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>> No.14072744

grifters get what grifters deserve, no love for the hoes

>> No.14072748

Cuckphilosophers easily fooled again.

>> No.14072753

yea they are already popular let’s make them REALLY popular

>> No.14072754
File: 625 KB, 1171x635, chom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who's still alive:


I forgot how much he hated the right.

>> No.14072774

he sounds like terry davis but obviously he is retarded and terry was based, so weird to hear it

>> No.14072822

I don't hear how he sounds anything like Terry.

>> No.14072832

this mans SICK


>> No.14074248

Still alive, still based and breadpilled to fuck. Sorry to appeal to authority but ol' Chommers has made more contributions to science (and is one of the most cited academics alive; I believe I read somewhere that he was the 7th most cited living academic?) than Loberstboy will ever achieve. And his mind is still as sharp as a tack. I have never seen this man look bad in a debate, and I've watched hours of him debating some of the greatest minds our world has had to offer...still stirring shit up. Legend.
I'm loving the "conversation" books with David Barasamian atm; so erudite, impeccable citations/annotations--neoliberal/conservatives/tankies invariably BTFO'd consistently, oftentimes in the same sentence...just finished Global Discontents and finishing up On Anarchism...I love the guy. I hope he sees another birthday (December 7th).
Take the breadpill.

>> No.14074295

>One of the most cited living academics
>Almost single handedly remodelled the study of language
>Massively contributed to BTFO of behaviourism as a credible academic field
>Is Wobblie
>Defends freedom of speech, even that of Holocaust deniers
>Hates authoritarianism

Whilst Terry wrote a convoluted operating program and came up with the term "Glow In The Dark CIA Niggers".
I think the above speaks for itself.

>> No.14074318

Do you people consciously go around trying to post the gayest shit possible?

>> No.14074347

Facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake!

>> No.14074387

Pretty sure the audience you post to does, and going around saying shit like "teehee, take the breadpill y'all!!" only makes the left look retarded. But I guess the whole "I'm ugly and I'm proud" thing has been your type's rallying cry from the start.

>> No.14074456

Wow, compelling argument, there.
Whatever shit you post, I think it's fair to say Chomsky's academic record, and his record as an activist, speaks for itself. People like you seethe because he categorically, empirically lists the rank hypocrisy and murderous neo-imperialist "interventionism" of the Western superpowers in excruciating detail and frogposters have no reply except: "JOOS BAD BROWN PEOPLE BAD MUZZIES BAD", presenting no "evidence" but schizo-level FB meme bullshit.

>> No.14074625

I never made an argument, I only pointed out that acting like a gay retard is detrimental to your political image, hence why Chomsky speaks slowly and with a restrained tone.
>schizo-level FB meme bullshit
You say that after spamming "seethe" and "snowflake" and pretending like I said anything about Jews or Muslims. And of course you default to "reclaimed" dead horse one-liners from the right, your logical and creative skills are arrested

>> No.14074790

Please go back to twitter.

>> No.14074961

>facts and science
you stupid fucks didnt even pass algebra 2 without having to tweet about how much you hate math
‘empirical’ opinion-pieces (read: chomsky) arent science
things that arent physics and chemistry arent science
and remember this one:
trying to extract meaning that is relevant to life in a philosophical sense from science is fucking retarded and has been warned against since science came about

>> No.14075031

"Opinion piece"?!
Fucking lmao. What's your biggest beef, Chomsky or the radical left as a whole? Or both? You have literally no legs to stand on if you're a Lobster. Chomsky BTFO of that grifter on every level. And stands up for freedom of speech even when it is diametrically opposed to his beliefs. I have yet to see ANY "Deplorable"/Free Speech Warrior (read: hate speech defender) take up for "the other side".
And for your information I have never tweeted about how much I hate maths, I'm a 41 year old male with two degrees. And I rarely use Twitter. Not much to brag about, I know--but is everyone who failed at STEM subjects automatically stupid, or something (I DO hate maths, you're right about that)?

>> No.14075043

Imagine bootlicking an academic.

>> No.14075083

You're the only bootlicker I can see here, my man

>> No.14075087

Chomksy is cringe, agreed.

>> No.14075109

Have you actually read anything by him?
No, because he doesn't conform to your ideological worldview.
Your an Evolafag, yes? 10 quid I'm right.

>> No.14075110

>imperialism bad >:(
Why shouldn't the west meddle in other peoples affairs? Its pretty beneficial to be on top

>> No.14075127

your a CIA nigger, get away from this thread

>> No.14075131

Chomsky is a fake radical.

>> No.14075182

And a kike

>> No.14075194

Academic apologists really get a kick out of it. These people are so proud of wanting to create an amorphous decentralized social system that will be specifically more restrictive to them. People who sympathize with cops usually just want a safe community even if they may be a bit misguided. That term always just reeks of projection.

