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File: 465 KB, 828x822, 40519816_2103879259942123_8606219956935196672_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14095966 No.14095966 [Reply] [Original]

what way, lit?

>> No.14095975

Who makes these garbage images? Everybody sage.

>> No.14095983
File: 350 KB, 1920x1217, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make them

>> No.14096059

>kripke, quine

>> No.14096177
File: 528 KB, 2048x1536, MillenialWomen01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millenial here. I actually like Gen Z so much more than my own generation. Better taste in media, fashion, social trends, literature, music, everything. Millenials are the fucking worst god damn. I would even have preferred to be born a literal boomer than a Millenial.
Hellllllllll no. Millenials like to consider themselves to be scientific and logical but in practice are anything but. They have their own superstitions, their own sacred cows and their own biasis. They aren't any better at being logical and scientific than any others, they're just more blowhard and self righteous. A lot of my people are falling flat on their face in life and I'm just laughing at them from a distance. Never feel empathy for millenials who have fucked up in life, they have brought it upon themselves through a thousand different choices they've made, all shunning truth, justice and long term success for comfort and hedonism. Fuck Millenials to hell. Especially the roasties but the untermensch onions boys as well.

>> No.14096200

my gripe is that gen z doesn't value authenticity at all. they don't care about it, it's nothing, not even extra. "a thing is a thing." "this article is inauthentic, though." "what? a thing is a thing."

they do have much better fashion sense but then again they've been curating their online profiles since they were zygotes.

>> No.14096209

Judge Rogan is looking shredded

>> No.14096210
File: 2.36 MB, 1679x1135, psyops are memes guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme that's not a meme
>accelerationist books
>generational marxism a year late
Yep, it's an acc 'meme'

>> No.14096250
File: 726 KB, 710x1179, Screenshot_20191101-193354~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, just wtf

>> No.14096331
File: 324 KB, 1200x505, 1561244727112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14096335
File: 246 KB, 1342x689, accelerationists really cannot fucking meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and you shall receive.

>> No.14096356
File: 6 KB, 275x183, JohnLiebowitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gripe is that gen z doesn't value authenticity at all.
So? Do you think Millenials do? They're a bunch of cucked to hell SJW hypocrites who will do anything to signal social virtue but never embody real virtue. They'll flock with the herd to the most ridiculous extremes and won't ever, under any circumstance stand up for what is true or good. Millenials are so insincere they won't even admit there exist human races or that there are two genders, which are both OBVIOUSLY TRUE. Never before in history have people not acknowledged those as obvious truths until the single most cucked, untermensch and gullible generation of all time came along. Millenials are half a step away from saying colours don't exist, and you're a bigot for saying red is different from green, and I have no doubt that some would go along with a narrative like that if an authority figure told them to. Consider how inert and worthless millenials are, yet they still have the gall to preach endlessly from a pulpit as if they are the most moral and the most virtuous. They can't raise large families, they aren't economically productive, they aren't good leaders in business, they can't even lose some fucking weight. The only things Millenials are good at is grovelling before authority and echoing the talking points of authoritative social controllers. That's it. And to top it all off they're obsessed with sarcasm and irony, so no sincerity isn't on the menu for Millenials. The degree to which Zoomers are insincere is likely just a dribble down from the Millenials, but in a less offensive and pathetic form.
Pic related: a hero of the Millenials. A vile Jew, full of nothing but snark and criticism who had to change his name because it's so Jewy and gave away his connections to the banking elite, and after all how can you preach hatred of society and the 1% to dumb Millenials when you're obviously among the wealthiest class in control? Did Millenials do any hard analysis of politics and culture? No they just flocked to the snarkiest, most ironic shit head Jew they could find and took everything he said as gospel. Disgusting.
Fuck Jews.
Fuck Boomers.
Fuck Millenials.

>> No.14096363

>autists vs schizos

>> No.14096378

tfw no nihil unbound

>> No.14096388

>muh jooz and faggots
awesome argument

>> No.14096392


>> No.14096409

If millennials disappear the boomers win, zoomers are just a hyperreal meme generation created by economic collapsejacketing by the boomers.

>> No.14096411

The moment you over generalize to an entire generation, you've already gone awry- especially when it comes to philosophy, since it's ultimately just a massive dialogue between different figures overtime. It would be detrimental to start towards the end.

