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/lit/ - Literature

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14084141 No.14084141 [Reply] [Original]

>After dispelling her initial fear, she texted him that it would be “interesting (progressive? Powerful?) for two people who might be the antithesis of each other to go on a Tinder date.”

>Ahead of this date, they traded reading assignments: Sulkowicz gave him the password to protected areas of her website, and he sent pieces he’d written, which she printed, annotated with her critiques, and brought to their date.

Is this what a "/lit/ date" looks like?

>> No.14084173

>/lit/ date
internal contradiction

>> No.14084184

Sounds comfy desu

>> No.14084199

is that a woman

>> No.14084208

Is this Hegelian?

>> No.14084213

Its the woman who carried a mattress around her campus to protest being "raped" (the guy was exonerated). Apparently she fucked a Chad from Tinder and has abandoned all her leftie beliefs immediately.


>> No.14084347

Classic spoiled wmaf spawn behavior.

>> No.14084380

Holy shit it's real
Chad is unstoppable

>> No.14084395


>“He was very blond, law school, cut jawline, trapezoidal body figure, tweed suit kind of vibe, but something inside of me made me swipe right, I don't know."

lel. These will be our warrior princes once the dream of central governance crumbles crumbles.

>> No.14084662

nice literature thread.

>> No.14084731
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a Ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"During the summer of 2018, Sulkowicz tells me, she was single for the first time in years. Swiping through Tinder, a man she found “distasteful” super-liked her. “It smelled like Connecticut,” she says of his profile. “He was very blond, law school, cut jawline, trapezoidal body figure, tweed suit kind of vibe, but something inside of me made me swipe right, I don’t know.” They began messaging, and she found him witty. “He was actually way more fun to talk to than any other person I matched with.”
>"Eventually, Sulkowicz stalked him on Twitter and realized that he was conservative — “like, very conservative.” At first, she was repulsed and considered breaking it off. But then she thought, “Wait, actually, that’s kind of fucked up because he’s the most interesting person I’ve come across, shouldn’t I be open to talking to him?” After dispelling her initial fear, she texted him that it would be “interesting (progressive? Powerful?) for two people who might be the antithesis of each other to go on a Tinder date.”"

>"A couple weeks after our lunch, Sulkowicz brings me to a book party at a dark bar on Bleecker Street. Here, she introduces me to her friend from Tinder, who asks that I not use his real name for this article. (It might be a distraction at his white-shoe law firm and, besides, “Emma is inured to online hate, but I am not.”) When he asks if he can choose his own pseudonym, I tell him sure. He picks Chad. It’s a reference to the incel term for men who, due to serendipitous genetics, are attractive enough to have oodles of sex. All of us laugh, but Sulkowicz laughs loudest, her voice tinkling, bell-like, and leaping between octaves.


>> No.14084886


>> No.14084890
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>but something inside of me made me swipe right, I don’t know

>> No.14084942

The fact that women are this simple is possibly a difficult fact
It’s very rare to find women who aren’t the most basic, predictable bitches imaginable

>> No.14084977

>something inside of me

Suggestive wording...

>> No.14084990


Utterly simple, and yet infinitely profound.
The boundless depths of womankind inspire awe and fear in equal measure.
There is no ground to her being.

>> No.14085107

Are women simply more grounded in existence in the Kierkegaardian sense, less prone to abstraction? In the classical understanding, air and fire are masculine, the more ethereal elements; water and earth, the grounded, the concrete, are feminine.

>> No.14085152

This is a creative writing exercise right lmao

>> No.14085208

>“Wait, actually, that’s kind of fucked up because he’s the most interesting person I’ve come across, shouldn’t I be open to talking to him?"

can't we just be open and say that it's not that he's the most interesting, rather that he's the most attractive physically. that's all it is. be honest with yourself. there are probably hundreds of ugly men as interesting as this guy. you picked him because he's hot.

>> No.14085317 [DELETED] 
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you virgins thought pic related was satire, but it was really just chad reporting facts.

>> No.14085425

It was obvious from the start she was a nut. IIRC she also releases a porno ""reenacting"" her """rape."""

>> No.14085427 [DELETED] 

Pretty typical here in /pol/Jr.

>> No.14085471 [DELETED] 

go to r/literature if you don't like it newfag, 4chan has had a right wing motif since its inception and its only going to get bigger

>> No.14085499

Yes, I think one of her professors fucked her in public.

>> No.14085519


>> No.14085568 [DELETED] 


way to out yourself as a 2016 /pol/tard

>> No.14085583 [DELETED] 

4chan has always been politically incorrect.