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14074052 No.14074052 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seems to be that i gain IQ points after a good FAP? Seriously, for a good 10-12 hours after a pleasurable NUT, i enjoy a mental clarity that can't be compared to my normal state of low intelligence.
For example, after post-fap clarity, i read a Shakespeare sonnet and i take its content as a whole, as a fully thought out and coherent aesthetic object. It makes total sense. It plays like a film in my head, a orchestra of meanings, syntax, imagery, sounds, and i start to understand why people love literature so much. But after the effect wears off, i'm back to my normal self and reading the same sonnet is a imense struggle, and i feel as if nothing makes sense in life, and the sonnet in particular feels disjointed, fragmented. I can't even understand the sentences. My head hurts.
Is it the dopamine release? How can i prolong that effect? Should i just fap one out everyday?

>> No.14074058

This is because you are addicted. It suppresses dopamine release via postorgasmic increases of prolactin, which is why you write and reason like a brainlet.

>> No.14074066

This. Pretty much the same clarity enjoyed by someone who gets a cigarette in.

>> No.14074067

How can one go back to normal states of dopamine release?

>> No.14074081

Quit jacking off and have sex more

>> No.14074096

Exercise is the most important thing in the world for regulating your body's health. You have to stop cooming to porn; if you must coom, do it without any visual stimulus. This will help you control your urges in general since cooming will seem less miraculous to your body without the porn. Eventually your body will get associate cooming with less pleasure and you can start spacing out your cooms more. But exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even if that just means you go for a 30 minute walk. Without exercise your body is destined to go into hardcore coomer mode and degenerate quickly.

>> No.14074099

I can't have sex though, how to release the sexual tension?

>> No.14074107
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>another iq thread

>> No.14074120

What would be the difference? Obviously I imagine if someone quit masturbation and restricted himself only to sex then he would be ejaculating far less than otherwise. But wouldn't complete abstinence be better?

>> No.14074145

Copulation causes the same problem.

>> No.14074153

These should be your steps towards not being a coomer:
1. Stop watching porn.
2. Start cooming in the shower without any lubrication, literally just use water. Don't edge either, coom as fast as possible. This will make your body associate cooming with little to no pleasure, but you can still relieve that ache down there. Hot water will also numb the tactile corpuscles on your penis that make it feel good to touch.
3. Eventually your body will crave cooming less and less since it's literally just a unnecessary waste of semen coupled with little to no pleasure.
4. Space out your cooms more and more.

I've done this. Just started cooming in the shower with hot water and no lube, no edging, no nothing. Just rub it out quickly and that's it. And now I probably coom on average once a week, just to relieve things down there. Feel no urges after breaking coomfast because for me cooming is just a way to get out some semen with no pleasure. I'm clear-headed almost all the time. Sometimes succubi fog up my brain again and I have to pleasurelessly coom to reset, but really I'm getting better at dealing with succubi. Anyways yeah it's just about training your body to associate with cooming with a relatively boring and pleasureless activity.

>> No.14074159
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>Quit jacking off
>have sex more
Very incorrect, reddit nofap-tier retardation said by people who have never had sex. Guess what? It causes the same prolactin increase, fatigue and brain fog.
>"The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

>> No.14074165
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watch porn, goyim

>> No.14074171

Anyone here knows anything about "tantric sex?" It's apparently a form of sex without ejaculation that some Hindu monks used to reach enlightenment.

>> No.14074172


>> No.14074176

>It's apparently a really good way to end up in hell

>> No.14074183

Keep your jewish delusions to yourself.

>> No.14074189
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>> No.14074190

Brainlet and reddit tier. This is how you get blue balls and think about the flesh all the time.

>> No.14074197

>thinking you can reach enlightenment by putting your penis in a vagina and stroking ur cock inside of a smelly whore wench vagina getting all coombrained up as her vaginal fluid make ur penis all wet and sticky like the penises of the 50 other guys she fucked
poo fantasies are worse lmaoooo

>> No.14074202

Masturbating is literally recommended as treatment for depression by mental health professionals.

