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/lit/ - Literature

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14065600 No.14065600 [Reply] [Original]

Red flags that someone is not literary

I'll start:
>listens to non-classical music

>> No.14065612

>they're not a marxist

>> No.14065623

>implying there are no other styles with aesthetical and spiritual merits

Top pleb. The real pleb filter when it comes to literates is poetry and experimental prose - give a volume of T.S Elliot to a normie and he will fucking implode.

>> No.14065630

>he spends his time in /lit/ instead of reading

>> No.14065636

>isn't russian

>> No.14065638

>they don't have a goodreads

>> No.14065646

>can't speak greek

>> No.14065673


>> No.14065676

Thinking classical music is inherently better than nonclassical is the literal definition of a pseud

>> No.14065681

You can enjoy whatever you like, but if you like things that are objectively lazy and shoddily produced, you are showing that you care very little for what you consume and allow to shape your cultural worldview, and that's a decisively brainlet thing to do.

>> No.14065689

>posts on /lit/

>> No.14065697

Literally how is it not better in every conceivable way (assuming the listener is intelligent)?

>> No.14065698
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I read while listening to touhou eurobeat, fight me bitch

>> No.14065701

>implying Homer listened to classical music

Found the midwit LARPing as an intellectual. >>14065676 is right. OP is a faggot. Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.14065704

So you mean to say that everything that's not poetry or experimental prose is shit?

>> No.14065715

When you make the claim that it's better you have to prove yourself right first.

>> No.14065736

>reading while listening to anything

Homer didn't listen to modern trash like rap and slutpop either so his mind wasn't polluted and was therefore literary.

Name one good modern artist that surpasses any of the classical greats

>> No.14065743

Phish's live performances

>> No.14065746

No, anon. There are very competent, even beautiful books written in that way, what I intended to say was that these genres are pleb filters in the way that their content is rich but most give up on reading them for pure laziness or incapacity at focusing and understanding their themes, which demonstrates not only said laziness, but also an unwilingness to learn or the capacity to be intelectualy invested into something, which is what actually makes the brainlet - the capacity to do better, to read better than it does, but consciously choosing not do so because it would be uncomfortable or challeging. Another sign of a brainlet is the incapacity to accept works that escape accept forms and conventions of art, which he tries to cover by posing as a classicist or renascentist.

>> No.14065753


>> No.14065756

I wasn't that poster. When you make the claim that it's the definition of a pseud you have to prove yourself right first.

>> No.14065757


>> No.14065758

I spend my free time reading philosophy but I listen exclusively to young Thug

>> No.14065761

>doesn't have depression

>> No.14065775

Grow up. I meant it. Leave the US, if you can. Go to Europe or to the third world, live, listen, discover traditional and folk music. See how classical music as we understand it is the midwit product of European monarchs pushing cultural division of labor.

>> No.14065789

>listen to foriegn folk music
I bet you don't even listen to revivalist throat singing you poser FAGGOT https://youtu.be/BKeDseoUZXg

>> No.14065796





Any of these songs is as good as any classical piece.

>> No.14065814

on what?

>> No.14065831

>making /lit/ threads just to whine about what other people do

>> No.14065840


>> No.14065841

Homer probably listened to little music and the music he did listen to we know not much about.

>> No.14065856

>implying albums like Trout Mask Replica aren’t more rhythmically complex than most classical music

>> No.14066043
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>le ebic meme album!

>> No.14066054

>they're not fluent in French, Russian and English

>> No.14066057
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Worst post in thread

>> No.14066061


>> No.14066066

Epic btfo fellow anon

>> No.14066086

Aww :3

>> No.14066091

this. most good writers have at least one chronic problem that haunts their existence

>> No.14066166

Trout Mask Replica is one of my father's favourite albums, I grew up listening to Beefheart
I don't care if it's been memed

>> No.14066204

>they're black.

>> No.14066243

They are anglo

>> No.14066258

>Dude if it's not classical, it's just mainstream pop and rap!
Fucking dork , kys. You wouldn't know the difference between romantic and baroque composers if you had a bullet to your ill shitting mouth

>> No.14066259

The people who only listen to classical music are the ones who burn books though.