>> No.14096413



>> No.14096417

Accelarpers aren't schizos they just pretend to be them for the aesthetic appeal

>> No.14096418

Millenials will be better parents than Boomers. Boomers are probably more morally evil/amoral than Millenials are, and definitely more narcissistic, and the worst of the worst Millenials will die alone and childless whereas the Boomers basically all bred and had kids. The only saving grace of Millenials is that we will raise a generation of people better than ourselves.

>> No.14096441

lol no, Gen Alpha is having their brains melted with nonstop YouTube videos and advertisements on iPads, they are hopeless

>> No.14096444

This. You flatter them by calling them schizos. They are just pathetic narcissistic wannabes hoping to emulate muh super cool CCRU.

>> No.14096455

>Gen Alpha
Holy shit how many of these names have been made up by now, slit your wrists already

>> No.14096463

Only middle and lower classes, who functionally don't matter to the progression of culture. The future elite is being homeschooled and raised with limited screen time.

>> No.14096482

>generational theory
Anyone who actually puts any stock in this fucking meme, a meme designed specifcally for journalists to write clickbait about and sociology academics to write (hastily written for a quick buck) papers on, is a fucking steaming retard.

>> No.14096490

>Better taste in media, fashion, social trends, literature, music, everything.
lmao what

>> No.14096491

Cringe and gay; yup he's a Millenial.

>> No.14096512

I still don't know if I'm a millennial or a zoomer. I'm 22 and keep getting conflicting answers.

>> No.14096513


united states middle and low class culture is the only culture in existence right now. even the so called "elites" imitate poor black people unironically

>> No.14096520

Wrong and wrong. You have no idea what's going on.

>> No.14096523

The mid - late 90s seem to exist in some sort of twilight regarding the whole generational debate.

>> No.14096529


feel free to break it down, at your leisure

>> No.14096536


you're an elder zoomer. the youngest millennials are 24 right now

>> No.14096545

Advertising agencies use 4 years of padding due to the amount of things which have 4 year cycles (HS, bachelors). Were you a year older you'd be out of the grey area. If most of your siblings are older though, you'll probably feel rounded up, or vice versa if they're young.

>> No.14096556

>tfw 26
>tfw millennials are the worst generation since generations became a meme

>> No.14096611


i'm the same age and i hold no hatred towards my generation. i think our problems are essentially the result of a few things outside of our control, like the "everyone must go to college" propaganda, getting fucked on both ends in regards to the economy, the extremely rapid technology change, the forever wars, and of course all of the sexual confusion that we inherited from the boomers and gen x. we're all accountable for how we react to this shit, but we undeniably got denied a shit hand. the best thing you can do is heal yourself and let other people follow your example. because regardless of if we like it or not, we're going to have to toughen up and raze a lot of what we know to the ground. if we want to create anything or be as heroic as we think we are, it is the only way forward

>> No.14096618

@ the (You) who made that image:
rent free
have sex

>> No.14096621

Most of Gen Z dont read books. I've seen a few kids shill Stirner and Kaczynski though.

>> No.14096622

>denied a shit hand
I'll assume you forgot to delete something here

>> No.14096629

Good points.

>> No.14096631

I talked to some 17-18ish zoomers who were visiting my college and they were making jokes about "Combat Liberalism" by Chairman Mao. I'm probably going to get killed in a zoomer-led people's war.

>> No.14096633


dealt a shit hand*

thats hilarious but i'm not deleting the post

>> No.14096641
File: 23 KB, 613x431, exasperated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undeniably got denied a shit hand

>> No.14096642

Sounds pretty awesome desu.

>> No.14096649

t. cringe """"traditional"""" pakicel

>> No.14096652

This desu and if they do it's typically YA fiction. But the .01% of them that read literature and philosophy are extremely based and redpilled.

>> No.14096660

I meant that you might've forgot to delete a word in the process of revision.

>> No.14096683

just imagine some zoomers doing a fortnight dance and juuling while deporting brooklynites off to the midwest for reeducation, that's the future of the 21st century

>> No.14096686


it happens when you shitpost as much as i do

>> No.14096690

No, Gen Z is more like that book by Chapo Trap House, Rules for Radicals, and an abridged version of Das Kapital

>> No.14096705
File: 26 KB, 427x296, 8ec38dac477b614b1ec10614b6ec7dd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually taking the concept of generations seriously
>believing there is any meaningful distinction can be made beyond a few generalizations
I thought this was the smart board.

