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14062668 No.14062668 [Reply] [Original]

Besides the Bible, what are the best books on Christian philosophy for someone who just decided to convert to Christianity yesterday?

>> No.14062674

oh ffs

>> No.14062677
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You need to be grounded firmly in the faith. Study the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

>> No.14062724

>A reformed starter guide that doesn't contain Augustine
The fuck.

>> No.14062727

i just read the idiot and i would say it has some christianity philosophy worthy of your time.

>> No.14062728

Summa Theologica

>> No.14062735

It's focused on Puritan tradition works. If it was a general Reformed chart it would include Augustine, Calvin and other Continental works.

>> No.14062736

Good luck understanding Aquinas without Anselm and Boethius.

>> No.14062761


On the Absence and Unknowability of God: Heidegger and the Areophagite

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.14062770
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>> No.14062776

The small catechism. It's christianity 101.

>> No.14062779

Read Chestertons Orthodoxy with me
I’ve been meaning to order it

>> No.14062785
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Tim Keller is your man. Check out his books
"The reason for god" is a great place to start.

Kind of like "Mere Christianity" for the modern era.

A talk he gave at Google to start you off.


Congratulations brother, your best days are ahead of you :)

>> No.14062795
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>tfw kanye's memetic power is boosting chan christianity

>> No.14062813

gosh dangit, us dharmabros need some famous figures to make our cultures look cool too. can't let christians win the culture war

>> No.14062818
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Christianity today is the possibility of continuing the most philosophical, artistic and devotional lifestyle of all time

Hang a Renaissance painting in your room, right over you compendium of Plato’s dialogues that you read everday before going out into the world to spread love

>> No.14062844

Low IQ "man". Low IQ post. Kanye West is a degenerate piece of shit who is complicit in the normalization of pornography.

>> No.14062852


>> No.14062854

There’s nothing wrong with pornography please stop virtue signaling its actually a sin brother don’t hate learn to love you are forgiven rise again peace be with you

>> No.14062910
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>"mere christianity"
>0 results

Come on, anons.


C.S. Lewis apologetic works like Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, even The Chronicles of Narnia are great for people who need an introduction on christianity in a way that won't get you affraid of not understanding what you are reading.

>> No.14062943

Zoomers out

>> No.14062950
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>There’s nothing wrong with pornography
Absolutely heretical. People like you were once (rightfully) burned at the stake.

>> No.14062974

Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

>> No.14063006
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and before that they would crucify us. What’s your point rabbi

>> No.14063014
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>the martyrs were actually protestants

>> No.14063024

Job 20:15

>> No.14063035


>> No.14063040

no one was burned at the stake for pornography you fucking larper
>this revival is going to be ruined by online deus vult spamming retards who listen to powerwolf

>> No.14063066

any "revival" there is is being driven by deus vult larpers. your gay little pride parade protestant shit has no power here

>> No.14063127
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God sent the deluge which destroyed all of humanity aside from a few individuals, and destroyed countless cities time and again for sins against purity. Burning a few people at the stake, is nothing in comparison, so for you to be alarmed at this, shows you understand neither God nor his law, nor His abhorrence of these sins, which by rejecting the immutable good, are an infinite insult, and no earthly punishment would ever oblate for their grievousness which is why eternal hell hereafter is the only remedy. You're also wrong, many would have been burned at the stake for something as vile as pornography production, such a practice was common for sodomy which included sodomincal heterosexual acts which most pornographic material falls under. Pornography is worse than all of that, because it naturally involves scandal, and forgiveness of scandal is only ever possible if the sinner saves as many people as he has condemned to hell, which would be a greater miracle than raising the dead to life. Christ, says far worse of the scandalous and rejects their salvation entirely.

In the words of St. Alphonsus.
>Can you, who say that the vice of impurity is but a small evil can you, I ask, deny that it is a mortal sin? If you deny it, you are a heretic; for as St. Paul says: “Do not err. Neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, etc., shall possess the kingdom of God.” (1 Cor. vi. 9.) It is a mortal sin; it cannot be a small evil. It is more sinful than theft, or detraction, or the violation of the fast. How then can you say that it is not a great evil? Perhaps mortal sin appears to you to be a small evil? Is it a small evil to despise the grace of God, to turn your back upon him, and to lose his friendship, for a transitory, beastly pleasure?

>> No.14063142

>There’s nothing wrong with pornography

fuck off Moishe ben Schlomo

>> No.14063149

Liar, it WAS posted.

>> No.14063156

except it was posted, and you sir have used your meme arrows for evil

>> No.14063259

Pope Benedict's intro to Christianity is big brain tier.

>> No.14063291
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>Kanye is going to a MacArthur church plant
>Kanye is a Calvinist
feels good man

>> No.14063521
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You need to become Orthodox. Stop wasting your time reading Protestant ramblings.

