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/lit/ - Literature

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14079970 No.14079970 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically want to kill myself. Not even joking or memeing, i truly believe non-existence is the best thing that could happen to me right now. I've been not-existing for the entirety of human existence and i was happy, why did i had to be born into such a terrible existence?
I have no passions in life, nor do i want to have them. Everything i think about doing is either useless in the long run (getting a job, learning piano, writing a masterpiece), or will lead to even more suffering (killing my self). How do i fix this?
Please don't talk about exercise. That's retarded and only works for normies with neurotypical and atrophied brains. I've "worked out" for months, and if anything i got worse. It's an activity for brainlets because it allows them the maximum escapism that one could have (When you're doing reps you're not thinking about anything. Normies like it because not thinking about anything is their natural state).
What are some books that will rekindle in me a will to live? Books that will inspire me to do something with my life that isn't wanting to die.

>> No.14079982

Nice blogpost, but this isn’t the self help board. I would try >>>/adv/

>> No.14079984

Keep surviving and grow up honestly

>> No.14080001


>> No.14080011

You're describing about half of this board, we don't want to hear it, go post on /r9k/

>> No.14080016

I'm 25. Nothing in life satisfies me. The source of my suffering is probably the heavy beating i took from some chronic illnesses back in my early 20s that still haunt me, and probably developed into anhedonia. I don't think my case is "teenager ennui", though i can see why one would think this.
Maybe a book will save me? I remember reading Notes From the Underground, and Stoner, a few years ago, and being hyped up, thinking "in no way i'll be like this in 10 years from now. This is a wake up call. I have to live a life in order to avoid what these authors are portraying."

>> No.14080033

/r9k/ is full of brainlets, and i actually read literature.

>> No.14080051

Alright then you might unironically want to check out Nietschze if you haven't already. But I haven't come across any magic bookpill myself and I doubt there is one out there.

>> No.14080094
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pick the king of the normans in your vicinity, and start a feud, you Achilles, he Hector
he and his buddies will end you
but it will bring out all of your potential, your very best

>> No.14080154

I don’t really have the answer for you, but I do sympathize. I had a pretty severe chronic illness come on in my senior year of college that totally derailed what I planned to do after graduating. I never really had any interest in anything else so it was pretty devastating. I’m mid twenties now also and It’s pretty much been an uphill battle since then psychologically. The only thing I can say is that I’ve recently realized through reading Nietzsche and Evola that I’ve always been looking for material answers, but my concerns were never material. It’s made me feel like I don’t have the right answers still, but I’ve eliminated the wrong ones at least.

>> No.14080174
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what did you plan to do, if you don’t mind
A lot of /lit/ is in this boat...

>> No.14080272

I think this is the plight of most people on this board. I suffer from extreme anhedonia and lack of passion. I do exercise because it takes my mind of the suicidal thoughts and releases some 'happy chemicals' that last for 15 minutes or so. Definitely not a solution for anything.

>> No.14080367

It's called being mentally ill.

>> No.14080377

>Everything i think about doing is either useless in the long run
Everything is useless in the long run my guy. We are only here to die, nothing we do will matter once we're gone, and everybody knows this.
Do literally anything to pass the time and forget about the fact that you exist like the rest of us.
>get a job
>learn piano
>write a masterpiece

>> No.14080379

Alright, larping faggot.

>> No.14080639

"working out"
ayy lmao

choose a sport you feel under pressure, make u feel fear, overcoming fear is very satisfying,
Dont try to think much about it,dont fear the incoherence you may find (because you will analyze everything u do anyway).
Smile more, eat chocolate or whatever that u like, embrace loneliness as something constructive even if its painful or makes u feel numb. Watch at your hands touch your skin, try to connect to the very basic part of yourself.
If you are the kind of person i think u see to be, u just think too much, is ot that u fear letting things flow, but being overconscious on everything you do.

