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14087285 No.14087285 [Reply] [Original]

Did you read big books when you were a kid?

>> No.14087297
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/tv/ pls go
And yeah but I only finished one

>> No.14087298

No, I was playing vidya as a young neet.

>> No.14087305

Too busy playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2

>> No.14087334

post your pedo bullshit in hell

>> No.14087338

I read Cryptonomicon when I was 12
The autism was already taking hold

Fuck off pedo

>> No.14087365

i read every single goosebumps book. or at least, the entire collection in the city library.

>> No.14087375

The thief thinks everubody has his same condition.

>> No.14087491

Do you not think she is beautiful? Is it a sin to think so? She will grow up, you know. Or do you only value the sexual nature of women? Do you only care about lust? Is that why you’re so offended? Because you project your lustful tendencies upon everyone else and pretend that I am lusting after that precious creature?

>> No.14087545

I read books like Walden Two and Clan of the Cave Bear when I was 11 in Fifth Grade. Shit was dope.

>> No.14087550

I read lots of ken follet and historical based novels, my favourite was Code to Zero.

>> No.14087656

Hell? God prefer little girl over roasties.

>> No.14087662

my mom used to give me her robert ludlum bricks to read.

>> No.14088036

Why yes, I read large epics like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

>> No.14088041

Yes. Eg les miserables and taiko.

>> No.14088054


spotted the closet pedo. Did you know that normal people can look at a photograph of a little girl without getting sexual thoughts?

>> No.14088062
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she already grew up

>> No.14088248

Literally only LOTR. I did not get another non Lord of the Rings book until I was 14 and at that point I had read the books at least 20 times over.

>> No.14088253

I’d like to give her something big.

>> No.14088276

I didn't read at all until I was 18.
Now I'm sure I'm more well-read than this entire board.

>> No.14088279

Well if you’ve read even just five books that would be true.

>> No.14088282
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When I was around 10 or 11 I read a historic novel about a peasant uprising agains feudal lords (it's considered one of the classics of my country) and then gave a presentation about it in school (we had to).
Everyone picked harry potter or some other kiddie bullshit. As I remember this was the beginning of my descend into autism and ostracization. But at least I was well read.

>> No.14088290

Percy Jackson, Alex Rider. Y'know, normal kid shit. Game of Thrones

>> No.14088354

What was the book?

>> No.14088358

I read the entirety of The Man Without Qualities when I was 9.

>> No.14088378

I grew up reading the wheel of time, started the first book in 3rd grade. It had a huge effect on me and it's why I started getting into writing in middle school. I picked it over others at the store because it was big.

>> No.14088399

when i was about 10 i had an operation that required me to be in hospital for about a week
someone told me to take a big book with me so i went to the library and got the biggest book i could find: war and peace
i read the whole fucking thing but i can't remember a single word

>> No.14088414
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Was really proud of finishing this book at 10.
>452 pages

>> No.14088466

Seljačka buna.

>> No.14089032

I read the Percy Jackson series, much of the greek myth entries on wikipedia, and the greek and roman epics.

>> No.14089074

I read The Da Vinci Code when I was 9, which made my family and friends think I was some kind of little genius. I remember absolutely nothing of the book, and turned out to be an idiot.

>> No.14089456

I read Plato and Aristotle when I was 13 and 14.

>> No.14089479

I read Consider Phlebas when I was 11 and American Psycho around the same time, but mostly I read old sci-fi, Terry Pratchett, Harry Potter, some murder mystery stuff. Didn't start to read classics till my mid 20s, feel like I missed out.

>> No.14089507

Who else was like me and thought all the goosebumps and other trash other kids were reading were silly? I wasn't trying to be better; I just couldn't stand that shit. Instead I forced myself to read books I couldn't understand because at least I felt like they weren't speaking to me like I'm retarded.

>> No.14089521

What do you mean anon? Like a big hug? A big ice cream cone?

>> No.14089552

American Psycho's a great book but it's not something a young child should be reading.

>> No.14089561
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>american basedcho is good
>kids shouldn't be exposed to edgy books/tv/movies
massive cringe

>> No.14089567

This whole fucking series is based.

>> No.14089582
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>normal people can look at a photograph of a little girl without getting sexual thoughts
they can?

>> No.14089661

I read Cat's Cradle when I was 13 before that the most advanced book I was reading was Harry Potter. Honestly glad I got into reading by that point cause they helped me get through so many boring classes and teachers couldn't give me shit for it like having phone or a portable console out during a lesson.

>> No.14089684
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Implying it isn’t.

>> No.14089701

I don't remember that scene in the movie...

>> No.14090000

Depends on what a big book is and what a kid is. I read Clockwork Orange and Lolita at 14, tried to read some Nietszche but the English was too advanced for me (I'm not native and the library only had English editions).

>> No.14090476

Not in a pose where they're ready to take BBC you fucking satan-worshipping nonce scum of the earth

>> No.14090484

i read the lord of the rings series when i was seven if that counts
then all of redwall and brian jaques books

>> No.14091019

Notice how she used no makeup when she was 11, and yet she looked more vibrant and youthful than in her later years. It is no wonder why women want to keep the AoC higher. But that isn’t the real issue, here. Girls are raised to be like men, to go to school together, graduate together, and even get similar jobs. Even if you wanted to marry a young teen, which in some places may be legal, you would be shunned, and how could such a thing even go forward smoothly? The girl has no concerns of being a wife or mother, but of being a CEO! Capitalism and feminism have slowly corrupted the rightful place of women in society, and we will continue to reap the consequences of degeneracy that are so common nowadays. But talk about this, and you’re labeled a pedophile, as if your mind is so concentrated on lust as the average modern person. They seem to think that it is normal for lust to precede love, and that premarital sex is fine, and that it’s ok for women to be at work all the time. I don’t know what can save us from this mess.

>> No.14091131

do stop whining anon

>> No.14091188

yep. Apology was the first philosophy I ever read as a kid of 8 or so. It was one of the dialogues in a nice gilded leather bound my dad left me.

>> No.14091224

I'm 25
when I was 12 I watched evangelion for the first time and I unironically thought it was the smartest show in existence so I became obsessed with it, I watched it like 100 times, I honestly had no idea what the show was about. one day when I was 13 (or maybe about to turn 13) I decided to read the bible that we had at home because I thought it would help me understand the show better. ended up reading the bible 3 times.
I'm not joking

>> No.14091313

Would befriend at age 11 and then be bullied by her at age 12. The rest are all pretty average

>> No.14091326

My parents forced me to read Harry potter before I could watch the movies

>> No.14092561

You mean just standing?