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14052406 No.14052406 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best of the Catholic mystics, and why is it Teresa of Avila?

>> No.14052423 [DELETED] 
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Fuck the saints

>> No.14052428


>> No.14052452

John of the Cross

>> No.14052462
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>curb stomped Teresa of Avila

>> No.14052466

He doesn't even know who she is.

>> No.14052467

Meister Eckhart, he was misunderstood, condemned by the pope who denied the doctrine of the beatific vision

>> No.14052473


>> No.14052474

>claims he can read mind

Man you are full on woo woo today.

>> No.14052514

I like Julian of Norwich a lot

>> No.14052520

cringe and bluepilled

because she's the real deal, but in a way that we can kind of comprehend

>> No.14053171
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Angela da Foligno

>> No.14053176
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Catherine of Siena

>“We've had enough exhortations to be silent. Cry out with a thousand tongues - I see the world is rotten because of silence.”

>> No.14053206

>File deleted

>> No.14053212
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It was just the book cover, but turned out to be in shit-quality.

>> No.14053232

Where do I start with Meister Eckhart?

>> No.14053234

She was amazing, some of her writings still make me cry.

>> No.14053245
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Blessed Saint Palamas.

>> No.14053252
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>> No.14053266

Go back to church, nobody wants you here

>> No.14053522
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>> No.14053616

this ^

>> No.14053688

The pope was right considering the terms used in his writings. Of course eckhart wasn't a logician and probably didn't intend or notice his formulation led to heresy.

>> No.14053699

Bonaventura or Meister Eckhart

>> No.14053705
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comfy thread

>> No.14053743

Small brained Latin Scholastics can't comprehend Greek Platonism.

>> No.14053846

>Marguerite Porete
>Meister Eckhart
>Catherine of Siena
>Teresa of Avila

>> No.14054196

>cute autist
>could fly
teresa is my saintfu

>> No.14054240

I like Therese of Liseux a lot simply because of her personality and background. She is quite relatable

>> No.14054244

>caring what epileptics have to say about God

>> No.14054296

How does a profoundly depraved sinner relate to the saints? Ive known the Christian truth and I still do disgusting sins and regret them and then repeat them and regret them...its becoming increasingly hard for me to think about ever relating to saints because they are so much better than me and it makes me feel like a failure. Even those who hd sinful pasts turned their life around but I despite knowing what is true still repeat the same mistakes and its becoming tiresome. I dont know how Id ever be able to look a saint in the eye with my history of deeds let alone someone like Jesus or Mary. How can someone with my sins claim to be a Christian? I dont know how to answer that question, it feels like Ive fundamentally failed at some part of the process. Even Teresa says you will stop doing certain sins when you reach a certain level so Im clearly not saintly enough. I wish I didnt feel like such a joke.

>> No.14054325

There have been saints that have done much worst than you. Bartolo Longo abandoned Catholicism to become a Satanic Priest before he began to pray the rosary and eventually repented. Many have struggled with habitual sins of addiction, yet many have overcome them. Don't let despair convince you that you are the only one. Everyone is a finite being.

>> No.14054338

And im not talking about stealing a pear but about prostitution, sexual degeneracy, lying, envy, gluttony, recklesness, alcoholism etc. Who can I relate to? Perhaps im not a good enough Christian and im so sorry about that, that I hope at least God will be able to forgive me my failures and at least spare me from being permanently excluded from His and the saints company when all is finished. Im tired and crushed to the limit of what I can take even if its all my fault. Its sad that all I'll be able to say is "Im sorry, I screwed up" for my case.

>> No.14054375

Whenever you feel the urge pray for strength. Even if you don’t overcome it, the fact you tried is good enough.

>> No.14054390

This is my only deity right here.

No need for meanness, anon. I might not be Christian and might disagree with parts of their religion, but we're all humans beneath these temporary labels and you shouldn't forget that. Be kinder to them.

>> No.14054396

really gorgeous. painting's name?

>> No.14054402

Someone who can admit that they fail is far closer to heaven than someone who acts well but has no guilt

>> No.14054409

It's not good enough! Nothing will be good enough, but we need to improve ourselves always and more.

