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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 797x767, Halloween Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14084204 No.14084204 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost Halloween. Post your
>Favorite book
>Do you like black licorice?
>Year in uni / annual income

>> No.14084230

>Blood Meridian
>it’s okay
>age 26, roughly $25,000 dollars a year, $12 an hour as a coffee shop barista

>> No.14084248

>in search of lost time
>graduated 6 months ago at 24, make 40k managing an AirBn

>> No.14084259

>pale fire
>black licorice sucks

>> No.14084281
File: 148 KB, 1023x996, pumpkinpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doby Mick
>graduated in spring, unemployed

>> No.14084341

>The Idiot
>55k a year

>> No.14084367

>Moby Dick
>more than red licorice but wouldn’t seek it out
>$38,000 a year salary

>> No.14084384
File: 24 KB, 417x417, 1E571994-D4EF-4DAF-A4E3-32BCA7D7B2E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravity’s Rainbow
>worst candy
>Master’s in English literature, gas station cashier, $22,000 a year

Life after college sucks bros, especially with the student loans. Don’t be stupid like me, do STEM instead.

>> No.14084386

Brothers Karamazoff

>> No.14084407
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 14944D38-DAF4-411A-BF44-47DB24E83392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death’s End, by Cixin Liu
>fuck yes
>$130,000 a year, software engineering scrum master

Life is good.

>> No.14084417
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>>Master’s in English literature, gas station cashier, $22,000 a year
>Life after college sucks bros
life sucked IN college, particularly if you're american. you're just a paypig bloating a ponzi scheme where professors who publish inane post-modern papers no one even reads and burgeoning university bureaucracies that force diversity and leftwing activism saddle you with debt you can never escape from. even if you enjoy the brainwashing, you're still just going through an assembly line production with other brainlet normies and pseuds. you live in a shitty dorm with other people and have no power to do anything because you have no income. maybe things are different at the elite ivy universities, but I doubt it, they just seem to offer better networking.

you're currently losing at life

>> No.14084423

>engineer autist's favorite is by some no-name bug person
checks out

>> No.14084441
File: 182 KB, 1442x900, 27.144277-Okeechobee-FL-2008-2011-Custom-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jude the obscure
>only if there are no other nice things to eat
>about £160k

>> No.14084482

>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>It's ok

>> No.14084487

Oh I'm retarded annual income is

>> No.14084590


>> No.14084657

American psycho
28 junior sous chef 26k

>> No.14085062

wtf doing what?

>> No.14085158
File: 55 KB, 700x740, meeveryday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Odyssey

>> No.14085179


>> No.14086524

>he fell for the test meme

>> No.14086942

>black licorice sucks
the joke wrote themselves

>> No.14086949

>Kafka on the shore
>Second year but I'm dropping out at the end of this term

>> No.14086987

about £120k IT contractor + about £40k income from my investments

>> No.14087003

For me, its red licorice.

>> No.14087009

now im craving red licorice :(

>> No.14087795

>East of Eden
>Fuckin' love it

>> No.14087914

what spooky books should I read for halloween?

>> No.14087919

>i do indeed
>N/A and N/A

>> No.14088291

high IQ post, what do you do for a living?

>> No.14088300

>Don Quixote
>23, $89k

>> No.14088331

>don't really have one but i'd say The Exorcist is a good one
>no uni / $0 a year

>> No.14089378

Data analyst, major tech company. Stay in school kids.

>> No.14089430

>Data analyst
>tech company
oof that sounds fucking boring

>> No.14089439

>Either War & Peace or Devils
>Never had it

>> No.14089465
File: 19 KB, 506x533, pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is why they pay me 130k.

>> No.14089515

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Eating black licorice is very relaxing to me
>Graduated a couple years back, 75k as a software developer

>> No.14089570

extremely based. the book made me really depressed though. Like, isnt the conclusion of the book that the entire universe is condemned to an endless cycle of stagnation and intergalactic war, and that cooperation is fundamentally useless against suspiction and prejudice? The cool little metaphor about the fish in the terrarium gives me some hope, but I don't think it really meant much....

If you don't understand both STEM and the humanities you are a very low-level intellect, sorry. STEM-spergs don't see the forest for the trees, but people who don't have a thorough understanding of math, statistics, physics, computer science et cetera, don't even see the trees.

>> No.14089595

>licorice yes average income
>licorice no average income

Why are people who like licorice so superior?

>> No.14089892


>> No.14089924

On the road
Yes i do
Highschool drop out
I make 9 make dollars an hour

>> No.14089932

>It's okay

>> No.14090022

What did you study in school cause I'm doing business but wanna cross over into data analysis.

>> No.14090163

sounds like you should have made some friends

>> No.14090166

graduated college back in june of this year, currently unemployed, hoping to get a job at an indy bookstore

>> No.14090248

>2nd year of uni, make about 1.5k as an officer reservist

It amazes me how much of a scam the US uni system is.

>> No.14090424

Mathematics. It’s substantially harder than business at most schools though, I had no life for four years, and it ruined every personal relationship I had, don’t do it if you’re unwilling to pay that price.

>> No.14090996

I'm sorry to interrupt with an old cliché but it is LITERALLY a dark and stormy night right now.

>> No.14091029

>Crime and Punishment
>Hell if I know