>> No.14075209

Yes, because anarchists/libertarian socialists absolutely LOVE the CIA!
Pick up a fucking 20th century history book, for fuck's sake. The amount of times the CIA installed or funded right-wing coups against democratically elected socialist governments is inumerable.
Lmao is that the only justification you can think of?! Millions dead so the West can maintain geopolitical/cultural hegemony? Ach, they're only brown people, right, what do they matter?!
"Fake" in what way? Do you know what he's done to, for instance, alert the world to the plight of many indigenous people having "their" (in many cases such people don't believe in the concept of land ownership, it's just been actions to prevent someone else taking possession of something that intrinsically cannot be "owned") tribal land forcibly taken from them? His many incursions into Israel to protest against the illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine territories? His work to preserve the Amazon (his wife was buried in a tribal ceremony because they considered Chomsky and his wife "honoured" members of the tribe, you'll have to excuse me if I've forgotten the name of said tribe). His many screeds and on-the-ground actions supporting the Occupy movement? Hell, he was holding anti-Vietnam war meetings in his own house in the early sixties with no conception that it'd become a mass movement within a few years...not to mention his efforts regarding the (second) Civil Rights Bill...if Chomsky is a "fake radical" then, please, point me in the direction of a "real" radical!
I know that maybe there's an undercurrent of White Saviour Syndrome to everything I've posted...but for one thing, Chomsky ad his wife actually were INDUCTED into more than a couple native tribes--i.e actually made MEMBERS of said tribes--unlike the lying liar Jordan Peterson who was NEVER made a "Tribal Elder" or whatever he claimed...Chomsky is a moral and intellectual force. Peterson is a grifting hack.
I am sorry for his struggles with addiction and his wife's illness, though. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, sincerely.

>> No.14075216

I think Terry wins this one.

>> No.14075218

What term "reeks of projection", can you elucidate, please?

>> No.14075227

Truly, his achievements have already eclipsed Chomsky's! /s

>> No.14075238

See >>14075209

>> No.14075248

“Bootlicker” if it wasn’t clear enough. The order that anarchists claim to value (it is what the spcircle around their precious A stands for) is far more invasive than any sort of centralized state control. Every single anarchist is a closet authoritarian an one who wishes to experience authoritarianism. As much as I hate them, I must give them credit for their consistency.

>> No.14075253

>and Ali G
fucking based wtf

>> No.14075261

>His many incursions into Israel to protest against the illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine territories?
Unless he's protesting Israel's existence itself, who cares? Also, he's a supporter of K*rds, a known Israeli proxy group.
Noam Chomsky is a known supporter of K*rdistan

>> No.14075266

go back

>> No.14075325

Oh well if he helped 'science' then that's AWESOME.



>> No.14075344

> EVEN holocaust deniers

Yes, wurely the most evil of evil free speakers are those who don't accept that the death toll for the lampshades and death showers and masturbation machines matches exactly the figure required by the perverted death cult who are known for trying to artificially force prophecy

>> No.14075349

This thread is at least 50% Jewish.

Maybe we should get a gauge so we can see how Jewish a thread is before we click on it

>> No.14075368

Chomsky is great because he supported the only leader willing to actually try and answer the intellectual problem. Stop obsessing over Jews.

>> No.14075535


Chomsky actively preaches that the official 911 narrative is true.

Stop worshipping media Jews because you can't think for yourself.

>> No.14075540


> the intellectual problem

Oh yes? Do tell us more oh wise left wing anon

>> No.14075579

Why should I take political advice from some rando on the internet, especially when this place is a hot-bed of fascist ideology?

>> No.14075592

Chomsky is a horrible philosopher and even worse linguist. Everything he says about language is incredibly stupid and outdated. The man is a fossil. You want to see him look stupid inna debate? Watch him and Foucault. They both look like the dipshits they are.

>> No.14075676

Please at least attempt to hide your origins. There are some halfway intelligent Marxists out there and yet you choose to listen to those goons.

>> No.14075764

he looks like shit

>> No.14075804

Great blog post, but unfortunately anarchism isn't ontologically real, faggot.

>> No.14075834

>When asked about the claim on Amazon that, “for every paperback sold, Mikhaila and her father Dr. Jordan Peterson will receive $1.00 directly,” Rockermeier said, “I will send their royalties when her Thinkspot is up. She’s off Patreon now. But honestly, they don’t need any more money.”
holy mother of based

>> No.14075911

empiricism is a false idol built upon false 'reasoning'

>> No.14075913

You don't even know the history of the "A inside the O" symbol, do you? It arose mostly because of mischievous folk like Bakunin using the word "anarchy" interchangeably--in one sense to represent (tongue-in-cheek style) "lawlessness, chaotic, destructive free-for-all" and in another to mean the Proudhonian definition of the word, from the Greek anarkia, "without rulers".
Kudos for knowing that it's actually a letter "o" and not a circle, though, seriously.
He protests Israels existence in the same way he protests the existence of the United States--both are run upon illegitimate hierarchical lines and as such cannot justify their existence by their very nature. Chomsky is by no means a defender of the state of Israel, in fact he's one of it's biggest critics, certainly as a (secular) Jewish academic.
I'm asking you politely to keep that shit in /pol/. "Four legs good, two legs bad!" sai the frogposter who completely misrepresented Orwell since he read Animal Farm in fourth grade.
Don't even try with this crowd mate. This thread is infested by pure /pol/ retardation.
What do you mean by: "he actively preaches the 911 (I think you meant 9/11, there) narrative is true"? Are you referring to his accepting facts and not conspiratorially-minded conjecture? Whether it was a false flag or a genuine attack, well, the US government apparatus doesn't exactly come out of it looking lily-white, do they? Have you read 9/11-Was There An Alternative?--maybe have a flick through that before spouting shit. He's never said that he believes 100% in the Thomas Kean 9-11 report either, check your sources.
Lmao seriously thinking I haven't watched that debate many, many times. Go back to masturbating over Maps of Meaning and Riding The Tiger.
Wow, "ontologically" and "faggot" in the same sentence, I can tell I'm dealing with an intellectual giant here!
Please tell me some more about "faggotry", then you can enlighten me as to which, if any, forms of social organisation are "ontologically real", you absolute fucking pseud

>> No.14075918


>> No.14075937

Anyone want to join me in tearing down TempleOS and build MosqueOS from its remains?

