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/lit/ - Literature

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14063416 No.14063416 [Reply] [Original]

Which book helped you with depression the most?

>> No.14063579

"The Life Before Us" Romain Gary

>> No.14063602
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>> No.14063631
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The thing that helped me the most with my depression was getting a therapist gf. I would rest my head on her soft milky thighs and tell her how I was feeling. She was so kind and loving, such a soothing hymnal voice. Before that I had read the Greeks, read Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Guenon, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Sartre and most other major figures in literature and philosophy. They helped but it was of a fleeting sort. Maybe a day, maybe a week, sometimes a month, the affects of the book would leave me and I would return to my previous state. Lurid and feral. I thank the good lord everyday for bestowing me with such a kind and loving soul. No book can help. No philosophy. No thoughts or will can halter its’ step. What you want, what you need is an honest woman’s love. Go out and get a gf. Bathe in the warmth of her divine soul. That is the only way out. If you cannot then you are damned with the doomed.

>> No.14063640

If you want to change your life,
The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell

Or if you want to wallow in sadness,
Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal

>> No.14063661


If you want to read about someone worse off than you,
No Longer Human

If you want to be uplifted,
Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.14063841

Not OP but man thanks bro. I’m reading it right now and it’s great

>> No.14063944
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>Go out and get a gf.

>> No.14063961
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Marx. Why? It's not my fault im a fucking poor wagie loser now. Feels good man.

>> No.14063968
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>also, go out and get $25 million

>> No.14063980

Yes it does wonders. Start by fixing yourself. Stop fearing death through philosophy. Stop subjecting yourself to undue anxiety in media and relationships. Carry as more chains than you think you can bear. Orientate yourself to the good.

Oh and take a fucking bath and buy a few nice pairs of shoes/boots.

>> No.14063984
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Actually love is currently dying a painful death and it's hard for me to believe in it, so that won't work for me

>> No.14064003

I thought Russell's book was pretty bad. It's clear from that book that Russell has never actually felt deeply depressed at all. His advice would work only for people who are superficially sad. If you just go to Wikihow's article how getting out of depression, you'd find the same milquetoast advice.

>> No.14064011

>Wikihow's article how getting out of depression
*article about how to get out of a depression

>> No.14064017

Based coper

>> No.14064025

Being a poor wagie isn’t your fault but being a loser...

>> No.14064044

it just went away, not sure. Nothing changed

>> No.14064061

>It's clear from that book that Russell has never actually felt deeply depressed at all.
I mean I hate Russell like general status of /lit/ but he being depressed at certain times is absolutely true. Indeed, he did not commit suicide because he thought math was fun in adolescent.
Or you can see how his family got fucked up. his son got to the mental hospital kind of thing.

>> No.14064097
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:) Yahweh has smoothed my way. I have food in my belly and a roof over my head. Reading this has allowed me to discern my purpose in life from what has happened in it.

>> No.14064122

if you think getting a gf is that easy you are delusional

>> No.14064129

Yet his advice is mostly superficial. I'd be surprised if it really helps anyone. I can't remember what he said but it was stuff like:
>lmao stop believing in sin lmaoooo
>just get hobbies haha
>get a cool job that you like lmaoo
Normie tier garbage, often times just fedora tipping. If it helped Russel it's because he was pretty devoid of any spiritual life. As a materialist, his answers won't touch the deepest layers of man and can only provide mere palliatives.

>> No.14064142

>deepest layers of man
Expand on this?

>> No.14064185

By the deepest layers of man, I'm referring to his spiritual side, something Russell completely ignored. There must occur a sort of ontological healing, and one must draw near and approximate the nature of God.

"Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."

The only thing that can cure profound distress is an equally profound plunge into grace, and an attempt at perfection by complementing one's own weakness with the wholeness of God. The deepest layers of man extend to God, and to really divest oneself of the feelings of shock and disgust so common in modernity, one has to turn to Him. Russell has no clue of this. His book is pretty bad, even though I didn't expect him to say anything like this.

>> No.14064189

No more Mr. Nice guy

>> No.14064212
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>> No.14064218

Crime and punishment, I saw myself in Raskolnikov at the time.

>> No.14064221

three essays on the theory of sexuality
depressed people just need to have sex

>> No.14064234
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