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File: 98 KB, 1080x714, acc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14094075 No.14094075 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/. Are you guys still accelerationists after queers got into it?

>> No.14094103

Lmao, all along these trannies were reading our threads and stealing anon's hot takes. Proven beyond doubt by the SEETHE cause by the rise of anti-accelism.

>> No.14094144

these "queers" are delusional about how much people care about their perversion

>> No.14094156

those faggots make up less than .1% of the population yet think people actually give a shit about them.

>> No.14094157

why do fags always want to tell me about how they suck cum? i don't care

>> No.14094165

He thinks those "shut the fuck up retard"s thrown at him as he aplears in any accelerationist discussion actually mean "i am no longer an accelerationist".

>> No.14094174

desu this. there's so much attention seeking in these people.

>> No.14094193
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Acc has always been queer

>We have been robbed of our anuses, just so they can turn them into parts for their ignominious machine which produces Capital, exploitation, and the Family. Reduced to its most practical biological functions the anus is becoming fortress—impenetrable, singular, productive. Our very excrement is assigned commercial value—so many nutrients per cubic foot, average moisture content, cost of processing.

>To reject the commodity logic of shit, we embrace the anus becoming flower—pleasurable, penetrable, commune. The anus has five muscles; the flower, five petals; the fist, five fingers. The anus is the common sexual nexus, an enclosure in the commons of pleasure. We refuse the mediation of our anuses under the logic of biopower, instead unveiling their insurgence by elaborating a logic of scat. In other words, the anuses of our revolt are scatological rather than biological.

>The human strike blossoms at every point of rupture; which is to say, at every point of emergence. Let us speak of the anal rupture, the emergence of fecal matter from our bodies. The human scatological strike will produce nothing in the act of defecation; while leaving nothing behind but an empty rectum. In the space of this void, we become whatever singularities. Our feces, freed from the logic of capital, take lines of flight toward police, while our anuses, no longer mere appendages of flesh upon a machine of nitrate circulation, are filled with found objects. Our anuses becoming… cumming glitter, shit, whatever.


>> No.14094205
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Let me know when the next white nationalist story time is in your town.

>> No.14094209

It makes sense that they are accelerationists as they tend to die so early

>> No.14094229


>> No.14094237

What the hell is wrong with faggots?

>> No.14094254
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>> No.14094313


>> No.14094328

Oh no no no what will /lit/bois do when trannies start getting into christianity

>> No.14094340

I honestly feel very sad for people who suffer from gender dysphoria. They're encouraged by political agents/propagandists to harm themselves and do irreversible damage to their bodies instead of seeking mental help. Fuck globalism

>> No.14094345

>politicians game them so it makes it excusable
I would probably feel sorry too if LGBT horde suffered quietly instead of actively trying to ruin all things nice and good

>> No.14094346

>I honestly feel very sad for people who suffer from gender dysphoria.
They should be culled.

>> No.14094349

Tranny is literally the single most popular Insult on pol, vp, v, TV etc.

Chan niggers are literally obsessed with trannies

>> No.14094352

this is the kind of a c c e l e r a t i o n we can all support

>> No.14094375
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>> No.14094455

if you back off from accelerationism when trannies join the party, you were never an accelerationist to begin with
I want this entire clown world to be pozzed beyond recognition

>> No.14094469

What do said queers have to gain from the collapse of capitalism? The liberal capitalist order patronizes and target markets them to no end. The chaos and uncertainty of a post-capitalist world would almost certainly damage their prospects for survival. Anything could take capitalism's place, including a theocracy.

>> No.14094485

they're just retarded and they think all the support companies have for them is a mirror of societal values instead of just a marketing strategy enforced by the social media thought police

>> No.14094506

>They should be culled.
Just ship'em to China to be with Nick Land.

>> No.14094514

There is that distinction between the corporate marketing strat and social values at large, which are split and most likely in their disfavor.
But the corporations dominate society, and set the upper boundary of the overton window. Wanting to overthrow the corporatist order would not help them.

>> No.14094546

>Anything could take capitalism's place, including a theocracy.
Catholic theocracy would be heaven for fags. They would be running it.

>> No.14094552

That’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.14094595
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>> No.14094623

Going to let /lit/ in on a secret. The real mission of accelism is to convert all weakling incels into trannies for me to personally fuck. Furthermore we groom them, through nudging, suggestion and hypnosis, into "shitposters" that propagate autogynephilia. Once we obtain a sizable group of trannies, the inherent hatred they illicit from the populous will be so large that all politics will collapse into a contagious genocidal frenzy targeting autogynephiles. A giant sacrifice which would have impressed the Aztecs will take place, propelling us into a truly new stage of history, a true postmodernism.

