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14078665 No.14078665 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the rabid fanboyism of these literal whos?

>> No.14078691

/lit/ likes people based on edge factor. Edge factor is measured by being a loner who tells everyone else they're wrong, or being someone who actually does something psychotic and violent to back their beliefs up with. It's the same mentality as high schoolers who enjoy standup comedians and adult cartoons and diss track culture. The reason they do this, psychologically speaking, is that they fetishize revolt against what's popular and mainstream. To them it's the idea of a true hero. And why do they do this? Because they have anxiety, crippling depression, few friends, no gf, and no talents to speak of. It's all psychological.

>> No.14078742

They are philosophers who attract neophytes who think they can find the one great philosopher whose works will invalidate all other philosophers, thus justifying the neophytes' decision to skip the rest of philosophy while simultaneously posing as an authority on it. They are philosophers who attract lazy beginners.

>> No.14078748

Spot on. Some other examples include Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, and on /lit/ Whitehead.

>> No.14078752

No, it's because they desire authenticity, and they desire it because it is a very powerful and influential cultural phenomenon
When you disparage it as a game they're playing to stave off their social problems, you're just reinforcing their perception of authenticity and strengthening their position - not the most efficient way to go about these things

>> No.14078755

Everyone in high school loved stand up and cartoons though

>> No.14078757

Twitter fags forcing their memes on our board.
Beware of the shills they lurk between us and take pride on social networks in watching their memes spread like a virulent disease.
The motherfuckers did it with accelerationism and Evola and Kaczynski and are currently plotting to spread their filthy meme books even now.
Don't bite into it.
They are the sum of the scum of that wretched social media and won't stop unless you quit browsing for books to read.
Do your own research, don't be spoonfed, make the memes don't consume them.

>> No.14078766

t. Neophyte
Whitehead doesn't try to invalidate philosophy. And Nietzsche is fine.

>> No.14078780

They're not authentic one bit. Edge is strongly tied with irony, with subverting something, with reflecting things in a mirror and falling in love with the mirror image, until you're stuck with a simulacrum of signs that stop referencing reality. That's not authenticity, it's the opposite: escapism. True authenticity is sincere. If you're sincere you stop caring about who says what. Sometimes people in the mainstream are right, and sometimes loners are right, and you learn to spot that. But thinking that you are right because you're a loner isn't authenticity at all. That's just larping as authentic when you're really being uncritical. Like I said there's a deep psychological explanation to this kind of uncritical self-deception. You come to think you're authentic but you're actually not.

>> No.14078784

of course they are not authentic, nothing is authentic - that's not my point

>> No.14078785


>> No.14078792

Whitehead's process ontology is very different from the standard way ontology is done. And on /lit/ the suckers who obsess over him definitely think he's btfo everyone else. Nietzsche is the same deal. I'm not saying Whitehead or Nietzsche are bad, but they are philosophers that plebs think are
>the one great philosopher whose works will invalidate all other philosophers
as said before. Literally nothing I said makes me a neophyte, I'm not acting like them.

>> No.14078797

>muh authenticity
a flowery word that doesn't mean anything and is very dangerous.

>> No.14078800

yes I agree, all of this is in line with what I said

>> No.14078801

Incels feel oppressed by everything around them, as if the whole world was in conspiracy against them. Accordingly, they feel attracted to thinkers who are A- obscure, and therefore not contaminated the society that torments and looks down on them, and B- who are in opposition to modern society in its entirety.

>> No.14078809

Too bad they're fake.

>> No.14078818
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>it's another literal who calling great men literal whos thread

>> No.14078823

I remember someone said he came from an Evola discord group, whereas another anon said he came from a Whitehead Facebook group. The shills definitely organize raids, you can tell when there is suddenly a thousand threads on Whitehead and then not again for a while, or a thousand threads on Guenon and then not again, and people fall for it.

>> No.14078829

Whitehead didnt believe in an end of philosophy so anyone who espouses this did not read a word from him.

>> No.14078855

They aren't that relevant.
Only Twitter fags and e celebs take them seriously.
You could live a satisfying, culturally rich life without ever coming across their names.
Outside of a handful internet circles they are rightly ignored and/or dismissed by serious intellectuals such is the worth or their thought.

Nazi teens that will only ever read quotes
Trad spergs wanna be fascist that pose with books and larp
Literal Chinks and Hispanic mongoloids

>> No.14078863

Would you prefer we read and "discuss" new york times bestsellers? Reread those books we read in english literature class from highschool over and over again?

