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14084526 No.14084526 [Reply] [Original]

When once it is no longer possible to understand how a man gives his life for his country--and the time will come--then all is over with that faith also, and the idea of the Fatherland is dead; and then, perhaps, we shall be envied, as we envy the saints their inward and irresistible strength

>> No.14084575

Man was that boring. If I want a good war memoir I'll read Guy Sajers Forgotten Soldier.

>> No.14084582

Envied while we float unmoored from nationalism, pitied when we learn how to live better without it.

>> No.14084616
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I own an english first edition published in 1929 - hare to come by. The Penguin Classics translation has been heavily modified. One of the more striking differences is on the last page

>> No.14085020

>appealing to poltards
Smart man to edit that shit.

>> No.14085164

Rent free

>> No.14085487
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>> No.14085521

Was this removed from the 1929 edition?

>> No.14085950

Hello r/literature

>> No.14086008

damn I got the wrong version

>> No.14086014

dirty commie

>> No.14086266

Go jump into an artillery shell for your master slaveboy

>> No.14086620

kek imagine thinking this

>> No.14086709

Never understood why people think this is a good comeback. It’s literally anti-thought

>> No.14087472

What is the edition called?

>> No.14087593

The original post was even worse though.

>> No.14087658

Wait? you telling me this isnt in the penguin edition? LMAO, why the fuck would anyone read the penguin edition if they removed all the juice??? Honestly, Storm of Steel made me feel patriotic for the German Empire and gave a really good insight to the thinking of the men who were willing to fight for King and country in what is arguably the worst war ever. The endurance of those men demonstrates just how much we have lost to modernity.
Chatto and Windus 1929, its the Basil Creighton translation of the 1924 German edition. You should try and find a library with it, even my shitty second rate Australian uni had it.

>> No.14087764

We managed for thousands of years without nationalism, it was a thing for about 200 years, and now it's fading away again. I'll think we'll be fine

>> No.14087800

>people only recently understood the concept of a nation!
Just because some fag historian arbitrarily took some dates and said "THIS is when nationalism existed under my new, specific definition," doesn't mean people throughout history have had clear concept of patriotism and collective identity. See
>Roman virtues vs. Carthage in Polybius
>Japan's distinct warlords rallying to fight off Mongol invasion
>Most of the OT, that Israel thought itself as a nation, even as a union of tribes, and Judah saw itself as a distinct nation after the split
>Egypt's view of itself as a nation, even when the Upper and Lower Kingdoms were split at various times
>The Greeks recognizing other Greeks, even with no state-bound unity. Like Socrates statement about how he could've left Athens for any other city, or the colonies, with the Greek world specifically in view

>> No.14087820

Posting the German critical edition's description yet again:

>The alterations from the fifth (1935) to the sixth (1961) ... are more extensive and significant. These were made under the influence of the Second World War, and in conflict with [his wife and editor] Liselotte Lohrer, and served chiefly to "humanise" the war-depiction [Kriegsdarstellung]. Vocabulary emphasising brutality, which may have stemmed from the [in the '20s] well-known "Wörterbuch des Unmenschen," were replaced with more neutral [lit. sachlich: fact-like, prosaic, aloof] less offensive [lit. anstößig: unpleasant, jarring, nasty] vocabulary. Individual descriptions of war-scenes and men dying were softened [mildern]. "Knightly" and "dandyish"* representations were even more suppressed. Meanwhile [Junger] inserted justificatory reflections and wishes for reconciliation, incitations to pity and mourning.
* "dandyish" has connotations of "adventurous rogue brimming with sprezzatura" or so, a bit of decadent influence as well, like a roguish Des Esseintes. The Wandervogel/Freikorps movements both had elements of it.

>These changes provoked a violent confrontration with the publisher, Armin Mohler, the historian and chief figure of the "Conservative Revolution," who had been Junger's secretary from 1949 to 1953 and who now reproached his "master" publically for de-historicizing and de-heroicizing his writings about the First World War for the sake of accommodation with the [new] zeitgeist, thereby killing [umbringen] their authenticity.

>Junger protected himself with a letter circulated to his most important correspondents, in which he insisted on his right to to revisions and explained his modifications as "necessary":
" ... A book like In Stahlgewittern has been revised more than a dozen times. I have always been unsatisfied with the results and I will never be satisfied. They remain approximations. ..."

>[The late editions are certainly superior in 'literary' style to the 1920s/1930s ones.] ... The consequences [of the late editions' edits] for historical authenticity are hard to estimate. The [stylistic] perfection of expression may [be said to] lead to precision in facts, but also to a new, and for the first time, ["colourlessness."] [Not 100% sure of translation here.]

>To judge [on this matter], [the] authentic experience is necessary, of which not even the author himself was ever certain. ... We agree with Kunicki when he says about the fourth edition of 1934, in which the nationalist alignments were withdrawn and the ethical reflections had not yet been intensified, that "in its [very] unselfconsciousness of [the issue of] authenticity, this edition is probably the best of all of them." If one values above all things the sophisticated precision of depiction, the historical insights of the later Junger, and his syntactically rythmical-musical ["balanced prose?" lit. Äquilibristik], then one will prefer the "edition of the last hand" [i.e., the 1960/1978].