>> No.14066274

I mean, weren't most people organizing book turnings literate?

>> No.14066280

I listen to kpop while reading tolstoy, what does that make me?

>> No.14066304

Both of you are ignoring the fundamental question regarding whether or not some books deserve to be burned.

>> No.14066482

Yes they do faggot

>> No.14066763

>they are female/non-white

>> No.14066779

>dog eats philosophy homework
>runs out to the beach and gaze into the setting sun

Did the dog just become a philosopher?

>> No.14066788

>explains the OBVIOUS joke
this is such a terrible post that I'm forced to assume you are some form of third world favela dwelling ESL retard. Please be b8 I will gladly accept being trolled to all fuck. Yes I mad.

>> No.14066799

And a good day to you too, fren. :)

>> No.14066800

Biggest indicator: they browse /lit/

>> No.14066919

Enjoys cruising 4chan

>> No.14066934

>agrees with me
>calls me a faggot anyways
So it goes.

>> No.14067253

No the dog died, it choked on the homework. The seting sun is symbolic way to show that the dog is dying.

>> No.14067278
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I have no face for this post

>> No.14067281
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>> No.14067282

>they actually give a shit about other opinions on being considered literary in the first place instead of just appreciating the literature

>> No.14067297


>> No.14067310

>They are a Cultural Marxist.

>> No.14067322

60 replies and no one said it:

>> No.14067345

Can we please have an age requirement pleaseeeeeee look at this. Just fucking look at this. These are the types of people you let in otherwise. For fucks sake this shit hurts my eyes.

>> No.14067415
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>> No.14067465

>they believe in cultural marxism

>> No.14067485

>they deny facts in support of their ideology


>> No.14067494

based and 「十六夜 - PRESERVED VAMPIRE」-pilled
>he doesn't listen to shibayan while reading Hegel

>> No.14067520

lol so randumb ;;)

>> No.14067539
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>they're a chantard or immersed in meemee "culture"

>> No.14067544
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I sometimes hope you fucking psueds get bullied by chads again

>> No.14067559

>image name
>you know what?
>n-n-NO U
You people are deranged. You have a mental disease.

>> No.14067575

1 out of 4 pretty bad desu

>> No.14067602

This scares me :(

>> No.14067612

>doesn't drink at least 120ml of whisky a day

>doesn't dress all black

>can't give a short lecture on structuralism vs poststructuralism at any given time

>> No.14067632

What books deserve to be burned?

>> No.14067635

Don't worry, buddy, it's 35 years too late to stop it. Enjoy the sunset.

>> No.14067638

anything written in Portuguese

>> No.14067697

why Portuguese specifically?

>> No.14068884

>majored in or has a STEM degree
>almost exclusively reads YA or genre fiction
>does not know their classics
>spends more time on social media, internet, and consuming visual media than reading
>has milquetoast opinions on politics

>> No.14068899

We should also have a penis requirement so that posts like these stop being made.

>> No.14068905


>> No.14068912


>> No.14069780

>doesnt know greek*

>> No.14069803

>Investing tens of thousands of dollars for a humanities degree and getting a shit return

You aren't literary, you're either retarded, or live off of daddy and don't have to be self sufficient

>> No.14069824

>they think russian /lit/ is good

>> No.14069855
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>"yeah I listen strictly to classical music"

>> No.14069938

I'm willing to bet you are under twenty years old.

>> No.14069968

you think anyone cares what this dumb pregnant russian bitch thinks? fucking gopniki retards, russians are peasants, disgusting asian lames

>> No.14069970

and REDpilled

>> No.14070037

>live off of daddy and don't have to be self sufficient
Surprise, surprise! That's how the vast majority of literary people and philosophers made their living.

>> No.14070058

>he listens to entry-level classical recommended to him by youtube and makes it a part of his faux-intellectual persona despite knowing nothing about music

>> No.14070085

My bad. I should have specified for brainlets such as yourself that the latter category, is in fact, not the majority of humanities majors.