This place is one of the few where one can discuss fringe and non-mass-approved written works. What's wrong with taking advantage of it?

>> No.14078883
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I prefer we read the works of people with discernible talent

>> No.14078890

Lol been seeing this faggot going on about "neophytes" in every thread related to one of our beloved philosophers. Did you learn the word yesterday or something?

>> No.14078907

good post but spengler is pretty well-known and respected. the rest not so much.

>> No.14078917

the only one of those writers you could even make this case for is kaczynski, because he is emblematic of a specific postmodern type; a proto-incel. but deeper than this, your attempt at psychopathologizing any discontent with and challenge to the status quo, speaks to a tendency of liberals to never examine any ideas they disagree with on their own merits: a disdain for an order that is purely contractual and transactional necessitates an inability to engage in transactions on the part of the individual, rather than a genuine systemic insufficiency and anomie that makes holistic, balanced living difficult if not impossible. only sociopaths thrive in the kind of environments produced by liberal democracy.

>> No.14078925

lol shut up pussy

>> No.14078963

keep trying to convince yourself you're not a miserable piece of human garbage, and everyone who disagrees with you is some kind of pussy incel, you'll probably do just fine in middle management with that attitude.

>> No.14079050

Wrong. I spend a great amount of time investigating ideas I disagree with. You're assuming that people will agree if they just spend time reading the ideas which you think are being disdained (and "right"). But that's not the case. It's honestly tiring, I highly doubt you read everything you disagree with, this is just a tactic used when convenient. Also fuck, why does everything have to be politics for you people.

>> No.14079065

Nobody said this. You're so zealous to defend Whitehead, rather than realize I'm criticizing his uncritical /lit/ meme fanboys instead, that you're outing yourself as one of them too. Fucking stop. Learn to read. It's literally taught as critical thinking for a reason.

>> No.14079229

that's not exactly what i'm saying, i agree with traditionalism & conservative revolution only a little more than i disagree with them, and i've also read marx, freud, enlightenment liberals, frankfurt school, french poststructuralists etc, but every internet discussion about a controversial author that no one has read devolves into stephen colbert in a dress vs ben shapiro in a skull mask where everyone is being retarded and no one can win.

>> No.14079513

ted k is a retard tranny lmao shut up pussy

>> No.14079535


>> No.14079541

Did he cross dress lol?

>> No.14079559

nevermind, i don't know if you can even push a mop

>> No.14079567

he confessed to his psychiatrist that he wanted to become a woman, he chickened out of any procedures, then he went to the wilderness soon after, literally his desire to live in the wilderness was fueled by tranny cope lmaoooooo

>> No.14079574

>you'll do fine in middle management
Are you a chink?
Only Chinks roast like this

>> No.14079593

most people on here know this and no one cares/no one is actually defending kaczynski

>> No.14079598

what are some novels where the protagonist gets btfo and makes a thread to cope?

>> No.14079601

You made me puke a little bit.

>> No.14079620
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>> No.14079628


>> No.14079637

lmao that's his "faggot commie-anarchist" impression, "haha this man would back a good bourgeoisie! omg" like stfu pussy hahahah

>> No.14079676

Guenon is extremely influential in comparative religion through the people he influenced. Dismissing him due to his influence on this board is not an argument. He had massive influence on Eliade, Burkhart, Coomaraswamy, Huston Smith, Schuon, Nasr etc. (if you do not know these people, then it is likely you are not involved with the academic study of religion.) Regardless, if you call Guenon a fascist you haven't even read a single one of his books and it is glaringly obvious. He explicitly denounces modern nationalism.

I am willing to be that in almost any work of modern religious analysis, you will see people who read Guenon in the citations. Religious figures from Thomas Merton to Aleister Crowley were familiar with Guenon's school of thought. Stop being contrarian just since the board spams Guenon. I hate it too, but I still see the value in the ideas.

>> No.14079710

Well yeah, I guess except fascism.
Still not influential outside of that niche of historians of religion and guru quacks.

>> No.14079718

>Eliade, Burkhart, Coomaraswamy, Huston Smith, Schuon, Nasr
bunch of nobodies, only eliade is well known

>> No.14079719

I'm 21 now, please update your image!

