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14096203 No.14096203 [Reply] [Original]

Is there shame in companion texts, especially for material using archaic language, such as Shakespeare or the KJ Bible?

>> No.14096208

If you're a native English speaker you shouldn't need anymore than marginal glosses for a few words

>> No.14096232

>he concealedeth his scrip in his arrayed raiments
come on

>> No.14096252

what seems to be the problem?

>> No.14096274

It's hard to understand because I don't know anybody who uses these words. Sometimes the grammar is hard too, and I will have to reread a passage in the NIV just so I can discern the subject and direct object of sentence.

>> No.14096351

there is absolutely no shame in how you read great literature so long as you read it. companion texts sometimes mold understanding but if it is necessary for your completion of a book, do it.

>> No.14096399
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I appreciate your kind input and support.

>> No.14096460
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Anyone who needs a companion to read the KJV is either looking for excuses to think the Bible doesn’t say things it does say, that it says things it doesn’t say or they are just legitimately low IQ

>> No.14096479

I doubt you've read any Bible.

>> No.14096488

Scrip is the only part that I don’t know

>> No.14096508

it's like a coinpurse

>> No.14096519

There's a lot of brainlets that do cursory reading of spiritual texts to say that they have read them rather than go deeply through the use of companion texts. The Upanishads are the best example because they are so short but contain so much wisdom, I've read several books explaining the nature of only 1 10 page Upanishad.

>> No.14096606
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I doubt YOU’ve read the KJV if you think its so intractable that you need a companion to comprehend it.

>> No.14096628

Why would I have read the whole book before deciding I need a companion text? This is why I'm asking dummy. That doesn't change that you haven't read it.

I have noticed this as well. The Gospel of John is written in such a way that it is intended to be rewritten (references in the beginning to things that happen at the end). Yet, I imagine many people power through The New Testament just to say they did it.

>> No.14096648
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Why would one feel shame for it?

>> No.14096689
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Anyone who starts reading the Bible and has at least midwit level IQ (like 110+) will realize they’re comprehending everything and thus won’t feel inclined to pick up a companion text. Understand now, Sancho?

>> No.14096700

No. Exclusively reading primary texts is peak pseud.

>> No.14096726
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Actually I’m surprised you don’t think I’m Christian. You aren’t aware that people read the Bible dishonestly so they can believe things like there is no Hell or that continuous willful sin is automatically forgiven?

>> No.14096840

>can't read shakespeare without a handholding guide
>he was writing for plebs who were barely literate if at all

god, how we've fallen.

>> No.14096858

That’s a myth. He was writing for the aristocracy and the plebs just watched from the troughs and enjoyed the spectacle of the baser elements.

>> No.14097403

which is why all the diction is in plebian parlance, amiright?
>i don't know anything unless a figure of authority spells it out ver batim for me! I am incapable of drawing my own conclusions based on observation and evidence! i am an oversized featherless parrot!

>> No.14097466

yes, think for yourself loser.

>> No.14097568

The language just changes over time. Many words and rules of grammar from Shakespeare's time just don't make sense. Even Aristophanes wrote his commedies for the masses but do the masses nowadays speak ancient Greek?

>> No.14097688

I've never met someone who throws around the term midwit that did not vastly overestimate their own intelligence. Have you ever taken a true IQ test?
Yes I'm aware protestants exist. You're also moving the goalposts, claiming I called you not Christian, when I simply doubted you read the Bible (still doubt).

This is nonsensical. The companion text does not draw conclusions for you, it elaborates upon the original text, thus reducing the time it takes for you to draw conclusions for yourself. If you go into a book knowing nothing about it, the first 50 pages will invariably be spent figuring out where the fuck the author is trying to take it. If it's an old text and you don't have historical context, then you will never know.

>> No.14097735
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No. If you are having trouble understanding it, do the things that will help you. When pretty pretense comes between you and fully grasping a work, do away with it and the people are telling you otherwise immediately.