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14057201 No.14057201 [Reply] [Original]

has literature ever made you react like this?

>> No.14057204

I don't think I've reacted this passionately to anything in my life

>> No.14057207


>> No.14057210

I'd like to genuinely ask the context for OP's gif. I see this dude everywhere, and I just don't know where it's from or why it's shared around.

>> No.14057224

when the original of laura was announced

boy was i wrong about that one

>> No.14057228

Some faggot reacting to a Onions Wars trailer.

>> No.14057654

No, I don't think I've ever had such an emotion

I was 8 the last time I cried

>> No.14057671

Hamlet's death made me cry if that counts

>> No.14057682

I am jealous of him

>> No.14057684

The Dead didn't make me react all dramatically but it hit me pretty hard.

>> No.14057686
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>> No.14057718


No wonder there's such an increase in traps.

>> No.14057725

I cried reading the trial and death of Socrates but not when family died. Should probably see a psychologist.

>> No.14057728

A couple books recently have had me well up recently. But as an autist i get completely engrossed in books as if im there

>> No.14057733

No, because I don’t come to art to resolve my psychological issues.
but also bad b8 this man is clearly doing this for the views

>> No.14057756 [DELETED] 

the only time i've (almost) cried y of jolike this was when i got the best blowjob of my life. She's still my gf but doesn't suck it anymore.

>> No.14057774


>> No.14057775


>> No.14057803
File: 1.31 MB, 978x1256, 1572036022955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search "Eric Butts Star Wars" on YouTube.

>> No.14057968

He looks like Tobby Maguire on a onions diet here

>> No.14057997

some novels have made me cry but nothing like this man. kinda wish I was as sensitive as him

>> No.14059252


As commercialized politically correct culture achieves total victory, men like Eric, who are fully adapted to it, will thrive and proliferate. This is evolution in action. Eric is the future of humanity.

>> No.14059611

Three comrades, not tears of joy tho, but it was seven yeas ago I might revisit it soon

>> No.14059839

No. Ive never reacted to text with aything other than a blank face. Ill never understand how people coukd read something (a book or even a facebook post) with "tears running down their eyes"

>> No.14060404

it's a lot harder to cry with books than other mediums since with books you have to be exerting yourself to read it but with movies they can just wash over you. i'll cry at the end of books sometimes but way more often i cry at the ends of movies. looking at my shelf i think i cried at the end of east of eden and 2666 and possession by a.s. byatt i'm sure a few other books too but can't remember

>> No.14060416

The last two paragraphs of The Myth of Sisyphus. Certainly the most resonant thing Camus ever wrote, and perhaps the only piece of writing to make my eyes well up.

All Sisyphus' silent joy is contained therein. His fate belongs to him. His rock is his thing. Likewise, the absurd man, when he contemplates his torment, silences all the idols. In the universe suddenly restored to silence, the myriad wondering little voices of the earth rise up. Unconscious, secret calls, invitations from all the faces, they are the necessary reverse and price of victory. there is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night. The absurd man says yes and his effort will henceforth be unceasing. If there is a personal fate, there is no higher destiny, or at least there is but one which he concludes is inevitable and despicable. For the rest, he knows himself to be the master of his days. At that subtle moment when man glances backward over his life, Sisyphus returning toward his rock, in that silent pivoting he contemplates that series of unrelated actions which becomes his fate, created by him, combined under his memory's eye and soon sealed by his death. Thus, convinced of the wholly human origin of all that is human, a blind man eager to see who knows that the night has no end, he is still on the go. The rock is still rolling.

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.14060490

you're fine dude , family is a cult

>> No.14060520
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>he sand in my boots was sacred sand because it came from a beach of sacred sand. The cenobites treasured up the relics of the sannyasins because the sannyasins had approached the Pancreator. But everything had approached and even touched the Pancreator, because everything had dropped from his hand. Everything was a relic. All the world was a relic. I drew off my boots, that had traveled with me so far, and threw them into the waves that I might not walk shod on holy ground.

>> No.14060527

Anna Karenina
The Sword of Honor

>> No.14060572

>Eric is the future of humanity.
He is the portion that does thrive there, but just as before, there is a distinction. Now we are witnessing the beginning of a new race, and eventually a new species.
The other futures of humanity have not been settled, and some are quite hidden. In fact, what is to become of humans sheltered from the psychological bombardment caused by the media?
What are the ultimatums that field places on itself; does breeding become popular on demand, as it has waned due to its internal designs; architecture, artificial poverty, debt, addiction...
Juvenile criminals from single mom households, /pol/ generations, bugmen, obedient drones for military and police duties, obedient drones for social control (aka. leftists)...
What comes from this mess? If it cannot sustain itself, these adaptations will turn out to be the flaws they were identified to be.

>> No.14060641

Death to ameriga

>> No.14060643

My guy should go see a dermatologist

>> No.14060649

what is wrong with white dudes in their 30s?

>> No.14060783
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The ending of pic related

>> No.14060889
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Just as single cell organisms were eventually stripped of "freedom/autonomy" and subsumed into greater organisms it seems humanity is facing the same fate.
Individual human "cells" will lose most of their autonomy and be controlled by media as substitute for the never system of this new super organism. Anyone acting out of line will be a cancer to be cured or destroyed. Shits fucked.

>> No.14060897

Shut up. Eric is a very handsome man.

>> No.14061006

lmao shitskins will rule over beta faggots, that is the destiny of the west

>> No.14061028


>> No.14061279

Yes I cried reading infinite jest when that priest was trying to get people to touch him to prove that people are good and no one would so he kept going to the train station asking people to touch him for months and when someone finally did it was Mario

>> No.14061293

The end of Absolution Gap.