>> No.14096707

I can't speak for the rest of the world but for the USA:
Self help books
>Gen Z
Does not read, just watches breadtube

>> No.14096709

I don't think it's worth judging zoomers at this point. They look proactive because we're only seeing exceptional ones so far. Give it a few years and we won't be looking at little Einsteins, nor will the less mature chunk of the generation have the excuse of youth.

>> No.14096734

Gen Z actually has a lot of potential
They may seem retarded now but their irony wired brains may produce art of good quality

>> No.14096748

I would but I'm getting pretty drunk right now and don't really want to write much. I'll just keep this short for what I think is your gravest error. In terms of the elite they don't emulate black culture where it matters; eg commiting crime, being single moms etc. The elites (Jews and otherwise) do push a negrified culture, and that does backfire and hit their own youth in large numbers, HOWEVER that is not the intention and it is not omnipresent either. Obviously the elites of tomorrow are not listening to rap, running trains on crunk bitches and shooting up on cocaine today in their youths.

>> No.14096780

You do realize that hitler was a druggie right? That retarded white kid fortnite dancing and dabbing on you could very well be the president in the coming years

>> No.14096784

As far as I'm concerned they've already far surpassed us Millenials, and from here they can only get better. Millenials too can get better as we age and grow wiser (wiser, not wise), but our redemption arc will more along the lines of absolute trash to maybe not the worst. Gen Z and later have the potential to do something great whereas that's basically off the table for us Millenials, we're locked into pure damage control mode now, the best we can accomplish ourselves is to hopefully show the youth the errors of our ways and hopefully steer them onto a bit of a better path.

>> No.14096788

What's your point? I don't care about either of those facts.

>> No.14096801

Anyone who has ever done anything possibly embarrassing or controversial online or publicly enough that other people remember is doomed because of social medias' ability to destroy people. The future world leaders will be raised in perfect isolation from youth to adulthood.

>> No.14096827

Trump? Or do you think he's going to be a one-off?

>> No.14096838

If anything it'll be the exact opposite
Leaders will adopt over the top ironic personas in order to draw attention to themselves, we'll be living in the era of player kings soon

>> No.14096850

I think the 2020 election will probably be the last US election where past transgressions stop #canceling people. AOC is being groomed to be an unstoppable powerhouse in the 2024 election. The major Republican voting base (boomers and some Gen Xers) don't know enough about modern digital culture to care, so they can put some old boomer in again to run against her but will probably use every dirty cancel culture trick in the book to try and tank AOC's image among young people. I don't think it will work; the USA will probably become a one party democrat state for a few election cycles before the democrats split into multiple factions and the republicans become a footnote in the history books.

>> No.14096854

Has humanity deserved anything better, honestly?

>> No.14096861

>AOC is being groomed to be an unstoppable powerhouse in the 2024 election
absolutely lol

>> No.14096874
File: 62 KB, 403x577, Thot01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World leaders are already chosen precisely because of their fucked up past and ability to be blackmailed. You couldn't be more wrong.
>der Millenial
Totally clueless.

>> No.14096880


>> No.14096897

True. The right wing is finished as a major political and cultural force for the next generation, barring a cataclysm.

>> No.14096900

She'll get the Hispanic vote uncontested. She won't struggle with getting other minority votes and the people who voted for Clinton just because she's a woman will vote for her too. Berniebros and "dirtbag leftists" love her too, it's really only the Gen X and boomer democrats that are skeptical of her. I don't think she's that great, but there's definitely a careful campaign going on around her with her presidency being the endgame.

>> No.14096917

I am not talking pedo orgies, I am talking "internet microagressions" where they talk shit about people before it becomes taboo to do so. It's the modern equivalent to sending your kid to private schools and Ivy League where nobody ever talks about what happened inside, unlike public schools where everyone is a gossip.

>> No.14097046

The bushy haired Caucasian guy. Is that Otacon?

