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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 1080x614, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14065832 No.14065832 [Reply] [Original]

4chan is dead. Viral culture killed it. This place is actively recommended to redditors and twitter users on a daily basis. The original users are out-numbered by migrants.

>> No.14065835
File: 238 KB, 1080x1439, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books for this feel?
Here's one from Twitter. Yes, recommend underage Twitter users to invade this board. No wonder this place is so shit. How long has this been going on?

>> No.14065852

/lit/ has been one of the newest/youngest/most retarded boards for years because "wow their book list is actually like really good and stuff even though they must just be pretending and its also like totally the marxist place we can colonize to epic own the nazis"

>> No.14065867
File: 241 KB, 1080x1805, 3lRey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people who take up the majority of the board. This makes me nauseous. Only within the past week have I realized how massive this cancer is. I look at Reddit and Twitter for the first time in my life and there are THOUSANDS ON THOUSANDS of users with pepe and wojak profile pictures posting about 4chan and trying to be as witty as possible in order to get more upvotes and retweets. When did this start? Did this start when r/4chan become popular? When did that happen? 2014? 2015? This actually makes me nauseous. I think I'm done with this place.

>> No.14065871

There's nowhere else to go

>> No.14065873

Are you retarded OP? 4chan has been like this since 2008, and got worse after 2016.

>> No.14065877

This must be why this board features such rampant narcissism and blogging.
And no one even cares except me.

>> No.14065878

These people are so desperate for retweets and upvotes that it's disgusting. It's all "teehee I secretly browse 4chan too guise, I'm secretly edgy, and I'm going to admit this buy posting le epic froge and bald chemo feelsguy everywhere! Teehee 4chan culture is so quirky and edgy! Pls upvote"

>> No.14065879

>muh marxists
Your home board is the most underage and also the board that attracts idiots from other sites, /pol/boi

>> No.14065880
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>Using twitter for anything but stalking kigu cosplayers

Pathetic, desu

>> No.14065884

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.14065890

The only people who even use pepe and wojak anymore are redditors and twitter users. "Teehee I have to post pepe and wojak on every trollpost I make to prove that I'm one of them and didn't just come straight from Twitter/reddit!" Every genuine 4chan user is disgusted by pepe and wojak by now.

>> No.14065899
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This is proof that original 4chan members are outnumbered by reddit/Twitter users who come here.

>> No.14065900

>I look at Reddit and Twitter for the first time in my life and there are THOUSANDS ON THOUSANDS of users with pepe and wojak profile pictures posting about 4chan

What smart man is ashamed of, a fool is proud of

>> No.14065901

>whines about feels and frog
Back to >>>/a/ I get what you mean though

>> No.14065903

i suggest all oldfags to stop posting and let them eat themselves.

>> No.14065907

I need an update on this graph

>> No.14065908

Phoneposting and reddit killed 4chan

>> No.14065919

Where else to go? I've tried the other chans but they are either too inactive or too pedo

>> No.14065924

There's nowhere. Even IRC has been killed by discord. Everything is ruined at least until these fags get called fags for a few years

>> No.14065928

>”Teehee I have to post pepe and wojak on every trollpost I make to prove that I'm one of them and didn't just come straight from Twitter/reddit”
>gives himself away with a file name like 0bf.jpg or AG45-GH89-JL88… .jpg

>> No.14065930
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Let's be overly edgy to make newfags go away

I fucking love hand holding

>> No.14065931

maybe the solution is to leave this site or even any kind of internet interaction (with avatars of people you don't know) as a whole

>> No.14065937
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To go where?

>> No.14065940


>> No.14065941

Either this year or sometime next year I'll have spent half of my life laughing to tears at this shithole. I'll be here until gookmoot pulls the plug.

>> No.14065943


>> No.14065945

I like to read /r/genewolfe

>> No.14065950
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I don't want to take amphetamines

>> No.14065951

Bullying them doesn't even work. People have tried that for years and it hasn't worked. They are the majority now. Twitter and Reddit are mentioned above, yet ifunny hasn't even be mentioned yet. 4chan is also extremely popular on ifunny. This place is fucking dead.
Has anybody ever succeeded in this? Of course, it would be hard to know since the 4chan user who permanently left wont be here to tell us about his success.