Since you're having trouble inferring the basic point of my post, it's that anybody who has to take care of themselves (the majority of people) should go into STEM at university, unless they're idealistic retards and think they'll make a living writing philosophy or novels, and or are simply too dumb to handle STEM.

>> No.14070744

>majored in or has a STEM degree
Theoretical physics and pure math are /lit/, but I'd agree if you said Engineering or CS specifically

>> No.14070754

Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock by Talk Talk are definitely /lit/, so is Joanna Newsom, so is I Could Live In Hope, so is Nick Drake, so are The Smiths. I'm not sure I'd say Pink Floyd as a whole are but Echoes definitely is.

>> No.14071292

y-yeah fuck wanting to make money cause I have a /lit/ approved degree!

>> No.14071319

Entry-level classical is often also exit-level. Mozart is an excellent example of a composer who is immediately appealing to the untrained ear, but also whose riches are boundless to the aficionado.
Commodity music.

>> No.14071336

>says "so it goes" ever
nice dubs tho

>> No.14071350

>reads books wit the prose and grammar of a five year old

>> No.14071379

One of the worst takes I have ever seen on /lit/

>> No.14071390

Btfoed. You can't respond. Simply saying it's more advanced is obviously not an answer. Art is subjective boys.

>> No.14071392

>Measures being literary by factors completely unrelated to literature

>> No.14071407
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>claims books lead to self improvement
>but hates literary fiction

>> No.14071408

>taking the bait this hard
Yeah, I am thinking brainlets have infested /lit/

>> No.14071420

It is insane how there are a lot of people who actually do this; literally walking NPCs.

>> No.14071423

Poetry is trash, especially “”””meaningful poetry””””. If I wanted meaning I would read philosophy instead of spending hours deciphering a poem with all its arcane imagery and obscure language. If you want to convey meaning you put it in straightforward terms in non-fiction books, usually in the form of philosophy; you don’t set up a labyrinth of mirrors and veils hoping to obscure your message as intensely as possible.
That said, there are forms of poetry that are acceptable, such as epic poetry, which seems to be impervious to the pretentious obscurantism of someone like an Eliot.

>> No.14071442

checkout Clever Girl, No Drums and Bass in the Jazz Room. It's incredible; and I usually listen to it once to every book I read.

>> No.14071446

>they don't exclusively listen to field recordings that that they having personally recorded

>> No.14071454
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Why not both?

>> No.14071465

I like classical music a lot, but not more than I like prog rock or other types of music. I think singing can also add extra layers of meaning to a song that isn’t available in most classical music.
That’s said I am a layman who knows nothing about music theory or playing instruments. Maybe someone can explain why classical music is supposedly so much better?

>> No.14071734

>spending thousands for a midwit with a degree and no significant philosophical or literary contributions to tell me how to interperet philosophy or literature
no thanks, ill land a nice engineering job and spend my free time reading

>> No.14071853

I hope this isn't a joke. How do I get into field recording?

>> No.14071926

It's a bit hard to explain to a layman. You do need to know some theory to get the most out of classical. Playing an instrument helps a lot, too. Not trying to sound pretentious or anything.

As an aside, I've always hated the term "classical." Fucking retarded

>> No.14071988

Fact: having to study the theory to appreciate the music doesn't make it better. The important thing about music is how it sounds to anyone willing to listen, regardless of how much theory they know.

>> No.14072365

ITT: low iq pophead coomers who need to fuck off

>> No.14072413

Based retard.

>> No.14072486

>doesn't listen to drone experimental noise avant-garde stochastic atonal music

>> No.14073123

>doesn't listen to the BBC soundtracks of Wuthering Heights and War and Peace while readings books not in his native language

>> No.14073129

>tfw literal classical musician and i'm listening to the hyper light drifter ost

>> No.14073230

>ah yes, the website that lets animals vote litrpg into 4/5

>> No.14073279

pseud pleb
based real intellectuals with nothing to prove, and just enjoy books

t. listen to blind guardian and playing angband while reading guenon

>> No.14073290


>> No.14073299


>> No.14073336

So I should learn piano before I can truly appreciate classical music

>> No.14073484

>doesn't sit to pee

>> No.14073512

I've stopped listening to music when I bought a fuckin' iPhone. I'm not gonna pay for the headphones.

