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/lit/ - Literature

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1403861 No.1403861 [Reply] [Original]

When I was six years old I fell in love with a girl and we “dated” which was just holding hands and kissing for two weeks. She didn’t even tell me we were broken up, I walked into the class room and she didn’t sit next to me and sat next to some kid that grew up to be a huge douchebag that threw a machete that hit his best friend in the face taking out a huge chunk of his flesh, lots of plastic surgery was done. My heart broke and instead of trying to mend it by forgetting her and moving on to someone else I decided that there was nobody else in the world I would rather be with than her. Throughout elementary school and middle school I fanaticized with being with her again, it became an obsession and she knew it. Other girls would come up to me and ask me out but I would decline. When she and her friends would hear about me turning down the willing girls they would tease me about it and tell me that I was wasting my time chasing her. To me I wasn’t wasting my time for I was incapable of chasing another girl they didn’t hold that spark of life and beauty that my living dream girl did. This fixation continued up until I was seventeen and a balls to the wall senior in highschool.

>> No.1403869

>When I was six years old I fell in love with a girl

Stopped reading there

>> No.1403867
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I was six foot with a fresh haircut, fresh kicks, fresh clothes, diminishing acne, and a wallet full of money, I was ready to make my move. Within the first week of the school year anybody that didn’t know my name knew it well and respected it because of the string of gigantic parties I threw. I hosted these parties for the sole purpose of getting my dream girl’s attention and it did. At my first party she showed up with her gaggle of hotties and headed towards the living room which had been turned into the dance room for I had taken out all the large furniture and paintings and replaced it with a stereo, six speakers, and a pair of strobe lights. My house was sound proof because I lived near an airport and planes flew overhead about every half an hour so I wasn’t worried about the noise from the party. The house was congested as all hell and as I tried to pry my way through the growing crowd waiting to play beerpong, I bumped into a short emo girl with a sleeve tattoo and big blue eyes. She smiled at me and asked if I was the owner of the house to which I replied yeah and the she asked if I wanted to smoke a dutch and I said hell yeah. So we waded through sea of highschoolers and got to the sliding glass door of my house and went out of the porch. We sat in the lawn chairs facing each other and sparked up.

>> No.1403879
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We got to talking about this and that which ended up revealing that she had asked me out in middle school but I had turned her down she also told me that the only reason why I am throwing these parties was to get my dream girl’s attention and to make another move on her. She was reading me like a fucking book. In the end of it all she told me that I had balls but the prize that I was chasing after loathed me and that I would never catch her. She then sat on my lap blew me a shotty and started making out with me. We were going at it with my hand between her legs and my lips kissing on her neck, soft shudders of potential ecstasy escaped her slightly parted lips but sadly we were interrupted by my best friend that informed me that a large group of niggers were trying to get into the party. I had to leave her all primed and ready as well as hide my erection in the waistband of my sweatpants as I went back inside to ward off the nigger insurgency. Their leader had made his way into the kitchen and the rest were milling in the front doorway waiting for the signal to make my house intergraded and reeking of cocoa butter and fried chicken. I grabbed a bottle of captian took three shots and with liquid courage I walked up to the nig who was about 6’4 250-270 and asked him what the fuck he was doing here. He told me he was coolin. I asked him if he knew anything about the group of people hanging out on my front porch and doorway. He said yeah they were with him. I asked him if he knew my name. He said no. I told him to get the fuck out of my house. He said he was coolin that’s all he didn’t want any trouble. I told him again to get out of my house. He barked a laugh and shook his head and left with the pack of monkeys, as they were leaving they were yelling about how they were going to call the cops on my racist ass. I laughed and then turned around to get back to the party and about thirteen huge white dudes were behind me the whole time.

>> No.1403889
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The music and dancing had stopped so I announced that shots were about to be done and that the music better be fucking playing before I downed the first one. The party was back on and running at full speed. I stumbled my way back to the sliding glass door to see the blue eyed punk girl sucking two dudes off on the deck. I took another swig of captain from the bottle and stumbled around the crowded party looking for my dream girl. I found her on a couch making out with her ex boyfriend. A snarl of wasted rage and thoughts of what could have been filled me. I wanted to get more fucked up in order to drain away the image of the now defiled couch so I headed to my garage and when I opened the door billows of grey smoke rushed past me, the garage was cheeched the fuck out with dutch and cig smoke. I stepped in and joined the seemingly never ending chorus of quick inhales and coughing. About halfway through the second dutch I realized I lost my phone so I headed back inside the madhouse and started the search.