>> No.14065957

> it would be hard to know since the 4chan user who permanently left
the answer is, we will never know
But those people who have to make an entire thread about them leaving this place, they are for sure staying here forever

>> No.14065972

>And no one even cares except me.
thats narcissistic of you desu

>> No.14065978

The thread with the disgustingly obese woman with large breasts and all the cumbrain adoration was proof to me that reddit has taken over. The first post was something you would see on reddit. Two years ago, Jezebel posters were banned.

>> No.14065980

I'm going to leave this place. I'm shutting off my phone and laptop and putting them away. I'll get violent and destroy this shit if I have to.

>> No.14065990

See you in six hours

>> No.14065996

This starts now. Deleting my history. Airplane mode on. Shutting my shit off entirely. Putting it in a locker.
I am missing out on nothing. If I need to look something up I can look it up at the end of the day and shut my shit off after doing so.

>> No.14065998

>Has anybody ever succeeded in this?
Crazyaga left in 2014 and was shortlisted for this year’s Griffin poetry prize

>> No.14066007

Anti-elitism is exactly what killed 4chan. Newcomers used to get weeded out before they could get comfortable and if they had any sense they knew not to post. "Lurk moar" needs to come back.

>> No.14066018

dunno, got kind of bored by people who constantly boast about how long they've been here

>> No.14066021

Pick your poison.

>> No.14066023
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I know every redditor is by default a faggot but my god this is the worst type. They think they're so ahead of everyone else bc "hehe frog funny le edgy maga meme lolz" holy shit I truly hate this place. Most of them came from that stupid fucking yt video called "the year when 4chan won" and I'm glad that shit got deleted.

>> No.14066025

Irony killed 4chan

>> No.14066037

Most litfags are not old vanilla but new cool kids enjoying their puberty in secret club. These days even 3yo know how to use tablet and internet so be prepared to see many pubescent topics. We should be glad the 8yo knows nothing of literature or cares about it.

The easy solution would be to make 4chins as non intuitive to use as possible so it filters most of normalfags and young.

>> No.14066047

>The easy solution would be to make 4chins as non intuitive to use as possible
The beginning of the end was back in ~2009 when moot deleted the sidebar and made the new homepage

>> No.14066079

Defaulting back to frames, disabling (you) notifications, or removing the archives/catalog would go a long way to frustrating a lot of moron users that need instant gratification and drivd them off. That, or a system where detecting cookies for reddit, ifunny, twitter, etc. creates a cookie for 4chan that blocks site access, analogous to sadpanda. There are apparently a ton of idiots that get filtered by the panda, despite how easy it is to bypass or find information on it with a quick google search.

>> No.14066110

I like the catalog feature but I would give it up to make the site ugly and inhospitable again. Unfortunately gookmoot just wants to sell ads so nothing like that will never happen.

>> No.14066145

People with sense moved on to more obscure image boards. 4chan has been in the news for a decade now. Anyone and their grandma know about it at this point.

Due to media pressure and monetary interests moderation becomes stricter and stricter over time. The culture here is not much different to reddit at this point.
But you can't blame the owners for doing so, just look at what happened to 8 chan. It got nuked permanently from the entire internet just because it actually allowed free speech, attracting all the people who are not allowed to discuss their political ideas anywhere else. 4chan used to be as free as that, not just when it comes to political ideas, but also general dissident and disruptive ideas. You won't see any of those on here anymore.

>> No.14066292

Phone posters are based, been surfing since circa 2011 ish and can't imagine browsing on pc anymore. Only reason to use pc for this site is for creating oc

>> No.14066321

>lets punch ourselves in the face to make the redditors go away

>> No.14066329

What are your ideas that are getting deleted?

>> No.14066341


>> No.14067092

>Only reason to use pc for this site is for creating oc
But Anon, OC was the backbone of the site in its heyday. Without archives and inflated bump limits, OC was necessary to be remembered for more than a thread or two, and drove creativity in the board communities. Now everyone just recycles the same tired memes from 10 years ago, and people craving recognition just post opinions guarenteed to get (You)s rather than make the effort to produce fresh and innovative content.

Phone posting has killed creativity with a lack of tools to participate with, and has opened the floodgates to many normalfags that would otherwise not stick around on their computers all day to shitpost (as opposed to the phones they always have on hand).