>> No.14073771

>doesn't exclusively use dumb phones

>> No.14073810

>posts off topic threads on the literature board

>> No.14074005

fpbp how do they do it every time

>> No.14074026

>hasn't read Śaṅkarācārya's complete works

>> No.14074249

>he reads on the shitter

>> No.14074378

>cultural marxist
lmao imagine being so illiterate and gullible that you fall for meme propaganda

>> No.14074836

>plays videogames
That's bad enough but
>"reads" while doing it
No wonder you are so retarded.

>> No.14074881

Classical music is literally designed to be "nice" or "pleasant" to listen to. Not much digging or challenge in it.

>> No.14074882

>Classical music is literally designed to be "nice" or "pleasant" to listen to
holy shit you're so dumb

>> No.14074893

I listen to non-classical and classical music and I'm a considerably literate person who reads more every single day.

>> No.14074911

>Classical music is literally designed to be "nice" or "pleasant" to listen to. Not much digging or challenge in it.
Fucking retard alert. Classical music is not designed to be either of those things. For fuck's sake you faggot have you NEVER heard of the Paris riots when Stravinsky's Rite of Spring was first debuted in 1912? It's clearly NOT meant to be "nice and pleasant" to listen to, but it's still beautiful. How fucking illiterate do you have to be to think this, I'm not even kidding.

>> No.14074928

>thinks red flags exist

>> No.14074929

>Mozart is an excellent example of a composer who is immediately appealing to the untrained ear
good job OP for ousting yourself as a pseud with no musical education

>> No.14074944


>> No.14074952
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>> No.14074977

Thanks for your input Mr Youtube Comment Section

>> No.14075057

This thread sure is full of fags who take the safe intellectual choice of going with classical. You're nothing but disgusting posers, desperately trying to fulfill your image of a true intellectual.

I'm just gonna go ahead and post good music in chronological order.


>> No.14075906

>good music
>some black person doing the "I'M so DeeP" gesture
Non-intellectual spotted. Please vacate the premises immediately.

>> No.14075917

Didn't think this was bait until the last song.

>> No.14075921

>Classical music is literally designed to be "nice" or "pleasant" to listen to
This is a literal suicide note.

>> No.14075922

that's frederick hausborthen claushauassen snuffsnuff :/ greatest classical composer of european history

>> No.14075945
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I like to listen to melancholy choir while driving down the freeway in the middle of night during thunderstorms.

>> No.14075947

Here is an amazing piece. Reger: Serenade in G, Op 141A thank me later

>> No.14075948

They lecture you on conformity.

>> No.14075955

i can't believe i liked this when i was 12 years old

>> No.14075974

A distrait moralist

>> No.14075991

If you cannot appreciate different forms of poetry you are a dunce. Do you know how many philosophers you idolize were influenced by poetry? ALL OF THEM!

>> No.14076013

Well for one thing Western art music or concert music performances require reading and writing music. Because of this there is more thought and reflection involved than in any popular music composition.

>> No.14076024

Also prog Rock sucks balls and dick and is so god awful it might kill me if I ever have to listen to it against my will.

>> No.14076038

Mozart's name should not be profaned, he was the greatest mind the arts ever had.

>> No.14076049


>> No.14076064

I did too lmao

>> No.14076070

Based and Gumby pilled

>> No.14076104

Never said he wasn't. You should work on that reading comprehension, OP.

>> No.14076110

>Fact: having to study the theory to appreciate the math doesn't make it better. The important thing about math is how it looks to anyone willing to read, regardless of how much theory they know
t. Brainlet

>> No.14076118

>Rite of Spring

>> No.14076153

>literal suicide note
>quartet number eight out of fifteen

>> No.14076165

I lel'd, I kek'd and I wew'd.