>> No.14087822

I go to a sandstone university in Australia and the library doesn’t have a single Jünger book

>> No.14087832

>t. poltard

>> No.14087835

Nationalism and patriotism are not the same thing. Why are junger translation posters so retarded?

>> No.14087845

>collective identity
These are different things

>> No.14087847

>muh nationalism
If you think that's why the book is good you're a retard. And that's objectively a worse ending.

>> No.14087848

What effective difference do you see between nationalism and collective identity?

>> No.14087850

Gooners have a collective identity, are they a nation state?

>> No.14087852

Why does no one here ever discuss the book? There was a thread the other day and the creighton autists immediately started another thread just to talk about translation and based nationalism. It's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.14087874

the book is remarkable for its continual revision, it's inescapably political
blame Junger for this one

>> No.14087901
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Anyone read other works like Jünger's from the period, like Ernst von Salomon?

Pic related is interesting too
>In 1951 he published the book The Questionnaire (Der Fragebogen), in which he gave his ironic and sarcastic "Answers" to the 131 point denazification questionnaire concerning people's activities between 1933-1945, which the Western Allied Military Governments in Germany issued by the tens of thousands at the end of the war. A famous public discussion of the book took place in the main train station of Cologne, organised by bookseller Gerhard Ludwig. Although Liberals and the Left condemned it violently, the book was a sensation in Germany and between its publication in 1951 and 1954 by which time it had sold over 250,000 copies.


>> No.14087920
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I don't think a WW1 autobiography has a lot to discuss other than autistic, political shitflinging. It's a good read but more /his/ than /lit/

>> No.14087928
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A similar book

>Mohler's year in wartime Germany, “impressed me so much that, more than ever, I was not able to fit in to the `self-satisfaction’ of Swiss society.” He anticipated that Germany would play a decisive role in his future.

>Most of this book is devoted to a forthright, dissident treatment of the highly emotion-laden issue of Germany's burdensome Third Reich legacy. Mohler argues persuasively that the seemingly endless emphasis on Nazi crimes, and on German efforts to “atone" for collective “sins,” is perverse, unjust and ultimately dangerous.

>He cites a public opinion poll conducted some years ago, in which Germans selected at random were asked: “Who was guilty of the German-Hungarian war of 1893?” A decisive majority readily answered “the Germans,” confessing collective guilt for a conflict that, in fact, never took place. Only a small minority responded with “the Hungarians” or “don't know.”

>> No.14087952

Eumeswil is the most important book for individual politics of both this century and the last

>> No.14088200

Rip, how will Go8niggers ever cope?

>> No.14088332
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>look up gooner
>find guys that wank for hours on end

>> No.14088384

>"Gooning" may be most simply defined as that state usually achieved after a prolonged edging session, when a man becomes completely hypnotized by the feeling radiating his penis. Since a gooning state can only be achieved after edging, the man's dick will have become mightily aroused at this point and every caress the male genitals are subjected to will trigger potent elation. As the man keeps edging and thus keeps experiencing intense pleasure, he enters a state of trance where his mind intimately merges with his cock : the gooning state, where he and his dick become one. To be even more accurate, when the gooning state is achieved, the man's body becomes for all intents and purposes an appendage to his erection. When this state is achieved, the male becomes freed of all social codes of conduct, and his arousal, alone, dictates his reactions. As a result, a gooned out man will become very expressive and demonstrative : he may become very vocal, while his body and face might take on undignified expressions and poses, all in response to the intensely exquisite caresses his penis is exposed to. Hence the term "goon", since at this point the man effectively looks like a silly, foolish, or eccentric person.

>Gooning is not a narcissistic manifestation. Narcissism is extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents. Rather, gooning is closer to a meditation experience, where the mind and the body align, focused on a single thought (or feeling, in this case).

Is the gooner the prototype of the coomer?

>> No.14088389

Gooners spend their time in hopeless anticipation without ever attaining the climax they crave.

>> No.14088393

I do not envy those who die or kill in warfare. I abide by the words of Christ in Matthew 5:38-40.

>> No.14088411

>is the gooner the prototype of the coomer?
The coomer's prerogative is to ejaculate as frequently as possible, whilst the gooner seeks to delay orgasm for as long as possible. As such, I would call them two sides of the same self-indulgent coin. One does not become the other, they are the two differing paths an addict to poronography/masturbation may take.

>> No.14088435

it's like the Apollonian and Dionysian forms of wanking
a 20 year old gooner meme could usurp the coomer and create an interesting synthesis

>> No.14088506

A lot of the appeal of the coomer meme was that it got under the skin of those that identified with it. Gooners, on the other hand, make a deliberate effort to be that way, so it wouldn't have the same effect.

>> No.14088537
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>> No.14088603

What the symbolism behind the cover?

>> No.14088802

>Junger is responsible for my autism
kek the absolute state

>> No.14088858

There's more than enough to discuss. This is just an excuse.