Worst of all, since everyone has their phone on them at all times of the day, the site is now flooded at all hours by low quality posts, pushing meaningful or exciting content off the board with repetitive topics, generals, shitposts, and other things that fly in the face of the site's original purpose of transient and creative anonymous community.

>> No.14067384

what is the catalog pls?

>> No.14067457

>It got nuked permanently from the entire internet just because it actually allowed free speech, attracting all the people who are not allowed to discuss their political ideas anywhere else.
yes and it became a hotbed for mass shooters so I guess even free speech has its limits

>> No.14067621

This guy's full of shit. I started using 4chan when I was 15 and 11 years later I'm a super insecure loser who's deathly afraid of all non-anonymous social interaction.

>> No.14067694

since 06-07. You'd know that if you weren't a newfag.

>> No.14067709

I hate twitter more than reddit. I’m absolutely fucking disgusted by the twitter vermin that have polluted the entire internet with their complete fucking garbage. Everyone, everywhere has been ruined by that stupid fucking site.

Every aspect of my life seems to have been invaded and made worse by twitter. You turn on the news and they’re arguing about a tweet, you turn on the sports channel and they’re arguing about a tweet, you go out with your friends and they’re either sitting on Twitter, showing you a “hilarious” tweet they say, or regurgitating an opinion word for word they got from twitter while passing it off as their own.

A decade ago I could escape to thei internet to get away from the normalnigger menace, now the average normalnigger hasa worse internet addiction than I did back then. All day and all night they stare at their screens consuming mindless trash on their faggot little social media websites. Look at this person’s “take”, look at this hilarious “meme” that compares two different things, look at this reaction image from a totally different context that I’m applying to this current situation. Fuck you, fuck your “takes”, fuck your “memes”, and fuck your little social media profiles.

Normalniggers ruin everything, without exception. When the iPhone came around and the normalnigger finally got introduced to the internet the internet became a reflection of the normalnigger’s disgusting brain. Everything is highly centralized around like three websites, you can’t say anything controversial or you’re banned, and you always have to have your little picture next to any opinion you offer (“How can I know if what he’s saying is true if I don’t know whether or not I should hate him for being ugly?”). Fuck normalniggers, I really despise them with every ounce of my being.

>> No.14067765

It was shit, board owners were allowed to place arbitrary rules which were far more restrictive and numerous than anything here. Never saw as many ridiculous filters being used. Oh and it was actually dead as in barely any traffic on most boards.

>even free speech has its limits
Go get burned to death by a mob faggot.

>> No.14067815

r/4chan once provided to me some genuine comedy, someone here linked to a comment section they had and the whole thread was them just repeating the Joker bit about 'Im going to say the word' from /tv/(like literally the whole thread was just repetitions of this joke, i have no idea) and then down near the bottom there was a deleted comment with a bunch of replies to it saying stuff like 'woah man that's not cool you can't actually say it, that makes you an asshole', where evidently some guy had posted 'nigger'.

Like what is the psychological profile of people who find it hilarious to hint at saying nigger but still consider the word some kind of evil talisman that is going to harm whoever is around it. Are they all 12 years old or something

>> No.14067825

Since 03, actually. Little moot was only 15.

>> No.14067826


>> No.14067843
File: 110 KB, 944x816, lgly9zn09nt11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is the entry point for 99% of normans

>> No.14067859

I'm so genuinely happy that 4chan is dead

>> No.14067863

Wouldn't /b/ be more popular? That's what I first came to.

>> No.14067870

>autocorrect phoneposter
why do you lie and act completely shocked when people call you a liar? What does /pol/ have to do with /lit/ being populated by a bunch of highschool newfags?

>> No.14067874

My god
/b/ is dead bro

>> No.14067884

I dunno, I've been here since I was 12 - a fucking decade this year - and I'd credit 4chan a lot with the exact skin-thickening she's referring to
It's weird how reasonable of a take that is from a woman on twitter of all places, but yeah fuck telling new kids to come here and shit up the place

>> No.14067887
File: 61 KB, 792x520, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ used to be more popular but these days it's just used for porn. /pol/ is the most popular board.
>muh phoneposter
What the fuck are you on about? I'm not on my phone and even if I was that has nothing to do with my point faggot.

