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14052033 No.14052033 [Reply] [Original]

>curb stomps Augustine
>curb stomps Aquinas
>curb stomps Palamas
>curb stomps William Lane Craig
>curb stomps Jay Dyer
>curb stomps Vox Day
>curb stomps Twitter Catholics
>curb stomps your new age aunt

Are there any works of apologetica that can debunk the atheist position?

>> No.14052037

Oh my god you watch that? Jeez dude that's really fucking gay lmao

>> No.14052051

That show is still going?

>> No.14052055

Haha hey op >>14052037 again and I just wanted to pop back in to remind you you're a fucking loser lol

>> No.14052082

Isn't that one off the overenthusiastic atheists who think Jesus is a fairy tale. watched a debate he moderated where Bart Erhman, an actual historian tried to calmly explain to him and other fedoras how history works. It was like watching someone explain physics to a small child.

>> No.14052084

One bleeding Eucharist is sufficient to debunk the atheist position.

>> No.14052088

>decontextualizes Pascal

>> No.14052302

But did he curb stomp Irenaeus?

>> No.14052367

Wow. This guy appears to be some sort of intellectual giant. Where can I read his work?

>> No.14052373

Call in on his show and prove him wrong then, I am sure you will :)

>> No.14052376

Is that Fat Dilicunty? I remember seeing his shitty atheist videos like a decade ago on youtube. I can't believe he still has an audience. He's such a sophist and a faggot.

>> No.14052415

And have my work be forever associated with this euphoric faggot? No, thanks.

>> No.14052419

You sound scared.

>> No.14052433
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The only thing I'm scared of is God's wrath. How could someone who looks like that and worships a n*gger possibly scare me?

>> No.14052445

>>curb stomps Augustine
>>curb stomps Aquinas
>>curb stomps Palamas
>>curb stomps William Lane Craig
>>curb stomps Jay Dyer
>>curb stomps Vox Day
>>curb stomps Twitter Catholics
>>curb stomps your new age aunt
Didn't curbstomp any one of those just authostically ignored arguments and declared victory.

>> No.14052448

Yep. Scared.

>> No.14052451


>> No.14052453

Like you are doing now? Feel free to go on his show and prove him wrong though.

>> No.14052455

Literally who

>> No.14052461

Ad hominem tu quoque, What would atheists do If it didn't exist.

>> No.14052470

Fortunate it exists, unlike god. Now if you are up to the challenge the lines are open.

>> No.14052472

>making up words to sound smart


>> No.14052481
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Someone who is far too enlightened for someone of your lowly intellectual stature to properly grasp.

>> No.14052487

>unlike god
citation needed.

>> No.14052519

That is your job.

>> No.14052523

Jay dyer actually smashed him.
He litteraly asked jay to give him reasons to question his presupositons.

>> No.14052527

I talked to a dude about god. I said that imo he's a childish dictator. He asked for proof from the bible. I provided proof (such as instances where god killed innocent people, acted in a childish manner, etc).

"well you can't take those stories out of context. When they're in the bible's storyline, god's actions make perfect sense."

What are your opinions on this bullshit? Also I wouldn't mind if you provided some fucked up stories from the bible.

>> No.14052532

There is no evidence in God either except fairy tales but they believe in that. They buried him in his tomb then when they went back he had magically disappeared. How convenient lol.

>> No.14052545

This damage control. All jay achieved was over 2 hours of special pleading.

>> No.14052548

Fair point. But I prefer to look at them and go "so...you believe...in an invisible being that watches you do everything and will burn you for all eternity if ... Let me get this straight... He doesn't like your cosmic cam show?" And then just smile and nod at them like they're crazy til they give up.

I don't engage crazy. I'm not trained for it, and like you pointed out, crazy can be very dangerous.

>> No.14052549

Not sure how that is relevant to my post? But yea he disappeared because he was came back to life.

>> No.14052552

>Why don't you questions your presupositons
I don't need to ,give me reason too.

>> No.14052558

I only saw his Jay Dyer debate where he looked like an intellectual coward lmao.

>> No.14052567

Do you believe in God? Then what about...

Loch Ness Monster?

If you don't believe in any of the above, then how you can you believe in God? Shouldn't you have faith in everything?

Oh... a book told you the "truth?"

Countless books have been written about the things on this list too... so how is that different?

>> No.14052576

>he was came back to life
Its really a sad reflection of how seriously empty these people are how totally lacking in direction of reality they are that they have to base then entire life around a falsehood.