>> No.1403892
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I cut the music on the stereo which I was berated for and using my house phone I dialed my cell’s number in it and waited for the sound of my ringtone. It was faint but I tracked it down to somewhere upstairs, as I walked up the stairs two girls ran past me giggling. I found the phone in my parents bedroom with two new phone numbers and a picture of two pairs of tits. One was a butterface and the other had the body similar to plywood. I wasn’t disgusted and I appreciated the gesture, I just wasn’t interested. I was hammered and ripped and I wasn’t interested, perhaps it was seeing my dream girl’s tongue down somebody else’s throat or maybe it was the situation with the tattooed girl that had gone awry that led me to not responding to those two homely horny girls. As I look back to it I wasted an opportunity but there are numerous opportunities that I had missed so that burden is shared. I headed back downstairs to find my friends and further the insult to soberness.

>> No.1403898

The unspeakable things I would do to this girl. The horror.

>> No.1403902
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I woke up in the morning with a girl cuddling against me. It was a girl that I was close friends with for over a year. She was stunning absolutely drop dead gorgeous, with tanned skin, friendly hazel eyes, long black hair and the body of a Greek goddess. That morning she ended my petty fruitless obsession with the dream girl. I woke her up, gave her two aspirins and a glass of water and then told her we were going out for some breakfast. She told me to fuck off and to let her sleep for another half an hour. I laughed and took in the carnage that was my home. The floors were caked with a disgusting mixture of beer and dirt. Later, with bribes of extra booze and weed I assembled a cleaning crew to tackle the job for me. The couches were full of passed out drunkards of every creed. Upstairs most of the beds were taken by my close friends and their women but in my bed laid the girl with the body of a plank that had clearly waited for me to take her and ravage her during the night. I closed the door and left her to rest and dream of me. I opened my parent’s bedroom and saw one naked girl and three dudes tangled with each other in tumbled sheets I closed that door too. When I went backstairs the greek goddess was stirring. I decided to make her breakfast instead of going out, I didn’t trust leaving my house with so many sleeping strangers in it. A few minutes later I brought the goddess a plate full of hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, bacon, and a cup of coffee.

>> No.1403913
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I sat opposite of her and ate with her and talked and laughed and flirted. I knew she had a boyfriend and he was rich as all hell and had been training to become a goddamn MMA fighter and I knew if he found out what I was doing he would of ran me down with his beamer and ripped my head off and used it as a trophy, but that didn’t matter what mattered was seeing her smile and hearing her laugh. I had forgotten about the dream girl and swung all of my interest towards the goddess that I had shared secrets and fun filled nights with. A girl that deserved my attention.

>> No.1403924
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The ensuing school year was filled with me and hers, I never wanted to leave her side, even if we were just friends I was completely and utterly content with that, but at the same time I waited patiently for her to break up with the rich warrior dickhead. Then at the end of school year it happened. I immediately asked her to go with me to the upcoming senior ball. She shot me down and told me she was going with the captain of the hockey team, I told her that the hockey team sucks and he was a fucking dipshit. She laughed and told me I was just jealous and of course she was right for I had no intentions of hiding it. I knew I wasn’t friendzoned, she was just being shallow and inane I knew she was attracted to me. She just wanted to climb the social ladder one more rung before the end of our tour of high school. I was livid but I found another date some short thick but not fat girl with big tits a cute face and a nice ass that found me funny and charismatic.

