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14075590 No.14075590 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize god exists a priori
god damn i love kant

>> No.14075615
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>tfw when i am that

>> No.14075714

Did you miss the part where Kant argues that all a priori proofs of God are dogshit and hence it should be left on faith?

>> No.14075823


>> No.14075828
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>> No.14075837

no one actually reads kant, and they shouldn't because he's a fucking dweeb that deserves a swirly in the school bathroom

>> No.14075853

Is this based or not?

>> No.14075866

why is he in a suit?????????????????????????

>> No.14075900

>god exists a priori
>thanks kant
End all pseuds now.

>> No.14075916
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Fucking swirly

>> No.14075936

Did you miss the part whereby in his last work that was suppressed and ignored by academia Kant admitted that the necessary precondition of all knowledge is the existence of an etheric 'caloric' which for all intents and purposes is either God or a proxy concept for him

>> No.14075954

He was the absolute greatest mind of all time after Plato and Aristotle. Rarely a day goes by where I don’t imagine him debating Socrates and how much we would benefit from that.

>> No.14076054

Good old opus posthumum.

>> No.14076065

god is only an idea for kant, not a real "thing"

>> No.14076068

he said that all of his life tho

>> No.14076224
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10,000,000% based


>> No.14077077


>> No.14077087

he was btfo by Guenon

>> No.14077099

Kant was refuted by Guénon.

>> No.14077106
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Couls you summarize his reasoning or point me to the precise book and maybe chapter? This is the first I've heard of this. Also, what do you mean by "etheric 'caloric'"?

>> No.14077110

why are his glasses in his eyelid?