>> No.14094737


Tfw you use a book that is made by a fag to defend his fag community. The whole thing without a real evidence only speculations.
notwithstanding, there is a gay coterie that has infiltrated the Vatican.

>> No.14095069

I would have went for a speedrunning joke, but this works

>> No.14095252

Thing is they have the same comprehension of bluechecks, whomst owns them now. They carry the same corrosive discourse bluechecks thrive on. Larping stolen hottakes only to play the algo game, nothing sincere and authentic comes from them. No discernable talent.

>> No.14095886

>The real mission of accelism is to convert all weakling incels into trannies for me to personally fuck
Gross. It would be more respectable to covert them into twinks desu

>> No.14095935

I will always be an acc.

No amount of antiacc samefag autism will change that. Uncle Nick saved my life.

>> No.14095965
File: 81 KB, 1080x301, Screenshot_20191101-140845__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit now gets it acc takes exclusively from Twitter

>> No.14095969

i was never into it
acceleration is a lame cope and so is "kuear kultur" or whatever the fuck
stupid assed buttfuckers

>> No.14095990

/lit/ has moved on to the battle between Traditionalism and Process Philosophy. As well as some anti-tech which is slowly mixing with the anti-capitalist marxists

>> No.14096008

I was never an accelerationist. Making things worse to make them better is conceited because it implies you know what's going to happen in the future and that you know for sure how the world works. The trannies are just the most based retards. They are taking it to heart. Racial (and transracial) accelerationism will come next.

>> No.14096149


Twitter is actually based and accpilled.

>> No.14096155

What a boomer tweet

>> No.14096156
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>anti-tech which is slowly mixing with the anti-capitalist marxists
kek accelerationism? more like echoism,

>> No.14096163

Not what its about.

Acc is realizing that capital is actual good. There is no worse. Capital releases you from your prison into a materially calculable neofreedom.

>> No.14096165

>trannies finally killed the meme
Mixed feelings, gotta say

>> No.14096169

Refute luddites. You can't. Our decadence will defeat us

>> No.14096178

At least the trannies can never take that away from us right guys?

>> No.14096182

>Acc is realizing that capital is actual good.

nothing human makes it out of the near future. "good" is irrelevant

>> No.14096185

So it's just capitalism except on twitter with photoshop pictures?

>> No.14096186

>Process Philosophy
Literally two guys spamming Whitehead posts does not a consensus make

>> No.14096213

capital is already semi-sentient

>> No.14096216

Only one form of acc.

Others see it as explicitly good.

>> No.14096217

so how's the fucking going senpai

>> No.14096218

They can.

>> No.14096225

wat means

>> No.14096226

Wow, she's beautiful.

>> No.14096230

Better and more relevant

>> No.14096233

That's true of 95% of accelerationists.

>> No.14096251

I'm not clicking that...

>> No.14096269
File: 238 KB, 1024x682, pannobhasa skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A state-approved BBC documentary about men is more relevant to a discussion of trannies and traditionalism than an independent conservative Buddhist monk talking about the traditional view of trannies
It's just an interview with a based Buddhist (pic related). It isn't porn or anything.

>> No.14096276

Literally the first sentence of Meltdown

>> No.14096283

This kills the acc gang
"In its perfected state, capital is representation. Its rise to this state is due to its anthropomorphization, namely to its capitalization of human beings, [1] and to its supersession of the old general equivalent, gold. Capital needs an ideal representation, since a representation with substance inhibits its process. Gold, if it is not totally demonetized, can no longer play the role of standard. Capitalized human activity becomes the standard of capital, until even this dependence on value and its law begin to disappear completely. This presupposes the integration of human beings in the process of capital and the integration of capital in the minds of human beings.

Capital becomes representation through the following historical movement: exchange value becomes autonomous, human beings are expropriated, human activity is reduced to labor, and labor is reduced to abstract labor. This takes place when capital rises on the foundation of the law of value. Capital becomes autonomous by domesticating the human being. After analyzing-dissecting-fragmenting the human being, capital reconstructs the human being as a function of its process. The rupture of the body from the mind made possible the transformation of the mind into a computer which can be programmed by the laws of capital. Precisely because of their mental capacities, human beings are not only enslaved, but turned into willing slaves of capital. What seems like the greatest paradox is that capital itself reintroduces subjectivity, which had been eliminated at the time of the rise of exchange value. All human activity is exploited by capital. We can rephrase Marx's statement, "Labor, by adding a new value to the old one, at the same time maintains and eternizes [capital] " [2] to say: all human activity "eternizes" capital.