>> No.14052584

i know what you mean but from my perspective people SHOULD be mocked when they have crazy beliefs, or else they'll never be challenged, it will never come to the point when all you need to do is give someone a light talking to to help them understand because they aren't being seriously challenged. i would LOVE to be mocked for what I believe if only to have the chance to gain a better understanding and civil debate. i agree with dawkins that religion should absolutely be ridiculed, because it is certainly worthy of it

>> No.14052588

Religious people should be viewed at the very least as gullible and silly, but I personally side with whomever said that being religious is akin to having a mental defect. Religion was dangerous before recorded history, during the dark ages, and during the founding of our country-that's why it was left out of the Constitution.

>> No.14052592

Theists have no response to this. It is such a simple argument but if you look at their actual response to it it is always bluster and mockery. They fear to engage with it.

>> No.14052596

What you are hinting at is the reason why I call religion a facade for ignorance.

>> No.14052597

>dark ages
"dark ages" weren't real.

>> No.14052614

I’m looking for some atheists(or anyone really) who is at least somewhat well-read in the bible to give me a serious answer on whether not the bible leaves room for Jesus secretly being a lizard.

This is not trolling, merely curiosity on whether a devout believer in Christ could seriously make claim to this and have no other believers able to prove him wrong.

>> No.14052620

There is absolutely no evidence Jesus existed so the character can look like whatever you want, it only exists in your imagination. Also lizard people aren't real.

>> No.14052625

Well, the Bible is a collection of fairy tales, so I guess one of the lead characters could be anything you want him to be. It's no more wacky than some of the crazy stuff that did make it into the book.

>> No.14052629

Jay didn't fare any better

>> No.14052640

The physical appearance of atheists compared to theists.

>> No.14052655

If any gods were real, there would be only one religion. Things are this way because there are no gods.

>> No.14052659
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>"Actually god is real and I can prove it but just..."
>sits down
>dabs sweat from forehead with a handkerchief
>breathes heavily, mouth open
>"just give me a minute"

>> No.14052660 [DELETED] 
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yeah, because theists are all Saint Laurent models...

>> No.14052700
File: 39 KB, 624x624, alfred-north-whitehead-2yufds5midvbavdcl8o2rk-624x624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does he debate WLC? I would be interested in that.

(although if "curb stomps" means "Makes a video straw-manning his opponent's position" I really am disapointed in OP.

>> No.14052702

Everything not directly observed is believed on the basis of faith in authority, we as individuals have never observed an atom or the process of evolution, we merely were told about them by individuals in positions of authority and read about them in books.

>> No.14052714

Faith isn't the same as trust which carries an implicit potential of being broken. Nice try though.

>> No.14052726

What are you talking about? The word in the NT which is translated as "faith" is pisteuo, which literally means trust (when it is with a dative.

>> No.14052739

So? We are speaking English. Blame the translator and yourself if you insist on using words that have differing connotations in this language than they do in another.

>> No.14052742

You trust the authority of certain books and figures, which leads you to have faith in what they say. If this doesnt suffice, I could just as easily say I "trust" the various authors of the bible. This is not evidence for or against the existence of a diety, this is just to say your argument is bad.

>> No.14052750

I’ve been to this podcast’s store before, they have really cheap books but they wouldn’t sell them to me


I can try to call him this Sunday. Pretty sure I can anticipate evidentialism/foundationalism since they’re probably going to ask me what my evidence for god is but I’m not Christian. If y’all have any arguments I’d love to have them. It’s been a while since I’ve thought about that stuff

>> No.14052754

All you are doing is devaluing the christian/supernatural conception of faith by equivocating it with some mundane problem of induction shit. It is a blatant bait and switch where you try to go "you think the sun will rise tomorrow so you have the same faith that I have".

>> No.14052765

Disagree completely, the original post said "christians have faith in god because it was written in a book, shouldn't they therefore have faith in everything?" the only change one needs to make to show how silly the argument sounds is to change it to "atheists believe in evolution because it was written a book, shouldn't they therefore believe in every scientific theory?"

One might say the difference is evidence, but as I said, you do not have the ability to directly observe the evidence for every theory in which you believe. This shows that at some point you are believing in something because it was said by someone in a position of authority or written in a book, this is the exact same action which was denounced in the original post.

>> No.14052768

Can you disprove the existence of Santa? Can any belief be basic given a self evident nature? How do background beliefs inform the coherence of the whole? Is it sound to remove every human element for the sake of dry logic? Given morality is phenomenologically immediate, is it “logically coherent” to ascribe morality to a divine being such as a god? Or are you going to strawman my god with the same old 3-O nature that is somehow logically comprehensible? Is Cliffords principle based upon good grounds? What are these?

