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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 95 KB, 529x760, EHxzDm5W4AAfR5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14064494 No.14064494 [Reply] [Original]

Did he make the right choice?


>> No.14064514

Nah should have chosen Hera and become the king of all men. Then he would have all the pussy he wished for

>> No.14064519

Why not just give the apple to Juno, become king of all Europe and Asia, and then have Menelaus killed and Helen seized by some pretence?

>> No.14064522

I don't think Hera is the type you want to cross.

>> No.14064538

That too, it's not a case if one of her epithets is Cow-Faced

>> No.14064590
File: 34 KB, 924x148, DUuWKdeUQAE9lvB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if one of her epithets is Cow-Faced

Don't you mean ox-eyed?

>> No.14064600
File: 484 KB, 901x1629, 1565212896919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14064605

Paris got a girls ass?

>> No.14064612

I've seen it translated both ways.

I guess the literal translation is ox-eyed tho.
Perchaps in Archaic times she was primarily a cow goddess, possibly even a cow faced one like the egyptian Hathor

>> No.14064629

I bet she doesn't clean her house.
She just wants to look like the trad submissive wife, when she's nothing but a skittish titty streamer

>> No.14064630

Who did the painting? I like the style.

>> No.14064649

>Who did the painting? I like the style.

Vera Willoughby (1870–1939)

>> No.14064660

Wow, doesn't look that old at all, really shows how original she was. Hot as fuck.

>> No.14064669

Thanks anon.
>Wow, doesn't look that old at all
Really? You should probably look into the art of that era, think you will be surprised

>> No.14064737

Lol both of you retards are missing the point with your stupid pragmatism, so stop. Ancient literature shouldnt be interpretated under such modern garbage values.

Paris choosing Cipris is choosing beauty over power, safety and knowledge.

Paris was truly based and thats a great opening for western literature.

Anyone who doesnt agree with paris desicion should leave lit inmediatly and never spoke of any artform ever again. Maybe become a banker or someting

>> No.14064758

Don't even try to pretend the Greeks don't condemn him.
Eracles killed him, Dante throwed him in hell.

He din't choose beauty he chose Eros, luxury.
The fool was a calamity.
If you defend him you're no more than a mangy

>> No.14064770


>Implying eros isn't the first step on the ladder to eudaimonia

>Implying the correct decision can't be tragic

>> No.14064784

What eudaimonia?
He was left to die like dog

>> No.14064834

>Implying surviving is better than dying for beauty.

Leave lit now, i heard there nearest bank to you is now hiring

>> No.14064843

>implying beauty and eros arent related

He made the beautiful choice, retard. Would you admire him more if he took the greedy choice? Or the more convenient choice? Lol give up on literature now

>> No.14064846
File: 6 KB, 238x212, paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose APHRODITE! Please, I don't want power, or wisdom, or skill, I just want to COOOM
give me the most beautiful woman on earth! OH HELENA OH OH IM COOOOOMING

>> No.14064871

So, left to right is Paris, Hera, Aphrodite and then Athena?

>> No.14064875


>> No.14064881

Eros is trash and the first step toward the tartarus.
Literally no Greek sided with Paris. You talk of garbage modern values but it's only rather recently that some people fell for such romantic memes.

>> No.14064885

>hera/aphrodite hatefuck yuri
Please, don't make me a co-coo-I COOOM.

>> No.14064898

shit meme

>> No.14064927

He didn't die for beauty, he died for his own wickedness, killed for revenge.
He a mere instrument of divine caprice an his own passions killed a man like Achilles.
If you think the Greeks saw him as a positive example you're a fool

>> No.14064948

>Hera offered to make him king of Europe and Asia, Athena offered wisdom and skill in war,

If you think any of these are worth less than the love of a bitch yor head is filled with semen to the brim.

Nobody and I say nobody has by today standards or ancient ones at that had a goo impression of Parides, that mongrel and his bitch

>> No.14064955

What would that barrels guy take on the coomer meme be?

>> No.14064958

Eros is a force like gravity that is beyond dualism. Read Hesiod

>> No.14064960

redpill me on the barrels guy

>> No.14064995

>Why yes, dear, you are in fact oxen-eyed how did you know?