>> No.14075951

He's fucking 90 years old. Lets see how good you look when, or if you reach that age.
I'm not one of those people who has a folder full of "reaction images"; however the simple line drawing of the distressed-looking guy wiping his brow would suffice in this instance. Whew! I should cope. THis is why the right will always be an intellectual force to be reckoned with, truly

>> No.14075959

Give it up, schizo. Libertarian socialism, and all forms of anarchism for that matter, are technical impossibilities. Language is an authoritarian process. There are always-already hierarchies lurking behind our representations, including our social, political, economic constructions, no matter how "horizontal" they may appear. All we can do is formalise these hierarchies, and stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.14075968


>> No.14076082

Whatever, you can't deny that there are anarchist/licsoc societies that have been extant for forty years plus (Marinadela in Spain, the Sarovaya Saharmanda (sp?) movement in Sri-Lanka), Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca....not to mention the newer anarchist societies, Cheran in Mexico (who kicked out the police, all the politicians AND the fucking cartels because they were all "in bed" with one another)..of course the US State Department have designated it as a "high risk" area but I've seen several videos, a couple breadtube vloggers and some investigative independent journos visit and be welcomed with open arms; invited into strangers houses for meals; given water and snacks on the street by random children...and of course Rojava in Syria, who're fighting fucking ISIS AND the Turkish military (although Ocalan was originally a marxist he discovered Murray Bookchin in prison and subsequently Rojava adopted the latters ideas of libertarian municipalism)...there's loads more extant anarchist societies; hell, fucking Tolstoy had a Christian Anarchist commune wherein he gathered the like-minded around him towards the end of his life....A great deal of you under-30's seem transfixed by the frogposting and the Orange man as if this is some sort of "rebellion" against the "status quo"...THINK a bit and you KNOW you're getting played...look to the real enemy. For fuck's sake.
I'm coping fine, thanks!

>> No.14076121

I don't deny their existence, only their true nature. All of them have concrete chains of command that are simply being obscured by an anarchistic veneer. Power is still flowing from top to bottom, attention still be directed intentionally. It would serve them well to formalise these hierarchies.

>> No.14076123

*being directed

>> No.14076919

What does this Jew want?

>> No.14077022

Pushing on an open door is not radical.

>> No.14077084

I reviewed the book anyway.


>> No.14077128

>>Massively contributed to BTFO of behaviourism as a credible academic field
What? Cognitive Behaviourism is one of the most widely used methodologies in psychology.

>> No.14077822

I imagine they would if serious pressure was placed on them.
> who're fighting fucking ISIS AND the Turkish military
They're fighting for anarchy whoever they're fighting against is incidental. I'm glad the Turks are giving them what they deserve.

>> No.14077855

You simply do not know of which you speak and I'm sure you have no sources for these claims. Other than in militia-type situations/wartime there is no need for a "concrete chain of command" in an anarchist society. That is one example of a legitimate, acceptable hierarchy within an anarchist paradigm.

>> No.14077867
File: 836 KB, 286x204, 1495715879460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky is next on my list of

>Old Jews I wish would die already

after I crossed Bloom off, inshallah

>> No.14077902
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1431071669302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa Chomsky is part of an unga bunga Amazonian tribe! That's very important!! I hope the cannibals dug his wife up and ate her bones as broth, what makes your reddit mind conceive this shit as significant beyond being a little celebrity-esque moment? Did you cream yourself when Lindsay Lohan reverted to Islam?

>I am sorry for his struggles with addiction and his wife's illness, though. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, sincerely.
I'm sure this millionaire Jew with a trust appreciates your virtual fellatio, simpering nigger bastard, I hope the Amazon cannibals dug her bones up for broth.

>> No.14077954

>Marinadela in Spain, the Sarovaya Saharmanda (sp?) movement in Sri-Lanka), Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca....not to mention the newer anarchist societies, Cheran in Mexico (who kicked out the police, all the politicians AND the fucking cartels because they were all "in bed" with one another)
All small societies in already established capitalist states lol. If they tried to break off and become a country they would get slaughtered like what has happened to every anarchist place in history.