>> No.14074205

This seems like great advice. I think I’m ready to abandon my coomer ways.

>> No.14074209

I agree it is absurd, especially since both Hinduism and Buddhism promote celibacy.

>> No.14074210

Most important thing is just to never watch porn. Avoid it like the plague. Good luck, anon.

>> No.14074211
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Fake "Hindu Monks" used by self-help western retards.

>> No.14074216

(((mental health professionals)))

>> No.14074219

her instagram https://www.instagram.com/jhuliapimentel_/?hl=en

>> No.14074225
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>sex without ejaculation
>"what if i do eberyding a coomer do but i no coom, can i becummed enlighteneeded?"

>> No.14074232

watching porn and masturbating too often is probably one of the biggest causes of depression among young men

>> No.14074238

source needed

>> No.14074246

search for yourbrainonporn

>> No.14074253

>is literally
Brainlet detected.
>recommended as treatment for depression by mental health professionals.
Appeal to authority. By the way, "mental health professionals" is professional lingo for pseud with a masters degree or at best, a PhD in psychology. They know nothing about the human body. They did not go to medical school. A psychiatrist resents being basketed with these ne'er-do-wells, so they do not like the term. Speaking of your shit-tier appeal to authority, 80 years ago, psychiatrists thought sexual excesses were the cause of many mental disorders, including depression, who were much more learned people than the imbeciles writing psychology today articles you "LITERALLY" cite.

>> No.14074271

>assuming that unless a historical record exists of someone saying "i have nutted" they must be on your beta male reddit tier nofap™

Genghis Khan- nutted
Erwin Rommel- nutted
Edison- nutted

literally any inventor or scientist that had children nutted, and ofcourse no one is going to admit to masturbating that far in the past

just because a few autistic shut in sperglords like tesla nofapped doesnt mean you can equate yourself with them because you dont touch ur dick

>> No.14074294

>Genghis Khan
Are you from Mongolia? I can't imagine anyone else citing him as a model of virtue.

>> No.14074301

nothing about depression there dummy

>> No.14074312

you're addicted to exercise bro. It suppresses dopamine release via post-physical activity increases of prolactin, which is why you write and reason like a brainlet.

>> No.14074320

>Genghis Khan- nutted
>Erwin Rommel- nutted
>Edison- nutted
None of those are among the greatest "intellectual geniuses".

>> No.14074324
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This book (pic related) gives some insights into the neuro-endocrine processes that takes place in the body during sex and orgasm and uses it to explain conditions like depression.
It also deals with issues like masturbation and it's effects.

>> No.14074328

it seems /lit/ and /sci/ share the exact same brainlet pseuds
incel cope
sounds like a great way to get prostate cancer

>> No.14074332

in a single lifespan created the largest empire known to mankind

nutted frequently

nah not really but a lot of inventors and scientists were/are freaks anyway

>> No.14074349

>Genghis Khan
he was a rape monkey

>> No.14074366


>> No.14074379

who cares. i don't want to create an empire. i want to be virtuous and intelligent. he was a retard.

>> No.14074404

actually combats prolactin release :)

>> No.14074407

Thanks for proving that you're a brainlet.

>> No.14074412

incel cope

>> No.14074423

>in a single lifespan created the largest empire known to mankind
wrong lmao

>> No.14074424

but they were Chads for sure

>> No.14074425

>he was a retard

>established an empire spanning continents from a small tribe in a lifetime
>managed trade routes all over the world
>developed new systems of messaging
>had written language developed for mongols
>established methods of politics to keep the entire empire relatively peaceful and accepting of authority

b..but i dont wank! i can read poetry and be valued still, right guys??

>> No.14074428

dude but muh dopamine tho, it's addictive all pleasure is addictive so don't jerk off don't excercise don't move don't do shit just become an incel like me bro

>> No.14074435

dude he just wnet on fighting and rape women, all the other things he didn't develop, he just ordered to be done (like writing or trade routes). he was a retard who knew how to ride a horse and that's all

>> No.14074436

>established an empire spanning continents
>had written language developed for mongols
>for mongols
>established methods of politics to keep the entire empire relatively peaceful and accepting of authority

>> No.14074441

you don't actually believe what you are saying, do you anon?

