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14072362 No.14072362 [Reply] [Original]

All those people who left us monumental writings, those who created lasting institutions, those who have been an influence on our thinking for hundreds of years (and will likely be for many more), what do you think went through their minds at their deathbed? Were they happy that they achieved something, were they feeling content that they have created and shared? Would they have experienced a more meaningful death than you and I? Or were they simply relieved that their ride was finally coming to an end?

Or is it only our biological imperative to breed and give offspring that gives us a satisfactory semblance of meaning to our lives? Is it only through the knowledge that we are leaving our kids and grandkids a desirable future (whether it is true or not) that we are allowed a somewhat peaceful death? All those other things we keep ourselves occupied with, is that all they do, keep us occupied while we wait for our end?

>inb4 anon's first existential crisis durr

>> No.14072379

>what do you think went through their minds at their deathbed?

>> No.14072396

>All right then, I'll say it. Dante makes me sick

>> No.14072556

"Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!"[33][12][27]
— Karl Marx, political theorist (14 March 1883), when asked by his housekeeper about his last words

>> No.14072557

>"The taste of death is upon my lips... I feel something, that is not of this earth."

>> No.14072564

"Does nobody understand?"[106]
— James Joyce, Irish novelist (13 January 1941)

>> No.14072609

I don't like Marx but this is based.
This is also based.

>> No.14072631
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>> No.14072634

they all knew they got a greater value out of life in terms of experience than most people, they all knew they won life, its what you aim for in life.

>> No.14072642

At least it hasn't devolved into Right-winged Twitter users and Left-winged Twitter users angrily slamming their fingers against their keyboards and feeling complacent self-righteousness over their epithets and ad hominems like most threads are. At least not yet.

>> No.14072651

Twitter is their echo-chamber and 4chan is their battleground.

>> No.14072652

based ibsen

>> No.14072655

Based Louis XVI

>> No.14072705

"Now is not the time for making new enemies."[note 4][30]
— Voltaire, French writer (30 May 1778), when asked by a priest to renounce Satan before his death

Holy based.

>> No.14072745

>— Dan Osman, American rock climber (23 November 1998), while falling to his death after failed "controlled free-fall" jump from Leaning Tower, Yosemite

>> No.14072755


>> No.14072756

“I don’t know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."[23]
— Isaac Newton

what’s the point of it all, bros

>> No.14072769

"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have."[22][12]
("Ho offeso Dio e l'umanità perché il mio lavoro non ha raggiunto la qualità che dovrebbe avere.")
— Leonardo da Vinci, Italian artist and scientist (2 May 1519)

They were both correct. The greatest men on Earth have humility and know their limitations.

>> No.14072849 [DELETED] 
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>"Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me."

Talk about hot.

>> No.14072887
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oh my god

>> No.14072931

FUCK he wasn't trolling bros. time to read him again, this time seriously.