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/lit/ - Literature

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14094534 No.14094534 [Reply] [Original]

I mentioned yesterday that my being a wage slave cuck had no time to read anymore. So people stared at me bewildered and asked: ''Read? Read what?''
''Why do you need to read''?
The more I live the more I confirm that the ascendant tendency is dormant while the downward one takes its course.

>> No.14094551

To me, too many people are concerned with the impending collapse of nice society, while ignoring the ongoing decline. Not talking about identity politics either. We're just continuing to settle for less and less, as long as we are stimulated.

>> No.14094556

No time to read anymore? How many hours do you work daily? Do you not have time to eat, or urinate, or brush your teeth either?

>> No.14095085


>> No.14095102
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>> No.14096067

Probably he means energy and will to. Wagecucking is soul consuming. Sometimes I don't even feel like making the effort to jerk off, let alone reading a book. Wagecucking is the worst of evils, even comparable to the human decadence of being a NEET.

>> No.14096073

the problem is with you

>> No.14096090

Do you work? Getting home at 6/7pm depending on the traffic, taking a shower, preparing the meal. When you see it is already almost 10pm. All I can do is to read like two or three pages before losing concentration and dozing off.

Yes. This kind of life is the other side of the NEET life, both spirit nullifying.

>> No.14096101
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This is one way of looking at it. The other more proper way is to see the utterly BROKEN SYSTEM OF THIS SHIT SOCIETY as the cause of our shortcomings.

>> No.14096111

No the problem is with you. Epictetus was a literal slave and still managed to become an educated philosopher. The society we live in remarkably fair and gives opportunities for intellectual improvement our ancestors couldn't have imagined. If you can't deal with the basic inconveniences inherent to human life, the problem is with you.

>> No.14096117
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>> No.14096131

A slave in Greece had it great compared to what even a manager to day has to deal with. Hell, even a lot of black slaves thought it was better than having to enslave yourself as a wageshit.

>> No.14096138

I am a literal wage slave and I have become a mostly self educated philosopher. Society is indeed still shit.
Epictetus is still valued because he didn’t upset your masters fee fees. Stoicism is for wusses

>Posts a hand model

>> No.14096142

>A slave in Greece had it great compared to what even a manager to day has to deal with.
imagine being this retarded

>> No.14096147

This is the real problem. Drives me mad how "woke" climate change people talk incessantly about the apocalypse while ignoring the slow decline in life that's already occurring. Like just fucking look at the rise of the "side hustle" or "gig economy", it's now become normal to work *an extra part time job in addition to your full time one*. Soon people will be giving up their weekends too (I mean it's probably already fucking happening but I mean en mass). This is more concerning to me than what the state of grain production in subtropical nations is going to be in fifty years.

>> No.14096152

>literal failed opera singer that Porky hires pays to tell the proles to stay in their lane
I'll take "retard" for 500 alex

>> No.14096160
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>stoicism is for wusses

>> No.14096175

Work fewer hours wage""""""slaves""""""
You'll have less money to spend on cheetos but your precious "freedom" will increase. Stop being so materialistic. It's perfectly possible to survive on a part-time job. And I know none of you fuckers are supporting children

>> No.14096176
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>Moments before and after discover this thread

>> No.14096183

I'll take "strawman" for 500 Alex

>> No.14096188

thanks /pol/

>> No.14096196
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go back

>> No.14096198

>Just lower your meager standard of living, dogs
>Stop noticing your lack of material need
>The cost of living where I am is wonderful

No, just an observation.

>> No.14096241

Stop being so obsessed with money

>> No.14096258

I HATE money. I don’t want to use it or need it anymore. How old are you?

>> No.14096267

Stop being so obsessed with material possessions.

>> No.14096277


>> No.14096291

Like food and rent.
Medical expenses. Can you be this much of a drip, really?

>> No.14096303

save your money and move somewhere cheaper. stop eating out. Unfortunately Obama made it illegal to buy cheap health insurance so I can't help you there
life is about trade-offs anon. you can either have more money or more time with the marketable skills you have now. you cannot have both.

>> No.14096708

You ARE that much of a drip.
Stupid liberal status quo supporting a-nonce

>> No.14096759

Please use actual arguments if you want me to take your ideas seriously.

>> No.14096771

Maybe your job is the problem if it's sucking everything out of you.
I read 50 books over a 6 month period this year while working full time and also having to spend 2 hours every day commuting to and from work.

>> No.14096777

Take the audio book pill. May not be as good as paper, but it’s nice while sitting in traffic.