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14095804 No.14095804 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this man? Is he a meme or actually intelligent?

>> No.14096036

He looks like my father would if he ate at mcdonals every day

>> No.14096056


>> No.14096069

>or actually intelligent
IYI /lit/ imbeciles can't discern intelligence.

>> No.14096080

>I hesitate to give advice because every major single piece of advice I was given turned out to be wrong and I am glad I didn't follow them. I was told to focus and I never did. I was told to never procrastinate and I waited 20 years for The Black Swan and it sold 3 million copies. I was told to avoid putting fictional characters in my books and I did put in Nero Tulip and Fat Tony because I got bored otherwise. I was told to not insult the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, the more I insulted them the nicer they were to me and solicit op-eds. I was told to avoid lifting weights for a back pain and became a weightlifter: never had a back problem since.
>If I had to relive my life I would be even more stubborn and uncompromising than I have been. One should never do anything without skin in the game. If you give advice, you need to be exposed to losses from it.
Does this sound like an intelligent man?

>> No.14096174

Don’t be so Lindy bro

>> No.14096453

he is not bad but he is entirely pre-occupied by his brave, non-arab persona. i imagine it can be quite tiresome to spend more than 10 minutes with him. also he makes fun of IYIs for talking about poor people but never hanging out with a cab driver. yet to me he seems to be the polar opposite, yet equally problematic. he will act like he is one of the guys with cab drivers, yet considering his wealth precludes him from experiencing the kind of existential plane a cab driver would inhabit, it makes this association rather awkward and filmsy.

>> No.14096466

That's all based though

>> No.14096477


this response is all you need to know

>> No.14096496

He's rigorous, which means he's good.

He also humiliates all other public "intellectuals" on Twitter.

>> No.14096515

His strong anti-gmo stance makes me question his credibility.

>> No.14096524


you're goddamn right it does

>> No.14096527

It's a point in his favour, actually.

>> No.14096541

>75000000000th Talab post

You guys shill for his publisher?
No one on lit really cares about pop-economics. Find an author with something original to say, and then shill them instead of this guy...

>> No.14096594

His methodology is bizarre. He says GMO’s should be resisted against because we don’t know enough about genes yet and we might accidentally cause global ruin.

The issue is, he says that a minor crisis like a few thousand people getting sick from modified apples is acceptable in light of all the benefits of GMO’s, but what if a GMO destroys humanity?

He doesn’t explain any possible way a GMO could destroy humanity though, just says “Who knows, we don’t know enough.” which is pretty stupid.

>> No.14096753

Very cringe and very Arab

>> No.14096781

Take a class on molecular genetics. One class should be enough to understand how GMOs can be potentially ruinous. It’s about risk vs. return. GMOs should require rigorous clinical trials and extensive longitudinal studies before they are determined to be safe for consumption, for the environment, etc.

>> No.14096787

Please give just one example of how a genetically modified apple can destroy the human race or at least kill billions of people.

>> No.14096806

He's both a meme and very intelligent.

>> No.14096808

t. imbecile

>> No.14096816

That’s a bit ridiculous. How can billions of people going to die from doing anything to apples? I don’t think things can become that extreme. But they’re still capable of doing a lot of damage, especially since rogue genes can become impossible to remove from the biological mesh once they’re out there.

Here’s a better example. Genetically modifying corn to produce pesticides in the stalk without putting it in the cob, only to find out later that our model for understanding corn genetics was wrong, and that the pesticides were being expressed in significant qualities throughout the plant because of unpredicted downstream effects. Now, there’s a biochemical hazard that’ll effect all livestock, nearly all corn syrup, all corn sold for production, all ethanol production, and of course, anybody who consumes any of those products. How can you calculate the damage caused to public health from such a mistake?

>> No.14096851

my favourite arab author

>> No.14096953
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>> No.14096959

Fuck off, Taleb is Phoenician.
Sorry that we want to discuss the modern day Plato.