>> No.14078768

I was actually talking about Peterson's wife and his subsequent struggles with addiction. Unlike you I'm actually capable of compassion towards people's whose views I greatly disagree with. Chomsky's wife died several years ago you absolutely cretinous frogposter
Your point being?
There's also an anarchist town in Cuba, forgotten the name of it though.
Chomsky's theories on universal grammar totally BTFO of Skinner and his theories of behaviourism. Speaking about RADICAL behaviourism here, NOT cognitive behaviourism, I should've been a bit clearer in that initial post
Rojava's system of governance is based on Murray Bookchin's ideas of communal municipalism, which I'll grant you is anarchism in all but name. They're fighting for anarchism but also for complete gender equality and freedom of religion, a HUGE issue in Syria as it was repressed by ISIS for decades. You have Christians, Arabs, Muslims, Jews, Kurds etc all fighting together and living together.
Anarchisms day will come again soon and it will again become the mass movement it was in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. Capitalism cannot sustain this planet, and this planet certainly can't sustain capitalism for very much longer.
You really think the "doors" are "open"?

>> No.14079150

Never seen Chomsky with a beard before.

>> No.14079210
File: 248 KB, 557x605, 12fuckingpounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for commies. They're so fucking bad at optics for some reason. I guarantee that a lot of people have been completely turned away from the left wing purely because all leftists can't help but come across as pretentious humourless dorks who would rather defend trans rights than even attempt to address real and uncomfortable working class issues like immigration. Only tangentially related but the Chomsky lover ITT is a perfect example if it.

>> No.14079833

>Yes, because anarchists/libertarian socialists absolutely LOVE the CIA!
Pick up a fucking 20th century history book, for fuck's sake. The amount of times the CIA installed or funded right-wing coups against democratically elected socialist governments is inumerable.

You didnt get the meme you FUCKING RETARD. Dont insult other when you are so uncultivated.

>> No.14079925
File: 2.02 MB, 300x300, chadvil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14080336

what a good sport, chompsky

>> No.14080455

the petersons are such a fucking meme

>> No.14080686

t. chapotard

>> No.14080720

Anyone else find his 12 rules to life book to be incredibly long winded? could have been a lot more concise and thus helpful imo. his lectures actually weren't bad

>> No.14080724
File: 227 KB, 431x428, bellyofthebeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. actual retard.
yeah he's a good intro to jung but not much else. idk what you expected from his book the guy clearly has deep problems. outside of his specialty in psychoanalysis he isn't much use to anybody

>> No.14080836

Chomsky's not a communist, he's an anarchist/libertarian socialist. Completely different things, and you made yourself look like even more of an idiot by posting the meme'd Marx pic. Poor showing all 'round, Anon.
Please, tell me, when has the CIA funded anarchist movements?
You know there's a difference between libertarian socialism/anarchism and Marxism, don't you? I don't know what you're trying to prove with this comment, is it some weaksauce attempt at a "gotcha!"?
I wouldn't bother mate this thread is full of reactionary bootlickers eager to clean Peterson's anus with their tongues. They have difficulty looking up and seeing the bigger picture because they're so intent on licking the boot that's crushing their faces.
They're likely Steven Crowder fans, probably.
Props to the Anon who posted the Chomsky video, though.
Is he even a good intro to Jung, though? He buys into that crypto-fascist mystic woo bullshit side too readily inho.
>outside of his specialty in psychoanalysis he isn't much use to anybody
I certainly wouldn't trust him with my psyche. And just fyi, NO-ONE has ben arrested or charged for contravening Canadian Bill C-16, JBP acted like anyone who misgendered someone would be thrown in prison...there is NOTHING he will not misrepresent. Ffs he called Foucault "the worst person you could ever imagine, even in your wildest nightmares". But no, only lefties are "ideologically possessed"

>> No.14080854
File: 47 KB, 1200x630, 89c57cffa736758068e64388652e048f.jpg_1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didnt get the meme you FUCKING RETARD. Dont insult other when you are so uncultivated.
What I am saying is; CIA nigger is a meme started by Terry. Then you out of nowherestart making passive agressive post about the cia sponsoring some right wing coup.
Dude lurk moar fucking newfag

>> No.14080994

Uhm, I know that "Glowie CIA n***er" is a meme started by that wacky and mentally ill computer programmer guy, and I referenced it in one of my first posts here:
>>14074295. I know what you're talking about, Anon

>> No.14081013

Also the CIA have not sponsored "some" right wing coup against democratically-elected socialist governments, but quite a few. Manipulating geopolitics with guile, torture , and flat-out terror tactics. There's a great Chomsky video about how every US president post-FDR constitutes a war criminal:

>> No.14081062
File: 104 KB, 1024x864, 8bfe6126-3ce1-4b92-917e-ad1957a26bb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok your genuinely amicable, I will say thank you for the vid, it looks interessting and I will look it up.

The meme I wrote in the first respond to you is: CIA nigger. Where does it come from. Its pretty simple. Terry developpe with is Tourette a tick to call people he didnt like or strangers CIA niggers. Youhave on the internet plenty of vid of him calling random anon in a supermarket ''CIA nigger''.
So me when you said something against Terry, our prophet in the chan community, I respond with: fuck off CIA nigger'' to pay hommage for his soulby continuing his work on combating the evil corporate government.

>> No.14081109

But you're not on top, China is.

>> No.14082313
File: 25 KB, 334x328, 1545153229590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger you're a literal redditor you don't get to go talking about frogposting

the nerve of you people

>> No.14082520

The CIA has sponsored everything from right-wing extremists to women's liberation movements. It has nothing to do with them "liking" anything They do whatever moves them towards their end, by whatever means they want.