>> No.14052809


>> No.14052815

God, both of you are walking stereotypes.

>> No.14052823

This would make sense if it in anyway pertained to how belief is formulated in the actual world.

Evidence is in fact crucial because it is the production of material results with tangible benefits beyond the proving in lab conditions. Beyond this it is merely a matter of the problem of induction as I pointed out and employing this against atheists seems more damaging to the theist's cause because it sacrifices a transcendental quality of the Christian argument and levels it to that of any matter of cognition within time. Like, maybe you score a point on how most people will never go and verify scientific theories for themselves, but you throw out your position in doing.

>> No.14052828

Show where my logic is flawed or stop responding, you've added nothing new since your last post

>> No.14052846

Your propositions assume a likeness where there is none if you want to remain consistent with what you are arguing for. In other words you are doing a better job at debunking theism than I am.

If you can't wrap your head around that feel free go find a wall to declare your victory to.

>> No.14052848
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Not enough Holy Spirit in this thread.

>> No.14052866

>incapable of explaining why basic logic is incorrect
You're the reason atheism is dying.

>> No.14052891

Find one that can be verified by a source outside the fucking catholic church. The one everyone brings up as 'scientifically verified' was tested by one catholic 'scientist' who actively refused attempts to have it independently tested or have his results peer reviewed.

>> No.14052936

He doesn't even know what essence–energy distinction is, unless he learned about it over the past 2 months.

>> No.14052948

Then you always have Fatima, with over 40000 people attending, atheists, journalists etc...

>> No.14052966

I just did. I know it. You know it.

Go save anonface somewhere else.

>> No.14052976

I am at the point where I want to believe, but Fatima is not convincing to me. Interviews were often contradictory or didn't corroborate other witnesses to the phenomenon. It was a bunch of catholic peasants staring into the sun and being surprised when they started seeing colors. I often see pictures of those watching the sun, but did anyone decide to turn their camera up to capture the miracle? What use is there for a miracle among the faithful, anyway? Is there testimony of atheist, agnostic, or otherwise non-Christian people witnessing a miracle?
The miracles of Christ were often out in public, or to the doubting, like when he walked upon the water.

>> No.14053057


>> No.14053861

>attempts to 'prove' or 'disprove' god's existence
Who fucking cares? Dear Lord. This is so autistic. Kierkegaard and William James have the best, most humble approach to religion, imo. Atheists need to realize the omnipresence of faith, even in their own worldviews, and theists need to stop beating atheists over the head with shitty probabilistic arguments and dogmatic rhetoric. Convert by leading an exemplary life. But, I guess that's too hard for y'all.

>> No.14054281
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>it's another atheist focuses on abrahamic religion and ignores deism episode

>> No.14054304

Is this the reddit hour or something? The other atheism thread has a load of retards who can’t understand that their belief is just as irrational as theists too

>> No.14054344

What’s dangerous about it?

>> No.14054350

le enlightened centrist has arrived

>> No.14054363

Not really. What preceded or caused the big bang is currently unknown, or unknowable. So making an objective claim, this way or that, can’t rely on pure reason. Agnosticism is the only stance that requires zero faith.

>> No.14054929

Aren't all deists technically atheists?

>> No.14055261

Chek out the gospel of Judas

>> No.14055268

I would enjoy seeing this video. Link please

>> No.14055294

Fucking papists and their cheap magic tricks. It's called belief, why do you have an overwhelming need for evidence.

>> No.14055339

There’s no evidence of jesus being a lizard but there’s a lot of evidence for Saint Christopher being a werewolf

>> No.14055428

more like GK THICCerton

>> No.14055442


It's a long debate.

>> No.14055492

This is basically what I think too. When you actually look into the accounts, they don't match up and only a few people were actually interviewed. My own experience with mental illness has taught me how incredibly suggestible the human mind can be.

This approach is truly pathetic. Christianity makes empirical claims and claims about the truth of prophecy. This typical pseudo-spiritual view that "you just don't get it man it's not literal" is an exercise in ego-boosting.

>> No.14055658

I'm an atheist and I consider aquinas to be a GOAT and better than this ugly son of a bitch.

>> No.14055677

>concern trolling

>> No.14055715

>>concern trolling
plebbit is that way, cunt

>> No.14055727
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>> No.14056003
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God bless all anons!

>> No.14056014

>you just don't get it man it's not literal
But it's not literal you dummy, Jesus says this with his own words lmao.