>> No.14067892

Agreed, Twitter is a scourge. Idiots have found that if they get a handful of people to post fake outrage about anything on Twitter, they can get things banned or cancelled. News sites run stories that are mostly just Twitter reposts. It's no surprise that comedy as a genre has died in the past decade.

>> No.14067908

Which is weird isn't it. the first few years I was here I wouldn't go on /pol/ because it was just the nazi board in my mind. It was some time in early 2014 I started going because of the Ukraine civil war stuff, there would be interesting threads where they posted youtube channels of Ukrainian civilians uploading what was happening.

/pol/ has been diluted a lot since Trump but jumping from Reddit to full on 'nigger hate' and holohoax threads seems like a bit of a culture shock. A board like /tv/ seems a much better entry point for normals, lots of innocuous threads about braindead movies/tv shows, the meme culture there is mostly childish and simple, and the mods actually delete and ban racism in recent years. /tv/ does have the last contingent of actual pedoposters but they kind of stick to their one thread at a time and they rarely post illegal stuff.

>> No.14067911
File: 162 KB, 1200x800, fellow kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14067929

/b/ functioned as the containment board when I got here but it's effectively just a bad porn board now
/pol/ is the ebin subversive board popularized in media depictions of edgy 4chan, so that's where people start now
Then they wander here and sperg out about how people who have been posting here for years belong on reddit because they don't act like retard /pol/acks

>> No.14067938

Hmm, may have gotten that impression by the fact that /b/ doesn't even bother to archive threads; probably because most of it is just actual shitposting.

>> No.14067947

Is this why there are so many chaps threads now?

>> No.14067963

what does /pol/ have to do with /lit/ being filled with a bunch of highschool newfags?
>No I actually typed the word "normans" on my computer

>> No.14067986

newfag detected

>> No.14067991

Have you been here all of 2 days?

>> No.14067996

2006. Kill me anon.

>> No.14068003
File: 564 KB, 800x430, ohnonono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even know about Norman
Embarrassing desu

>> No.14068006

/lit/? 2012

>> No.14068011

>Are they all 12 years old or something
unironically yes they are. this is the future now. it's post-post-post-post ironical. 12yos used to shout that shit in online games, now they're teetotaling sjws but "only in minecraft"

>> No.14068022

Clue: ''norman' was not a spelling error

>> No.14068028

years ago we got one of my buddies proto-SJW gfs to play a round of call of duty and within 5 minutes she goes "OH THAT FUCKING NIGGER". Fuckin' atoadaso

>> No.14068034

nobody says that dude. I'm sure there are a couple of faggots who tried to make that a thing here at one point but it's not. I could say jxldolmq and i fucking love seaking but they're still deader than disco.

>> No.14068056

when I started browsing in 2009 nobody gave a fuck about politics so why the fuck has it become front and center for so many people here?

>> No.14068070

>post chanologyfag
>when I was browsing /b/ (which was already dead and filled with dicks in 2009 btw) in highschool nobody cared about politics

>> No.14068071

I blame the CIA, probably

>> No.14068078
File: 203 KB, 576x432, bestgirlareyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because propaganda is ruining the world, anon. do you live under a rock?

>> No.14068100

Appallingly bad taste.

>> No.14068106

Because politics went insane in the past 10 years. All the stuff that had been slowly developing in various university departments for decades suddenly exploded altogether into the mainstream, and at the same time the reaction to this stuff that had been slowly forming on the right cohered as well somewhat.

In 2009 you would literally never hear in your day to day life stuff like 'white male privilege', nobody talked about this stuff outside a few small circles. 20 year old men tend to not give that much of a shit about politics, but this stuff can hardly be ignored

>> No.14068141

>university departments
lol, anon. no. they're useless, and unruly students are a symptom of the real fault: money in politics, and the idea of revolution every four years. the 44th president was a "community organizer" marxist who actually DID seize the means of production in the healthcare industry. college departments aren't responsible for what's happening to us. the two fucking retarded parties leading the [lack of] discussion are.

>> No.14068160

All that stuff 100% comes from uni departments and is often 2-4 decades old.

>> No.14068172

>the 44th president was a "community organizer" marxist who actually DID seize the means of production in the healthcare industry.
all obamacare did was mandate people to buy private insurance

>> No.14068205

All the present-day extreme positions of the right and left have been around for decades, but social media has allowed them to spread and flourish, and end up as the actual policy platforms of major parties. I'd blame the introduction of smartphones, Twitter and Facebook more than anything else.