Here is a good place to start anon:
>The Orthodox Way - Kallistos Ware
>God’s Revelation to the Human Heart - Fr. Seraphim Rose
>The Mountain of Silence - Markides
>Father Seraphim Rose His Life and Works - Hieromonk Damascene

A long with this read the Psalms every morning and start going to the nearest Russian Orthodox Church near you, or OCA church. Talk to the priest. Good luck on your journey.

>> No.14063545

>You need to become Orthodox.
This OP. Become Orthodox Presbyterian.
start with the Westminster Confession of Faith

>> No.14063551

Go away pastor Jim

>> No.14063557

Heretic and not Christian.

>> No.14063585

>thinks confessional reformed churches are Pastor Jim tier
lmao at your life larper

>> No.14063707
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Mere Christianity
Aquinas's Shorter Summa

>> No.14063709

Don’t listen to this Calvinist cuck. The Orthodox Church is the one true church. Read The Orthodox Church by Kallistos Ware and The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware

>> No.14063721

>one true church
you dropped this ™

>> No.14063734

I agree with you anon but the modern Russians are the literalists of Orthodoxy. Go to an OCA church or an Antiochian church

>> No.14063735

>best books on Christian philosophy
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Imitation of Christ

Books are fine and can build faith but the most important thing is humility and prayer.

>> No.14063754

Stop worshipping feet

>> No.14063755

Am I wrong?

>> No.14063815
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I just took this pic of my Catechism of the Catholic Church beside my Westminster Catechism. I opened them both to the center so they would lay flat. It is a good example of why I am no longer Roman Catholic.
The CCC is a whole lot of man's word with references to councils to support their doctrine whereas the WLC has little of man's word but is fully backed up with Scripture proofs taking up 70% or more of the pages.

>> No.14063816
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- The Nag Hammadi texts.
- "Pistis Sophia".
- The Manichaean texts.
- The Cathar treatises.
- "Mundus Millennialis".

>> No.14063840

Those are relics of a saint. Veneration is different than worship.

>> No.14063848

>Veneration is different than worship.
In theory. Not in practice as can be seen in the video.

>> No.14063991

He opened up about being addicted to porn in an interview a few days ago. Never thought it'd happen but it did

>> No.14064004

Plato and Aristotle, then read Augustine and Aquinas.

>> No.14064119
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>> No.14064158

Two years before his death in 1274, the revered philosopher and theologian St. Thomas Aquinas was asked by his assistant, Brother Reginald, to write a simple summary of theology for those who found his massive Summa Theologica intimidating. Aquinas quickly wrote The Compendium of Theology, retitled Light of Faith in this edition, in which he distilled the major topics of theology for the layman and explored - in writing that is concise, readable, and profound - subjects ranging from the Holy Trinity to Creation, Angels, and the Final Judgement. Light of Faith is a highly accessible exposition of theology that provides an excellent foundation for anyone seeking spiritual growth through a philosophical examination of Christian doctrine.

>> No.14064277

You have to start with the Greeks. Ye doesn't count.

>> No.14065153

Don't listen to a single person who tells you to follow X, Y or Z denomination.
Read through Mere Christianity by CS Lewis if you can or listen to this.


Feeling and sense of God is more important than almost everything that fundamentalists will post ITT.

>> No.14065225

My girlfriend is a devout orthodox believer (goes to liturgia every sunday, prays every night, fasts on wednesdays and fridays, has a sister in a convent, celebrates her slava).

I have a hard time describing her as a christian. She doesn’t read the Bible because she says it’s ”a book full of nothing but hatred and non-sense”. She reads Житијa (hagiography). She worships saints and knows about them, but didn’t know who Paul was when I asked her (yeah, wtf). She knows no Bible texts by heart. I know tons, and I’m a culturally protestant agnostic. She also has a fairly strange understanding of God: ”He lives among humans, he just happens to live here. He is love in it's purest form and he helped us learn to love and understand each other.” I don’t think she believes any of the Genesis etc.

That’s all okay with me, but I’d never describe myself as christian if I believed it myself. If that’s what a devout orthodox christian believes, I can’t even imagine what the average one does. You people are just glorified pagans.

>> No.14065312

>burning people at the stake is horrifying
>porn isn't a big deal
Time to go back, reddit.

>> No.14065320

Why do all you faggots keep insisting that /lit/ is somehow your personal self-help forum?

>> No.14065321

Because it is.

>> No.14066223

She is just a fucking retard.

>> No.14066236

Cohabitation is a sin.

>> No.14066556

She’s definitely smarter than 99 % of Eastern Europeans.

>> No.14066584

plato and augustine

>> No.14066707

Which one do I read first?

>> No.14066860

A lot of Christians were like that before being saved by God.