>> No.14097260

He is not an Arab, hardly anyone speaks Arabic in Lebanon.

>> No.14097283

>the modern day Plato
>Some rich asshole who repeats high-school level economics to the masses
Checks out.

>> No.14097364

NNT is incredibly based for the simple fact that he BTFO'd Jordan Peterson so hard I'm surprised he still has a job.


>> No.14097368

economics doesnt actually get better when you study it at higher levels

>> No.14097371

>He doesn’t explain any possible way a GMO could destroy humanity though, just says “Who knows, we don’t know enough.” which is pretty stupid.
Look at this imbecile. Pickup a catastrophe theory, probability theory, and mathematical statistics textbook instead of the bullshit pseudo-literary garbage /lit/ has you consuming. Alternatively simply stop commenting on the REAL WORLD, only mathematician/DOers are allowed to discuss it, IYI.

>> No.14097380


>> No.14097383

>Does this sound like an intelligent man?
Were you trying to imply it doesn't?

>> No.14097471

He's stupid but also very smart

>> No.14097541

>catastrophe theory
Want to know how I know you don't know what you are talking about?

>> No.14097590

The whole point of is argument is that we don't know enough about genetics to be taking the risk. Genetics are THE vector for everything that can go wrong with the human body. There are already lab results that show GMO food which is not tree nuts but has had tree-nut DNA introduced to it can cause allergic reactions in people with nut allergies, despite not being nuts. We don't know enough about our own genetics to play around with this stuff. No one can possibly predict the potential danger, because that information is unknown. The reality is that it could be possible, so why the hell risk it for profit? There's absolutely no benefit in the existence of GMO's - in fact, they are largely dangerous when you consider the fact that human beings already passed the carrying capacity of Earth, and we need artificial forces like technology to prop up our bloated, unnatural population. We're literally causing an extinction event simply because we're over-populated, and GMO's play a role in that over-population. They do nothing but make a handful of corporations profit, so why risk something that could be so dangerous until we know the risks?

The whole point is that no one is an expert enough, but you're arguing along the lines that, "If some non-experts on a cambodian silk-weavers forum can't give me a definitive answer, then it must be absolutely safe!" How can you be so stupid and intellectually irresponsible?

>> No.14097931

explain please

>> No.14099331

to properly read taleb's books you have to wait at least 25 years since their publishing

>> No.14100237

and another post about the self-hating Arab known as Taleb.

>> No.14100254
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>> No.14100266

He was so up his own ass in The Black Swan it's hard to tell, should also use his hedge fund bucks to hire an editor.

>> No.14100323


>> No.14100715

Arabists at genealogy websites lump Lebs as "Arab" even though they're 100% MED and don't even fucking speak arab

>> No.14100716

Has anybody been able to confirm that he actually made any money trading options? From what I heard he is more successful as an author than a trader.

>> No.14100744

He made his biggest money in trading in 2008 when everything went to shit, which just means his clients lost a lot less money than most.

>> No.14100925

What firm did he work at?

>> No.14101037

Cope harder Nassim

>> No.14101072

he's a midwit

anyone who dismisses IQ and Race can't be taken seriously

>> No.14101095

You posted cringe

>> No.14101133

Anon, what is wrong with his argument against IQ and Race? It seems sound to me, but I would be interested to see what you found wrong with it.

>> No.14101514

Don’t want to get into the race thing but he denies the very existence of psychometric intelligence (aka discrete IQ test)

>> No.14102011

Legendary author, thinker, mathematician, statistician, philosopher, professor of options and probability theory, Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

>> No.14102017

I think the anon was asking why is he wrong.

>> No.14102212

The irony is nassim is an IYI himself.

>> No.14102220


>> No.14102235

More or less true it seems desu

>> No.14102508

intellectual yet Arab

>> No.14102758


>> No.14102972

Shouldn’t have to explain why IQ exist lmao