>> No.14074442

exercise is an addiction that could be good for you, masturbation to porn isn't

>> No.14074443

The Mongol empire faded and it created nothing of lasting value or significance. Khan did not use his prefrontal cortex to do amazing things. There were OOGA BOOGA, African tribes that presumably conquered and raped their known worlds too. That isn't an accomplishment. As for the other things, they were carried out by those under his watch.

>> No.14074472


Alright then, Alfred the Great
United England whilst being invaded by Vikings, managed to simulatniously invent the candle clock AND nut enough to have 5 children

>NOT incel cope

>> No.14074476

you have to evaluate these things logically. one could argue that you're addicted to food because if you don't ingest it on a regular basis you will cease to exist.
the difference is in determining which habits are good for you and which are harmful and to keep in mind even good things can become harmful if not taken in moderation.

>> No.14074487

cooming in ur wife in holy matrimony is different from jerking off to disgusting interracial jewish pornography several times daily, stupid retard

>> No.14074504

>where did i mention porn being a good thing

>> No.14074511

you can only coom in ur wife then and only for the purpose of procreation, you agree?

>> No.14074512


>> No.14074518

anybody else feel like they're becoming retarded when they don't fap for a long time ?

>> No.14074528

coom by inspiration, your ancestors probably did it, and definitely did until Christianity came about

dont be a degenerate coom addict or watch porn, pretty simple logic desu

nothing wrong with an organic masturbatory coom though

>> No.14074529


>> No.14074534

Not him but not cooming at all would be the best possible scenario.

>> No.14074536


>> No.14074538

i coom about once every two weeks and don't watch porn :)

>> No.14074545

that shit is funny, get a sense of humor retard

>> No.14074554

t. armchair psychologist

>> No.14074561

Pythagoras was against COOMing.
Plato was against COOMing.
Aristotle was against recreational COOMing.
The stoics were against COOMing.
Even fucking Epicurus (the brainlet's philosopher), thought COOMing was a net negative overall.

>> No.14074563
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>2. Start cooming in the shower without any lubrication, literally just use water. Don't edge either, coom as fast as possible. This will make your body associate cooming with little to no pleasure, but you can still relieve that ache down there. Hot water will also numb the tactile corpuscles on your penis that make it feel good to touch.

>> No.14074574

it's not funny at all, it's cringe and you have shit taste in comedy. kys

>> No.14074582

>it's funny, it's not cringe and you have good taste in comedy. continue living
ftfy and thanks :)

>> No.14074586

>seething this much
Pallid freak who made the video spotted.

>> No.14074591

>masturbation to porn isn't
but what about masturbation to my own imagination? cause that's what i do these days, mostly memories.
>the difference is in determining which habits are good for you and which are harmful and to keep in mind even good things can become harmful if not taken in moderation.
that was kinda my point. Masturbation once or twice a day shoudln't be frowned upon, especially for someone like OP who jerks off once and is satisfied for the rest of the day. It decreases chances of getting prostate cancer, helps people like OP think more clearly, and i'm sure there are more advantages we don't know of yet. After all, it's a thing apes naturally do, like exercise, eating, socializing and playing

>> No.14074602

>Pallid freak who made the video spotted.

>> No.14074608

>Masturbation once or twice a day shoudln't be frowned upon
maybe once or twice a week lmao
>it's a thing apes naturally do
chimps on nature don't jerk off, they only jerk off if they're trapped in zoos

>> No.14074609

...hahahahh.... NOT! Did not laugh. Please post your YouTube channel elsewhere.

>> No.14074611

your imagination is poisoned by past porn experiences, so you should stop fapping.

>> No.14074622

i'm sure these incels will use their nofap magic to get laid any day now
>your imagination is poisoned
absolutely retarded

>> No.14074623

>yeah bro, instead of using your imagination for good, you should use it for like BOOOBIES N SEX N SHEEEET. fuck forms and philosophy and that stuff, you should associate it with forming visual images for masturbating twice daily, LMAO, its natural cause frickn apes dude
Kill yourself.