>> No.14068236

Social media might have played a part, but it's all the prestigious newspapers that actually control this process. the NYT and its buddies adopt the language and frameworks from the universities and set the tone of discourse for the mainstream.
Blue-checkmark twitter is kind of just another organ of this social group

>> No.14068248

>all it did was legislate that people be forced to exchange their labor for a govt-assigned product...!

some of it. may 68, sure, vietnam protests and victim culture, i understand. some of the boomers in power came from there. others are simply satanic and power hungry mobsters. that includes nice old white ladies with big tiddies from california. uni departments now are just day care for daddy's kids, who are allowed to act out because sweet sweet tuition money and the people in charge are spineless.

>> No.14068276

>thinks that mandating a purchase from a PRIVATE company is the government seizing the means of productions
>this bullshit isn't top down from academia
what's your endgame pal? My guess, 40 something blue-dog dem. How close am I?

>> No.14068295

I still like wojak

>> No.14068313

This image always gets posted as cringe but it is really extremely based.

>> No.14068319

/tv/ and /pol/ have taken its place as the gateway boards

>> No.14068324

>top down from academia
lol. i guess the president has his marching orders eh.

>40 something blue-dog dem. How close am I?
hetero white male, raised with mexican-americans in a deeply blue county in a red state. i know exactly how much of a failure dem politics are, they're all over baltimore and dc and chicago and la. got a big iron on my hip and a snake in my boot. don't care for politics, i think they're all retarded opportunists with the IQ of radio station managers and that's why trump will win again.

>> No.14068328

ikr. based older ladypede

>> No.14068342

oh and
>he doesn't know about government-industry complexes
w e w

go to school kiddo, learn something.

>> No.14068349

jesus christ dude what are you even doing on /lit/, and arguing that the modern state of politics hasn't been cooked up for decades in academia to boot? Anyway trump is a jew and hes not going to deport spics

>> No.14068357

>lockheed skunkworks is communism or something
as a nazi I'm forced to ask you to go back to /pol/

>> No.14068368

Zoomers just get mad because boomers will dab on them

>> No.14068378

>what are you even doing on /lit/
i don't understand your implication but usually i'm talking about literature or one text or another

>hes not going to deport spics
i know, i never expected him to. it's politics, it's what got him elected, but it's also a lightning rod that galvanized the left (who immediately of course invented the idea of sanctuary cities, only to have those cities become crime ridden shit-in-the-streets infested hellholes).

and sorry did i trigger you snowflake. let me make it easier for you: americans of mexican heritage. better now?

>> No.14068389

>implying people come here from twitter
twitter is literally where everything interesting happens nowadays

>> No.14068409

that's the military-industrial complex, stupid.

there are others: politico-media complex, the prison-industrial complex, the pharma-legislative complex, etc

>> No.14068427

>and sorry did i trigger you snowflake
>americans of mexican heritage
you talking about spics? Every single one of them is an anchor baby or the child/grandchild of border jumper.
and according to you they're all communism

>> No.14068429
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2016 of course

>> No.14068482 [DELETED] 

You already pay insurance for your cuckmobile to get to wageslavery everyday and have to make sure that the plates and registration are all up to date so what is worse about doing it for medical care?

>> No.14068491

You already pay insurance for your cuckmobile to get to wageslavery everyday and have to make sure that the plates and registration are all up to date so what is worse about doing it for medical care?

>> No.14068499

ssh chans, but you'd just be selecting for the /g/ crowd.

>> No.14068515

You die and reborn stronger. But never the same.

>> No.14068865

Pol is fine, even good for what it is, it's just a big board with a lot of retards. Plenty of decent stuff there especially for 'happenings'. The main thing is the pol bogeyman combined with reinforcement of that by certain types of crossposters (that feed off the bogeyman). The whole site has increasingly gone downhill, just that the locus of the site atm is pol. Even so, I'd say there are worse boards, all of the boards under 'Japanese Culture' and 'Video Games' seem to attract the worst posters by far. But 4chan is very popular so naturally most of its userbase is fucking retarded. The anonymity and culture of it contributes to the newly arrived retards thinking its good to be unhinged and stupid with no temperament.