>> No.14066988

Your girlfriend is a “spiritual but not religious” retard that can’t actually describe her beliefs when asked to define them. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with individualist views on the metaphysical but half of these trust fund fucks don’t know the shit coming out their mouth.

>> No.14067012
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Except for that part of never reading the bible and not knowing who Paul is, her "approach" is pretty common between people who are more active in the orthodox and other eastern christian spiritualities, at least where I live.


Theoria, the orthodox way to experience and be closer to God through contemplation, is a pretty neat concept, imo.

>> No.14067062

Thomas Aquinas aka the Ox

Basically some of the greatest a life affirming people you could ever get to know through text

>> No.14067086

Yeah, as I said, it’s cool and all. Too bad it has nothing to do with christianity.

>> No.14067099

>trust fund fucks
We’re not American.

>> No.14067110

There's a whole tradition of mysticism in christianity, dating back to the desert fathers. How the fuck it has nothing to do with christianity?

>> No.14067124

Depends, are you a catholic? At any rate, you should start with Aristotle. If you are a catholic, proceed to read St. Thomas Aquinas after Aristotle.

>> No.14067132

>christian brainlet needs books to justify his childish beliefs

>> No.14067235

Bump. Mere Christianity & The Reason for God are quite good. But focusing on the original texts of scripture will be so much more fruitful for your walk in the long run than any other theological book.

>> No.14067626

Hijacking this slightly: does anybody have any good sources pertaining to the historicity of the incarnation? I've been thinking about officially becoming Christian and joining a Church, but I want to make sure I'm doing it for the right reasons and not just getting memed by people on the internet. That is, because I truly believe, and not just because I agree with Christianity philosophically and love the Bible, Aquinas, Dante, and Christian art. I can accept the classical theist arguments for God's existence, and that there's at least something to this explosive force that spread throughout the region in just a few hundred years, but my brain is poisoned from years of atheism and I just can't fully convince myself yet- but if I can, I want to.

Do any former atheists remember what specifically finally pushed them over the edge?

>> No.14068843


>> No.14068908

OCA is the Novus Ordo of Orthodoxy.

>> No.14068925

For doctrine, you are best asking a Priest. I am sure he has given such advice quite frequently, especially if you are in an area perhaps around a University with other young adults looking to find spiritual identity.

Just go to Latin Mass to start. Even if you can't fully appreciate the spiritual context and are unsure in your belief, you can at least appreciate it in an artistic element as you grow in faith and begin to understand the meaning.

>> No.14069004
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OP I'm only suggesting stuff I've actually read.

I find Kierkegaard and Pascal are especially convincing to people who are coming into Christianity. In Pensées, Pascal was writing in large part in response to Descartes' skepticism and atheists but also in some parts to pagans, jews and muslims. Kierkegaard is pretty much a meme on this board now but he is really based. He was attacking Hegelians and the Danish Christian Church of the time which makes him great for people who are skeptical of the Church but still want to learn more about Christian philosophy. His personal journals are pretty relatable.

In terms of philosophy, there's also Augustine and Aquinas you might want to read. The Confessions are pretty based.

If you're interested in early Christian history, you might be interested in Elaine Pagels. You might also be interested in the Nag Hammadi Library, though keep in mind the Bible obviously takes precedent over it.
For fiction, Christianity is a central theme in most of Dostoevsky's work. I'd suggest The Karamazov Brothers.

The Cloud of Unknowing is on my reading list.

>> No.14069011

De Imitatione Christi

>> No.14069056

im from a neighboring country and my family, while not as bad as your gf also believes in whatever they want, its mostly about good feels and obsessions about medjugorje and john paul the second rather than actual christianity
from religiously orthodox people i know - they are crazy liberal on personal level and if they werent obliged to follow the rules id say they would have died their hair pink and toured the europe in a wv van
makes me cringe immensely and be ashamed of my own community

>> No.14069271

Confessions by Saint Augustine
Cur Deus Homo by Saint Anselm
On The Incarnation by Saint Athanasius
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

>> No.14069456

>tfw God wants nothing to do with me
feels bad bros

>> No.14069469

dont be mean

>> No.14069572
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Repent. As long as you're breathing, it's not too late

>> No.14069607
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The martyrs were actually like the Gnostics

>After you die, all bets are off. You're goin' to hell.

>> No.14069610

>>After you die, all bets are off. You're goin' to hell.
Yes. That is how it works.

>> No.14069624
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>> No.14069626

You'll find out soon enough being a 42%er and all.

>> No.14069653

Why should I believe in Christianity over Islam or Judaism? Genuine question as I've been reevaluating my faith, or lack of such, and am in the process of reading the latter two.

>> No.14069658

How are you even a proper Christian?
Petty vengeance on your mind, insisting I'm something I'm not like that.
See you in hell

>> No.14069659

>Why should I believe in Christianity over Islam or Judaism?
Not that anon but: go to church. Then you tell me why you should believe.