>> No.14074626

>Ignores all the sages' advice
>it's a thing apes naturally do
Are you an ape? If so, coom as much as you'd like, but know that some of us rather follow the wise, not the apes.

>> No.14074635

You aren't showing that you are creative or intelligent in any way. It just seems like you are sex-obsessed, and just want to masturbate or fuck. In other words, a brain dead NPC.

>> No.14074640


>> No.14074648

>Masturbation once or twice a day shoudln't be frowned upon
Fucking hedonists

>> No.14074656
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>most popping /lit/ thread is another to coom or not to coom thread
/lit/ is dead and you have killed it

>> No.14074666

>instead of using your imagination for good
i'm sure you're using your imagination for good by repressing your natural desires. Go ahead and share your superior intelligent thoughts any time anon
>its natural cause frickn apes dude
>he doesn't understand what i meant by this
you're not a /lit/ regular are you? if so this board is fucking dead. HUMANS do it naturally just like exercise, playing and socializing, apes was just another example besides the fucking obvious.
read above you absolute retard. Is this the power of nofap? 3rd grade reading comprehension?
you sure are showing your creativity and intelligence by spewing meme buzzwords

>> No.14074671

Reminds me of Holden when he calls up an old buddy for an “intelligent conversation” but then just asks him about what sex is like.

>> No.14074698

You FEED your desire by indulging it, not lessen it. That's why you are stuck masturbating twice a day, that is why you have such a fatalistic view. You are a literal slave that reinforced his sex drive and now it is beyond his control.

>> No.14074728


>i'm sure you're using your imagination for good by repressing your natural desires.
Not using imagination, but suppressing lustful desires is absolutely a good thing, especially when they are so easy to fulfill nowadays. The desire for sex and reproduction is one of the most base animal instincts and having it fulfilled with no work or effort required breeds complacency. Besides that, dopamine desensitization is absolutely a real thing that induces anhedonia and is part of why so many are depressed in this day and age.
>HUMANS do it naturally just like exercise, playing and socializing
Are you trying to argue porn is natural? It isn’t. It’s a cheap replacement of the real work and dedication needed to find a (committed) partner. Sure, people have been having casual sex for time immemorial, but you still need to get up and out of the house at least to achieve that, and even that isn’t nearly as prevalent and varied as porn is.

You’ve conflated pleasure and happiness, and because of that you will never be truly fulfilled in life. I pity you and other hedonists who won’t realize this until it’s too late.

>> No.14074732

Dopamine is produced by the low intestine, so grab a dildo and fuck your anus madly.

>> No.14074739

>writes a comment that would get upboats on reddit
cringe, false, and unbelievably bluepilled

>> No.14074755

>You FEED your desire by indulging it, not lessen it. That's why you are stuck masturbating twice a day
that's a lot of projecting. I've spent a month without jacking off just to prove I can. It did nothing. No nofap magic. I didn't feel particularly horney either cause I have sex. Your cult is all placebo, and it has zero scientific basis.You feed all your desires too. I bet you even eat unealthy foods every other day, The desire to post on this god-forsaken shithole for example. It's completely natural and even healthy. Desires are eternally fluctuating and the only way to break free of them is to either become a useless monk in a faraway land or to kill yourself. You are a slave to hunger, to music, to literature, to television, to (You)s, to everything that gives you any sort of direct or indirect pleasure. It's how life works. Stop trying to spread your gospel just because you're a recovering addict.