>> No.14061319

how specifically, anon?

>> No.14061341

This some Clive Barker?

>> No.14061373

Children of Hurin, when Turin met his end.

>> No.14061532

I never found the middle part relates much to the other two.
Probably that guy is indeed just an obnoxious sperg like that - but this zoom video is indeed not easy to make and it's deliberate. Wether you imply it to be cringey or not, it's a good clip.

>> No.14061549

I always percieved it to be that he was the king of the bugmen and they were reveling in his majesty, not that he is reacting in the same awestruck way

>> No.14062185

what can he possibly be reacting to that made him shed a tear?

>> No.14062193

I guess I should have read the thread before posting
he's reacting to fucking star wars. fuck that guy

>> No.14062204

The final paragraph of Finnegans Wake

>> No.14062242

There's an implied disdain in your post but Eric's alignment makes him happy. He belongs: it's clear in his genuine reaction and lack of ironic detachment.
Have you achieved that level of emotional honesty anon?

>> No.14062250

>implying that guy's reaction is genuine so you can make this gay sniveling xP post
Daily reminder /lit/ is the worst board on 4chan

>> No.14062261

It is and if you ever connected with your feelings like this you'd never forget it. It's a wonderful feeling.

>> No.14062302

Wilhelm Meister, when Mignon died

>> No.14062354

Not even to a Star Wars scene, just to the trailer.

>> No.14062364

Is it really worth it to be honest when your opinions are trash?

>> No.14062382

Yes because your experience is superior to the alienated critical thinker

>> No.14062388

So then a literal down syndrome kid watching star wars is better than an einstein who keeps his thoughts to himself?

>> No.14062428

that's so fucking gay dude

>> No.14062436

Books make me cry senpai. That guy is rehearsed for jewtube views, you're an inflammatory pest, and you know both of those things. Most recent thing that made me cry was the terry davis documentary.

>> No.14062455
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>so a down syndrome kid is better than a jewish liar?
Yes, although they both should be killed in all circumstances.

>> No.14062474

>terry davis documentary

>> No.14062479

Bugmen don't have "experiences"

>> No.14062573


>> No.14062682
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>> No.14062734
File: 133 KB, 460x534, 1476045394957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried tears from my cock for most of Lolita

>> No.14062753

I wish I could slap him around for a good 20 minutes.

>> No.14062766

>In the final volume of the book A Positively Final Appearance (1997), Guinness recounts grudgingly giving an autograph to a young fan who claimed to have watched Star Wars over a hundred times, on the condition that the boy promise to stop watching the film because "this is going to be an ill effect on your life". The fan was stunned at first but later thanked him (though some sources say it went differently). Guinness is quoted as saying: "'Well', I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. His mother drew herself up to an immense height. 'What a dreadful thing to say to a child!' she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of second hand, childish banalities."

>> No.14062803

that boy's name?
Eric Butts

>> No.14063044

This book is such a ride

>> No.14063541

well i've cried a couple of times while reading but nothing this exaggerated and intense no.

>> No.14063565

One would have to become a bug to achieve such a thing from anything modern.

>> No.14063616

i literally cried reading les miserables

>> No.14063672

Minus the tears, the end of Cities of the Plain got me pretty excited

>> No.14063703

flowers still bloom between concrete cracks in the modern age anon

>> No.14063781
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I want to believe

>> No.14063958

>Crying from reading a genre fiction book whose storyline is summarized in another world building genre fiction book
Get out.

>> No.14063960

At the end of Where The Red Fern Grows desu

>> No.14063996

The Beta caste will indeed eventually become caffe latte shaded, but that's about it. Civilization would fall without such a thing.

>> No.14064008

This sorta. At least in reference to any sort of media. Cried like a baby when my dad died though.

>> No.14064014

He's a youtuber who has somehow made a career(?) out of reacting to movie trailers. He's famous for being ugly and crying while watching Star Wars.

>> No.14064021
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>Cried like a baby when my dad died though.

>> No.14064032
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>> No.14064053

Does that really make me lesser? Honestly I was also surprised by my reaction. Maybe it was because it was sudden. He wasn't sick or anything. Just a heart attack out of nowhere. Before and even now I'm very even keel. I constantly worry that I've been desensitized past the point of no return.

>> No.14064074

Nah man, that retard is memeing.
There is nothing wrong in crying for loved ones

>> No.14064084

It obviously doesn't make you lesser you fucking retarded jesus christ your dad died it's ok to cry go fuck yourself i really hate how this website fucks people's brains and turns them into mush so we start taking fucking wojaks seriously

>> No.14064115

Have you read again since you were 7? It's a really fuckin' bad book...

>> No.14064132

I don't know if it's this site. I just remember standing next to my Mom at the funeral when we were greeting the mourners before the service and how they would all offer their condolences and then tell her how lucky she was to have such a dependable son. After the service I was congratulated on keeping my composure and how it was my responsibility to support my Mom. I felt ashamed hearing their words because the day of I was a mess. That I let down my dad and mom.

>> No.14064161

Maybe you should stop reading whatever big media like lit, pol or what ever are telling you.

>> No.14064182


>> No.14064188

That's not really passion. That's a mix of passion and painful carthasis. He's obviously a nervous wreck and has way too much pent up stress and frustration.

>> No.14064217

Yeah the Bible

>> No.14065160

Pretty pathetic to throw some bait on such a statement.

>> No.14065171

sayings of the des. fathers made cry