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14090662 No.14090662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wow. i didn't realize it was as bad as all that

>> No.14090678

Yep, whites now have to kick out all the trash jews have let in. Stinks but is what it is.

>> No.14090697

Boomer aggitation. The whole book is a great act of contorsion as she pretends america has never been a nation of immigrants.

Whether or not you support foreign immigration is besides the point, but the evidence to support your 200 pg claim should at least go further than "i dont think so, also here's three criminal cases from texas where the defendants were mexicans"

>> No.14090711

>tfw ann coulter will never tie you to a chair and jerk you off until you don't know what day it is

>> No.14090732

if you really read anything by an american saying anything with their shitty politics then you really need to rethink your life

>> No.14091458

Nation of immigrants....from Europe...

>> No.14091475
File: 96 KB, 480x445, 1562264160925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the solution, bros? How do we protect Gondor from the hordes?

>> No.14091530

>muh europe
lmao cope chang

>> No.14091535

Is that a woman?
fuck gringossssssss

>> No.14091561

Fuck the US. Fuck every country on earth and fuck everyone living in them.

>> No.14091566

Why is the cover her face

>> No.14091574

That contributed to high crime rates and shitty neighborhoods.
Irish, Italian, etc etc etc.

>> No.14091582

I'm in love with Ann Coulter.

>> No.14092050

And Africa.
The USA is a commercial venture and they needed the cheap labor, hence, "bring me your tired your poor your huddled masses". It's all about money, dummy.

>> No.14092081

Why are you still here, old hole?

>hence, "bring me your tired your poor your huddled masses".
It's (((Emma Lazarus)))' relatives who brought those nogs here on their slave ships.

>> No.14092084

lets kick the jews out first and see how that goes

>> No.14092092

over 80% of slaves and slave ships were owned by jews, less than 1% of the population

whites didn't do shit to africans. its fucking kikes. its always the fucking kikes

>> No.14092114

>80% of the antebellum south were Jews
Wow. the raw power of /pol/'s manure

>> No.14092132

I've heard 60% of jews living in the south owned slaves whereas a far, far lower % of whites did. Maybe he has a citation, but the point stands. Aren't you jewish, old hole? Remind us what you're doing here still?

>> No.14092153

There were more black slaveowners than Jewish ones.

>> No.14092167
File: 29 KB, 640x519, 1436886710897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what was the black population vs. the jewish population back then

>> No.14092173

I'm not Jewish.

>> No.14092202

Because she's a brand for selling rage books to scared Americans. Take her photo from the book and no one would give that title a second glance.

Ever seen books where the author's name is bigger than the title? Same thing. The writer sells more than the subject of the book.

>> No.14092321

Please just go, everyone here hates you. You're a sad old hag posting on 4chan on Halloween. Look in the mirror and move on.

>> No.14092331
File: 130 KB, 1200x1600, Hat 9x12-SUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you trick or treating with the other kids?

>> No.14092357

My kids are finished trick-or-treating. Where are your kids, old hag?

>> No.14092504

There were hardly any Jews in the south. Slavery was largely an institution practiced by WASPs.

>> No.14092670

Jews brought the slaves.

>> No.14092723

this, please fucking die already you lying sack of jew shit


>> No.14092752

You have to go back.