Capital as representation overcomes the old contradiction between monopoly and competition. Every quantum of capital tends to become a totality; competition operates between the various capitals, each of which tends to become the totality. Production and circulation are unified; the ancient opposition between use value and exchange value loses its raison d'être. Besides, consumption is the utilization of not only material products but mostly representations that increasingly structure human beings as beings of capital and revitalize capital as the general representation. Prices no longer have the function they had in the period of formal domination of capital, when they were representations of value; they become mere indices or signs of representations of capital. Free goods are not impossible. Capital could assign a specific quantity of its products to each programmed individual; this quantity might depend on the required activity imposed on this individual. Such a despotism would be more powerful than the present one. Human beings would wish they had the money which had "given" them free access to the diversity of products."

>> No.14096294


The disintegration of consciousness which can be seen in manifestations like the women's liberation movement, the gay liberation movement and anti-psychiatry (which are only possible after the work of Freud, Reich, and the feminist movement at the beginning of this century) is not part of the simultaneous emergence of revolutionary consciousness, but only reflects the end of bourgeois society based on value, on a fixed standard which affected all levels of human life. The disintegration began when the general equivalent conflicted with circulation. If the former general equivalent gave way, it was lost. The State had to force all subjects to respect a normalcy based on a standard which established the values of society. The law of value imprisoned human beings, forcing them into stereotypes, into fixed modes of being. The highest development of morality appeared in Kant's categorical imperative. By engulfing the general equivalent, by becoming its own representation, capital removed the prohibitions and rigid schemas. At that point human beings are fixed to its movement, which can take off from the normal or abnormal, moral or immoral human being.

The finite, limited human being, the individual of bourgeois society, is disappearing. People are passionately calling for the liberated human being, a being who is at once a social being and a Gemeinwesen. But at present it is capital that is recomposing man, giving him form and matter; communal being comes in the form of collective worker, individuality in the form of consumer of capital. Since capital is indefinite it allows the human being to have access to a state beyond the finite in an infinite becoming of appropriation which is never realized, renewing at every instant the illusion of total blossoming.

The human being in the image of capital ceases to consider any event definitive, but as an instant in an infinite process. Enjoyment is allowed but is never possible. Man becomes a sensual and passive voyeur, capital a sensual and suprasensual being. Human life ceases to be a process and becomes linear. Aspired by the process of capital, man can no longer be "himself." This aspiration evacuates him, creating a vacuum which he must continually satisfy with representations (capital). More generally, capital in process secures its domination by making every process linear. Thus it breaks the movement of nature, and this leads to the destruction of nature. But if this destruction might endanger its own process, capital adapts itself to nature (by anti-pollution, for example)."

>> No.14096300

Female was made by God... From male body

>> No.14096304

>a white buddhist larper and some DA JOOZ conspiratard

>> No.14096309

From the guilt of watching sissy hypnosis again

>> No.14096313

>But if this destruction might endanger its own process, capital adapts itself to nature (by anti-pollution, for example)."

dissolution of the biosphere into the technosphere

>> No.14096323
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>Buddhism bad

>> No.14096336

>The BBC
>A source of traditional wisdom

>> No.14096353

but who gives a fuck about traditionalism?

>> No.14096361
File: 69 KB, 720x416, vivalosbiodome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, accfag.

>> No.14096370

The guy I was replying to to begin with, unless he was being sarcastic.

>> No.14096382

Holy based!


>> No.14096405

I'm just going to put it out there that accelerationism is a dumb idea, pozzed or not. The assumption that if you just exaggerate the existing contradictions of capitalism and that will cause it to self-destruct (and then who knows what the fuck will happen) is, frankly, to put not too fine of a point on it, retarded.

If anything it could simply fortify the present power structure, perhaps layer it with a more robust police state and equip the superrich with even more liberties to subordinate the rest of us. Why not give them private armies, and their own independent statelets?

When something is broke you fix it. You don't break it more expecting it to magically get fixed. It's dumb.

>> No.14096438
File: 42 KB, 624x624, 1563582066478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ

>> No.14096514

Nobody is disliking trannys because they're gay.

