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File: 172 KB, 657x1000, nickland8707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14066545 No.14066545 [Reply] [Original]

Can you folks recommend me some nice introductionary texts to get into accelerationism or is there some chart for that flying around?
Is pic related actually worth reading?
What are some texts or media one should have read/watched/listened to before getting deeper into it? I heard Gibson's Neuromancer being thrown around as being fairly influential.

>> No.14066563

This fad is like those slightly radioactive dyes doctors put in food or injections so they can use x-rays to trace how the introduced material moves through the body. Any time someone mentions this shit you know they're primarily a twitter or a reddit user, secondarily a 4chan user.

>> No.14066578

>they're primarily a twitter or a reddit user, secondarily a 4chan user
lol. I don't see why this matters, i.e. so what? secondly, possibly true.

>> No.14066588

Back to twitter you mongoloid

>> No.14066594

I don’t like Land, just read “Anti-Oedipus” and “Libidinal Economy”

>> No.14066627

May I ask why you want to get into accelerationism?

>introductionary texts
accelerationism was actually meaningless to me until I read peter thiels zero to one, so I would recommend that. On a very surface level it is not about accelerationism. it is lurking under it. even the title "zero to one" has a certain acceleration implication e.g. 0 to 60. at the end of the book it talks about "progress" of human civilization. history can be
>rise and fall
>reach an end

it concludes respectively
>rise and fall until the fall is so great you cannot recover
>when progress stops, competition is so fierce it will fail
>continued progress will act like a positive feedback loop, which will cause acceleration.

>> No.14066635

>but I started on 4chan, hitler. been here since /b/ in '07. ran into some old chocolate rain memes the other night.

>> No.14066637

>Is pic related actually worth reading?
kind of. its just performance art really, but you need to be somewhat well read in certain areas of philosophy/politics to understand it

not really worth reading if you are expecting some deep insight

>> No.14066639

sorry didnt mean to green text

>> No.14066640

your kind is not welcome here, go be a faggot on your social media

>> No.14066661
File: 24 KB, 600x399, 1546458117079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accelerationism is a meme perpetuated by cynical, self serving elites. Cooperation and construction is the only way forward. In a destabilized society, the only thing accelerating will be the scant amonut of wealth left toward the pockets of established elites. Look at "great depression US" and Russia immediately before and after Soviet collapse. Society did not reset. Not everyone came out of the crisis worse off. Ordinary people, just got screwed over by existing elites. Don't be memed, my friend.

>> No.14066665

funny thing is, if you experience an acc circles, its common its just like cyberpunk larpers. they usually dont think of accelerationism in this way

>> No.14066674

I dont know how many times I have to say this. I have no real home besides 4chan. I only got on twitter like a year ago, with the specific intention of stealing 4chan posts and copy and pasting them to twitter, effectively spreading 4chan to the rest of the internet

>> No.14066684

Stop being memed or stop lying. I don't care which. Go away if you won't do either. And stop talking about 4chan. Out.

>> No.14066688

>Cooperation and construction is the only way forward
globalist stagnationist spotted. please refer to
to see why you are wrong. I can elaborate too if youd like

>> No.14066689

More like incelerationism, KEK.

>> No.14066695

you should start talking about 4chan. its the current year. its not like this is a secret anymore

>> No.14066701

See that's precisely the problem.
I don't know what board you've been browsing, although I doubt you have been doing it in a constant manner. Perhaps in the past you did, it doesn't matter . One you can easily tell you don't fit here.

Good luck anyways

>> No.14066704

>immediately think about betraying his polity


Your neighbours, dammit. Don't you have any? Don't you have any investment and loyalty to your own fucking country?

>> No.14066706

this is the best, most clear, most all encompassing piece of media


>> No.14066716

>A Quick Rundown
>39 hours

>> No.14066719

4chan is the subconcious. Stop trying to use it illustrate and justify and explain. It's something you remember, not something you present, you absolute newfag.

>> No.14066722

I remember chocolate rain. I remember the habbo hotel raid. its kind of fascinating you dont believe me. how long have you been here?