>> No.14076193


>> No.14076196

Math is not art you retard. You don't do math for pleasure and aesthetical value unless you're autistic like yourself. Math is not made to look good, it's a tool to use to do useful things.

>> No.14076200


>> No.14076211

the smartest person I ever knew (IQ of high 150s) exclusively listened to nu-metal and nightcore.

>> No.14076216

Classical is fucking boring compared to noise.

>> No.14076268


>> No.14076274
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Fuck yeah

>> No.14076397


>> No.14076548

>Φαντάσου να μην είναι τα ελληνιkά η μητριkή σου γλώσσα
Νιώθω kάπως based, μπορεί kαι redpilled.

>> No.14076577

>he toasts on lit

>> No.14076582

Since when were robots able to pass the CAPTCHA?

>> No.14076592

cheers mate

>> No.14077605

There we go, way to out yourself as a retard.

>> No.14077937

>he doesn’t know the harmonic series and its relation to music
Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.14077974
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>math is not art

>> No.14077981
File: 34 KB, 431x180, 00B47DB5-AE39-45C7-90C8-2A892D034929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-it’s just a t-tool

>> No.14078260

you are wrong

>> No.14078298

The harmonic series is related to both math and music, sure, but while math can be used to construct music and other forms of art, that doesn't make it art in and of itself right? That'd be like a pot of paint and a paintbrush being art, just because you could use them to create a painting. If anything you're kind of reinforcing >>14076196's position, or so it looks to me.

>> No.14078513

>Richard Strauss Opus 30 isn’t art

>> No.14078526

>Kepler’s music of the spheres isn’t art

>> No.14079394


>> No.14080007

Absolutamente basado

>> No.14080091

> major in CS
> making 200k+
> have wlb and allowed to “wfh”
Pseuds like u make it too easy. Have fun checking books out at the library — don’t forget to greet the homeless while you’re there :^)

>> No.14080107

> The baby literature minor
I am literally LMAO’ing at your life right now. Take a fucking philosophy intro course.

>> No.14080151

ἆρα τολμῶ λέγειν, based kαὶ redpilled?

>> No.14080171

Hasn't read Harry Potter.

>> No.14080184
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>goes on reddit

>> No.14080192
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>> No.14081052

>isn't a metalhead

>> No.14081064

Maths is just a tool that can be used to make art, maths itself is not art. Language is not art because you can write books with it.

>> No.14081072

You clearly have never taken any math beyond Calculus. Read GH Hardy's A Mathematician's Apology.

>> No.14081085

>is an atheist

>> No.14081099
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all apply to me

>> No.14081108

Lol you fokn wot m8

>> No.14081260
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>quoting Nietzshie as an argument for nihilism
Guy literally spent his entire life explaining how nihilism is the bane of human existence, yet, in spite of nihilism, we can still live meaningful lives.

>> No.14081309

Lack of argument is astounding.

>> No.14081315

They don’t listen to INXS

>> No.14081319

Young Thug is excellent and a universal pleb filter.

>> No.14081334
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>> No.14081584

Making me repeat myself
>Strauss Opus 30 isn’t art

>> No.14081732

>>listens to non-classical music

thinking in retarded absolutes and closed mindedness

>> No.14081737

this is such an edgy 17 year old fedora take it is embarrassing. i hope you are still in high school