>> No.14096517

Jreg is based

>> No.14096740

>Tranny is literally the single most popular Insult on pol, vp, v, TV etc.
>Chan niggers are literally obsessed with trannies
and trannys seek attention, hence the huge proportion of trannys on chan

>> No.14098209

Godspeed, anon.
All protestants on /lit/ are usually nondenominational and/or they just become christians alone without the need of a priest to convert.
Have sex with a nigger and get AIDS please.
Aren't you the faggot who wanted to convert all of /r9k/ into trannies so that they follow you in your discord server-cult?
FBI is going to rape your ass once they find evidence, anon.

>> No.14098218

Q/acc here


>> No.14098286

Accelerationists were modern punks, going for shock value mostly. Of course nothing kills shock value more effectively than being LGBT-compliant

>> No.14098341

It is no surprise, but, rather, an expected given that the hypermodern version of Stoicism is found to be attractive by all varieties of superfluous degenerates.

>> No.14098373


>> No.14098377
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I read some of the collected CCRU texts and i still dont get WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH TRANSVESTITES?


>> No.14098422

thank you, I did not need to hear this, but now that I have, I ironically hype this ironic shitfest of a leftist "meme".

>> No.14099270

>So, /lit/. Are you guys still accelerationists after the Cathedral got into it?

>> No.14099383
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g/acc is deprecated.
Join k/acc

>> No.14099409

Based trip

>> No.14099414

In 10 years this weird soup of terminal cumbrainism, anime, and cyberpunk aesthetic is gonna get an entry in the DSM manual. Genuinely a new phenomenon on the rise, and its revolting.

>> No.14099419
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and /thread

>> No.14099581


>> No.14099668

Holy cringe

>> No.14099692

i knew acc was over when some art hoe on tinder was calling her self that

>> No.14099724

Stunningly well put

>> No.14100061

>Oh no no no what will /lit/bois do when trannies start getting into christianity
The issue is not whether there are "transgender" individuals, but, rather, that most individuals who claim to be "transgender" do so, and become as such, for superfluous appeal, rather than personal fullness, the latter of which would not compel one to reveal that in the first place, nor would it be a matter of concern to anyone that values personalism, and judges based on personal qualities.

Incidentally: the former are one of the products of the same hypermodern system that some of them ignorantly want to "accelerate", therefore, change of current hypermodern system would either: force them to morph into images of subsequent trends, or perish.

>> No.14100095

The only role queers play in A C C E L E R A T I O N is that their perversion kickstarts the global culling by lynching, awakening the rage of the normal people and their newfound love to destroy anything that is against the Natural Order.

>> No.14100433

what in the fuck?

>> No.14100470
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>subscribe to an ideology that wants humanity to be consumed by a godlike intelligence from the void
>get butthurt when fags invade your space, fags get mad when you call them fags

face it: you're losers

>> No.14100575

Enough of this. The only people into accelerationism are those young enough or dumb enough to believe they will be fit enough to survive a period of strife and see the end of it, where they can then capitalize on the rebuilt society and come out smelling like roses. 19 year olds, idiotic liberals with no understanding of reality, and pampered children are all accelerationists, as well as those who already have reached the point of having nothing left to lose.

who will actually prosper? those rich enough to flee the nation and sweat it out in china, who will retain enough capital to be able to buy up the remains when it finishes.

you're fucked if you do and fucked if you don't. why don't you understand accelerationism, keeping the status quo, no matter what you do you will remain fucked either way. a soft dough-boy suburb raised white kid is not going to survive the new troubles. a starbucks addicted uni kid who lives on a macbook is not going to survive the new troubles. the guy who is already on his last thread and hasn't had proper nutrition or medical care in years is not going to survive the new troubles. know who will? juden shekelburg who can move his assets abroad with one phonecall.

you are all god damned fucking window licking retarded children. accelerate or don't. the writing is already on the wall. nothing has ever changed, and nothing will ever change. there has always been an exploitative moneyed class, and there has always been the serf class. serf, slave, worker, peasant. Name them as you like, because you're it. Nothing can or will ever save you. Go ahead and burn the city, you will burn yourself as your enemy hops onto a cruise shit heading to their tropical island, laughing all the while.

>> No.14100581
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What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.14100750
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>> No.14100993

>dislike humanity
>dislike a human
explain that one accfags

>> No.14101014

>The only people into accelerationism are those young enough or dumb enough to believe they will be fit enough to survive a period of strife and see the end of it, where they can then capitalize on the rebuilt society
how does /lit/ still not understand accelerationism? its been a meme for years

>> No.14101047

>dewy-eyed Virtue Accelerationists