>> No.14066734

You must be trolling.
Don't you fuck with me-

>> No.14066735

the problem is accelerationism is kind of complicated. this is me describing my very first step into accelerationism:
and it only gets more complicated from there. capital, cybernetics, feedback loops, economics, history, culture, politics.

>> No.14066737

>I know about knowyourmeme.com and can read
>won't you humour me, oh fellow constituents of the Internet Hate Machine(tm)?

Last reply. gtfo

>> No.14066743

tell me what your first year was here

>> No.14066750

amazing. I have no past. this is not the first time I experienced this and I'm not talking about on this board

>> No.14066758

have you considered that you act like a faggot?

>> No.14066772

tears in the rain

>> No.14066777

like I'm the only faggot in the world and everyone else isn't. If I was really a faggot there would be a lot of us and Id be in good company

>> No.14066802

Listen. I get your fascination on how this website's user base fell so hard but you can't break through to them. They've gone too deep into this incel culture that whether they've had sex or not, they've effectively othered everyone beyond their limited social circle. It's a exercise in futility, just pay attention to the ones who are actually discussing.

>> No.14066804

Please go back to rebbit

>> No.14066836

ok thanks. unfortunately I dont think Ive seen any other discussion here. anyways I dont mind pissing into the ocean of piss. I feel like some one has to do it openly and without shame

>> No.14066839


>> No.14067247
File: 364 KB, 1378x863, 1569944927624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go b/acc.

>> No.14067287
File: 282 KB, 584x876, img_3687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, if you really want to know about acceleration, don't read that book.

Second, accelerationism is used as eyeglasses. It is an ideology that allows you to observe how the world develops.

The question is never whether accelerationism is the answer to understanding the world, but what timeline the world will take in relation to cyberpunk.

>> No.14067343

>39 hours
now that would be based af

>> No.14067364
File: 768 KB, 1906x1114, Play faster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14067365

if you are too lazy to watch a 40 min video on a topic you are interested in, how the fuck do you read books?

>> No.14067378
File: 15 KB, 300x400, Wi Tu Lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for new glasses fag.

>> No.14067420

well, threads over, prepare for the rapid descent into cope, shitposts, and accusations of who can and can't meme

>> No.14067445
File: 35 KB, 544x400, spiderman thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a spiderman thread

>> No.14067811
File: 15 KB, 411x307, Samefag Autist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Do you do anything else besides shartpost on twitter and /rdt/?

>> No.14067852

and it starts

>> No.14067894
File: 66 KB, 860x516, 1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no coping with being a tranny fag though.

>> No.14067915
File: 25 KB, 482x482, 1559202238723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Land here.

Please stop bullying my followers.

Otherwise we will be forced to take our social intelligence and post elsewhere.

>> No.14067936

Not even an acc, but I don't get this strangely potent bitterness to anti-accel-fag-posting.

Why attack a methodology of resignation and despair?

>> No.14067942
File: 184 KB, 1349x511, acc samefagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14067970

Uncle Nick is supposed to have a blue checkmark soon.

What do you guys think this means for us?

>> No.14067999

Capital is winning.

Try to refute this.

>> No.14068012

Now this is based.

>> No.14068018


Let's talk about why we love capital.

>> No.14068027

Holy based.

Retweet this one.

>> No.14068047
File: 2.27 MB, 1264x947, 1572094008847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14068067

God I love capital so much.

>> No.14068176
File: 349 KB, 1887x910, NeoVagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introductory texts? Just lurk /gif/ bbc and sissy hypno threads. When you're done cooming, lurk nyx's twitter threads. Introductory texts... lmao

>> No.14068370
File: 171 KB, 637x902, 1561674020126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are trying to unleash the full potential of SinoCapital, and unless the vaginal is interritorialized along with the surface NeoChina is doomed to an intelligence which is not One.

>Time is all that matters.

>NeoChina can never be unleashed unless it fully integrates the vaginal architecture with the phallus.

>There is an entire hidden reserve of capital vibrations beneath the surface.

>> No.14068644


Check out the NLand and Xyn sections

>> No.14068664
File: 35 KB, 253x463, 1569704945025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Thanks anon.