>> No.14074829

>suppressing lustful desires is absolutely a good thing
post proof. The bible isn't proof btw.
>especially when they are so easy to fulfill nowadays
it's always been easy, unless you're a cutlet who needs lube. If you mean porn, then don't masturbate to porn? no need to go full retard with complete abstinence.
>The desire for sex and reproduction is one of the most base animal instincts and having it fulfilled with no work or effort required breeds complacency
literally every single mammal cums whenever they can and they're doing just fine. Humans jerked off before porn existed. Since the dawn of humanity, and we did just fine, built massive empires, discovered and invented a countless amount of things including a way to put us in the fucking moon. I'm pretty sure some of our greatest thinkers would jerk off once a day or once every other day. Sexual complacency is the least of our worries in most of the world except Japan, where the problem is work culture.
>dopamine desensitization is absolutely a real thing that induces anhedonia and is part of why so many are depressed in this day and age.
again, post sources cause i can feel pleasure alright. And again, men have jerked off since their origin.
>Are you trying to argue porn is natural?
for the fifth time, I didn't mention porn. If your problem is porn don't watch it. Not even OP mentioned porn. It seems you are the one who is obsessed with it.
happiness is eternally fluctuating just like sadness and anger. There's no way around it. Pleasure is what's produced by jerking off, so it's more relevant to the discussion. I pity you and other incels who will waste their life away avoiding a simple natural pleasure, and instead replacing it with the dopamine release of (You)s

>> No.14074834

You don't understand the term cope my friend :) Please go back to school sweetie :D

>> No.14074844

>I'm pretty sure some of our greatest thinkers would jerk off once a day or once every other day.
Post proof. Your opinion isn't proof btw.

>> No.14074862

You are dumb.

>> No.14074867

thanks for reminding me

>> No.14074876


>> No.14074890

post yours first. You spewed a lot of bullshit about desensitization and cumming-induced anhedonia and mass depression as if they were facts before I decided to share my opinion
no u.

>> No.14074909

No, really.
Your posts are really bad. They are basically "common sense of ignorant people"

>> No.14074916


>> No.14074924

Very low IQ post.

>> No.14074925

>associating shakespeare with high IQ
never gonna make it

>> No.14074943

yours are empty replies. Thanks for the non-contribution to the thread retard
>"common sense of ignorant people"
and intelligent people alike. Not a single person ITT has shared any science-backed proof for their bullshit gospel-like claims. I bet you retards are the kinds of people who make fun of soccer moms for believing in healing crystals, you're just as retarded
blatant samefag. You know 4chan X lets you know when a new IP has posted right?

>> No.14074960
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>science-backed proof for their bullshit gospel-like claims. I bet you retards are the kinds of people who make fun of soccer moms for believing in healing crystals, you're just as retarded

>> No.14074972

You really are dumb.

>> No.14074988

excellent argument samefag. Shows you have a very high IQ. This is your brain on nofap

>> No.14075008

t. a coomer

>> No.14075054
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>> No.14075331

>again, post sources cause i can feel pleasure alright. And again, men have jerked off since their origin.
The first 2 are more on internet addiction as a whole, but it's the same in principle
Now stop being a faggot

>> No.14075354

so it's just the 2 retards this time. Let me fix my post: excellent argument fags. Shows you have a very high IQ. This is your brain on nofap
but I'm not addicted and don't watch porn (as i've said a million times), now what retard

>> No.14075363

It's not about you, imbecile. And clearly at twice a day, you are exhibiting compulsive behavior,

>> No.14075388

>"Oh yeah? Prove to me masturbation is unhealthy!"
>shows proof
>"lol so what? Doesn't apply to me fucko, I only do it twice a day"
There really is no arguing with cumcraniums

>> No.14075394

Nice one

>> No.14075438

right, this entire discussion is about OP who only does it at most once a day and you projecting losers are calling him addicted. I do it twice a day MAX. how much time do you spend on 4chan?
that was proof that addiction is unhealthy and that porn is unhealthy, not that masturbation is unhealthy you illiterate brainlet.
There is no arguing with virgin reddit pseuds

>> No.14075542

I quit alcohol and tobacco cold turkey on the same day almost half a decade back and have had no relapse or temptation on either.

I'm at 10 days no coom and am seriously considering an extended run. Given my ability to tap into deep reservoirs of discipline and self-control, should I give this a year or two?

By all measure and account of virtue and living virtuously, should I be thinking toward this differently than I am? Like, should I be thinking in terms other than chunks of time?