>> No.14097147

>no Bernard-jou Iwaku 'Pynchon? I tried to read it but I gave up.' image
>no Bernard-jou Iwaku pic

>> No.14097286
File: 34 KB, 640x480, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14097305
File: 12 KB, 284x258, syobon at computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I love The Science of Logic and German Idealism more broadly, as well as Kripke and Naming and Necessity, but don't like Quine or Wittgenstein
What does that make me? I guess I just like metaphysics no matter the century or the philosophical school.

>> No.14097318

wittgenstein is metaphysics

>> No.14097323

Early Witt is, but everybody obsesses over PI Witt who is a load of shit. I'm fine with the Tractatus though.

>> No.14097338

Zoomers are on average more woke than millennials, meanwhile being redpilled was a millennial thing. The boomer meme was invented by millennials and zoomers are somehow getting credit for it.

>> No.14097353

Look at juuling, snapchatting, march for our lives, greta thunberg zoomers.

>> No.14097362

Wrong, zoomers are either green communists or Kaczynski admiring green edgelords.

>> No.14097369

Matrix vs Capeshit
Counter Strike vs Fortnite
Cigarettes vs Juuling

Zoomers don't remember when hip hop didn't have a hegemony on music. They have March for Our Lives + Greta Thunberg propped up by the media and think their opinion matters.

They're shit.

>> No.14097374

accelerationism sucks in all forms and deleuzians should stop making me hate deleuze

>> No.14097409

I'm sorry that you have some kind of weird cognitive dissonance or brain-block when it comes to Jews, but the abundant presence at the highest levels of power in western society and the network of influence they have is not "an opinion." If you don't realize that Jews control a large portion of legacy media, the financial institutions, etc., then you are being wilfully ignorant. Congratulations, faggot. You're not antisemitic. At what cost, though?

>> No.14097451

>I don't care about facts

>> No.14097492
File: 83 KB, 960x540, p01bqyy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faces look ugly

when you're alone

>> No.14097632

>No Baudrillard

Haha I'm not brainwashed unlike all you FUCKS

>> No.14097785

Imagine being an acc and a zoomer.

>> No.14097791

This is retarded. It means either millennials were only a generaton for 10 years or gen x got pushed back.
Either way it is also great because it proves the Bzoomer meme.

>> No.14097797

100% if I was a jew or cia, generational conflict is yet another D&C op that I would engage in.

>> No.14097900

Yeah, but boomers still deserve the pillow.

>> No.14097924

>running trains on crunk bitches and shooting up on cocaine today in their youths.
Wow. You talk like a child with the the zeitgeist knowledge of an out of touch 90 year old.

>> No.14098081

If you don't remember 9/11 you are a zoomer.

>> No.14098228

You win the thread. That's it. Pack it up, fellas.

>> No.14098550

please return to reddit

>> No.14100166

Which millennials read those books

>> No.14100455

Just a question. I was born in 1997, am i a millennial or a zoomer? I kinda feel like a chimera of time...

>> No.14101149

I googled, it said that millenial cutoff is 1995, so you are gen Z.
Chimera of time sounds super gay btw.

>> No.14101224

>Berniebros and "dirtbag leftists"
I'm gonna contest this here. I know a lot of New England berniebro types and they're really fucking put off by the blatant anti-white rhetoric that AOC's whole band is pushing. Like they all still hate Boomer Republicans and aren't going to vote for them anytime soon, but they're not on board with AOC's shit.

>> No.14101452
File: 53 KB, 750x722, 1557836151453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw AOC loses to Kanye West

>> No.14101515

Don't remember Challenger? You're a millennial. Don't remember 9/11? You're gen z.

>> No.14101652

What if 9/11 is one of my very first memories?

>> No.14101682
File: 32 KB, 492x439, 1551239420390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based zoomer making retarded questions

>> No.14101698 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 454x453, 1572732305662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the top of his head

>> No.14101731

1996 here. Haven't read any of these.

>> No.14101770


>> No.14102136
File: 74 KB, 1210x642, xavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow the Chapo book is one of the better ones on that list.
How dare you insult this creature, it is a transcendent god beyond gender or humanity itself.
It is everything, we are nothing. Accelerationism. Personified.

>> No.14102141

1995-1999 is a lost generation, anon.
Sorry, if it feels any better I know the feel.

>> No.14102141,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I am sure that the generation which was fed internet 24/7 will behave exactly the same as the silent generation.