>> No.1403930
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At senior ball my goddess showed up with a tongue ring and flaunted it around and we laughed and joked about it but not ten minutes into the dance she disappeared. The captain of the hockey team was panicking and looking all over for her. She showed up a half an hour later with a lackadaisical smile on her face and an awkward walk, I knew she had been fucked. I left my date and went to her and asked her what she did. She asked me why I cared. I told her she knew why I cared. Her cheeks blushed and she turned to melt into the massive conglomerate of grinding students dancing to lollipop. I grabbed her wrist and asked her to wait. She turned and I said that the least she could do was tell me who she did it with. She didn’t look at me as she said tommy (one of her other ex boyfriends) and she fucked him and sucked him off because she wanted to try out her tongue ring. I let go of her wrist and watched her join the sprawl of dance. I grabbed a glass from one of the tables and poured a couple shots of whiskey from my flask into it. I then sat down and took out a cig and sparked it and took a couple drags. My date walked over and asked what was wrong as I sipped on my drink. I told her that I was sorry that I brought her as my date and that it was unfair of me to put her in such a position. She then asked if ___ had something to do with the way I was acting. I said yep. She sighed and grabbed my cig and flicked it under a table and then said that I was too good for her and that I had so much to offer other girls.

>> No.1403934
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I knew she spoke the truth but I wanted nothing to do with it so I got up and walked out of the ballroom. She followed me into the lobby of the hotel and told me to stop and to share the flask with her. Before long I was squeezing her supple left tit and were dancing tongues on the lobby couch. A firm hand shook my shoulder it was my best friend again being the king of all cock blocks. He told us that our limo was about to leave, behind him stood my goddess with a hurt look on her face as she stared at me. I took my hand from underneath my dates dress and got up and followed my friend and my goddess out to our waiting limo. In the limo my date and I sat opposite from the goddess and her captain of the shit hockey team. The captain kept asking her if everything was alright and why she was sad. She never replied she only stared at me from across the void and I stared back. Then she broke the exchange and with malice she turned to the captain and locked lips with him. With a free hand she began to unzip his pants, she broke the kiss and turned to stare at me. My friends and their dates were in silent awe to the events that were unfolding in front of them. I bashed on the limo drivers separating window.

>> No.1403936
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He rolled it down and I told him to pull over. Once he did that I told my goddess to get the fuck out of the limo. She was still breathing heavy with a tainted form of lust as she ignored what I said and stared at me. I hopped out of the limo and went to her side, opened the door and told her to get the fuck out again. This time she complied and got out, with his pants still unzipped the captain followed like a lapdog. I asked her why and she said that I needed to let her go. I told her she was full of shit and she was being vindictive and was using the captain to rip out my fucking heart. She replied that I needed to let her go. I shook my head and said fuck that and fuck you and that she could find her own way home and that maybe the captain could be used as something else other than a tool to making me jealous. She laughed and said that perhaps if I didn’t bring that whore of a date she wouldn’t of fucked her ex and made out with the captain. The captain said you fucked your ex? He was utterly ignored. I hopped back into the limo and told the driver to go. I watched her grow smaller in the walmart parking lot as we drove away.

>> No.1403938
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>> No.1403944
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When we arrived at my house we decided we should throw a little party. So the group of us drank and smoked and laughed and lived for the end of that period of our lives had come to a close. I lost my virginity that night to my date. After told me she came multiple times as if I couldn’t tell by her screaming and asked who else I had fucked. I told her nobody and that I was saving that for someone special. She snorted and I started to put my clothes back on.

>> No.1403960

Awesome twist!

>> No.1403963
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>> No.1403981

Is it at least readable?

captcha: recrossed trolden

>> No.1403990

Some run-on sentences.
True story bro?

>> No.1403991


>> No.1403997


>> No.1404003

I liked it.
Reminded me of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Read that shit.

>> No.1404023

>Now at page 3
>Stuff actually happens
Good suggestion

>> No.1404050
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>> No.1404063

go on

>> No.1404075

>>as well as hide my erection in the waistband of my sweatpants
>>hide my erection in the waistband of my sweatpants
>>erection in the waistband of my sweatpants
>>waistband of my sweatpants
>>my sweatpants

all that goddamn money and you wear sweatpants to a party. you're nothing more than a fat neckbeard virgin who can't write for shit.

>> No.1404080

come back to the thread in 20 minutes and i'll post the rest of the story

>> No.1404084

>implying i can't wear sweatpants to my own fucking party

Someone's mad that they were never invited to a party during highschool

>> No.1404145

Keep going ahhhhhhh rage!