>> No.14068933

Smaller imageboards are dogshit though because they're just echochambers, often enforced by the moderation. With 4chan you can have heaps of actually smart and unique people posting together just as a result of having a lot of users. With others you get 2-6 posters that don't fit the collectivethink, and they either leave or get removed. I'm pretty sure they're like this because some wouldbe colonisers got scared of 4chan and instead colonised other imageboards. You often see that they have a problem with 4chan and it's not like oldfags dissing what it has become and romanticising the past, it's more like twitterusers getting mad about someone saying nigger or making a joke or most importantly, questioning their ideas and beliefs.

>> No.14070232

how do we fix this?

>> No.14070237


>> No.14070280

>Japanese Culture boards worse than fucking
You are fucking retarded. If anything, those boards were the least harmed by the influx of newfags to /pol/. They stayed more or less the same as they were 5 or even 10 years ago.

>> No.14070305

Then they must've been pretty bad from the start. You can't seriously tell me they have good posters, just go on there for 2 minutes.

>> No.14070458


>Thread made 2 months ago
>Got 13 upvotes with 80% ratio

What are you on OP? 4chan is not popular, recommended to people, or even looked up to. It's always been trash (for the most part), and always will be. The reputation of /pol/ and the other popular boards is not a positive one.

Stop with the damn hysterics and get a grip. The containment boards do their job and the general edginess that permeates this abortion of a site keeps the fags away. That's how it's always been, and that's how it always will be.

>> No.14070491

Daily reminder that Katy Perry literally posted Pepe on Twitter 2014. Pepe grew out of 4chan ages ago.

>> No.14070502

4chan will never grow out of pepe, the smug but repulsive pepe basking in his own and the world's absurdity is the embodiment of the entire website

>> No.14070504

/b/ lost its place as the entry board a long time ago. For a while it was /v/ instead, and now it is /pol/.

>> No.14070509


Collapse of the world order, basically. This is a symptom of a greater, spiritual problem. How can you fix something if this was its inevitable trajectory? Internet culture was allowed to flourish for long enough. The freedom and inter-connectivity we enjoyed was not for our benefit, but was instated for the future of our enslavement. The only reason 4chan was exceptional was because it had not been compromised yet.

>> No.14070512

Maybe not, but as I said Pepe have grown out of 4chan. He's used by normies, he's posted by celebrities, he have been the image of the alt-right and is an icon among the Hong Kong protesters.

Talk about literature. Be elitist. Tell newfags to lurk moar.

>> No.14070542

desu I literally came here from /leftypol/ because they wouldn't shut the fuck up about how you need to read theory
/lit/ turned me un marxist but still, his point that /lit/ is one of the most lefty boards isn't wrong.

>> No.14070571

>as I said Pepe have grown out of 4chan.
I misread your post, you're right about that

>> No.14070573

Why is 4chan so addictive bros? I just cant break away from it

>> No.14070578

it's social interaction that obliterates the sense of self. The ramifications of this are hard to overstate in scope and intensity, nobody has ever really tried to sit down and write about it as far as I know.

>> No.14070604

2016 election was a mistake. Shills and newfags overflow this place now.

>> No.14070622

/a/ has drawfag threads which sometimes have gold. /a/ sings and /a/ draws are always high quality. Waifufag threads are a necessary evil to keep newfags and /pol/tards out.
/lit/ has no such defense, nor should it. We take the /pol/ bait when the best course of action should be to simply ignore and move on.

>> No.14070633

>implying waifufags aren't also /pol/tards
SnK is the new /pol/ containment thread

>> No.14070634

>We take the /pol/ bait when the best course of action should be to simply ignore and move on.
Is that why there 5 marx threads up every day? Same debate everyday...

>> No.14070641

The marx threads are also /pol/ bait

>> No.14070657

>The marx threads are also /pol/ bait
Doubtful.. if anything /pol/ hates commiefilth more than any board on this site.

>> No.14070666

This. I'm a Marxist but ignore Marx threads because there is rarely interesting discourse. Hell, even leddit has better Marxist discourse on the obscure leftist subs with only a couple thousand subs.
Exactly. You see what those threads devolve into?

>> No.14070678

It's a form of social media that clicks with you; simple as. If you had a different temperament you might be addicted to facebook or insta or fortnite.

