: 57 KB, 800x600, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Infinite Jest just a meme?

From the 2018 reading challenge, then click on next year. It's hard to find, goodreads is sucky.

How can you read so much? Are you a blessed NEET?

She's just a cute girl no cyberbullying please.

>> No.14098600

41 books read, average length of 342 pages. If I continue at this pace I'll read slightly less than last year and slightly more than the year before that.

I set my goal at half of what I read last year because I don't want to force myself to read.

>> No.14098656

wonder if YA covers have ever triggered epilepsy

>> No.14098710

IJ is not a meme, sure is long as fuck and hard to grasp but it's kinda cool, I'd give it a 7. It will test your will tho, if you are not ready to read 1300 pages of nonsense don"t even start it.

>> No.14098739

How do you find the time? Unemployed?

>> No.14098740

Strangest thread I have seen in a while. I dont care or know how much I read in a year. Why would you? It would the enjoyment out of reading for me. If I had to prove anything to myself I would still do it in some other way. But maybe its a good motivation to read so should start keeping track too like Im some brainless video game addict

>> No.14098749

Yeah I don't work. I used to do construction and factory work and I decided to stop working and avoid it as long as possible. I'm much happier now.

>> No.14098764

>>14095155 (checked)
>will it fit?
It will.

>second question, is infinite jest just a meme?
Yes, but also no.

>> No.14098789

> How can you read so much
just read 100-200 pages every day

>> No.14098794

I'm intently reading my first book of the year because a cute girl lent it to me and I want to be able to talk with her about it. It's fucking great so far, a Roman history.

>> No.14098820
File: 265 KB, 677x583, Screenshot_2019-11-02 Goodreads 2019 Year in Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a pretty good year so far, have found many books and authors that I really enjoyed.

>> No.14099402
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Patrician taste!

>> No.14099751


>> No.14099820
File: 647 KB, 521x3454, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was doing great earlier in the year but now i've started drinking every night and my reading has stalled

>> No.14099840

How did you like Munro?

>> No.14099850

the fact that i read two of them should indicate that i like her a lot

every story though i'm like 'jesus i gotta learn who all these people are?' because they all have ten million people related to each other in different ways.

but she's so rewarding for me. her evaluation of human relationships is very nuanced and true and the stories manage to generally feel both surprising and inevitable

they seize onto those weird significant seeming moments in life that are honestly pretty mundane but very precisely detail how they can be pivotal

>> No.14099859

> 4000 feet
> mountains
You might as well not set a goal.

>> No.14099860

I realize the wording of my question was off as if to imply that you shouldn't, apologizes.

I've been meaning to start Munro for a while but am usually reticent. For the subjects of her stories feel humdrum

>> No.14099871

i didn't take that implication
i specifically like that they're humdrum. for me, that's where a lot of life resides. she picks at it in an intelligent way and i recommend her based on the two collections i've read

>> No.14099879

That book sucks, far to much about the people discovering Cahokia and not nearly enough about the actual site/people living there.

>> No.14099954
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>> No.14100055

How the fuck did you guys read so many books.
I'm not a slow reader, but can't find enough time to read more than about 20-30/year.

>> No.14100073

do you have a life and/or career or something?

>> No.14100117

Get off 4chan
Stop playing vidya
stop watching tv
stop watching movies
stop cooming
put your phone down

>> No.14100200

I'm doing my best to have one.
Funny thing is that I don't vidya, tv, phone and all that shit, except 4chan.
But I do have a job, girlfriend eating my time, trying to socialize with friends, meet people. Also I live alone, so there's a lot everyday mundane things to do at home. I just with to have more fucking time, because I feel like I have to sacrifice something if I want to read as much as I want to.

>> No.14100321
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>> No.14100728

You could try reading for more than an hour a day.

>> No.14100741

Nothing is wrong with that, m8. I read about that many every year.

I'm thinking I'll be at around 23/24 for this year. At 20 right now. :3

My reading goal on Goodreads is always 20.