Its just an idea and it may seem retard but it is not, but climbing really helped me when i was feeling like you. You just dont think bout anything else while you are climbing, its really addictive, then you really do your philo about it later. I did because i found many things i was missing in there, contact with nature, the sights man, strength that actually is worth for something not just "being on shape", feeling like putting my life a bit on the edge, trusting yourself on dangerous spots. Building confidence.
Also you may find company with someone (ou cant climb alone, and i know that you would love it because i did think the same back then)and spending time in nature with someone actually makes a real bond with people.

I spent 2 years on the singe routine of studying my maths, playing my flamenco and everyday go climb in a gym and in the weekends going with a red pilled old man that became my best friend apparently.

Idk i spoke bout climbing because it helped me a lot and gave me what i needed, a bit of danger and soletude but if not meaning at least with a bit of taste.

I dont talk about putng your life in danger, but doing so makes you feel different a bit. And any minimal change you can put in your life makes you move, moving is key. towards any direction. It probabl wont be fun or pleasant, but life dont gives you that feeling of books or movies that "something appears, grows and then dies".

Be confident on who you are, even if its a dark putrid piece of meat by now. But dont close yourself into that state, and remember that basic thing that "happiness is not smiling all the time".

It is curious how almost all the time the most basic stuff, even if your theory is so complicated, your praxis must be simple. Is what will give you more sense of being alive.

Forget about company, it appears sporadically.

>> No.14080722

books wont cure you if thats what you are thinking, and you are an arrogant brainlet who considers yourself superior to "normies" who workout. As if others havent had the problems you have, maybe if you dont kill yourself the answer will come to you in time. It has not done so for me yet though....

>> No.14080816

A book wont save you. A movie won't save you. Same shit. I sympathize with you but my advice would be to stop playing the victim and try loving your fellow man. A big secret is to find stuff to occupy your mind so your not always thinking about yourself and your troubled existence. Find a girl, go do fun stuff together. Volunteer at a church or food bank. Do something for someone else besides yourself. Join a sports league. Get involved in the community. This sounds like a meme but living like Christ actually makes you feel good. That's what I can say, I don't have it figured out either and have tried killing myself a couple times as well, i'm 27.

>> No.14080825

Nihilism is for the youth and young minded you will grow out of it, hopefully.

>> No.14080839


>> No.14081413
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unironically this. fasting resets neural pathways and is really good for the body.

>> No.14082414

spoken like a true npc

>> No.14082443

Honestly I just read books.

Anything to get me not to be me

>> No.14082456

The reason you feel this way is the recognition that there is nothing that will fulfill your hopes and longings.
The solution is to realize that this physical realm of existence is the realm of becoming, so change is possible. You can't change the world into something satisfying, but you can change yourself into something that is worth being. Let go of your expectation of reward for your deeds and become someone you could love and respect, and do this without any expectations.
The reason you hate your life is because you don't fill it with admirable qualities and content. Sure, hedonism is pleasureable but no-one will respect you for having sex, least of all yourself.
Become something you respect and your existential dread will end.

>> No.14082515

We all die in the end. There's no need to rush it. Aside from that, I have a little ritual that may or may not help. Assess the aesthetic value of each lived moment. Within each instant lives a near infinite number of details that all come together to make a complex and unique experience, one that only grows more complex and interesting once you begin chaining those moments together. No one will ever have that instance, it is entirely unique to you. Your life is a near uncountable chain of these instances. You are lived museum, an archive of aesthetic self-actualization. Again, there's no need to rush.

>> No.14082586
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I think it's time for you to get knee-deep into poetry:
Get drunk.
Read pieces out loud to haggard women and lousy old men.
Complain about metric.
Get drunk.
Wake up on a bench with books you didn't know under your arm.
Catch syphillis.
Corrupt the youth.
Get drunk.
Learn a new language in the half-assed way and enjoy poems in their original state.
Get drunk.
Get drunk.
Get drunk.
And get drunk on the sorrow, the putrefaction, the imperfection and all those things you find in people at midnight.
You either get numb enough to hang yourself from a lamplight or turn the page and see life under a new light.

>> No.14083001

Getting drunk implies having money which implies having a job which implies you're going to be to tired to do any of those

>> No.14083017

There's no hope for you.

>> No.14083036

Join the military.