>> No.14079725

Yeah except Eliade, all the rest are a Cuck, a cultist charlatan, another cultist charlatan that wanted an harem, a nobody and a literal who

>> No.14079735

Nasr is arguably the most important living person in Islamic studies.
Burkhart's text on Sufism is the standard for most college classes.
Coomaraswamy was the first man to bring Vedanta to the west from an Indian perspective. He is incredibly influential in the study of religious art

I could go on and on. You are just showing your lack of knowledge in field of comparative religion. Everyone in the department of religion at my Uni knows those three at the very least, most much more. 4chan meme status unfortunately does not qualify with real life relevance

>> No.14079742

the only thing more contemptible than an anarcho-communist is an unironic self-satisfied low iq libertarian. you talk like a character from idiocracy. kill yourself.

>> No.14079751

>department of religion at my University

There's your problem

>> No.14079753

>a Cuck
That is like labeling Joyce to be nothing more than a fart fetishist. What is your point.

>> No.14079756

>someone who saw a lot of sameness in different religions was very influential to the field dedicated to spotting sameness and difference in different religions
It's not a surprise that this would occur. Calling Guenon a nobody has to do with his ideological contributions instead.

>> No.14079762

/lit/ likes people based on truth factor. Truth factor is measured by how much truth you are speaking.

>> No.14079768

considering meme and bait threads get the most replies on here I'm not so sure about that one anon

>> No.14079769

You want to compare a few naughty letters one of the greater authors wrote to his wife with the cuckoldry of a historian of squatter culture that barely deserves a Wikipedia page.

>> No.14079807

Coomaraswamy is literally one of the most important people in the study of religious art. I don't understand why you have such an aversion to him.I don't care to exchange epithets with you. Can you explain to me why you dislike his ideas without resorting to /pol/ cliches about lesser races and cuckoldry? These do not affect his ideas on religious art.

>> No.14079808

>literal who
You'd want to be this, but you are only an illiteral ho

>> No.14079816

No anon, I don't quite care.
I like to troll a bit from time to time.
Have a good one

>> No.14079824

>Sameness of religion
Most of said "sameness" amounts to claims of some vague supreme being that might do things(what things, exactly, no one knows), which ironically don't actually hold true to many(arguably most) religions and religious thought outside of the abrahamic religions.

>> No.14079935

Absolutely false anon. Please tell me you are joking.

>> No.14079972

They offer explanations and/or solutions to our problems, especially for young people that are not discussed or named in mainstream media, school, universities, etc.
Be it the decay of our societies, countries, art, literature, feeling of fulfillment.
It doesn't matter if most haven't finished one of their books and only read their Wikipedia articles.
How many self-claimed communists have read at least Das Kapital by Marx and how many countries were at least for a few years dedicated to establishing communism in the last century?

This thread is full with seething leftists. If you don't like these authors offer different ones.

>> No.14080014

t. seething rightist

>> No.14080055

Any retard can offer explanations and solutions, specially when them being coherent and actually right isn't the goal. And of those in the OP, only Spengler and Ted tried to it in some level(Spengler thought it was a natural and inevitable thing, and Ted did some armchair psychology and shameless projecting before going "just de-industrialize, bro, or the super AI will fuck us").

>> No.14080068

They are better than cumbrains like you

>> No.14080158

>not a cumbrain
Are you sure?

>> No.14080194

>Nasr is arguably the most important living person in Islamic studies.
yeah and no one gives a shit about islam except retarded brutes stfu lmao
>Burkhart's text on Sufism is the standard for most college classes.
sufism is cope for faggot trannies
>Coomaraswamy was the first man to bring Vedanta to the west from an Indian perspective.
vedanta is cope for racist faggot trannies
>lack of knowledge in field of comparative religion
a field of no importance because comparing religions is gay and only one religion is true (Christianity)
>Everyone in the department of religion at my Uni
key you stupid faggot, i can't believe ur studying comparative religion ahahahahah enjoy being a janitor
>he thinks i'm a lolbertarian
bruh stfu lmaooooo stupid faggot retard nigger hahahahahah ur such a pussy

>> No.14080214

You aren't even baiting at this point.

>> No.14080224

i literally poned you hahaha you're speechless now lmaooooooo retard

>> No.14080239

Please have a nice night and stay safe anon

>> No.14080263

hahahahaha shut up, it's day time here! HAHAHHAHA omggggg ur so clueless about everything omg hahahaha