>> No.14056319

The entire Hebrew Bible? Jesus clearly taught that the Genesis creation account was historically real, despite that not being possible.

Mark 10:6-8
>But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female. 7 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother [and be joined to his wife], 8 and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.

>> No.14057450

I would tell this man that from my life experiences and observations, that I am no longer willing to say
>Hurr durr, there is no evidence that justifies faith

>> No.14057476

I can say with a straight face that I have witnessed the miraculous and it has given me an unshakable faith. Not that I can prove it to any of you, of course.
So ultimately, I have no interest with trying to debate with atheists waiting for their miracle to come.
>I believe in miracles
>You're wrong

This is an /x/ thread, hardly a /lit/ thread

>> No.14057523

>hasn't debunked the animistic view of God as the set of all actions

>> No.14057908

Absolutely trash tier trolling ITT. Everyone here needs to kill themselves.

>> No.14057940


Of course, this remark is meaningless unless you specify which camp you are referring to (do not say: "it's obvious which").

>> No.14057952

>epitome of the "just shave it bro" meme
Is there any atheist spokesperson who is physically attractive and not under the soiboi meme? JFL

>> No.14057955


>> No.14057964

This isn't evidence for a historical interpretation you colossal retard, it could easily be argued just as well that he is simply linking the story of their culture to a common cultural practice. The entire FUCKING POINT of a myth is that you can apply it to your life, you FUCKING MORON

>> No.14057965

Why must you two always fight with eachother? You are the greatest teachers of one another, by nature of your rivalry. Learn to be kind to eachother. If you can be kind to eachother, your respective characters (for the atheists) and spiritual progress (for the Christians) will grow tenfold.

>> No.14057981

>being a cucked moralizer
Back to the pit

>> No.14057989

The Bible affirms that Jesus was fully man multiple times so no its not possible lol, given that you accept that you can't be a lizard and a man at once which most people would accept

>> No.14057994

Well gee retard, could it be the moron who posted any given YouTube "skeptic" and acted like he btfo some of the greatest philosophers that ever existed? Then is responding to every criticism with repackaged Leddit banter and quips about reLIEgon?
Of course this doesn't excuse the imbeciles who are responding to him.

>> No.14058031

>Are there any works of apologetica that can debunk the atheist position?

>> No.14058074

Be a Christian
>part of an ancient religious and cultural tradition that includes some of the most beautiful art, ground breaking philosophy and important scholarship in the history of humanity
Be an Atheist
>dude Dick Dorkins lmao
Is there a more intellectually and aesthetically vacuous religion in the world today? Not even taking into account how insufferable they are.

>> No.14058128

Well, it was brought to its knees by a fucking hat, so...no, I don't think there is.

>> No.14058271


Your acknowledgment that both camps are being stupid vindicates my point. Thank you for your very efficient self-refutation, the only thing left for you to do is to see yourself out.

>> No.14058274

Iterally who

>> No.14058307

The small hat celebrates chutzpah, the Christian celebrates; while they should have valued the sword.

>> No.14058327

fuck thats a funny image

>> No.14058340
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>> No.14058442

fucking lmao

>> No.14058453

>Jesus is a fairy tale.
Well, it is. Jesus didn't exist.

>> No.14058477
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I don't get it

>> No.14058611

The Canaanites or whoever were marked for destruction because they were evil.

>> No.14058711

This is the final stage of atheist butthurt, straight up denial of the Roman records showing they did in fact crucify a Iesus in Iudaea at about t, denying overwhelming historical consensus, because it feels right: the point where atheism itself becomes a religion.
Read Tacitus and Thallos, anon.

>> No.14058850
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>r/atheism trying to fit in with this board and sticking out like a sore thumb

>> No.14059501

Why can't they build a rainwater harvesting themselves? Surely even braindead retards could do it, right?

>> No.14059700

Is there any way to rid this board from posts of this sort? The anglo plague seems evermore inescapable.

>> No.14059733


There is more truth in one sentence by Augustine than every episode of a public access show

>> No.14059774

Never said it isn't literal. I said I don't give a rats ass about empirical justification. The spiritual content of Christianity is meaningless without the historical grounding. Evidentialism is just a retarded theory, which nobody seems to actually be able to live out consistently.

>> No.14059836

Imagine doing charity out spite.
And ironically that tank wouldn't have stood there without religion making people salty enough to donate for it.

>> No.14059872

>Raised Southern Baptist
>Dillahunty spent eight years in the U.S. Navy, before leaving to work in the field of computer software design
Sorry, I don't waste my time on people who lack a thorough philosophical background. Disregarded