>> No.14054418

Admitting your faults is a self improvement a lot of people never make. Go easy on yourself man. God sees all hearts and minds, and he knows that you struggle and that you try. He suffered for people like us. Improve at your own pace man. Apologise for what you have done wrong and improve yourself one step at a time

>> No.14054431

Juan de la Cruz
Anglos will never know

Cançiones del alma que se goça d’auer llegado al alto estado de la perfecçion, que es la union con Dios, por el camino de la negaçion espiritual

1. En una noche oscura,
con ansias, en amores inflamada,
¡oh dichosa ventura!,
salí sin ser notada
estando ya mi casa sosegada.

2. A oscuras y segura,
por la secreta escala, disfrazada,
¡oh dichosa ventura!,
a oscuras y en celada,
estando ya mi casa sosegada.

3. En la noche dichosa,
en secreto, que nadie me veía,
ni yo miraba cosa,
sin otra luz y guía
sino la que en el corazón ardía.

4. Aquésta me guiaba
más cierto que la luz de mediodía,
adonde me esperaba
quien yo bien me sabía,
en parte donde nadie parecía.

5. ¡Oh noche que guiaste!
¡oh noche amable más que el alborada!
¡oh noche que juntaste
Amado con amada,
amada en el Amado transformada!

6. En mi pecho florido,
que entero para él solo se guardaba,
allí quedó dormido,
y yo le regalaba,
y el ventalle de cedros aire daba.

7. El aire de la almena,
cuando yo sus cabellos esparcía,
con su mano serena
en mi cuello hería
y todos mis sentidos suspendía.

8. Quedéme y olvidéme,
el rostro recliné sobre el Amado,
cesó todo y dejéme,
dejando mi cuidado
entre las azucenas olvidado.

>> No.14054500

Angel of Annunciation by Carlo Dolci

>> No.14055753
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Good thread. More people should read The Interior Castle.

>> No.14055763

How many levels of mental prayer are you on, Anon?

>> No.14055779

I just downloaded the PDF but I'm too busy to read it :'(

>> No.14055798

Thomas Merton, specifically The Sign of Jonas.

>> No.14055845
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>> No.14055876

there are different kinds of silences
the highest and lowest levels for man are both created in silence

>> No.14055893
File: 24 KB, 220x354, Catherine_of_Siena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important to keep in mind the context in which Catherine was writing, though. The Church was going through a pretty major crisis. The Pope was stuck in Avignon and there was rampant sexual degeneracy among the clergy. It was honestly somewhat similar to what's going on in Catholicism right now. Under such circumstances, it's the place of a saint to call out right from wrong and defend the Truth of the Gospel. This is the tradition of things in Judaism/Christianity going all the way back to the Old Testament prophets.

And she did wind up winning, in the end. All the big reformers of that period did. The clergy were reformed and the Pope went back to Rome.

>> No.14055919

of course
on an ideal level it is different from a ''temporal'' practical level

>> No.14057255

Has anyone in this thread read Jean Borella. I was wondering if his book, Christ the Original Mystery was worth reading. He talks a lot about Guenon and Catholicism in the book so I hear

>> No.14057370

I live in Avignon, it's so beautiful intra-muros. Le palais des papes is very impressive, I'm saddened it was the center of this shitshow.

>> No.14057622
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i feel like I ask myself this everyday

>> No.14058988

'only to my sisters; the idea that any one else could benefit by what I say would be absurd'

there's no hope for me

>> No.14059031

>how dare you apply logic to my ramblings
All followers of eckhart admitted his formulation was retarded and heterodox. Sadly they are ignored now and you have actual heretics using the letter of eckhart.

>> No.14059043


>> No.14059085

Am I no better than 16th century nuns trying to not be slaves to passion.

>> No.14059175

I want him here.
Atheists btfo forever and ever.

>> No.14060438

I'm not even a Catholic but I love St Therese, her attitude and life story are incredible and the way she speaks about humility has changed my life.

>> No.14061597

Are there any modern mystics? Like, recent? I know John Paul II is sometimes called a mystic, which is strange given how much of a celebrity he was.

>> No.14061611

Like being the tallest midget desu

>> No.14061618

Teilhard de Chardin, maybe? And Richard Rohr is alright.