>> No.14069665

You have made it known you are a tranny.
I simply take pleasure in God's justice being done. All vengeance belongs to God.

>> No.14069671

Leo Tolstoy actually has some pretty good Christian fiction. I would recommend checking him out.

>> No.14069678

Ignore them. There is nothing wrong with you.

>> No.14069689

I've been recently. It felt nice and peaceful , but thinking about it the preacher just seemed disingenuous although seemingly passionate. Maybe it's the wrong church

My question to that is then would I not feel the same at a Mosque or another holy place?

Again, genuinely looking for an answer as I'm trying to rebuild the faith I had, but years of skepticism leaves it difficult

>> No.14069699

Well first of all, you talk about Judaism but there is literally no reason to convert. Jews believe Goyim are fine in the eyes of God so long as they follow the laws of Noah. So if anything, you are taking on a burden with more responsibilities if you convert.

>> No.14069704

i wish you were banned

>> No.14069716

>There is nothing wrong with you.
Is Butterfly or is not Butterfly a tranny?

>> No.14069731
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Let me make it known to you that I am and always have been a woman. In no uncertain terms. Mind and body. Fe-male.

Go to your god

>> No.14069784

Those who reject light deserve darkness.

>> No.14069808
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>thinking about it the preacher just seemed disingenuous
He's a sinner like you. Forgive him his trespasses. Take the beam out of your eye, judge not lest ye be judged etc etc etc.

What are you critical of: a bad performance? Or the sacred itself? Don't let someone else's imperfection lead you astray.

>My question to that is then would I not feel the same at a Mosque or another holy place?
I don't know. Have you been? Would it be the exotic allure of the experience that draws you in? Does that even matter if you're sincerely praying to God? Up to you to decide. Mystical experience is something that grabs you, not the other way around. I think the Islamic tradition of submission would make you receptive to this. But so would real sincere Christian penitence.

I'd give prayer a shot, especially if Christianity is in your background. On your knees, say some Our Fathers, some Hail Marys, throw in some Glory Be's. Listen to the words of the prayers and think about the real authentic love in them.

>> No.14069843

Nice meme.

Did you also hurt your parents by asking why they hated you whenever they punished you?

>> No.14069866

Every parent and child have mixed and deep bonds. My own are none of your business, but the easiest answer is no. I never hurt either of them.

>> No.14069876

>Every parent and child have mixed and deep bonds.

>My own are none of your business
It was a rhetorical question, an analogy to show the manner in which you were misunderstanding divine judgment.

>> No.14069883

I do not misunderstand it.

>> No.14069923

For the sake of argument (and because evidently you have already accepted them as true, criticizing them as if they are real) please continue to entertain the premise of the Christian system: atonement, afterlife, God exists, so on.

Now. Serious question: given the above, what do you think happens when Christians die? And why?

>> No.14071043
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The Book of Concord.

Truth is, you were predestined from the start.

>> No.14071796



mere christianity & screwtape letters by cs lewis

>> No.14071888

Fuck off coomer heretic

>> No.14071891

It rewires your brain. You don’t need to be a scientist to see that It’s bad for you just like gambling is bad for you

>> No.14071894

In addition, it's quite clear sexual immorality is a sin, stop excusing yours

>> No.14071982
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>The Manichaean Texts
Don't do this, heed his warning

>> No.14073158 [DELETED] 

See >>>7460912

>> No.14073182
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1. Islam is some kind of mercenary religion. You have a set of written rules that you have to follow in order to reach heaven. It's like you are being paid to be good, it doesn't expect any spiritual development of the individual. You are fasting and praying because you want to fuck some hot paradise women and live near a river of milk (?).

2. Besides the quran, that is alright, written in arabic, never changed and so on, you heavily depends on sunnah to practice your faith. Otherwise you wouldn't even know how to pray, for instance. And for that, you have two sources. If you are sunni, you need to believe that the haddith books were registered in good faith, that they contain no errors and stuff like that. The haddith collections make sunni islam have the same problem of the previous abrahamic religions, you can't trust the text.

If you are shia, you are on to a wild ride. Some haddith are right, some are wrong, it depends on the narrators, the message and the interpretation of the imams. You'll have to believe that there's an imam with more than a thousand years old still alive and hiding (someone who nobody ever saw since he was 5 years old). And you'll also believe in stuff like praying to the dead (like catholics with saints) and the power of magical stones. It's a high hierarchical thing and if the marja (the guy who studies a lot and have authority to say whats haram and what's halal) says you can not wear a tie, you don't wear a tie (pic related).

On Judaism, you don't need to convert, if they are right. Just follow the seven rules they say you should follow and you are alright.

Christianism is really the odd one out. Judaism and Islam are both "religions of the law". They don't seem to seek God, but to follow the rules, in a sense that the rules take the place of God itself.