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/lit/ - Literature

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14065782 No.14065782 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is just the racist counterpart of r/books.

>> No.14065786

reddit hates the canon tho and calls bloom a rapist

>> No.14065791

>grabbing a woman's ass isn't rape

>> No.14065792

>tfw got permabanned for calling someone a tranny

>> No.14065808
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>> No.14065821
File: 52 KB, 639x376, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't.
Besides Bloom was a chad and chads can't rape

>> No.14065829

And that's a good thing

>> No.14065834
File: 44 KB, 656x193, Screen Shot 2019-10-27 at 10.29.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not today, satan

>> No.14065846

Meta discussion of boards should go on /reddit/
saged and filtered

>> No.14065882

/lit/ is a bastion for surprisingly reasonable and measured conservative views. sort through the trash, sure, but there's surprisingly less of it than in other forums -- it's far less of a vacuum/bubble as well.

>> No.14065902

Obviously. 4chan is just the racist counterpart of reddit.

>> No.14065913 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 640x1138, 1570851106935.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with 20% more e-girls! Cheers lads, and remember: fuck niggers!

>> No.14066035

what's /rbooks?

>> No.14066443

I think it's from digg

>> No.14066457 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1000x500, 1572058967581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why it is gonna be shut down, soon, like eight chan... Too much free speech, too many knowing goyim...

>> No.14066478


>> No.14066494

More like pseuds from both views

>> No.14066529

kill you're self

>> No.14066537

>still posting this tired CNN buzzword from a year and a half ago

>> No.14066555

4chan is anonymous and doesn't have a voting system so you can get takes that aren't filtered for popularity or prestige here
saying NIGGER is a far lesser determinant of quality

>> No.14066566
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still posting incelpanels

>> No.14066569


>> No.14066587

This meme is so retarded. The only funny ones were the original pol ones

>> No.14066595

It works because it gets this reaction from people like you.

>> No.14066607

>go to another board on this same website

>> No.14066611

fuck off retard

>> No.14066626
File: 37 KB, 434x327, 015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off retard

>> No.14066643

When the Establishment teaches you to hate yourself because of your race, you just gotta embrace the narrative and own it.

>> No.14066652

>but r/books told me that /lit/ wasn't really on 4chan.....

>> No.14066664

why do libtards get so buttblasted when literally one professor on campus doesn't teach to their biases? I know the answer, but I still find it appalling that someone can be so slimy. Literally take the class with any other prof.

>> No.14066671

the same reason they fine one out of 150 threads in the catalog to bitch and whine in

>> No.14066699
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>> No.14066726

>4chan, a warzone where everyone and everything is generally allowed to post and some retards still submit actual child porn is a hugbox
>as opposed to the shithole you come from
It was good fun a few years back on rizon when #thehappening invaded #leftypol and ended up becoming more of the population of the channel than the original users, and they had to institute ops and banning which they were morally opposed to to get their channel back