>> No.14082880

I love the composition and context of this post. Thank you anon.

>> No.14082884

Just read Maps of Meaning.

>> No.14082893

>muh reddit
Back to twitter

>> No.14083510

Based as fuck

>> No.14083793
File: 184 KB, 600x900, 1517815820195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back in a few years and you might be welcome but thankfully we have not come so far as accepting redditors yet

>> No.14083935

Read through this thread, and I just want you to know, as a Marxist, I find you and what you represent an embarrassment. I can only hope you're a troll, there were some indications. But I know far too many that write just like you. Socialism would be 10x stronger if these people were to disappear. Stalin knew what to do with your type in Spain.

>> No.14084198 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 900x1200, 1508985357901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterson says uniersities are dominated by the left, now for him the left are anybody to the left of Atilla the Hun, in fact universities are dominated by the right! He's so far on the right that that looks like the left for him.
Is Chomsky actually senile now?

>> No.14084211
File: 21 KB, 306x474, 41R3AKTV5CL._SX304_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when has the CIA funded libertarian socialist movements

>> No.14084264
File: 363 KB, 924x1184, 1558112243642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterson says universities are dominated by the left, now for him the left are anybody to the left of Atilla the Hun.
>In fact universities are dominated by the right! He's so far on the right that that looks like the left for him.
Is Chomsky senile now?

>> No.14084273

>career academic
>contributing to fucking anything in any way
based retard sycophant poster

>> No.14084319

I still don't get why they think denying thrbmass murders Communism has committed is a good idea. Chompsky is fucking STILL spouting weird conspiracy theories about how the US doctored testimony from Khmer Rouge officials who admitted to it.

At least Holocaust denial is funny.

>> No.14084717

I hate the CIA and all the alphabetti-spaghetti agencies...but there's better ways to criticise them than using racial slurs. Thanks for the equemnity though Anon it's appreciated

>> No.14084803

>finding ways to not say it
You're anonymous here friend. So say it. Just type it out. No harm will come to you. You have my word.

>> No.14084874

He's only proving just how controlling and invasive his decentralized authority is.

>> No.14084963

I've never come across any source that's stated they've ever funded anarchist movements, though.
They may have funded women's liberation movements in the West (I've seen this accusation on FB-level schizo-meme charts but never seen anything to solidly back it up, any credible evidence would be appreciated) but whenever communism interferes with their interests the CIA are there, fomenting insurgency by whatever means necessary, many cases in democratically elected countries...look at Allende, democratically elected, absolutely disgusting that they'd help install fucking Pinochet. Sickening, really.
Fuck off, tankie. I was a Trotskyist for years and did more for the class struggle than you've ever done.
All I remember about that book is loads of stuff about American expressionism and Steven Spender's magazine and the CIA's propaganda role (covertly influencing the US "intelligentsia" and shit like that), trying to ensure US hegemony during the Cold War by getting to tastemakers in the arts...I think there were chapters about the (American) Diggers and SDS/Weathermen, too? Haven't read it in fucking years, thanks for reminding me, I shall give it a read tonight and see if Saunders mentions anything about CIA-funded libertarian socialist groups.
I'd rather not. I wouldn't say them in real life and that applies to any comments I might make online.
What, by choosing my own speech? Lol
Are you seriously saying Chomsky hasn't contributed to anything in any way? Wew
I have yet to read or watch Chomsky anything wherein he defends atrocities committed by authoritarian or totalitarian Communist states. The excoriating stuff he's written about the atrocities committed by the Cheka literally made me sick to my stomach and he generally takes a very dim view of Marxist/Leninism especially.

>> No.14085063

>What, by choosing my own speech
That's a funny way to describe buckling to social pressure to the point of self censorship.

>> No.14085147

He says his view of Peterson is expressed in Nathan Robinson's article on Current Affairs


>Talk as much as possible and listen as little as possible. Follow these steps, and your success will be assured. (It does help if you are male and Caucasian.)


>> No.14085157

You annul anything you 'did' for the class struggle by writing in such a gay manner. But I don't actually care how many meetings you had decrying the 'bourgeois reactionism' of age of consent laws or whatever. There's no point in you even being here.

>> No.14085211

If that's what you think, fine. I'm just trying to be as unhypocritical as I can, basically.
The idea that typing or shouting "nigger" is some sort of brave, insurrectionary act is kind of asinine, do you not think?
Meetings? I was disrupting BNP/National Front meetings, actually fighting fascists (not that I'm some sort of tough guy but I was fast and fit, I attended my first demo at 16 in 1995), liasing with socialist groups all over the country, hunt-sabbing, flyering, setting up soup kitchens, volunteering with the homeless (which I still do) and other activities which I won't enumerate here...if you think all I was doing was sitting around discussing Marxist theory and age of consent laws (???) you're sorely mistaken. I've met some brocialists in my time but you take the cake, young 'un.

>> No.14085234

>The idea that typing or shouting "nigger" is some sort of brave, insurrectionary act is kind of asinine, do you not think?
Not when there's an entire social system set up to destroy individuals who say it. Perhaps what's asinine is the social morality itself.

Hypocrisy is also the biggest spook there is

>> No.14085249

Oh, Stirner said that, did he?