>> No.1404147
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keep your fucking pants on goddamnit

take this as a token of my appriciation

>> No.1404150


>> No.1404151

inb4 the inevitable hate

>> No.1404275
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After about a year I had lost touch with the goddess. During this time people gossiped about how she was going out with the captain of the hockey team and how they were a cute couple and the like. I loathed it all wishing that horrid relationship to come to a quick and bitter end. The next time I saw her was at a field party where she was drunk off her ass dancing in the bed of a pick up truck. When she saw me watching her she smiled and eyed me but continued to dance for everyone. Near the end of the party I walked over to her and we shared a laugh and a little bit of flirting before the captain dipshit walked back over. About a week later she split up with the captain and I rejoiced by throwing a beer pong tournament. She didn’t show up though and because of that the night was filled with a series of mediocre events. Around this time my friends noticed that I was being drained mentally and physically because of my fixation with her. They made it an issue to bring it up at least twice while we hung out. About two months later I received a call from her asking if I wanted to hang out. To which I replied of course. She then told me to meet her at a local dance club at around nine.

>> No.1404287
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I walked into the club and was barraged by a wall of music and the stale smell of sweat. Elevated stages with metal poles were filled with scantily clad female college students that gyrated their youthful beautiful bodies on the poles in synch to the primal beat of the modern mating ritual songs. The dj stood upon his pedestal nodding his head in rhythm as he conducted his lust crazed minions that paid him tribute with dance in the pit below. From the constantly shifting haze of bodies strode out my greek goddess with a static smile on her face, heads turned to follow her seductive swaying of her hips. She reached me and placed her hand on my cheek. Her hazel eyes were gone and were replaced by two giant black orbs. She yelled into my ear that I should buy her a water and perhaps one for myself if I wanted to roll. She clung to me as we waded through the river of bodies that flowed in a similar stream as they abided the will of the music. We reached the bar and I ordered two waters. She pulled my hand and placed two pills in it. They were small and had purple stars printed on them.

>> No.1404290
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The bartender placed two bottles in front of us and I popped the pills and washed them down. She put her hand in mine and guided me through the tide and into the pit. The ecstasy was beginning to take affect as she grinded her ass against me. Foreign faces and strange bodies spun around us in flashes with the strobes but I didn’t mind because I was with her. The hellhole that we were in was heaven to me because I was finally with her. I leaned over and kissed her cheek, she looked back at me with a fiendish gin as she continued to rub her self over my crotch. I let my hands wander and explore her body finding her thighs and breasts and finally they reached in between her legs. I began kissing her neck and she gasped and reached around to grab thing that had grown in my pants. I whispered in her ear that I loved her and she leaned her head back and replied that she knew and placed her mouth on mine. After an eternity of bliss the song ended and we broke our embrace. She said she needed to go to the bathroom. I followed her out of the pit and went to the bar to wait for her. Using my fake I ordered a beer and watched the ocean of constant human movement surge in harmony. I finished my beer and was beginning to wonder where my goddess had wandered off to.

>> No.1404296
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I got off the stool and headed towards the restrooms. She was leaning against the wall outside of the women’s bathroom with her left hand down a man’s pants. She still had that fiendish smile on her face as she looked up at him. Rage filled me. I walked up and struck the man in the temple with a hook. He stumbled and she screamed. I hit him again in the jaw to ensure that he was going to falter down to the ground. There was a thud followed by a dull ringing that bounced around in my head. My eyes couldn’t focus on anything. I felt something trickle down my face and I saw my goddess weeping and speaking in tongues as she stood over the man I felled. Then my feet left the ground and my body started to move through the exit and into the cold winter streets where I was placed sitting up on the side of the snow covered curb. A man moved my head so I would look at him and asked if I needed a taxi. I said yeah and if he could grab me a bottle of water that would be nice too. He said alright and disappeared inside. I put a hand to my forehead and wiped away the blood before it reached my eyes. The man returned with a bottle of water and said that a cab was coming. I said thank you and if he knew who the guy was that I knocked out. He said he didn’t know and that he was sorry for hitting me so hard with the riot stick. The cab came and I stumbled in the back. He asked where too and I told him the emergency room.
While the doctor was jiggling the eleventh stitching in head I got a text message from my goddess. It read “That was my fiancé I don’t ever want to see you again”.

That was a year ago. I'm about to see her on New Years Eve this year. They say that her fiance is going to murder me. It's worth it to see her again. Just one more time.

