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14073784 No.14073784 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be fully fluent in english and also forget your native language

>> No.14073790

what's your native language?

>> No.14073800


>> No.14073831

based language and better than english, cheer up. the germanic languages are garbage, all of them sound gay and feminine lmao english is pretty useful nowadays but objectively portuguese is superior to it

>> No.14074068

Iktf OP. I instantly forget every new word I learn and lately I've started forgetting words in my language too (Greek). I suspect depression.

>> No.14074079


>> No.14074087
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>you will never be fully fluent in english
>tfw english is your first and only language

>> No.14074098
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>> No.14074108

Anglo cucks will never experience such a magnanimous words as saudade. Cheer up

>> No.14074113

Claramente não és baseado

>> No.14074128

You probably shouldn't be trying to forget languages, man.

>> No.14074140

I'll never understand this gringo obsession with "saudade". For us native portuguese speakers, it doesn't mean anything other than "i miss you". That whole "aesthetic melancholy" that apparently comes from bossa nova and cariocas from the 50s (or was at least popularized by them), is nothing more than a literary, and musical concept. No one cares about that word, we say it as normal and casually as we say any other word.
Anyway, the greatest tragedy of being a portuguese speaker is not being a spanish speaker, and never truly understanding the beauties of Cervantes, or the writers of the Siglo De Oro, or Ortega y Gassett, or Borges, or the Latin Americans... What a shame, so close the portuguese is to a beautiful language with a rich literary history, but yet so far... Portuguese is terrible.

>> No.14074157

I love being in American public spaces and speaking slavsquawk with family and friends. I routinely bully my siblings if they speak English around family. Eat shit, self-hating retard.

>> No.14074161

Greek is infinitely superior to English in every way.

>> No.14074174

>Anyway, the greatest tragedy of being a portuguese speaker is not being a spanish speaker,
shut up you lazy faggot, you can literally learn spanish from portuguese fluently in a few months, how about you get the fuck off 4chan and go study the language instead of bitching that it wasn't your mother tongue? learning spanish from portuguese or vice versa is about as easy as language learning gets, you're just a fucking lazy crybaby

>> No.14074198

I believe Saramago was the only Portuguese writer who was read with passion in the Spanish world.

>> No.14074200

I don't think you understand me. I know spanish and have lived in Argentina for some time. What i mean by "not being a Spanish speaker" is that you'll never be a native speaker. You'll never, even with decades of study, understand certain nuances that come with being a native speaker of that language. Remember that your brain grew, and literally molded itself hearing and speaking your first language. You think with your first language. You develop a relationship with it that can't be matched by simply "learning" it after being an adult (like i learned Spanish after being 21). Maybe you can do it if you're a child, but after a certain point, brain plasticity stops and you will never be able to match a native speaker. There are some kinds of nuances that you'll never touch no matter how much you study the language.

>> No.14074204

Yeah, i mean, they don't really need the Lusophone tradition at all. They could live a lifetime without reading Pessoa, Camões, Saramago, Machado de Assis, etc etc, and not lose much, because Lusophone literature is a minor one, while spanish literature is in the tiers of French, English, Russian.

>> No.14074206

Anglophiles are weird

>> No.14074315

Disagree, Greek are structured around and encourage the use of verbs whereas English have more adjectives and versatility

>> No.14074701

Look at this faggot, letting science dictate what he is able or not to accomplish. Science, of all things.

>> No.14075409


>> No.14075504
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>wanting to forget your native language
I'm on the opposite boat. I'm a Flip that moved to the USA in my mid teens. I used to speak Tagalog, Visayan, and English all fluently. After years of using nothing but English outside and Visayan at home I completely forgot how to speak or read Tagalog. Now I need to do the occasional Anki drills so I don't completely forget Visayan, too. Doesn't help that my thoughts are exclusively in English.

What's the point of remembering a language that no one speaks? Sunk cost fallacy. I spent all that time learning this skill. I might as well keep it. Also, I'm a sentimental person and it feels like a part of me died when I forgot Tagalog. Maybe I'll relearn it some day but I don't have the time right now.

>> No.14075537

PR person here. Was born and raised in the US and although I speak and am spoken spanish too in social events I was never properly trained in writing/grammar 5th grade. Spanish was my first language** but quickly became tossed aside, now I speak at a basic level,can understand well but reading and writing hasn't been touched on for years.

>> No.14075539

>preferring english over portuguese

>> No.14075559

Portuguese is an irrelevant, difficult for no reason, retarded language. It has little literary history. Not even portuguese native speakers like it. Brazilians butcher the language with terrible grammar, while Portugueses butcher it by supressing every single unstressed syllable they can find. It's terrible, a true degeneration of latin that will very soon be forgotten

>> No.14075568

That's called a "heritage language." It's when your first language gets placed on the back burner to prioritize the dominant language. Most heritage language speakers have a very basic understanding of their first language in their adult life if they don't make an effort to retain their first language.

I can speak Visayan fluently but my friends say I sound white.

>> No.14075571

>saying yikes

>> No.14075575

i am forgetting my spanish, i barely speak it nowadays. also my english is not the best. what ever will i do?

