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14042329 No.14042329 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books that give good insight into the mass migration problem in Europe from a traditionalist point of view?

>> No.14042341

The Culture of Critique

>> No.14042357

The strange death of Europe. I read it for my political geography class and it was a goodie.

>> No.14042364
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>brown people bad because new bad old good

>> No.14042376

The Great Replacement

>> No.14042400
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>brown people good because new good old bad

>> No.14042409

I'm not necessarily looking for all out /pol/ memes like culture of critique and im not really buying Camus' theory that islam = destruction. Any recs?

>> No.14042411

>mass migration problem in Europe
Gallic Wars
The Origin and Deeds of the Goths

>> No.14042428

Any book on ecological systems and invasive species.

>> No.14042703

You don't have to dislike foreigners or another race the be against immigration. Stop thinking like an Ameritard. I don't mind foreigners but I mind my country becoming something meaningless. I am told that anyone can become a citizen of my country, that they are exactly like me, as long as they respect our "national values" (which are very new and keep changing all the time). My ancestors have been living here for thousands of years, but if I don't agree with and respects said "national values", does that mean that I am not a real citizen of my country ? What am I then ? How can someone freshly arrived from another continent be more of a real citizen then me ?
This normalization of mass immigration is not about diversity, it kills diversity, everywhere looks more and more the same. People are diverse because they have been living apart for long.
I don't have anything against immigrant but I have deep resentment for people who brought migrants here, because they needed cheep labour to clean toilets and build houses and work in factories.
Many people who were there before the migrations don't feel at home anymore. Nobody voted for immigration. It is forced on people and comes with non-stop propaganda. Everybody has a country and is meant to live there, people are not interchangeable. Immigration (from whites and non-whites) is simply pushed for economic reasons. Immigrants don't feel well here, they are just here for the money, they still keep their national identity, they stay together and resent the indigenous. People who immigrate are far less friendly than their relatives who stayed in their country.
I don't want a world where every race has disappeared through miscegenation, where every culture has died to commercial pop-shit, where every language has turned into retarded English, where identities have been killed off, etc...
I have travelled to every continent, I have met people from many different countries and I have discovered dozens of different cultures. I respect these people, their countries and their cultures. But I also want to keep mine. However, every day that passes, my home is disappearing a bit more.

>> No.14042728

The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail

>> No.14042987

Just stop consuming any modern media and you'll soon realize that mass immigration is madness.

>> No.14043093

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

>> No.14043114

Just curious, what do you think of half-breed, does they deserve the citizenship?

>> No.14043395

I don't want my country to be 100% indigenous, so foreigners could receive citizenship if they really like the country and are integrated, and foreigners could live in the country for other reasons, without receiving the citizenship. miscegenation can happen but should be rare and shouldn't be encouraged . "Half-breed" as you say tend to have problems because they don't belong anywhere, they don't have an identity, they don't have a home.

>> No.14043403

You know the official story is not true. Europe is falling apart, it's all a cohesive plot.

>> No.14043771


>> No.14043808

No from a "traditionalist" point od view, but Weapons of Mass Migration by Kelly Greenhill.

>> No.14043820

That's amazing. And sad.

>> No.14044804

Save all this bullshit for the normalfags. I come here to 4chan every day. I used to browse /pol/ almost daily between the ages of 16-18. I know how you people think because I used to think like that too.

>> No.14044814

> My grandfather existed therefore I should be proud of him
Congrats anon

>> No.14044818

>brown people
instant giveaway

>> No.14044830


>> No.14044845

>because they don't belong anywhere, they don't have an identity, they don't have a home.

>> No.14044849

>because I used to think like that too.
Based on your post I sincerely doubt that when you were less than 10 years old you wondered why everyone pretended to like blacks and was obsessed with telling you how everyone on television was "actually jewish isn't that so cool for some reason?"

>> No.14044858

So you grew into a useless nigger in the meantime.

>> No.14044865

This is a problem in every white country, not just Europe. Go straight to the source by reading about the jewish problem.

>> No.14044870

hehe imagine training a chimp to browse 4chan. they couldn't read but could look at all the pictures

>> No.14044880

But the Culture of Critique will help you understand the root of the problem, and arabs/islam/semites generally are destroyers, not builders. Do you want the truth or not?

>> No.14044887

I only want the truth if its comfy desu.

>> No.14044921

If this is the death of Europe, it's a suicide. Migration is caused by Europe, both in creating the conditions that force escape and in exporting the modernist fetish for progress and westerner European betterment.

>> No.14044932

>muh country
>muh patria
>muh ancestors
>muh history
Whities really are pathetic. Glad to see you killed off this century