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14094009 No.14094009 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to enjoy fiction books at 23 yo?

>> No.14094011


>> No.14094013


>> No.14094014

No wait until you’re 24

>> No.14094018

Is it possible to enjoy them properly before 23yo?

>> No.14094022


>> No.14094026

No, you can only enjoy fiction between 6 months old to 13 years old and then again between 33 years to your death

>> No.14094030

possible but undesirable

>> No.14094031

is it possible to have sex

>> No.14094036
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is it possible to enjoy?

>> No.14094038


With a proper education and a willing mind.

>> No.14094039
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OP here, I bought a kindle to study english, i downloaded a bunch of books i thought i would like to read but im dropping all nonphilosophy books out of boredom

>> No.14094052

Because philosophy brings you pleasures?

>> No.14094057
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>25 years old
>tfw try to read non-fiction but always get bored and read fiction instead

am I secretly a woman or what?

>> No.14094114
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nothing brings me pleasure

>> No.14094124

>am I secretly a woman or what?
It depends on the type of fiction. If it's genre fiction then there isn't much hope left for you anon.

>> No.14094143

Girls are cute so don't worry if it's true.

>> No.14094151


>> No.14094154

kill yourself manchild

>> No.14094384


>> No.14094722

try accelerationism, if you like it you like it the answer to your question is yes.

>> No.14094740

You might be a bit on the young side to fully enjoy it, but you could probably find some fiction suitable for your age.

>> No.14095055

Not for you I’m afraid.

>> No.14095148

Non-fiction is a meaningless term. Absolutely every narrative ever written is nothing but a construct of a one very ill-informed, flawed, biased, and neurotic human being. Same exact historical event could be described in a million different ways, and all of them would be 'non-fiction'.
I would argue that fiction thus creeps closer to the truth. A fictional story is a product of a mind of one man, unperverted by the quirks of history or thorns of fact, but, often without his consent, it contains the many truths of his life, his character, his real passions.

>> No.14095446


>> No.14095497

>I don't read non-fiction books
>I read philosophy books

Makes me burst out laughing every time.

>> No.14096376


>> No.14096495

this is the dumbest thread we've had in a while

>> No.14096592