>> No.14082106

fuck off kike

>> No.14082629

kill all /mu/t*nts

>> No.14082853


>> No.14082948

the way I see classical music, and this is an attempt at an objective argument, is that it is pure music. Pure in the sense that most of the vanity is gone, the composers are long dead, most of them had little outrage, some of them were iconic for being goofy, chopin, some of the early atonal folks people didn't like, but other than those most people just came for the music. Also if you are planning on sitting down and listening to music, classical is best. The music was made for people to travel maybe cross country to see an orchestra perform it for an hour or two, so it had to be plenty entertaining; now music is generally (and I am speaking of pop music) to be put on in cars withn ice subs, and to talk over in clubs, and generally not solely to listen to, but serves some lesser auxilary purpose. It is also more pure because it has more instruments, so there more going on, more harmony, more to understand, much more nuance is capable with an full orchestra than in a solo violin or a garage band; so in these ways there is much more music more a person to enjoy understanding and comprehending, this is where it gains its so called 'intellectual' status, which is maybe a bit more pompous than warranted, but I still has its basis, of which you may believe has been extrapolated on too far. My theory on music listening in general is music that serves music istelf and not some other force, music that yields itself to the greater (music in general) rather than something else, some extra phenomenon (music for vanity.) I listen to black metal as well as classical music, and find it just as well. It is purposely made obscure, and those on the outside may claim that to be vanity or edginess (and there is plenty of edge in early black metal) but if I grant that it is vanity, as all things are, I would say it is somewhat superior vanity, as it is vanity in the pursuit of not being vain, which may altogether be a vain pursuit. Listen to music, unadulterated.

>> No.14083034

Lmao look at this bunch of retards. IT'S ACTUALLY THE OPPOSITE, OPEN YOUR EYES. All the best writers and philosophers were either conservative or apolitical, you must be dumb not to realize this obvious truth.

>> No.14083195

Complex numbers are also a tool for electrical engineers and physicists. I think math might tap into the essence of art. It is our human desire to look for patterns and symmetry and nothing is as precise and perfect in that regard. But then again we also often like dissonance because the world is chaotic and too complex for us to grasp. Do you think the universe is perfectly synmetrical after all or do you believe there is dissonance to nature? Even in maths irrational numbers are just totally asymetrical and formless. What do you think?

>> No.14083290

It’s hard to look at the principle of least action and its permeation through each and every branch of physics and claim that the universe is “dissonant”. Any “dissonance” would have to be found in cosmology, particularly if the universe weren’t at critical density (all observations so far suggest that it very nearly is fine tuned that way, to better than one part in a million at least, I’ve forgotten the exact number). To be sure, we haven’t found a form of the Euler-Lagrange equation that will reconcile general relativity with quantum field theory, unless you count nambu-goto action or some other action used in string theory. Even those have problems, though. I don’t think this points to what you’re calling a dissonance in the universe so much as a dissonance in our understanding.

As far as irrational numbers, what is meant here by “asymmetrical” and “formless”? π is used in describing the most symmetric geometrical objects we know, namely spheres and circles (and hyper spheres if you wanna get fancy). Why do you claim irrational numbers are asymmetrical?

>> No.14083307


>> No.14083317

That's abusive.

>> No.14083336

Shut your dirty mouth.

>> No.14083672

Doesn’t read

>> No.14085153

this statistic must be old. 45k is entry level in finance or consulting . After 5 years it's much higher if you include bonuses

>> No.14085551

You seriously must be subject to some unearthly kind of dunning-kruger to just embarrass yourself like that willingly, thank god for your sake this place in anonymous.

In all seriousness you should never speak on anything like that again, you'd be better off waving a sign that says "I am ignorant".

>> No.14085815

Makes a good affirmation anon, use it for auto-suggestion and see what happens.

>> No.14085858

>thinks about whether dog is a philosopher
I think you became a philosopher :)

>> No.14085870

It's in pounds

>> No.14085913
File: 42 KB, 840x1024, 6048959_1-0-502074472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rite of spring
Outrage =/= Good

>> No.14085951

Unironically, this.
"A marxist is someone who's read too much into politics, an anarchist is someone who read too much into marxism"

>> No.14087392

not based at all

>> No.14087608
File: 75 KB, 220x229, 1566728346362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw headphones broke and refuse to listen to classical without proper gear

>> No.14087613


>> No.14087634

This take is unironically correct. Listen to New Yorker poetry podcast. They never analyze shit because all the poems are meaningless dogshit and they basically admit as much. They just say "it sounds good" in a variety of ways. But they never talk about meaning because there is none. Its disjointed drek.

Poetry is trash for fags and pseudo-intellects.

>> No.14087972