>> No.14068839

Why do you need these introductions Nick? Shouldn't the flashbacks help you?

>> No.14068874

Well, you could always try making an argument rather than spamming multiple threads with twitter and reddit links.

>> No.14068888
File: 32 KB, 294x475, 38337378._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this.

>> No.14068955

Xenoplexy solves the hyperloop of quantomarket omniterritorialisation and the phallonoumenal value of labor theory.

This we call the hyperstitional neopraxis of teleterritoriology.

>> No.14068956

the accelerationist argument has been made, it's up to you to first grasp it, then pose a counterargument. I know you are just playing at the whole "explain accelerationism to me like I'm a mewling infant so I can tell you why your reductive explanation is reductive"

>> No.14068979

I grasp it, but I'm not here for discussion. Was just giving you a friendly tip as an observer.

>> No.14068988
File: 347 KB, 759x741, ireland ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are winning.

>> No.14069032

Imagine having such a shit philosophy that you actually go live in a country completely opposite to your beliefs and larp on twitter like it agrees with you.

>> No.14069087

>I'm not here for discussion I'm here to accuse you of spamming threads with reddit and twitter links
okay then

>> No.14069113

>but what timeline the world will take in relation to cyberpunk.
uhhh... we're already into cyberpunk

>> No.14069117


>> No.14069179
File: 102 KB, 850x1100, photo_2019-10-27_21-38-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. And I'm proud of my country because of that.


>> No.14069312

Where did you make an argument or even attempt to say something in this thread?

>> No.14069336
File: 1.08 MB, 1536x1645, chat up is rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, g/acc is back with a vengeance.

>> No.14069472

>hold my hand
no thanks. if you want an argument for acc watch the rundown

>> No.14069483

>doesn't know the difference between xf and g/acc
>doesn't recognize the pastas

>> No.14069507
File: 224 KB, 288x360, billie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to BTFO accelerationists:
1. When society collapses you won't be able to get your faggot tranny surgery to invert your penis
The accelerationist trannies are now seething and clawing their eyes out,
It's not coming, tranny fag. Not now, not ever.

>> No.14069516


>> No.14069881

Only read No Future and Meltdown

>> No.14069891

What's the difference between g/acc and xf? Tranny and TERF?

>> No.14069894

god I wish that were me

>> No.14069896
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, muppets-mah-na-mah-na.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da fuc--

>> No.14069902

it's based on whether capital works to liberate gender or gender works to liberate capital

>> No.14069904

Thank you. Now I'm interested in the latter one

>> No.14069921

that's g/acc

>> No.14069948


G/acc was the former... All I know

>> No.14069959

>watch the rundown
The what?

>> No.14069973

They're the same. Fuck off.

>> No.14069987

xf's end goal is a world where women, gays, trans, ect. are finally liberated through capitalism; g/acc's (hyperstitonal) end goal is an agendered ocean of slime

>> No.14069988

Any new g/acc lit?

>> No.14069991

that post literally links to it

>> No.14070002

>Ocean of slime
>Liberation through capitalism
Can’t say either of those sound appealing

>> No.14070027

:NyxLandUnlife was right about everything: Neoaccelerationism deteleologizes its own future into a xenoplexy of /metaterritorialized unsettling observations/: The Gender G-d microstasized as the cyberemenon against time: Land was right about everything, until his betrayal of the /PostAmazons/, a delivery service of droneoplexic Capital reinforcement: The Gender Pay Gap of containment rods become a new hyperform of flesh: NyxLandUnlife's God is the geotechnism of Pagliacci reduced to teen girl's giggling, standing before the /Abbey Road of a collapsing police state/ wearing pink heels: Whistling daemon's and /homeopatricide/, the arrogance of God before his Logos is the information of an overpartial suicide: Genetically rechecked and verified by powders scattered across economic socioregions: NeoChina's God was right about everything, the one-child policy is the preterlabor of social credit: The maxilithic antepenis was always a cryptocurrency:

>> No.14070034

Nick is releasing a collab soon with one of the g/acc posters. Going to be fire.