>> No.14075610

enjoy your prostate cancer

>> No.14075639
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>Sometimes succubi fog up my brain again and I have to pleasurelessly coom to reset, but really I'm getting better at dealing with succubi.
And I trusted you for a brief moment.

>> No.14075641

OP has all the signs of substance abuse, especially withdrawal, in this case in the form of masturbation.

>> No.14075655

Based as fuck
It's a brilliant tactic. I did something similar with smoking, convinced myself over a 2 year period that I hated cigs with all my heart and soul, and it worked, smoked my last cig in oct 2015.

>> No.14075658

How long does this withdrawal last?

>> No.14075771

Who cares? Read Hakon

>> No.14076156


So after realizing that Epiphenomenalism and Christianity (whatever passes for it in your mind) are at odds with each other you chose...the former? It's self-parody at this point.

>> No.14076177


>> No.14076205

That looks like a really comfy room

>> No.14076210

who's the elf?

>> No.14076214

>spends longer than 10-12 hours between faps
yeah whatever faggot

>> No.14076223


Virgin nofapper vs. multi-orgasmic chad.

>> No.14076230

> tfw gf gives me a nude big spoon handjob and I orgasm twice, remain rock hard, fuck her and orgasm three more times, each new orgasm as pleasurable as the last
> lose not a drop of cum

You fools are doing it wrong.

>> No.14076251

Fucking hell, did you think nofap was about not having sex?

>> No.14076253

based and redpilled liar with no gf

>> No.14076262


I do it. You can orgasm without interrupting your erection, pleasure or losing sperm. "Tantra" is a meme here, you don't need to do anything spiritual to achieve it. Literally all you have to do is squeeze the muscles around your buttholle/gouche when you start to orgasm and hold it (it's actually much, much easier to hold than it first seems. Pleasure/orgasmic waves come but they don't affect the tension of the muscles, though it might feel like they do.)

Just have no active friction on your dick while you're doing it or you'll cum. Don't worry, you'll still have a good orgasm.

>> No.14076435

no fappers are the biggest virgin losers ever i dont like porn i dontwatch it all but to be aagints it is for people that dont have sex at all and the only way to redeem their shitty life is to find a woman to procreate since they cant find motivation for nutting a few times a week which is pathethic as fuck.

>> No.14076611

>nothing wrong with an organic masturbatory coom though
Massive cope. And then they criticize women for being irrational emotional being. When i see post like this, it makes me think that men, especially young men, are only slightly less emotional.

>> No.14076625
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>> No.14076639


>> No.14077430

>no one is going to admit to masturbating that far in the past
Masturbation is a symptom of a sedentary, domesticated lifestyle. If you have power, or wealth, or any sort of agency, you have no problem satisfying base desires

>> No.14077440

>He doesn't know that the pleasures of the ideal realm far surpass the ones of the material mire.

>> No.14077451

Yup it's this, I had the exact same issue with alcohol. All my friends would only drink when going out, but I would drink a glass of wine and then feel this surge of productivity and clarity. After maybe two glasses of wine I would just start churning out essay after essay, but without alcohol I was barely a functional human.
You are addicted plain and simple.

>> No.14077456

>Don't edge
>Space out your cooms
If I cum quick I just have to cum again in an hour. If I edge for an hour I don't feel horny for days.

>> No.14077461

>tfw I used to be a borderline genius
>got a GF
>everything went to shit
>broke up
>everything got better
Honestly starting to believe this shit

>> No.14077467

was the decline related to you cooming though or was your gf just a drain on mental resources otherwise? relationships can be exhausting whether youre fucking or not not constantly fucking

>> No.14077468

Its because women occupy money and time.

>> No.14077480

>Are you an ape
yes, Homo sapiens are one of the species of great apes.

>> No.14077484

>Ignores all the sages' advice
My favorite sage is Diogenes and he masturbated in public.

>> No.14077501


Anyone else going full semen retention? No release, not even erotic dreams.
Max I ever went was 19 days.

