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/lit/ - Literature

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14089100 No.14089100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it always right wing literature that is censored when left wing literature has killed way more people

>> No.14089170

>when left wing literature has killed way more people
they killed all the opposition and took all the power to the point where most mainstream conservatives are actually liberals. These people basically uphold what liberals defended five or ten years ago and therefore never actually conserves anything. If a conservative is being censored it's probably a good sign that that person is a real conservative.

>> No.14089178
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>is a nigger loving faggot

>> No.14089182

>Literature kills people

>> No.14089183

Because leftists and infiltrated the tech industry and the tech industry controls communications in the modern age

>> No.14089191

Of course it does. Mein Kampf killed 11 million people. The Communist Manifesto killed 200+ million

>> No.14089196
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>left right

>> No.14089199

>can’t even write an intelligible sentence or deliver on a deadline
it’s the same as those 2nd-grade-level “essays” conservatards post on Twitter with an F and pretend got failed for their content

>> No.14089200

Here's your (You), you can leave now. Saged and reported.

>> No.14089201

This, simple point but can't be said enough.
Also, capitalism isn't conservative.

>> No.14089204

he's only ironically gay

>> No.14089210

I agree, that doesn’t do it justice.
It should be:
>Totalitarian, bloodthirsty trannies vs NWO shills pretending to be Democrats and Republicans vs Freedom fighters

>> No.14089214


>> No.14089217

so left and right-lite vs right and Christian

>> No.14089222

this girl can be boring and cringe but she's surprisingly based

>> No.14089233

Books are a medium through which to communicate ideas, and we all know that no one has ever killed in the name of an idea


>> No.14089273

Not necessarily Christian, anyone who wants the government to stay out of their lives and stop wasting their money is welcome in the tent

>> No.14089284

>anyone who wants the government to stay out of their lives and stop wasting their money is welcome in the tent
for sure, but the morals and principles need to be derived from Christian Doctrine or this coalition will be toothless

>> No.14089299

Globohomo versus everyone else

>> No.14089303

>when left wing literature has killed way more people

answered your own question OP

you live in a society with a greater degree of censorship that the soviet system

>> No.14089324

if you count self censorship than yes

>> No.14089330


>> No.14089337

nah, people are regularly assassinated by the communist party in america. the reason the soviets had to kill so many people in the 20s and 30s was because people remembered the truth. they were not killing a ton of people by the end. same in america, you only have to target a select few polymaths or people who go digging through old historical archives. normies are no threat

>> No.14089374

never thought of this way but you're completely correct. Try talking to boomers about esoteric history or even Epstein and they're completely lost. These people would've had a complete strangle hold on the population but now consciousness is rising in young people through the internet