>> No.14064996

>beauty is only good for cooom
Kys and make the world more beautiful

>> No.14065038

Making the world more beautiful by emptying your nutsack In a bitch.
You are such a sad little ape

>> No.14065054


Paris was fucked from the beginning, there was no right answer. If he picked one the other two would have destroyed him.

>> No.14065064

This is the mentality of poverty. Being a king, wisdom and skill are empty pursuits filled with nothing but misery and unhappiness. Beauty and love are the only important things in the end.

>> No.14065076

What's the myth or legend where an ancient God or king chose a queen based on the looks of her feet?

>> No.14065085


Norse mythology, a giantess choose a husband from the Gods based on the beauty of their feet because that was all she could see of them.

>> No.14065091

>wisdom, power over the world, skill
>oh yeah foolish nonsense

>Vapid sex at the cost of mass slaughter, causing the death and ruin of your brethren.
>totally worth it

>> No.14065102

Of course not. He could not have made the right choice, because there was no right choice. He should have called them what they were, thots, and then eaten the apple.

>> No.14065108

Nowadays we say doe-eyed, and I don't think we mean that people have deer heads, so I reckon it's probably just poetic.

>> No.14065122
File: 108 KB, 750x1220, f772890dff3215be7c33157722c2e7b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I mean.
I was implying that at some point the goddess might have been represented quite literally as an anthropomorphic cow headed deity as the Egyptians did and that epithet remained as a testimony of an archaic cult that merged into the pantheon of the Olympian God's.

>> No.14065130

That's, uh, exactly what you meant then. I'm saying you're probably wrong, because we use the equivalent term "doe-eyed" purely as a poetic metaphor (because we see that does have wide eyes and apply that to people in order to indicate innocense).

>> No.14065133

imagine getting the treatment like this
imagine the smell

>> No.14065135


>> No.14065146

You see the thing is that ox eyed doesn't have a poetic subtle meaning like doe eyed (e.g. Innocence).
It's specifically used to identify Juno and there's no other discernable meaning to it from what we could gather from Homer's words

>> No.14065750

>Perchaps in Archaic times she was primarily a cow goddess, possibly even a cow faced one like the egyptian Hathor
Have you ever seen a cow up close? They can look downright regal when they're calm.

>> No.14065807

They're associate with temperance and other positive things but I don't get your point

>> No.14065822

It's purely physical. If you want to understand the epithet then go find a cow right now.

>> No.14065843

I don't know what you're on about, Hera is a vengeful, cruel, bad bitch .
You mean she's associated with the cow because cows somehow look regal?

Even if that were the case I'd argue that it's because one of the oldest of Zeus' avatars was the Bull and his wife , rightly so, should be an ox.

>> No.14065965

>I don't know what you're on about, Hera is a vengeful, cruel, bad bitch .
Hera is just a cuckquean if incredible proportions. She's vindictive to to her lawful husband while being turned on at him being such a chad.

>> No.14066020
File: 43 KB, 485x390, B640BAA8-4DD7-4E2D-9D6B-2EBFABF63CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Censoring that painting instead of cleaning out the coom memers

>> No.14066465
File: 453 KB, 2048x1536, VNx2cwFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the myth or legend where an ancient God or king chose a queen based on the looks of her feet?

You thinking about this?

>> No.14067239

Stop reading literature, is useless.
Read accountability books. You will be happier, and we will be happier. I comend you for your contributions so far, but dont come back. Bye :)


>> No.14067336

>How dare you think idependently ???
>Stop reading right away!
>I am to decide what you're required to believe and I won't elaborate shit cause I'm a bipolar fuck

How long have you been off your medications?
You sound mentally challenged

>> No.14067429

>choose Hera or Minerva
>Aphrodite will make sure no woman will ever love you

>> No.14067436

Meant Athena for consistency

>> No.14067452

I recall there being a line of women behind some curtain with only their feet showing and some god or king making some selection accordingly. I thought it would be easier to re-discover. Maybe it was some odd translation that made it into my town's public library.

>> No.14068164

If Hera is oxen eyed and Athena is owl eyed what eyes does Aphrodite have?

>> No.14068186
File: 49 KB, 756x1007, DB548C65-B005-4081-B913-70792D34A274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a dirty joke in there.

>> No.14068299