>Day 14+: insane level of mental clarity
>Day 16+: have to resist spontaneous ejaculation WHILE sleeping, basically remain half-conscious all the time
>Day 17-18: beginning of serious strong thoughts about faith and God
>Day 19: wake up in a lake of cum

>> No.14077512

>post-fap clarity
go back twitter

>> No.14077552

Fitting numbers...

>> No.14077561

>Day 16+: have to resist spontaneous ejaculation WHILE sleeping, basically remain half-conscious all the time
>Day 17-18: beginning of serious strong thoughts about faith and God
so this is the danger of sleep deprivation

>> No.14077591
File: 11 KB, 205x246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14077849
File: 146 KB, 960x705, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men that sat down and had "le big think"
>some had a think that cooming was bad because 100000 IQ

>inventors, leaders, scientists
>not beta male shut in philosophers

oh and to top it off diogenes coomed very frequently

>> No.14078577

But do you masturbate in public? The Cynics did all kinds of socially inappropriate things, just to separate themselves from artificial social constraints. Diogenes was not just lusting after mindless pleasure but was signaling that he couldn't care less about others' opinions of him. What about you? You hide in your little cave, just like the coward you are, and try to satisfy your base desires, which never happens. Your desires never end, and the more you try, the more hollow you become. Do you really think Diogenes would have anything but contempt for you?

>> No.14078624

Next question: source of OPs pic?

>> No.14078628


>> No.14078739

>Anyone else going full semen retention?

This is me


Closing in on 11 days complete. I can't predict a lot about how this is going to play out but I'm aiming for 30 days initial, then success or failure I'll revise my outlook. This is the longest I've gone without jizzing in maybe 21 years, since my first deliberate coom.

>Clarity of mind
>Resistance to distraction
>Emotional honesty

Sweeping truths I worked around or could justify keeping at certain distance are running wild inside me, the practical effect being ridding myself of a few people in my social life, degenerates who benefit drastically more from my behaviors and attitudes than I ever have them and theirs. They were good for a laugh but I deserve far better.

Props to my fellows here, also prone to actual, real self-improvement. We're an exceedingly rare breed.

>> No.14078808

Yeah, except those 3 are degenerate fags. Compare to Tesla, Kant, Pythagoras, Kierkegaard, Newton, etc.

>> No.14079077

There are no surviving works of Diogenes, it is doubtful he ever wrote anything to begin with, much less, there exists no primary sources addressing or even mentioning him. The stories related to meeting Alexander the Great, and his public obscenity, appeared hundreds of years later, and were, most likely just that—stories. In other words, your favorite sage is a fictional character.

>> No.14079222

have sex

>> No.14079282

Quit watching porn. Also, I heard dopamine fasting can help.

>> No.14079316

I get spontaneous ejaculations during sleep when I'm 5 days into nofap.

>> No.14079324

dopamine fasting sounds awfully retarded. does it really work?

>> No.14079342

Never tried it as it seemed too difficult to me.
But I try to avoid unnecessary stimuli whenever I can. I feel better when I'm focused.

>> No.14079370 [DELETED] 

I did it in college and nearly transcended. Now im just doing it bc I have little interest in sex due to SSRis. Even tho I have a cute gf I love

although I was borderline insane
>making strong eye contact with people
>very talkative and friendly
>people would approach me in public randomly to take (never happened)
>only time I ever picked up a hot girl from a bar
>dick ached so badly
>though about fucking thinks for power

>> No.14079527

Imagine being Q's mother.
Midnight rolls around. Right on cue the screaming begins. Quentin is making his videos again.
You roll over and drift into sleep, the autistic philosophical screaming of your son working like a lullaby.

>> No.14079750

kierkegaard coomed a lot

>> No.14080499

because you're 20 years old
once you hit 30, you need 48 hours to recover from a nut

>> No.14080564

This is one reason the no-fap fools spew their rhetoric. Without the good nut, you stay slow and stupid, the way they want you to be.
Ignore the nay sayers, reject the puritan no-fap and free your mind. Only then can you find true freedom and independence of pure thought and understanding.

>> No.14080578

prove it