>> No.14070703

4chan is like smoking you can never entirely quit it.There are times where i dont browse this site at all sometimes for a year but i always come back since i have been browsing this shit hole for more than a decade and it became a habit for me.

>> No.14070722

Incase some of you don't know there is a female majority board /ic/. It's mostly teenage artsy girls

>> No.14070729

>redditors discussing the invasion of 4chan by reddit and Twitter

>> No.14070749
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>Incase some of you don't know there is a female majority board /ic/. It's mostly teenage artsy girls
I dont think so.

>> No.14070756

4chan's actually pretty female-heavy, relative to other similar sites. It's genuinely RELATIVELY diverse. Only fifty percent of visitors are Burgerclaps, and only eighty percent have schlongs. Reddit is like 90% Burgerclap and 99% schlong-wielding (one way or another).

>> No.14070788

There was even a thread where femanons were posting their hands holding a pencil. They certainly were not tranny hands.

>> No.14070813

No it fucking isn't.

>> No.14070819
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> 4chan used to be as free as that, not just when it comes to political ideas, but also general dissident and disruptive ideas. You won't see any of those on here anymore.

>> No.14071053
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you do know what the original intentions for this site were, right anon?

>> No.14071058

4chan has been dead since the 2016 election.

>> No.14071180

I wish. I never take shit personally online, but I’m very sensitive IRL. If only it carried over.

>> No.14071301

>Viral culture killed it
Cringe. The /leftypol/ or Pajeet (possibly Pajeet) mods killed it.

>> No.14071308

I think nowadays /fa/ is a female majority board too. Shame, it was one of the only places you could discuss male fashion effectively, now it's infested by women asking what looks cute on them, trannies and streetwear zoomies.

>> No.14071311

>Bullying them doesn't even work. People have tried that for years and it hasn't worked.
I see hardly any bullying. I've come to see that you can't show any mercy to these people. You have to dig as deep into their insecurities as possible and tell them to kill themselves.

>> No.14071315

God I hate this cataloguing of all your politics, religion, and philosophy. It's like all those shitty subcultures (emo, goth, chav, etc.) got replaced by even shittier ones based on skimming Wikipedia articles and regurgitating talking points

>> No.14071348

You sound like a libtard

>> No.14071362


>> No.14071369

(...), when they'll possibly shut down 4chan in the near future, like they did to eightchan.

>> No.14071478

I can't believe it turned out that the most preserved and/or pure oldfag board is /vp/

>> No.14071509
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>tfw the peak era of the internet is already over
Only corporate sterilization/censorship and continued development of (((advertising algorithms))) that are practically spyware remain
I plan to get out of it all a year or two from now, maybe have one computer running linux but no social media accounts at all just an email account since it's considered necessary for jobs in this day and age

>> No.14071635 [DELETED] 

>4chan is not popular, recommended to people
Retard. You are PURPOSEFULLY ignoring all of the other evidence I have presented in this thread. I chose that specific thread since he specifically mentions /lit/. Look at how popular r/4chan on reddit is. You can't tell me that people don't migrate here after seeing how popular r/4chan is. Over 1,100,000 people are subscribed to that subreddit. Traffic to 4chan has increased over 5-6 times from 2012 to 2018

>> No.14072150

Pls tell me to have sex

>> No.14072263
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>> No.14072320
File: 89 KB, 1024x819, 1024px-Internet_users_per_100_inhabitants_ITU.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Internet as a whole is dead. This graph says it all.

The more people you have online, the greater the percentage of users that are normalfags, the greater the corporate interest in co-opting it for commercial purposes.

>> No.14072661

this. if you didnt start cashing out and securing your assets around 5 years ago then you dont understand the internet. you are the trolled and the normie. its something you never can replicate in the new economy built on replication. none of those neet days were wasted, you were there for a reason. and for now relish the ruins. we may have been guinea pigs of an experimental time of cyberspace but you cant cheat time. kids will try to reenact it like hippy boomer kids and genx goth kids. its already happening.

>> No.14072685


>> No.14072693

>Talk about literature. Be elitist. Tell newfags to lurk moar.

>> No.14072761

>Go get burned to death by a mob faggot.

easy, buddy. you're not gonna go shoot up school, are you?

>> No.14072772

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