>> No.14075584

>the Germanic languages, as opposed to the Romance languages, sound gay and feminine
This has to be bait

>> No.14075586

it's not, he's probably a brazilian and actually has a low IQ.

>> No.14075627

Inglês é uma língua extremamente ilógica, e não é lá nem cá: nem germânica nem românica. A gramática se contradiz com certa frequência, e você é praticamente fadado a aprendê-la quase que integralmente pela via da experiência. Português é perfeitamente lógico e não-contraditório, mais ainda do que o Hebraico. Se você obedece à gramática você pode se expressar com maior exatidão e fluidez do que poderia fazê-lo em Inglês.

>t. native Portuguese speaker who also speaks English since he was a child

>> No.14075644

>Inglês é uma língua extremamente ilógica
you can put shit in any order and it still makes sense

shit in any order and sense it still makes

any order for this shit and still sense is made

english is fookin great lad

>> No.14075691

Você pode colocar qualquer merda em qualquer ordem e ainda fará sentido

Ainda fará sentido se você colocar qualquer merda em qualquer ordem

Em qualquer ordem você pode colocar qualquer merda e ainda fará sentido

Em qualquer ordem -- e ainda fará sentido -- você pode colocar qualquer merda.

That's not particular to English. Latin is even "freer" in this regard than both English and Portuguese. However, I do agree with you. English is great. I just have this impression that English sacrifices precision in exchange for ease of communication.

>> No.14075700

Good riddance

>> No.14075707

Fair enough. Portuguese sounds amazing, too. Yeah we double or triple up on meaning a lot but that makes vocabulary easier.

>tfw we are the cause of our own decline

>> No.14075717

Just lol at not being perfectly fluent in English, and just lol at thinking you need to forget your native language to achieve this.

>> No.14075791

Serious question: If German has so much Latin influence then why is it not considered a Romance language? Is there still just not enough Latin influence?

>> No.14075862

1. It doesn’t have that much Romance influence, especially compared to English and Dutch
2. Influence =/= genealogical relationship

>> No.14075869

i'm american and the nordic languages all sound soft and gay, sorry lmaooo

>> No.14075877

Still infinitely more masculine sounding than P*rtuguese of all things lmao

>> No.14075909

not really, portuguese has a strong celtic sound, old school portuguese with the rolled R is very based. classic sound. pretty much any mediterranean language sounds more masculine than gay nordic languages. swedish, danish, german, english, etc. all sound really hyper feminine and soft. even french sounds more masculine than nordic cope languages

>> No.14075931

Vergonhoso. Pare. Suas imbecilidades mostram o seu baixo QI e mancham ainda mais a já patética reputação dos falantes de português neste fórum ilustre.
Estes exemplos do ridículo dialeto lusitano nada tem a ver com a real degeneração latina que é o antigo português. Esse jeito de falar é infinitamente mais feminino que qualquer língua, ainda mais que o francês, pois portugayses são como crianças que não sabem pronunciar e acabam por comer todas as vogais e sílabas que encontram pela frente. É daí que vêm essa mania caipira de falar "pru", no lugar de "peru", "brsilairo" no lugar de "brasileiro", e outras idiotices como falar "lait" no lugar de "leite".
Agradeço aos mouros e árabes e africanos e todo e qualquer povo que imigre para Portugal pois a taxa de natalidade deste paíseco é baixa e logo logo serão substituídos.

>> No.14075940

shut up brasilnigger scum. lmao i'm not even portuguese, anyways don't lecture portufags on how to pronounce the language they invented when you retards in brazil literally just niggerized the language and made it sound retarded and monkey-tier you fucking blackgook ape

>> No.14075943

retard, this is complete bs

>> No.14075958

They didn't "invent" any language, retard. Portuguese is a pathetic degeneration of latin, it has nothing to do with the poortuguese people.
As to pronunciation, if you knew anything about the language's history, you'd know that Portuguese and Brazilian portuguese were very similar up to the late 18th and early 19th century. It was back then that they started changing the sounds and transforming the language into pure garbage (which already was but they managed to degenerate the language even further).
Brazil kept the "original" vowel sounds. It's more truthful to the Portuguese spoken in the colonist period, brought by the colonizers.

>> No.14075964

hahahah cope harder brazilnigger

>> No.14076135

I know that feel OP. My native language is Urdu and the upkeep required to maintain proficiency doesn't seem worth it. Most of the acclaimed stuff is poetry and I'm not smart enough to understand the various nuances required to "get" it(same goes for English).
So all I'm left with is a handful of essay collections that I read over and over and some novels that I revisit from time to time.

>> No.14076150

Every South Asian language I've heard spoken is like half English, do desis just not care about the deterioration of their languages at all

>> No.14076154

Goddamn, Brazilians are worthless shitposters. There isn't a worse nationality frequenting this board in such seemingly large numbers. Stop inflicting your trash threads on the rest of us.

>> No.14076202

I don't think so. English is just so prevalent these days, especially in the entertainment industry that its hard not to fall prey to it. This is really bad for a country that struggles to create its own IPs and entertainment, unlike India which churns out hundreds of films and television show. Add in the high illiteracy rate and difficulty and you've got yourself a dying language