>> No.1404305

cool story bro

>> No.1404308
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>> No.1404339


>> No.1404356


This entire post was ridiculous. The prose wasn't so much purple as ... fuck, ultra-violet.

Also the whole thing is like if MTV produced an adaptation of Rules of Attraction

>> No.1404369
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I didn't even want to write most of that shit

i wanted it to end with >>1403944

but noooo faggots want maor and maor

>> No.1404381
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Also you've obviously never been in a real club before

>> No.1404449


I have indeed. I also don't describe wiping my ass after a shit as an introspective deed, one that postulates a primal dichotomy between the feral, animalistic sacredness of this testament to our biological state and the sorry mechanized culture that synthesizes that which is, in the end, but a paltry attempt to seem more than we are. To metamorphosize the natural into the artifical, and force the unnatural upon us via bizarre cleansing rituals.

I don't do this because I am not that in love with my own over-the-top prose.

>> No.1404464
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>> No.1404487

So guys what's the betting this caligulout asshole has never heard of defamiliarization?

>> No.1404506


I was just about to say the two of you seem to be compatriots in self-love

>> No.1404525

Sure is getting pretentious in here.

Well i'm out to to go read some more Hemingway and McCarthy while you two masturbate on dictionaries.

>> No.1404531

Look what you did you ignorant son of a bitch I hope you're happy

>> No.1405648


>> No.1405759
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>> No.1405769
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So tell me guys, what is the difference between a person simply giving you an account of a day in his life and a work of literary art?

>> No.1405775

Somebody forgot to read bukowski

>> No.1405782

Bukowski exemplifies what I am saying, he is the charlatan par-excellence of ordinary language being enshrined as art, regardless of the fact that it's not a sin to enjoy him whether one considers him art or not

>> No.1405789
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You're not so bad tripfag. Not that bad at all.

>> No.1405816

This shit is literally unreadable. As in, I could feel my brain mentally resisting my attempts to read this drivel.

The naked chicks were the only good thing about all this.

>> No.1405825
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fuck you

but take this for everyone is entitled to their opinion

>> No.1405865

It's like a half shitty rendition of 9 books mashed into one. nosiridontlikeit.jpg

Try to not copy other stuff, and get back to us, ok?

>> No.1405880

Did you just accuse me of copying stories?

Where's you source and also fuck you for making such a disgusting claim you fucking faggot.

You can go mash your dick in your dogs ass for that's the only thing that will allow you to do it you fat virgin neckbearded cunt

and yes even your dog is a fucking faggot

>> No.1407795


>> No.1407808
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You seem anxious...

>> No.1407815


The main problem with this mess of a story is that you have a terrible grasp of the English language. Sentences are constructed poorly, basic punctuation ignored and it's a chore to read. Whether it's a true story or simply the fantasy of basement dwelling neck-beard is up for debate. Regardless of the authenticity, there are parts that are wholly unrealistic. Some people obsess at a young age but to lust over a single girl, while refusing the advances of others, for eleven years is questionable. The scene where you purportedly confronted the black people at your party it testament to how contrived this story is. You expect us to believe that you confronted a "large group" and successfully, with the help of "thirteen huge white dudes", made them leave your party?

This shit be made up.

>> No.1407820


Um, since when did stories have to be realistic? It's called suspension of disbelief, you fucking asshole. You're a fucking stupid pompous asshole and you know nothing, have you ever even written anything in your life you fucking faggot, or do you just criticise other people's stuff? Fuck you.

>> No.1407823
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>> No.1407826
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C.R. McMahon is shit-tier

>> No.1407831



>> No.1407832
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>> No.1407836

that wasn't me lol

and i did kick niggers out of my house we aren't afraid of the dark people around dese parts TOOHOOO

>> No.1407841
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And now that I have a doppelganger this thread is just troll bait.

Time to do something else.

peace faggots

>> No.1407844
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>C.R. McMahon

>> No.1407847

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.1407848


I have a tangible disbelief of that, your story is still a steaming pile of shit, however.

>> No.1407864


>Implying you're not still reading.

>C.R. McMahon

>> No.1409498
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:D im back with a hang over

so imma bump my thread for the 3rd day in a row niggas

you can't stop meh

>> No.1409510

another name added to the filter.