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/lit/ - Literature

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14095397 No.14095397 [Reply] [Original]

>Tell someone you read a book
>They now think you are an expert on that book
>And know everything about that book
>And that you only read that kind of book

People watch different T.V. shows, why is it so hard for people to understand that.
>Yes i'v read, mein kampf.
>No i'm not a Nazi.
>Yes i'v read the communist manifesto.
>No i'm not a communist.

I actually have to watch what books I say i'v read now because of this.

>> No.14095463

There's a real tendency to only read that which supports your worldview. Ergo, if you choose to read something, you must agree with it, in their eyes.

>> No.14095480

>Yes i'v read, mein kampf.
>Yes i'v read the communist manifesto.

I wonder if the government knows what to make of your tastes; the former definitely put you on their watch list.

>> No.14095525

I'v read every major historically significant work.
From Ab Urbe Condita Libri to The Global 2000 Report.

I just like to read historical stuff.

>> No.14095940

Am I really just the weirdo here?

>> No.14096000

>read The Prince
>not a 15th Century Italian Nobleman

>> No.14096015
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>> No.14096157
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>Read Kama Sutra.
>Not having sex.

>Read Plato.
>Not having any ideas.

>> No.14096202
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>> No.14096247

Is that wrong?
I thought I'v was short hand for I have.
I see people use it that way all the time.

>> No.14096278

dude I hope English is your third language or something

>> No.14096299

you two should intra'venously inject each other's dicks

>> No.14096305

>read my diary
>don't support any of the ideas expounded there

>> No.14096330

holy fuck I haven't laughed so hard at a meme in a while

>> No.14097743

It's spelled "I've", anon
Hope you learned your lesson

>> No.14097804
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>> No.14097949

>tfw political science degree
on every list they have, including the list they put you on when you are on too many lists

>> No.14098346
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Alright, then how do you ever discover anything new if you are unwilling to read anything you might not already agree with?