>> No.14085282

>I was disrupting BNP/National Front meetings, actually fighting fascists
boomer kook wants to lionize himself like orwell in the spanish civil war, when he was just throwing beer bottles at other retarded street gangs because normies will accept their description as fascist and it earns him social good boy points.

maybe instead of romanticizing orwell's experience you try reading his essay politics and the english language, where he talks about how smoothbrains like you misuse the word fascist because it's a good post-war catchall for people whose views you don't like and you feel no compunction distorting our language to achieve your ends, which are egotistical from what I can tell

>> No.14085307

Good on you. I've done some of those things myself. Some I haven't done. Not that any of it matters on an anonymous forum. Shame you negate it by writing the way you do.

>> No.14085310

It's trueb whether he did or didn't. It's perhaps the greatest artificial barrier that can be placed in front of the ego.

>> No.14085338

>national front is fascist
damn bros, surprised that 30% of the french population (probably more since all the non-french immigrants vote for other parties) are supporting a fascist party considering their country was so mistreated by actual fascists 80 years ago

>> No.14085344

>Are you seriously saying Chomsky hasn't contributed to anything in any way? Wew
He. Has. Accomplished. Nothing.

Like all career academics, they live in a bubble of 'accomplishment'.

>> No.14085350

There's more than one National Front retard

>> No.14085352

So is this just pandering and virtue signalling or are his views actually this embarrassingly ideological?

>> No.14085373

the article is almost unreadable as he claims Peterson to be. I didn't read the whole thing, but he just found easy potshots when Peterson was being verbally imprecise, either in an interview or lecture. he uses profanity several times, a meme image, and lots of sarcasm. overall very unprofessional and I'm surprised chomsky recommended it, guess the old jew has gone senile

>> No.14085403

I've read all of Orwell's essays. If you just think I was throwing beer bottles, fine, nothing I can say can dissuade you from your opinion. I had more than a few rucks with fascists (and, yes, the national front especially were/are a Neo-Nazi organisation), given beatings, taken them too--you conveniently gloss over the non-destructive/violent parts of my activities. And I'm not a fucking "boomer", you CAN count, right?
I'm referring to the British Neo-Nazi organisation. I think it's morphed into something called England First now though, not sure. Jean-Marie LePen was basically a fascist and his daughter is pretty fucking hard-right too.
What about his extensive activism?
Does that mean that JBP has.Also.Accomplished. Nothing?
I certainly don't pretend to be a writer. I try to write the way I talk. Seriously, what would make my writing more palatable? Honest question. ("Less gay" not acceptable or constructive advice, btw.)

>> No.14085460

If you're going to post here, and not get caught up in pointless threads like this one every single time you open your mouth, you might want to write less like a fucking redditor bro. Less self-aggrandizing. So do yourself a favor and either lurk more, or realize it's a useless endeavor and go back to wherever it is you call home. No one cares about, or is remotely disposed towards, your anarchism. Besides he who shall not be named I suppose. In a word, you need to be less gay.

>> No.14085606

> I try to write the way I talk. Seriously, what would make my writing more palatable? Honest question.
Get the fuck off /lit/ now.

>> No.14085652

>What about his extensive activism?
>Does that mean that JBP has.Also.Accomplished. Nothing?
Yeah, they're both academic nobodies. They equivalent of making a lifelong career out of holding up a protest sign, fucking pathetic lmao.

>> No.14085688

National Front was self described neo-nazis, maybe you should do research before kneejerking.

>> No.14085920

I don't mean to be self-aggrandizing but when someone's casting aspersions on all the stuff I did to actually combat fascism and racism, not to mention my peaceful, community-based efforts, well, I don't mind saying it pisses me off more than a little bit. Most of the people denigrating me probably weren't even fucking born (or were shitting in nappies) when I was at my most "politically active"...I don't want a medal, maybe I'm looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses but the internet has done some much to normalise far-right ideas. Stochastic terrorism is a very real phenomenon.
Pretty sure there are at least a few people in this thread who're disposed to anarchism; I know Butterfly is a comrade, whatever you think of her, and if this thread is so pointless then why're you posting in it?
Why the fuck should I? Fuck you, do I have to be able to write like fucking Nabakov in order to post on this most patrician of boards?! You really do sound like an elitist piece of shit and probably have more than a few Evola and Satri Devi (or whatever her name was) books in your library, don't you?!
If this thread has taught me one thing about /lit/ it's that the place seems to be absolutely fucking crawling with spooks and bootlickers. But I'll continue to post whilst you continue to seethe!

>> No.14085956

Yeah protesting is THE WORST.
Friendly reminder that almost every single human right you enjoy today came into being because of LEFTISTS giving up their lives and freedoms for future generations...from the eight-hour day to minimum wage to the second Civil Rights Bill, freedom to organise and freedom of religion...all stem from either the liberal tradition or the left-labour movement.

>> No.14085994

>minimum wage
>civil rights
neither of these is good
>8 hour workday
and this one isn't real

and these 'rights' sure as shit weren't won by comfortable academic nobodies or morons holding up picket signs

>> No.14086006

Apparently you have no self-awareness but this is an anonymous free speech image board, the only reason its a "hot-bed" for alt-right types is because of this fact. The person you are replying to wasn't giving you political advice, they were giving you life advice, and if you're anything but narcissistic you'll take it because you know it's true.