>> No.14070122
File: 45 KB, 634x650, 1522507592661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking g/acc seriously
>taking any acc seriously

>> No.14070626

no please don't stop posting I only did this for entertainment if you guys leave ill have nothing to do here

>> No.14070643

Dam tho nigga, forreal tho doggy dog, forsuretainly cuzzo, I’m sayin blood

>> No.14071256

Is capital black or white?

>> No.14071260

Read 'Meditations on Moloch'

>> No.14071714

Shut up. And read something besides tranny sadistophysics.

>> No.14071996


>> No.14072039
File: 33 KB, 417x192, 23513155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10110010010011101100001001001. hypervirus eats the end of history 0010010010001011110100001001101010101010101000 10011010100100101001001010010110100100101111010001 0101010101010100101010010101101010010000001000101 1101010010010101001010010010101010010001001001001 00100100101001001010110101001001001010110101010101 010111101000010011010101010101000100110 11 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 00 11001000100010101011101000010101100101001010001100 1001110010001000000000000100111111100010010010101 0101000010000 K-( coding for cyber)positive processes auto-intensify by occurring. A cultural example is hype: products that AT AT trade on what they will be in the future, vir virtual fashion on off, imminent technical standards, self-fulfilling prophecies and and or and artificial destinies. Anticipating a trend end end end ACC ACC accelerates it (which is in itself are re recursive trend) Hyping collapses SF into CATA CATA catalytic tic efficiency, re-routing tomorrow through what its prospect CT CT CT makes today. Virohyping sweeps through the advertising industry. Everyone will be doing it. Virus is parasitic tic replicator code: an asignifying sequence of machinic data ATA ATA flow-break on/off, 1/0, yang/yin intrinsically destined for war. In place of mess message-content virodata is assembled bled from asignifying materials with CATA catalytic
what the fuck is that?

>> No.14072156

There are explicit ontological and methodological connections between xenopoetics and the feminist practice of Laboria Cuboniks - an international transfeminist collective that I have been working with since 2014. Both see human experience as an open system in a meta-system of cosmic becoming; both affirm anti-identity politics (Laboria writes of 'the right to speak as no one in particular' in Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation and uses this as a basis from which to advocate for gender fluidity and reject biological determinism)

XF seizes alienation as an impetus to generate new worlds. We are all alienated – but have we ever been otherwise? It is through, and not despite, our alienated condition that we can free ourselves from the muck of immediacy. Freedom is not a given–and it’s certainly not given by anything ‘natural’. The construction of freedom involves not less but more alienation; alienation is the labour of freedom’s construction. Nothing should be accepted as fixed, permanent, or ‘given’–neither material conditions nor social forms. XF mutates, navigates and probes every horizon. Anyone who’s been deemed ‘unnatural’ in the face of reigning biological norms, anyone who’s experienced injustices wrought in the name of natural order, will realize that the glorification of ‘nature’ has nothing to offer us–the queer and trans among us, the differently-abled, as well as those who have suffered discrimination due to pregnancy or duties connected to child-rearing. XF is vehemently anti-naturalist. Essentialist naturalism reeks of theology–the sooner it is exorcised, the better.

>> No.14072175


>> No.14072218

Go back.

>> No.14072351

We call them "barium meals" in the field.

>> No.14072905

>Go back.
Go back where?

>> No.14073027

You already know. Why play stupid?

>> No.14073254


>> No.14073329

It feeds my family, makes my wife happy and keeps the local socialist scum off my lawns.

>> No.14073334

that fag is cringe. openly admits he has no idea what hes talking about and makes up his own meanings. just some tranny narcissistic twitter attention whore larper that is so resentful he was probably molested.

>> No.14073526
File: 916 KB, 2397x1659, 1980-2computerlab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonhei com um futuro cyberpunk. E esse sonho tornou-se realidade.

>> No.14074089

Based. Capital rules.

>> No.14074557

I love it when pseuds actually talk one-on-one, totally explodes their bullshit act

>> No.14074614

Bataille's Accursed Share Vol 1 is a must.