>> No.14086042

No, I'm talking about from your very first post. I'm sorry, I'm sure you're a nice guy and all, genuinely. I respect your work. But if you post here, you should tone it down a little. When I said the thread was pointless, I meant for someone of your disposition. You're too earnest dude. When people here are criticizing your writing, they don't want you to embellish it even more, they want you to dial it back. You say you were 16 in 95. Making you 40 now. Something like 95% of this board is under 25. Yes, me included. You won't get much out of posting here unless you blend in at least enough to not be rejected out of hand. That's just pragmatism. Unless you just want to circlejerk with Butterfly that is. Whatever. Ignore me if you want, it's not my concern, except insofar as I'll presumably see you posting here in future (seriously your writing is very easily recognizable dude). Either way, take care, seriously.

>> No.14086075

>the second Civil Rights Bill, freedom to organise and freedom of religion...
These have all done more harm than good. The activist is an invasive species l0ooking to disrupt healthy communities, and then they demand to be sanctified for it. I wish every leftist activist could lay down their lives simultaneously. I'd gladly work 20 hours a day to see it happen.

>> No.14086081

Did I say they *were* won by "academic nobodies"?!
I think you're wrong about the "morons" holding picket signs, though.
I agree, I probably am far too earnest. Thanks for your kind words, and your advice is appreciated. yes, I am new to /lit/--I come seeking like-minded folk (I love literature, all genres from the "high" to the "low") but at the point I am at now, coming from a fine arts educational background, I feel it behooves me to learn more about philosophy in general and thought /lit/ would be a good place to start, because (from lurking briefly around 2016) I could see that there are some very knowledgeable folks on this board. So I would like recommendations and things like that. Anyway, thanks again, all the best to you, your polite manner means a lot, really. I will do my best to take your advice on board!

>> No.14086089

No one cares about your retard tough-talk FAGGOT

>> No.14086120

Well, good luck then dude

>> No.14086130

The only tough talk bullshit is coming from captain street fight. I just take joy in the suffering of parasites.

>> No.14086186

>I just take joy in the suffering of parasites
Jesus are you trying to sound like a homo you cringe cunt

>> No.14086200

I'm pretty indifferent to the idea. Until every anarchist drowns in his cau7ldron of nihilism and closeted-authoritarianism, I will never be able to have long-term happiness.

>> No.14086210

you're a silly boi

>> No.14086226

I genuinely believe that anarchists and socialist are made of a different (and evil) metaphysical substance that drives them to try and destroy all structures that allow man to derive meaning from life and replace it with nihilistic, libidinal mob politics.

>> No.14086229

ok retard

>> No.14086251

Useful idiot pushing the agenda of the establishment.

>> No.14086255

Are you evil?

>> No.14086260

Imperialism is the cure for nihilism. To become one with the state in subjugation of the other is the highest form of existence one could hope to achieve.

>> No.14086280

>He buys into that crypto-fascist mystic woo bullshit side too readily inho.
What are you even talking about?

>> No.14086313

Jung's work is just new age spiritualism with a fascist bent which overlaps with the likes of Evola. This means that Peterson
does the same.

>> No.14086314

>Wow, "ontologically" and "faggot" in the same sentence, I can tell I'm dealing with an intellectual giant here!
What exactly do you think you are?

>> No.14086317

based and redpilled

>> No.14086390

What have you read by Jung to come up with such a stupid and faggoted opinion?

>> No.14086402

Wtf, so evil

>> No.14086413

kill yourself faggot

>> No.14086437

The true evil is the "human community" constructed after WWII and the lifecult that sustains it.
Become one with the state. The human life alone is empty and worthless. Authenticity I'd a false God, and Sartre was a lying prophet.

>> No.14086475


>> No.14086482

Thanks, I mean that most sincerely
Well you'll have a long wait, Tankie.
t.has no understanding of anarchism whatsoever
Yes, obviously the establishment wants to see the destruction of capitalism, this is the only agenda they have /s
I think that's obviously a "yes"
Pray tell, what is anarchism's relationship to nihilism, if indeed there is one? Anarchisms, at it's base etymological definition, merely means "no leaders". We fight against and reject illegitimate hierarchies, obviously; but the whole philosophy stems from the rejection of the idea of the individual to be governed by another. Imperialism is the very definition of a hierarchical system which cannot justify itself. Subjugation of "the other" by force can never hold up in the court of freedom for all mankind.
What >>14086313 said, in a nutshell.
I'm a committed (ex-Trotskyist whose always been an anti-fascist/anti racist) libsoc/anarchist activist, cartoonist and Captain Beefheart fan who loves books and comics. Especially avant-garde stuff. Same goes for films. I earn a wage working with teens with learning difficulties, make my comics and listen to music in my spare time. That's what I KNOW I am/what I do. I'm not an intellectual but I'd say I'm fairly well read, and I try and walk the walk as well as talk the talk. I am far from perfect. I try to address everyone as an equal be it the homeless person o the corner or the big managerial boss-types I encounter in my volunteer/charity work. They're all humans with no more intrinsic "worth" than the other. I love my close family and friends, whom I am truly blessed to have (one of them is even a CONSERVATIVE!). And I have a wonderful girlfriend who is 14 years younger than myself who gives my life meaning and is probably the most intelligent person I know.
What exactly do YOU think you are, since we're playing this fun game? Please, tell us all about yourself, sincerely.
Smash the state and become one with your fellow man, with no coercion to associate with this institution or that person...NO DIOSES NO MAESTROS

>> No.14086517

>Smash the state and become one with your fellow man, with no coercion to associate with this institution or that person...NO DIOSES NO MAESTROS
It means nothing to be a man. Every other conceivable identity is more meaningful to the point that embracing your humanness is to give into nihilism, to have nothing more than an empty, libidinal existence.

>> No.14086565

Why are you so obsessed with nihilism? And what do you see as it's relationship to anarchism? The "nuclear family" keeps "housewives" in bondage; fucked-up parents do harm to their children, the nuclear family is the building block of capitalism and repression...even a loving family creates unreasonable expectations in it's offspring...I wouldn't give up my family for anything...but an anarchist society wouldn't ask me to forcibly seperate us, authoritarian "socialist" paradigms may not be so liberal, as has been documented.
Anarchism is far from synonymous with nihilism.

>> No.14086621
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1563002929089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The human life alone is empty and worthless

>> No.14086708

>Why the fuck should I? Fuck you, do I have to be able to write like fucking Nabakov in order to post on this most patrician of boards?!
You're either baiting or you have Aspergers, please stop. Lurk moar and you will cringe at your own posts in 6 months.

>> No.14086762

He's got a beard now. He must suffer from Jordan Peterson Envy

>> No.14086765

Anarchism = the state the nation has no law, abolition of government
Nihilism = the state of the universe is not characterized by morality, abolition of faith in any transcendent personality that "governs" reality

Once you understand that "state" means the exact same thing in every instance of its use (your mental state, the national state, the state of the world or the state of your family), it becomes really easy to understand. This is why political ideologies are merely pseudo-religions.

>> No.14086863

I know what nihilism means, thank you.
Anarchists have no wish to impose repression of religious freedom. We recognise it as a means of state control but do not wish to impinge upon the freedom of the individual (take the aforementioned Rojava as an example). Plainly: it's not that religion *per se* is incompatible with anarchism, but the hierarchical structures inherent in most religions that are problematic and, indeed, illegitimate in an anarchist-based society. As with fascism, many Marxist-Bolshevik societies outlawed religion; or at least the "religion of the ethnic minority"; anarchist societies promote reconciliation amongst warring religious factions (see: the Samarovoya Samsara movement in Sri Lanka) in attempts to achieve harmony and understanding (the latter through a Ghandi-ist anarchist framework)...I'm interested in what anyone reading this has to say about Tolstoy's Christian-Anarchist commune and how the two can be ultimately reconciled? In that I believe Tolstoy embraced the Teachings of Christ and not "Christianity". It's not something I know too much about; I haven't encountered enough in-depth sources about this period of the Count's life, I only "know" him through his writing but anyone who can shed some light on his commune and the Christian-Anarchist framework it allegedly adopted would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.14086905

Hey, sometimes I cringe at my own posts in six fucking minutes, let alone six months!
I recognise my own short-comings but aren't particularly embarrassed by them. I don't deny my own self-evolution; if that means I "cringe" at my past writings then so fucking be it. I'm a big believer in learning from one's own mistakes and trying to fix one's own shortcomings. All I can say in my defense is that I write sincerely from the heart, not so much the brain, and I wear said heart on my sleeve for much of the time.
Having said that I do aspire to write better, very much so; I'm seriously considering going back to college to do a degree in Eng. Lit. or possibly creative writing; I'm pretty sick of not having the mental capacity to communicate my thoughts in a straightforward, concise and "non-cringey" manner.
All this criticism of my writing is only making me more aware of my massive shortcomings and I can only thank you for that, however malicious your actual intentions may be.

>> No.14087001

Your writing's not the worst it just sticks out massively here. Just edit your shit a bit more ruthlessly. Don't pay time and money for a degree just because you got critiqued on lit of all places. Just edit.

>> No.14087389

Mishima bootlicker lmao

Truly sorry you can't derive meaning from anything other than the imagination of violence, chap

>> No.14087495

Oh, I've been considering a third degree for a few years, now. Printmaking and Art History hasn't gotten me too far in the job market if I'm honest! I'd really like to study comics creation at the CCS school in White River Vermont but that would cost a shit-load of money I cannot afford....Chuck Forsman, one of the first year intake, had his comic The End Of ThevFucking World opyioned and turned into a UK TV production...not that I would view that as some end goal. I'd rather scrape a subsistence existence and create what I can, comics wise, whilst continuing with my political activities.
I've done (paid!) work for several publications including headpress and World War 3. My "career", such as it is it, is kind of in a semi-purgatory state...someone like Mervyn Peake, Edward Gorey or Alasdair Gray represent my "career goals" in terms of graphic art/prose synthesis. Sorry for the blogpost...

>> No.14088640

>and did more for the class struggle than you've ever done.
yeah those numerous tweets sure showed 'em

>> No.14088666

Literally no self awareness.